The Closet

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Being queen was hard, even though the war was over. Glimmer's dad was a big help, as were Bow and Adora, but ruling a whole kingdom during the aftermath of a inter-galactic war was no small task.

Hordak was remorseful, and was doing everything he could to help with post-war efforts. Entrapta wasn't suing Perfuma for ableism, thank god. Catra was a lot of fun to have around and kept Adora from getting in her own head. Check, check, triple check!

On paper, the post-war efforts were going great. So why was Glimmer so stressed?

Oh, yeah. Because she had just gotten COVERED head to toe with.... something.

It had started innocently enough. Glimmer was going to look for Adora to discuss how She Ra could help de-hoarde the village of Sparkletopia. Usually when Adora was missing during meetings, she was hanging out in a broom closet with Catra. The wholesomeness of said hang outs varied, and recently had been hovering around the downright lewd end of the spectrum, but Glimmer really need Adora for this meeting.

She opened door after door in her search, and came up empty each time. Armour, food, clothes, armour, weapons, weird shrine to Danny Devito, shoes, clothes, weapons...

"Ugh!" Glimmer cried, "Why do we have so many closets?"

Glimmer threw open another closet and was immediately knocked to the ground by a mountain of pointed, green objects. Some of them were large and covered in dried blue goop, some of them small and shrivelled up like old meat left in the sun. Glimmer was, to say the least, disgusted.

"What the hell?" She shouted.

Double trouble poked their head out of the doorway next to the closet. "Oh! I see you've discovered my closet."

Glimmer pushed the objects off herself and stood. "What are these things?"

"Tails, Darling."


"Why, I'd be happy to explain. In fact, I was hoping you'd ask. You see, during my time in the crimson waste, I discovered that I have a gift. No, not acting- though I can see why you'd assume that. I am quite skilled at theatre. But the gift to which I'm referring is a physical one. Yes, that's right! A regenerating tail. Perfect for a rouge lizard like me."

"Double Trouble, will you get to the point?"

"Certainly, darling. Every time my tail regenerates, I snap it off and store it in my closet for future pranks and sexual endeavours."

"For... what?! You're telling me these used to be a part of you?"

"Yes, do keep up."

"Ugh! Ew! That's.... ew! Ugh! I need a shower." Glimmer stormed off to bathe, giving up her quest to find Adora.

"So what?" Double Trouble called behind her, "You're just going to leave me here to shove all these back in here myself?"

Glimmer ignored them.

"God, some people. I suppose some will never understand the art that is my life."

Adora would have to wait. Glimmer's new top priority was getting any residue of tail off her- and asking someone why Double Trouble was still around- and anything that was in the way of that would have to be addressed later.

People moving out of her way as she ran to her bathroom was just another perk of being queen.

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