1. Wistoragic.

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A Howl.

It started as a slow, faint melody before swelling in volume and power, building up into a crescendo of utter devotion and admiration. Then, it gradually faded into the crisp air of a lonely night.

His nocturnal ritual concluded, yet the wolf remained motionless, perched atop the cliff, gazing up at the sphere of life hanging proud and bright in the dark sky. Its silver rays illuminated the steep rock he considered home.

A soft breeze ruffled his raven fur, prompting him to close his pale grey eyes briefly. Seizing the moment, the creature basked in the moonlight, its warmth engulfing his entirety until deep rumbles emanated. Unable to satisfy his longing to reach out for the Moon and receive its direct blessing, the yearning manifested in yet another resounding howl, expanding his chest with fervor.

Its echoes reverberated through the silence, and the woods shuddered from its intensity, compelling the animals and insects to retreat from the presence of the gigantic creature. No one dared interrupt his precious time worshipping his silver beauty.

As the final notes dissipated into the night, the wolf's eyes remained fixed on the Moon, a silent communication passing between them. The creature seemed to understand that, despite the vastness that separated them, a connection existed beyond the physical realm.

A stillness settled, and an ethereal bond seemed to form between the lone wolf and the celestial guardian above. 

The surrounding forest, initially disrupted by the intensity of the howl, gradually returned to its nocturnal activities. The symphony of the night resumed, though now with an added layer of mystique and reverence as if the wolf's fidelity had left an indelible mark on the very fabric of everything it reached.

The Moon watched, as it always did, the purest devotion it had ever received with a gentle gaze and a tender smile. As the wolf rested his head atop his forelegs, preparing to sleep, she cast a warm glow, bestowing an otherworldly radiance upon his dark fur and blessing his existence.

It was but a howl, sometimes joyous as he expressed his love and loyalty, other times mournful to show his yearning and loneliness.

It was but a howl.

Yet, it pierced through Accalia's heart, filling her with life.

The mortal creature was oblivious to the consequences of his insignificant, simple gesture to an immortal who'd lived in solitude for what felt like an eternity.

They were not just a nightly ritual. They were a sonata of life and pure admiration, a serenade to the cosmic force that governed the night – the Moon. Each note carried the weight of the wolf's desires, echoing across the landscape like a love song sung to the heavens.

No matter how loud or quiet, they always reached her castle. Oftentimes, she would be strolling through her garden when the long, deep sound would halt her steps and she'd close her eyes to savor the moment. 

A soothing elixir for her soul.

A balm that filled and healed a void within her she had been unaware of.

Neither knew how much time had passed since this had all begun. What was clear, however, was the mutual dread of the moment when it would come to an end.

Nights. Months. Seasons.

He sprinted tirelessly, traversing vast lands of life and death, crossing vibrant greenery and desolate barrenness, enduring both the brilliance of days and the shadows of nights.

The climate transformed. The terrain shifted. Clouds arrived and departed. While time unfolded in a hazy whirlwind of perpetual change, the sole constant was one bundle of darkness' piercing howl beneath the gleam of the beaming Moon.

Years had passed and nothing but time had faded. The yearning only grew and flourished, and the devotion threatened to swallow everything his paws reached as he bounded through the forest, agilely evading trees and leaping over obstacles.

The wolf never stopped racing the wind. He ran, ran, ran. Some day, he hoped, he might reach his beloved.

Then, one night, nothing but silence resonated.

It stretched and spread, spilling over quivering trees and drenching frozen grounds. Life, it seemed, had escaped everything in the absence of its usual selenophile's hymn of reverence.

Accalia stood by the window in her bedroom, peering down at the world beneath her castle. Her shoulders slumped, eyes cast downward, and lips downturned.

She knew, all too well, that nothing endured forever. The demise of all good things was an inescapable aspect, and witnessing it helplessly was the curse of immortality.

"It does not matter," she sighed, a subtle shrug causing her silky dress to shift, revealing more of her delicate collarbones. "What was I even thinking, entertaining the whims of a mere mortal?"

Pale blue layers of fabric fluttered and trailed behind her as she turned away from the outside world, carrying herself with practiced sprezzatura. With her head held high, she slipped into the hall, her heels resonating through an emptiness once lifted by the wolf's nocturnal ritual.

Stillness blanketed everything. Curtains hung motionless and branches no longer swayed as the breeze ceased its playful puffs. The flora stopped dancing and, drained of its vibrant colors, gradually drooped. Soon, it was followed by the quiver and scamper of every creature residing within the walls seeking refuge from the sudden burst of suffocating despondency.

As the flames and moon rays flickered and shrank, the castle slowly dimmed, donning a wistoragic veil of mourning.

Word count: 905.

Total word count: 905.


Sprezzatura: (n.) studied carelessness/the ability to make one's actions seem effortless or to disguise one's true desire, feeling, or meaning. (If you've read The Dark Side Of The Moon you'd get this since this was a 'reference to that chapter hehe)

Wistoragic: (adj.) characterized by lingering sadness and nostalgia following the recent end of a great story or series.

Accalia: a female name of Greek origin that means Mythical. It is possibly from the Acca Larentia, the she-wolf who nursed the twins Remus and Romulus.

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