Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!

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The gang were now at Bluefinland, waiting for the ferry that would take them to Yellow Rock Isle.

Only thing was though was that the ferry wasn't going to be around for four hours, so the gang didn't know what to do until then.

Just then Luna had an idea, she suggested that the gang fish for some water Pokémon, "Fishing will help pass the time while we are waiting for the ferry, besides I want to capture a new water Pokémon for myself and for my mum."

"I call that a great idea," Misty said, "besides this will be my chance of capturing a Corsola."

Brock looked at the guide. "It says that there are some very good fishing spots near here." He said.

"Well what are waiting for?" Misty said getting out her fishing rod, "let's go."

The gang headed to where Brock had said, when they met Officer Jenny.

"Hi Officer Jenny, is there anything wrong?" Misty asked.

Officer Jenny explained that she was on the lookout for two water Pokémon poachers. Then she showed the gang a wanted poster of the poachers called Wes and Jet she was looking for.

There was a picture of two ugly men, dressed in fishermen outfits.

"If you kids see these two men, contact me at once." Officer Jenny said.

Misty was not happy about the two men. "If I saw those men right now, I would introduce them to my fist." She said angrily with flames in the background.

'S-scary.' Tomo and Brock thought.

Luna giggle liking her idea.

Soon the gang were at a fishing spot.

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Brock all got their rods ready.

Tomo and Brock decided to catch themselves a water type Pokémon too.

Soon they all let their fishing lines into the sea.

At first nothing seemed to be happening, since it always took a while for Pokémon to bite a line.

But then Tomo's line started to move, which meant he had capture something.

Tomo calmly reeled his fishing line in and then at last the Pokémon he had caught came out of the water and onto land.

Tomo's caught a water Pokémon that is a red, cephalopod-like Pokémon with large, round eyes and a turret-like mouth. There are yellow bumps on its rock-hard head and yellow suction cups on each of its eight tentacles.

"Oct." It said.

"It's an Octillery." Misty said.

Octillery, the Jet Pokémon.
The evolved form of Remoraid. It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth.

Tomo released his Elekid to battle Octillery.

Octillery fired bubblebeam at Elekid.

"Dodge those bubbles Elekid." Tomo said, which Elekid did. "Now use thunder punch." Elekid's fist charged up with electricity and then it punched Octillery really hard. Octillery got paralyzed by the move.

"Catch it Tomo." Misty said.

Tomo used his Lure Ball to catch Octillery and was happy with his capture.

"You've captured a great Pokémon Tomo." Luna said.

Tomo returned Elekid to its pokeball.

Just then Luna's line began to shake. "Hey, I have a bite now." She said.

Luna felt her line was heavy, "What?" She blinked.

"What's wrong Luna?" Brock asked.

"I don't know but my fishing rod is really heavy like I got more than one Pokémon on it." Luna answered reeling the fishing line, carefully so it doesn't break.

The water splashed on her revealing 4 Pokémon on it.

One Pokémon is  a large, medium orchid fish-like Pokémon with a pair of small medium orchid fins. It has a yellow "mask" over its red eyes. The tip of the bottom of its tail is also colored yellow.

Two Pokémon that is an orange Pokémon resembling a weasel and a sea otter. The yellow collar that surrounds its neck can be inflated and used as a flotation device when it inhales. By inflating this sac, it can keep its face above water to watch for prey movement. It has two blue fins on its arms and a tail, which appears to be split, that resembles a fish's fin. There are parallel marks on their cheeks. Additionally, Buizel has cream paw pads on its feet. On its back, it has one cream spot if it is female or two if it is male.

The last Pokémon is a Corsola but instead of pink it has a blue body indicating its a Shiny.

"Oh wow. I got a Shiny Lanturn, 2 Buizel and a Shiny Corsola." Luna said happily.

"No way." Misty said, "Buizel is meant to be in the Sinnoh region." She was also amaze that Luna got herself two Shiny.

