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You may have thought by the title that my life started out peaceful. Ha ha.

Deep in the ocean a battle raged. A mother Sea Rage, the close relative of the Night Fury, cradled her egg and watched on as her mate fought with an enemy. Crimson clouded the water and bubbles flew about as wings and tails rearranged the ocean currents. Markings flashed brightly. Bolts of green fire exploded here and there in small air pockets. Muscular tails threatened to snap bones.

Then, one hit home. The skull of the mother's mate collapsed under the tail of the enemy. "SHARK, NO!" she screamed, tears escaping her eyes and drifting away in the salt water. The enemy fixed his green eyes on her greedily. The mother tightened her grip on her egg and pumped her wings, trying to escape the gang of male Sea Rages hoping to kill her egg and pass on their own genes. She flashed her markings, but they paid no mind. Finally the mother came to a dropoff. She knew what she had to do.

The egg sank into a bed of seaweed while fire burst and blood spewed above.

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