Chapter 1; A Guardian Angel?

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A pebble hit the waters, ripples appeared right after.

Yuri Lowell had never felt so frustrated and angry in his entire life. His entire 21 years of his life, he had never felt so angry. It's to that point where he isn't sure himself why he is like this. But it made him groan under his breath and threw another pebble to the lake.

Damn this life, am I right? He thought to himself as he watched the ripples. He shouldn't be this mad, after all he expected this. Months of skipping classes, being in debt, nearly getting evicted from his dorm... he shouldn't be mad. He was irresponsible and he shouldn't be mad because he knew this would happen in one way or another, but hell he never expected to be as mad as he is now. Maybe it was all dawning upon him, maybe it could be that reason.

And at this point, he just wished he could turn back time to fix his mistakes from his own responsibility. Maybe he wouldn't be called a loser, maybe if he fixed himself years prior then he wouldn't feel stupid and would never have to hear his peers comparing him to his own childhood friend Flynn Scifo. Maybe he could—

"Ah, fuck this. If only there was an angel or a goddess that could fix me, but that ain't gonna happen now, would it?" He said to himself and sighed before scoffing at his own words. "Damn, Yuri. You regret this so much you start believing in some fantasy crap?"

Yuri rested his back against the tree and took a deep breath. Today was tiring and he still needed to go back home, but maybe he could take a little break from all this mess. And this lone tree near the lake from the university's own park was one of his favorite spots, so he decided to go there.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with believing in supernatural things though!"

"You're wrong, I never believed in the first—"


Wait hold on.

Wait a minute.

Did he just hear a woman's voice? And on top of that... It sounds heavenly like it came from the voice of an angel!

The long haired man quickly turned around, thinking he was finally hallucinating from all the stuff he just faced. But no, no he was wrong. Yuri rubbed his eyes to confirm that he wasn't dreaming.

There was a girl in a casual dress. She had short pink hair and green eyes. Her lips curled up to an innocent smile as she stared at him. The girl seemed to be a year earlier than him.

"Uh... right..." Yuri sidetracked, completely awestruck from this random girl's statement towards him.

"Um... Hi!" She greeted shyly, and Yuri just gave a nod. "Sorry, I couldn't help but to overhear you. It is not wise for me, so I humbly apologize."

"Pfft, you speak like a noble. But yeah, no worries." Yuri replied and chuckled, taking a breath and exhaling right after. He was quiet and tried to remember what they were just talking about, but he quickly remembered and spoke. "Like what I said earlier, I don't really believe in some angel or a fairy just suddenly granting a wish. I'm not a kid anymore, you know?"

"No," the girl hastily replied, sitting down next to him under the tree but still keeping a distance between them. "I think that only means you have lots of imagination in your head!"

"They'll think you are weird, heck I already did."

The girl gasped in disbelief. "... You did not."

"Did so." Yuri had a smirk, obviously teasing her.

"Flynn was right about you..." Yuri wouldn't mind what she said, but did he just hear that right? Flynn? As in Flynn Scifo, his childhood friend?

"Huh... Flynn? Do you know him? Flynn Scifo?" Yuri raised his eyebrow as he took a glance at the pink haired girl. "And wait, how did you know I'm acquainted with— ah, nevermind."

It was then that the girl turned to face him and she gave a bright smile, like a smile of a beautiful angel. Yuri stared at this for so long he was nearly thinking that she might be one, but he won't admit that. "Yes, Flynn Scifo is a good friend of mine." Great, a girlfriend? Nice one, Flynn. Always one step ahead of him. "I'm Estellise, and you must be..."

"Lowell." Yuri replied quickly, turning away and stared at the lake once again. "Yuri Lowell. I'm about to be dropped out of this university so send all my regards to your boyfriend because I ain't gonna be here much longer."

"Wait, really?" Estellise's eyes widened in surprise. "It was that bad?"

"Heck yeah it is," he frowned. Seriously, he's about to let himself drop out and the last thing he hears is that he has a really bad reputation. "The profs said if I skip one last time then it's all over. And I just don't give a damn anymore."

A moment of silence entered between them, it was only the sound of the wind blowing and the birds chirping that morning. But that silence was broken when Estellise coughed lightly and she cleared her throat.

"I apologize..!" She said, embarrassed. "Anyways, I don't think you should just let that happen! I mean, Flynn would be sad if he knew you'll drop out willingly!"