Lanturn, the Light Pokémon.
The evolved form of Chinchou. Lanturn's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed 'The Deep-Sea Star.'

Buizel, the Sea Weasel Pokémon.
It stores air in the sacs on its neck and uses them as flotation devices. It swims by spinning its two tails like a propeller.
- Buizel are found in the native of Sinnoh region water, near swift-moving rivers.

"Oh wow." Brock said.

Luna knew that Lanturn was an electric type as well as water, so she used Flora to battle Lanturn and Corsola. She sent out Flaffy to battle against the Buizels.

Luna commanded Flora to use magical leaf and leaf storm on Lanturn and Corsola, she told Flaaffy to use thunder on the Buizels. Lanturn and Corsola got hurt by the attack. Buizels got shock by the thunder and fainted.

Luna sweat dropped, thought that she over did it a bit.

Then Luna tossed a four PokéBalls at Lanturn, Corsola and Buizels, Lanturn, Corsola and Buizels was caught in a second.

Luna was happy with her capture, returned Flora and Flaaffy.

Then Brock's line started to move. "I wonder what Pokémon I've got." Brock said. He reeled his line in and to his surprise, his catch was also a Corsola.

"Oh, another one you're lucky Brock." Misty said.

"This Corsola will be a great addition to the Pewter Gym." Brock said, knowing that Corsola was both water and rock. He sent out Weepinbell to battle Corsola. "Use razor leaf." Weepinbell fired leaves at Corsola, but Corsola used dig to escape from the attack.

Then Corsola came out of the sand and fired bubblebeam at Weepinbell.

"Quick Weepinbell, dodge that bubblebeam and use razor leaf again." Weepinbell jumped to dodge the bubblebeam attack and then fired its leaves at Corsola again. This time Corsola got hit directly by the razor leaf.

Brock threw a PokéBall at Corsola and it was caught at once.

"All right a new Pokémon at last." Brock said returning Weepinbell. "What a great Pokémon." He smiled.

Misty was starting to feel a bit left out because she hadn't caught anything yet. And Tomo and Brock had already captured great water Pokémon

Luna caught 4 wonderful water Pokémon plus two shiny.

But then Misty line started to move. "Oh I do hope I've caught a Corsola as well." She hoped.

But what Misty caught wasn't a Corsola; it was a sea dwelling Pokémon with a spherical body and a flat, paddle-shaped tail. The upper-half of its body is dark teal and the lower half is very light yellow. Its tail is tall and thin with a dark teal outline, light yellow inside, and two dark teal dots in the center. Its eyes are even with its body, and are always seen slanted angrily. Below its eyes are its puffy pink lips and all around its body are sharp, conical spikes.

"It's a Quilfish." Brock said.

Quilfish, the Balloon Pokémon.
It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. They inject a toxin that causes fainting.

"It's not a Corsola," Misty said, "but it's better than nothing." She sent out her Staryu to battle Quilfish and ordered it to use thunderbolt. Staryu shock Quilfish good and Misty captured Quilfish in a PokéBall. "Since Quilfish is part poison, it will do great against grass type Pokémon." She returned Staryu.

Brock looked at his watch. "Hmm, we still have plenty of time until the ferry gets here." He said.

"Great I can use the extra time to catch a Corsola." Misty said.

Suddenly they heard a small bang from a bit far from where they were standing.

"What was that?" Misty gasped.

"Maybe someone is battling a water Pokémon too." Tomo said.

"We better go and check it out." Brock said.

The gang ran to where the small bang came from. It was from another fishing spot, near a big abandoned storehouse.

The gang saw two men fishing and they had lots of lure balls with them.

They also had two Pokémon with them; a Electabuzz and Victreebel.

"Hey those two are Wes and Jet the men that Officer Jenny told us about." Brock whispered.

"Yeah and I bet they are capturing some water type Pokémon now." Luna whispered.

At that moment, one of the men hooked something.

