-3- So why is there a Bear; in a Boat on the Sea?

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Briefly mentioned in Chapter one, the character known as 'Leer' is in fact, a baby brown grizzly. As of this point in the story, he is but a cub of two months.

So, the question here is-- What is this bear doing on this boat?

Hell, does he know why he's on this boat or is he just here like, yay I'm on a boat? 

As the author of this story, I can testify that it is the latter.

"Gaarwa!" he whined, growling at the red human, "Gaaao!"

"Oh give it a rest, Leer!" Takara snapped at the bear, irritated by the constant nagging. Pulling on a long-sleeved shirt, he struggled to fit them through his metal braces and-- "Go on ahead if you can't wait on us!"

Gladly taking up the offer, the bear turned tail and marched right off, hopping off the boat and scampering speedily out of sight.

"Hey, Takara!" Cross spoke up in a panic, realizing something, "Leer's collar?"

Takara froze, suddenly realizing he had just sent the baby bear out to explore a foreign island by himself. Without its freaking collar--

Well yes it's a bear, but without a freaking collar he'd be grilled as food!

Takara screeched, "Bloody fuck," he swore, closing the closet. Hurriedly, he grabbed his coat off the clothes rack and pulled his arms through the sleeves. 

It was bloody sweltering out there, but he preferred to hide his metal parts.

Picking up a rucksack containing money, he pulled it over his shoulder as Cross handed him the leather collar belonging to Leer. 

A collar, crafted by Takara, made of simply leather and bits of steel-- at the buckle, a bright green gem, a genuine emerald shone in the light. 

"Watch the ship," Takara reminded, warily, eyeing Cross skeptically. "Do not leave the boat, alright? Do not leave the boat."

"He said it twice," Cross mumbled. "It was so important he gotta say it twice."

"Because you have never fucking stayed on the boat before!" Takara groaned back, "I don't want any of our things ransacked again! Stay, sit down, and be a good boy until I come back." 

Cross pouted, "Okay, mommy." 

Takara sighed. Dropping down to the shore from the deck of the boat, he gave Cross one last look before he left towards the island. His metal bits slightly creaking in each step he took, but as they were far from the hustle and bustle of the harbour, the noise gave no one much alarm.

As Takara was gone, Cross leaned back against the cabin and sighed.

Someone chuckled beside him.

Turning over, Cross found a blond man in the boat beside his. The man was about Takara's age, in his late twenties-- realizing Cross's stare, he smiled.

"Quite a protective man, that one." The blond started a casual conversation, "Is he a brother of yours?"

Cross shook his head, making larger movements as the hood over his head shadowed over his eyes too much to make eye contact, "Takara's not my brother. He's just very strict."

The blond laughed, "I see," he mused.

Cross kept his eyes on the blond man-- curiosity taking the most of him, Cross decided to engage in a more fulfilling conversation with this stranger.

"Hey, Mister," he greeted with a childish smile, "Who are you?"

He has plenty of time, after all.

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