The Meeting

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"Does anyone have anything to add about the Beast Island restoration efforts?" Glimmer asked, placing a toy soldier on the map, "Hordak will be leading it since he and Entrapta live there, but as I said, we'll all be pitching in."

"How do you get your hair like that?" Frosta shouted, raising her hand and bouncing up and down in her seat.

Glimmer's eye twitched. "I just brush it and it goes like this. Any questions about this?"

"Hm," Adora asked, "How will we be getting there?"

"I will teleport us."

"What about the financial impact-" Spinerella started.

Double Trouble sighed and stopped listening. This was the most boring meeting they had been in since their time in Horde Prime's ship. At least here people were willing to ask dumb questions. That was always funny, as was Queen Glimmer's eye twitch.

Double Touble was beginning to regret volunteering for representative of the Crimson waste. They assumed it would be more exciting and get them free air travel, but so far it was just meetings that they only half payed attention to.

Double Trouble popped a bug in their mouth as they thought. Micah had given them some at the beginning of the meeting and everyone had looked grossed out until they remembered Double Trouble was a lizard. That had been really funny, seeing their faces contorted in various levels of disgust.

That's it! Double Trouble thought, That's exactly how I'll get out of this meeting. If they're too disgusted to prevent me from leaving, I can go back to my day-to-day life.

But how...

Double Trouble occupied themself thinking of ideas for a few minutes. Hm.. maybe they could pretend to die. That would be fun. But was it gross enough?

They licked their eye. Maybe they–

"Agh!" Bow screamed, "Why?"

Oh! Finally something interesting. They looked up to see what everyone was talking about.

Oddly enough, everyone was looking at them. But what had-

Oh, Double Trouble realised. My eye. Humans get weirded-out when reminded that you aren't one of them.

They decided to feign confusion. "Hm?"

"Nothing!" Glimmer snapped. "Can everyone just focus?"

"Certainly," Double Trouble said, placing their elbow on the table and their head in one hand. They licked their other eye.

Bow squeaked and tried to conceal his disturbance.

The queen seemed to realised no one was going to get any work done while this was happening. "Double Trouble, you've done a great job. Why don't you take the rest of this meeting off?"

Double Trouble placed their hand over their heart. "Oh? Why thank you. I think I will."

"Goodbye my dear friends, I will see you again in the next life." They strutted out of the room, waving to everyone as they did. Now all they had to do was figure out how to get out of the next meeting.

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