A large, seahorse-like Pokémon with a tightly curled tail. It is covered in blue scales except for its yellow, compact belly scales. There are thin spines with a single branch atop its head and thin, white fins under its cheeks. Its thin snout is powerful, allowing squirts of water jets with devastating power to be fired. Two-pronged fins extend slightly past its cheeks. On its back is a white fin supported by thin, blue spines similar to the ones on its head.

It was Kingdra a water and dragon type, the evolved form of Seadra.

"Wow," Jet said who hooked it, "we will get a lot of money for this Pokémon."

The Wes told the Electabuzz to use thunder attack on the Kingdra. Kingdra got really shocked by the thunder attack and the man caught it easily with a lure ball.

"We have made a good capturing spree lately." Jet said.

"We certainly have," Wes said, "let's check out what we have captured so far."

The two men returned Electabuzz and Victreebel, and then went into the abandoned store house.

The gang quietly followed them, taking great care not to be seen by the two men.

In the storehouse, there were lots of very big water filled tanks.

The two men released the Pokémon, from the lure balls, into the tanks.

They had captured an three Octillery and ten Remoraid, two Lanturn and six Chinchou, five Mantine but two were shiny and six Mantyke, four Azurill, four Marill, two Azumarill, a Horsea, a Seadra and three Kingdra but one was shiny.

"People should surely pay a lot of money for these Pokémon." Jest said.

"Yeah, pity that not all of the Pokémon are fully evolved yet." Wes said.

"Ah that won't matter," Jet said, "they will evolve with their new owners. Also we can get more money because of the evolution set we got and the Shiny Pokémon." He smirked along with Wes.

Misty started to feel really angry. "Catching Pokémon to sell them is horrible." She whispered.

Tomo and Brock left to get Officer Jenny, while Misty and Luna stayed to keep watch.

"Hey let's catch another water Pokémon." Wes said.

"Don't even think about that!" Misty said, coming out of hiding with Luna, "as a water Pokémon trainer, I will not forgive you for capturing and selling water Pokémon."

"I agree." Luna said, "You guys are done. Misty you deal with the other one."

Misty nodded, she sent out her two Poliwhirls, and Totodile to battle the men.

Luna sent out Croconaw and Lunatone.

The men sent out their Electabuzz and Victreebel to fight back.

"Poliwhirls and Totodile, use water gun all of you." Misty. The two Poliwhirls and Totodile both blasted their water guns at Victreebel and it got hit by the water gun attacks.

"Croconaw use metal claw, Lunatone use stone edge." Luna said. Croconaw claws glow and Lunatone had stones surround it and the attacks hit Electabuzz hit making it faint.

"No!" Jet shouted, "Electabuzz!"

"Yes." Misty said and continued in her battle with Vitreebel.

"Don't think that scares us Missy." Wes said, "You'll pay." He ordered Vitreebel to use vine whip on all of them.

All of Misty's Pokémon got shocked at hit by the thunderbolt and razor leaf. Luna's Croconaw also got hit.

"Oh no, stay strong all of you." Misty encourage. Croconaw and Totodile got up and looked at each other then they both ran over to Victreebel and used ice fang on it. Since ice fang is an ice type move, Victreebel couldn't stand the attack.

"Knock that Croconaw and Totodile off you!" Wes shouted. Victreebel tackled Croconaw and Totodile off it.

"Are you okay Totodile? / Croconaw?" Misty and Luna asked. Croconaw and Totodile was fine and got ready to fight again.

Suddenly Croconaw and Totodile started to glow.

Everyone watched as Totodile grew from a small crocodile, into a bigger crocodile, it was a Croconaw.

Croconaw grew bigger and taller crocodile, it was a Feraligatr.

Luna was happy that her new evolved Pokémon. Misty squealed over her new Croconaw.

"Okay time to attack these crooks again," she said, "Croconaw use hydro pump and Poliwhirls use water gun."

"Let's added to it," Luna said, "Feraligatr use hydro pump and Lunatone use rock polish."

Victreebel got hit by the attacks and fainted.

"Oh no!" Wes and Jet shouted.