Yuri frowned once again and groaned. "Flynn this, Flynn that. No, I'm gonna leave." He stood from the ground as he was about to leave the premises.

"W-Wait, Mr. Lowell!" Estellise also stood up and held him by the hem of his sleeves. Yuri stopped and turned his head to face her. She was already panting as if she ran out of breath quickly. Maybe Yuri stood way too fast? "D-Don't... Drop out! Just... Give it... One last chance..!"

"A chance, really?" Yuri spoke. "It isn't that easy, miss. You know the lone wolf Yuri Lowell would never show himself in class. Oh wait, you don't even know me."

He was right, the Lone Wolf Yuri Lowell. He was and still is an outcast, not having that many friends because of his snobbish peers and such. And heck, he hated this university for having such kinds of people. That is why he doesn't show any interest in staying here.

"I-I don't! But, but I think... You're not as bad as anyone seems..." Estellise told him, and he raised his eyebrows. Did this girl just... See him in a different light? Or is she just naive? "M-maybe if you want, I can help you!"

Whoa, what? Yuri was even more surprised by the words this pink haired girl's mouth was telling him. But a sudden thought struck his mind and he couldn't help but to smile slyly. Oh boy, Flynn is sooooo gonna hate him for this.

Yuri turned around to face her and let her hand release from his shirt. "Are you sure about this? You're lending a hand to a stranger? Won't your boyfriend get mad at you for making this decision? Ms. Estellise, boys will be boys and you never know what they're up to~"

"B-Boyfriend?" Estellise wondered what the dark haired man meant, and the latter frowned. Did his teasing not work or is she as naive as he really thought?

A sigh escaped the man's lips. "You know, Flynn Scifo? That's your boyfriend, right?"

"Oh... Oh!" Estellise suddenly giggled. "No, no, we are not in any relationship! I told you, Flynn is my friend!"

"Suuuure, I guess." Yuri rolled his eyes before looking back at her again. "So, like I was saying. You never know what men can—"

"I know!" Estellise rebutted and yet still showed a gentle smile. "But I know you won't do that. You're a kind, misunderstood man. You're not really scary and won't do something horrible like that."

Oh.... Oh. This girl just read him.

Yuri Lowell underestimated her.

"Sheesh, fine." Yuri just sighed. "But are you sure you wanna help me out? I'm quite a handle if you don't know yet."

"Yes, I will!" Estellise replied enthusiastically, her green eyes glowing brightly like stars and her smile was also bright. "I know you'll do well in class because you look like you will be determined if you really set your heart on it, and I'm pretty sure you will! That's why I'll help you get back on track!"

And fuck, she's beautiful!

Yuri suddenly let out a heartful laugh, causing Estellise to be confused for a moment. "Fine, fine. Help me out then, Estelle. Maybe I'll treat you to an ice cream shop or something."

"Sure! Wait... Estelle...? Estelle..."

Yuri chuckled, grinning as he watched her be in awe at that nickname. "It's nice to meet you, Estelle."

"I-It's nice to meet you too, um... Yuri?" Estelle then reached her hand out for a handshake. At first Yuri was quite confused but he shook his hand with her right after.

"Well then, I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you?" He said.

"R-Right! See you, Yuri!"

Yuri then walked away from the lake, watching the sky as he took his footsteps. As he continued to walk, he slowly forgot that he was actually angry in the first place.

His mind actually had doubts now, should he leave and stop all of this? Or did that girl's words of encouragement actually made him think like this? Either way, he felt like going to class later.

Yuri then looked back to see if Estelle was still there, but he didn't see her. His eyes widened, he was already convinced that she may actually be his angel that can grant his wish to fix himself!

"No way, a real angel..." Yuri was almost convinced.

But when he looked again he saw her running away in a silly manner before accidentally tripping down and she quickly got back on her feet and ran again.

Yuri chuckled and watched her go, with a strange warm feeling in his chest.

"... I guess I got myself a clumsy one."




Author's Note: Hello guys! I'm back at it again, and this time it's a Tales of Vesperia fanfiction! Yes, this is an AU and yes this is a huge Yuri x Estelle fanfiction. My plot bunnies have gone and created this story and I guess this is what I'll write while I'm in a somewhat hiatus from my Vanguard fanfiction. Anyways, I hope you guys will love this! Vote and comment, if you will!


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