"Now to deal with you two," Luna said to the men, "Feraligatr use ice beam on them." The two men got trapped into a block of ice by Feraligatr's ice beam.

"All right, great work all of you." Misty smile.

The Pokémon were pleased with themselves.

Misty and Luna walked over to the tanks, where the captured water Pokémon were. "Don't worry, you are safe now." Luna said to them.

The Pokémon were grateful to Luna and Misty.

Misty could not keep her eyes off the water Pokémon and some water Pokémon couldn't take their eyes of Luna.

At that moment Tomo and Brock returned with Officer Jenny and the police. While the police handcuffed Jet and Wes and returned their Pokémon to their PokéBalls.

Officer Jenny spoke to the gang. "I can't thank you kids enough," she said, "if it wasn't for you, we would never have caught these two crooks."

"Well I'm just glad that they will be put behind bars now." Brock said.

"I especially thank you Misty and Luna," Officer Jenny said to them, "it was thanks to you and your Pokémon that we were able to catch them. If there is anything you want as a reward, tell me right now and I will grant it."

Misty had a thought, "There is something I want," she said, "I would like to claim some of the water Pokémon that those two crooks captured as my own. I'm from Cerulean Gym in Cerulean City and those Pokémon will be great for the gym."

Officer Jenny smiled, "Thats fine. But why some through?" She asked.

"Well, I think no I know that some of the water Pokémon would like to go with Lu." Misty said. "I'm sure she wants to take them as well, so she'll claim them."

And Misty was right: a Horsea, a Seadra, one Kingdra and Shiny Kingdra, two Octillery, a Lanturn, three Chinchou, five Remoraid, two Mantine along with the two shiny one, four Mantyke, four Marill, two Azurill and a Azumarill were with Luna.

The water Pokémon was watching with Pichu and Zorua at Luna who was trying to stack the Azurill and Marill on top Azumarill like a tower.

Misty, Brock, Tomo and Officer Jenny laugh when tower fell on her.

Officer Jenny smiled and accepted Misty's wish of keeping the Pokémon.

So Misty used the lure balls to return the Octillery, five Remoraid, a Lanturn, three Chinchou, two Mantine, two Mantyke, two Azurill, Azumarill and a Kingdra, she became their new trainer.

Luna used the other lure balls to return the rest.

"My sisters will be psyched once they see all of this Pokémon." Misty said.

Luna smiled, "Yeah and I bet that Professor Oak is going to be surprised at the amount of water Pokémon I got and add shiny as well."

Brock laugh, "He'll be definitely surprise alright. Are you keeping them all Luna?" He asked.

"Um, I was thinking of giving some to my mum." Luna answered, "I got a call from her before saying that the pond was bigger than before. So I'm sending her a Chinchou, two Marill since they both don't like to battle, two Azurill who likes to play, two Mantine, a non shiny and shiny, two Mantyke, three Remoraid." Brock and Misty thought it was the right choice. "Who knows I might get more for her pond." She smiled thinking of the possibility there is.

The gang went to the Pokémon Centre to have Misty's and Luna's Pokémon checked

Misty sent all of her new water Pokémon to Cerulean Gym.

Tomo spoke with Professor Oak to ask if his new Octillery were okay.

Brock sent his Chansey to Pewter Gym and kept his new Corsola with him.

Luna asked is her new water Pokémon okay with everything and that if he could send her mum some of the water Pokémon to her, Professor Oak agreed to and he was surprised by the amount of water Pokémon she got in one day.

After that, the gang got onto the ferry to Yellow Rock Isle.

"This has been a great day for us," Luna said, "I mean we all have new water Pokémon."

Tomo, Misty and Brock agreed with that.

Misty was a bit disappointed that she hadn't captured a Corsola, but she was happy with her new Pokémon and was still determined to catch a Corsola.


The gang were now at Yellow Rock Isle, the second island of the Whirl Islands, and had arrived at a city called Megi City.

Brock explained that Yellow Rock Isle was called that because all of the rocks and streets were yellow coloured.

Just then something caught Misty's eyes.

A gift shop had some beautiful, pink-coloured crystal jewellery-like objects on display.

"These things are so pretty, I wonder what they are made from?" Misty asked.

The shop clerk explained that the art pieces were made from Corsola horns. "You see every year Corsola shed and regrow their horns," he said, "and we use their horns to make jewellery and other things."

After hearing that Misty became more determined to catch her own Corsola.

The clerk then said how he liked the gang's Pichu because everyone on Yellow Rock Isle loved Pokémon that were coloured yellow.

Just then Tomo had a thought. "Hey Luna," he said, "do you think one of these crystal figures will be the perfect birthday gift for mum?"

The truth is Julia's birthday was in another four days' time.

Luna and Tomo hadn't thought of a gift yet.

Luna looked at the objects. "That is a great idea Tomo." She replied.

Luna looked at the objects and found the one she thought would be perfect for their mum. It was a crystal figuring shaped like a coral reef, with small bubble shaped glass balls and other one that was a snow globe, inside was a coral reef with a five Corsola inside.

Luna picked them both up to look at it closely. "These two will be perfect for mum." She decided. She bought the item and had it sent to Pallet Town.

Luna and Tomo also included a birthday card with it.

Luna and Tomo right away that their mum would love her gift.

Suddenly Growlithe started to run off barking.

"Something must be wrong if Growlithe is running off like that." Luna said.

The gang followed Growlithe, who led them to a beach.

"What's wrong Growlithe?" Tomo asked.

Growlithe pointed to the ocean, and then suddenly the gang saw what the problem was. A little girl, with a Corsola next to her, was being swept out to sea on a floating house.

"We have to help that little girl." Brock said quickly.

Luckily there was a speedboat nearby, so the gang quickly got into the boat and headed off to rescue the girl.

But there was more trouble; the house was heading for a whirlpool.

"Brock get your Weepinbell out," Luna said, "we can use its vine whip to help that girl."

Brock did that and Luna released her Flora who was now an Ivysaur, she evolved not long ago.

Together, Weepinbell and Ivysaur wrapped their vines around the railings of the house.

Thanks to the Pokémon's vine whips, the gang were able to pull the house away from the whirlpool and back to shore.

The little girl's name was Mika and she lived with her dad Trent and older sister Andrea.

Andrea and Trent were grateful to the gang for saving Mika's life.

"We are glad that we were able to help," Luna said, "but what happened that made your house drift off to sea?"

"Well the truth is we live on top of a Corsola nest," Andrea said, "it's been a tradition here on Yellow Rock Isle to build homes on top of Corsola nests. My dad is an artist, who works with Corsola horns. So living on top of a Corsola nest makes it easier to gather the Corsola horns after they've been shed."

"Wow that's cool." Misty said, she looked at the Corsola next to Mika. "Is that Corsola one of yours too?"

"No those one isn't," Andrea said, "it just appeared on our doorstep. You see this Corsola is more energetic than any other Corsola and it kept on tackling our Corsola in affection. We think our Corsola had enough of that and left the nest. Because all of our Corsola were gone, the foundation of the nest broke apart and then our house slid out to sea, with Mika still on it. The wild Corsola tried to help, but it couldn't move the house back to shore so it ended up drifting away on the house too."

"Then it's a good thing we saw the house floating away and managed to rescue Mika, Corsola and the house." Luna said.

Misty was pleased to know that Corsola was a wild one and wanted to catch it right away, but Brock stopped her and told her that now was not a good time yet.

"We need to get our Corsola back," Trent said, "because our future depends on them."

The gang offered to help.

Apparently Andrea, Mika and Trent had nine Corsola in total and their names were Bonnie, Annie, Danny, Johnny, Connie, Donnie, Ronnie, Lonnie and Manny.

Thanks to team work, the nine Corsola were all found safe and sound. Andrea and Trent thanked the gang and the gang were glad that everything was okay again.

With all the missing Corsola found, Misty decided it was time to catch the wild Corsola.

But then someone was shouting. The same clerk from the gift shop earlier was yelling for help.

Trent asked the clerk what was the matter.

"Robbers have just stolen some of my jewellery from my store." The clerk said.

"Oh no," Andrea said, "do you know who they are?"

Suddenly came cables from out of nowhere grabbed the nine Corsola.

It was Team Rocket in their balloon.

They had heard about the Corsola and the jewellery made from their horns and wanted them all for themselves.

"Thank you for the Corsola and beautiful jewellery," said Jessie, "now we will make our leave."

"Oh no you won't!" Luna shouted. She released Noctowl from his PokéBall and Noctowl burst the balloon with his beak. The balloon came crashing down onto the beach.

"Give me back the jewellery!" The clerk shouted.

"And return the Corsola back!" Trent shouted.

Team Rocket wasn't willing to do as they were told, and Jessie and James released Cloyster and Skiploom to battle: James' Hoppip evolved some time ago.

"Cloyster use spike cannon." Jessie said.

"Skiploom use bullet seed." James said. Cloyster and Skiploom got ready to use spike cannon and bullet seed, but they got stopped by a bubblebeam attack.

The bubblebeam came from the wild Corsola, and Corsola was cross with Team Rocket.

"Excellent job Corsola." Misty said.

Misty sent out Staryu and told it to use rapid spin to cut the cables that held the nine Corsola. Staryu did that at once and the nine Corsola were free again.

"Use bullet seed on that Corsola Skiploom." James said. Skiploom fired bullet seed at Corsola, and Corsola got really hurt by the move. But then it used recover to heal itself and then it used icicle spear on Skiploom.

"Hey that Corsola knows icicle spear like mine does." Brock said. Misty got more excited of catching the Corsola.

Then Corsola and the nine Corsola all used spike cannon together to make Team Rocket drop the jewellery and make them and their Pokémon blast off.

The clerk gathered up all his stolen jewellery and headed back to his shop.

Then Misty got ready to catch the wild Corsola, not that there were no more distractions. She sent out one of her Poliwhirl's to battle Corsola. "Use bubble attack Poliwhirl." Misty said. Poliwhirl fired a lot of bubbles at Corsola. "Now use mega punch." Poliwhirl punched Corsola really hard.

Corsola got really weak, but then it used recover to heal itself and then tackled Poliwhirl really hard.

"All right, Poliwhirl use water gun." Poliwhirl fired water gun attack at Corsola, but Corsola used mirror coat and the water gun fired back at Poliwhirl.

"That Corsola is amazing," said Misty, "okay then Poliwhirl use bubble, then use double slap and then mega punch." First Poliwhirl fired bubbles at Corsola, then slapped it lots of times and then punched it really hard.

Corsola got really hurt by that triple attack.

Before Corsola used recover again, Misty used her last lure ball to catch Corsola.

"All right, I finally have my own Corsola!" Misty cheered.

Andrea, Mika, Trent and the gang were happy for Misty.

At that time, it was now time for the gang to leave.

The gang said goodbye to Andrea, Mika, Trent and the nine Corsola, and left Megi City for the next city on Yellow Rock Isle.


Today the gang were at Ogi City and they were heading for the port. They wanted to know when the next ferry for Red Rock Isle, the location of the Whirl Cup.

The bad news was the ferry only travelled to Red Rock Isle once a day and the gang had already missed it.

"What shall we do now?" Misty sigh.

Just then a woman came up to the gang. "Hi there," she said, "I can take you to Red Rock Isle."

"Would you really take us?" Luna asked.

"Of course," the woman said with a smile, "I'm going past there, so I'd be happy to take you."

The gang thanked her and the woman introduced herself as Luka.

Soon Luka was giving the gang a ride on her boat.

The gang realised that Luka had a lot of diving equipment with her.

"She must be a Marine Archaeologist." Luna said.

Luna went up to Luka at the helm to ask her questions, when she noticed a photo of a map beside her on the right. "Hey Luka, what's this." She asked her.

Misty wondered if it was a treasure map.

Luka explained that it was a map and it belonged to her great-grandfather. She had a photo of him beside her on the left.

"My family has been exploring the sea and researching many water Pokémon, and it all started with my great-grandfather," Luka said, "one day I discovered this map along with his old journal, and it said that he had required a Silver Wing somewhere deep in the ocean."

"Wait a second," Luna said, "did you say a Silver Wing?"

"Yes, do you know about the Silver Wing Luna?" Luka asked.

"Actually we do because Luna has one." Tomo said.

Luna took out her silver locket and opened it up, and inside it was a beautiful silver feather.

Luka gasped when she saw it. "That's a silver wing," she spluttered, "but how did you get it?"

Luna turned to Tomo, Misty and Brock and Tomo, Misty and Brock nodded at her, apparently they knew how Luna got it.

"Stop the boat and I will show and tell you Luka." Luna said.

So Luka stopped the boat; they were still nowhere near Red Rock Isle, but far away from Yellow Rock Isle.

Luna brought out a PokéBall and released her Lugia.

Arashi had grown up more and could really fly and swim by now.

Luka couldn't believe her eyes and was nearly speechless. "How on earth did you get yourself a Lugia?" She asked.

Luna, Tomo and Misty explained to Luka about the Lugia they met in the Orange Islands and about how the Lugia gave Luna's Lugia to her as a gift when it was a baby.

"Wow that's amazing," Luka said in amazement after hearing the story, "you guys are really lucky to have a Lugia on your team. But how did you get a Silver Wing?"

"I'll explain that." Luna said.

(Flashback Start)

"It happened the other day on Blue Rock Isle," Luna said, "we had just heard about the Whirl Cup and Misty and I decided to train our water Pokémon for a bit because we're competing in it."

"Yes we trained at a town called Blue Lagoon for a while." Misty said.

"I was training Arashi in the water then and it had just learned the moves whirlpool, hydro pump and dragon tail," Luna said, "and it was at that moment, just as Arashi was stretching his wings, a silver feather came off him and he gave it to me as a token of our friendship. I realised that it was a Silver Wing, a feather of Lugia because Morty told me about it when I last saw him in Ecruteak City, and I've kept it in my silver locket ever since."

(Flashback End)

Luka was amazed by Luna's story. "So the silver wing is a feather from Lugia, that's amazing." She said.

Then Luna showed Luka her rainbow wing and told her that it was a feather of Ho-Oh and how she got it.

"Wow Luna you have really amazed me here," Luka asked, "you have any more mythical artefacts with you?"

Luna giggled, "Sorry Luka, but I'm afraid I don't." She said.

Luna then asked Luka to keep her Lugia, silver wing and rainbow wing a secret.

"You don't need to worry Luna." Luka said, "I promise that I will never reveal what you told me to anyone."

"Thank you Luka." Luna said with a smile.

"So Luka, where is your great-grandfather's Silver Wing?" Misty asked.

Luka explained that a long time ago, her great-grandfather was returning home after finding the silver wing. But his ship, the I.S.S Raspberry, got caught into a terrible storm and it sank to the bottom of the ocean. "Luckily everyone on that ship survived, but great-grandfather's Silver Wing went down with the ship. It was devastating for him to have lost, and the worst part was that when he told people about it, nobody believed him. So to make people believe him he tried to search for his sunken ship and Silver Wing, but he failed at locating it. And now I'm searching for the Silver Wing to clear my great-grandfather's name."

"Have you found out where the ship is yet?" Misty asked.

"Yes I have," Luka said, "thanks to the map and some computer work, I have located exactly where the sunken ship is. And I put an X on the map to remember where it is."

Luna asked Luka if she could help her locate the silver wing. "I understand perfectly how much of finding this Silver Wing means to you," she said, "because my Silver Wing means a lot to me as well. So please let me help you find it."

Luka was surprised but agreed.

Tomo, Misty and Bock offered to help too and Luka accepted.

Luka drove the boat to the location of where her great-grandfather's sunken ship was.

Next, both Luka and Luna got into some of Luka's diving gear, which had a communicating device, and then released three Magikarp from their PokéBalls.

"My Magikarp will help us get to the sunken ship easier." Luka said. She and Luna jumped into the sea to get ready to search for the ship.

Pichu, Zorua, Tomo, Growlithe, Misty, Togepi and Brock stayed behind on the ship to keep watch.

Soon Luka and Luna were now at the bottom of the sea.

Luna was in awe when she saw many water Pokémon and other things.

But then they finally found the sunken I.S.S Raspberry.

Luna told Misty, Brock and Tomo that they found it, and then she and Luka started to swim near to it.

Suddenly Luka made them stop.

"Is something wrong Luka?" Luna asked.

"I don't know," Luka replied, "but I think I saw something near the ship." She sent her Magikarp to swim closer to the ship, while she and Luna hid behind some rocks that were near the ship.

Once the Magikarp got nearer the ship, a Pokémon appeared in front of them; it was a Mantine.

The Magikarp quickly swam back to where Luka and Ash to get away from the Mantine.

"That Mantine must be guarding the ship." Luna said.

"I agree," said Luka, "and I'm pretty sure that it's not going to allow us to search for the Silver Wing inside the ship. We'll need to think of something else." She and Luna swam back to Luka's boat.

Luka and the gang started to think what to do now.

"I have a feeling that it may not just be Mantine guarding that ship," Luna said, "I mean a boat that big is bound to be home to many different water Pokémon."

"I agree with Luna on that," Brock said, "and they are bound to get upset if we invade on their home."

"Then I guess we will have to take action instead." Misty said.

Misty suggested that they use their water Pokémon to distract the water Pokémon in the ship, and while they are distracted Luka can search for the silver wing in the ship.

Everyone liked that idea.

Luna released her two Buizels, who she named Tyne and Tyna meaning River.

Tomo released his Octillery.

Brock released his Corsola. Misty released her Staryu and Corsola.

This time Misty got into a diving kit to help Luka and Luna and so did Tomo. Brock decided to stay on the boat to look after Togepi, Growlithe, Zorua and Pichu.

Pichu did want to help too, but Luna reminded her that his electric attacks will hit everyone in the ocean, so Pichu stayed behind.

Luka, Luna, Tomo, Misty and the Pokémon swam back down to the sunken ship. Luna, Misty, Tomo and their Pokémon, with two of Luka's Magikarp, headed over to the boat.

Luka stayed behind the big rocks, to wait for a chance to sneak into the boat.

As Luna, Misty, Tomo and the Pokémon got nearer the boat, Mantine and two Remoraid turned up.

"You were right about there being other Pokémon in the boat, as well as Mantine Lu." Misty said.

"Yeah, and I bet that Mantine is the Remoraid's friend," Luna said, "come on though we now need to distract them for Luka."

The Mantine and Remoraid headed over to the gang and Pokémon to make them leave.

Luna, Tomo and Misty told their Pokémon to fight back and soon the attacks of water guns, bubblebeam, sonic boom and tackles were happening.

While that fight was going on, Luka and her Magikarp swam into the sunken ship to search for the lost silver wing. She searched in every room and corner for the silver wing.

Suddenly she saw a swarm of baby Remoraid.

"This must be reason why the Remoraid and Mantine were guarding the ship." Luka said. At that moment she saw a small treasure chest near the baby Remoraid.

"This must be it." She said, picking it up. Luka and Magikarp swam out of the ship, with the treasure chest.

Luna, Misty, Tomo and the Pokémon noticed her and then left the Mantine and Remoraid alone.

Once they got back on Luka's boat, Luka told the gang about the baby Remoraid.

"Well that's no wonder the Remoraid and Mantine didn't want us near the ship." Luna said petting Zorua and Pichu who was worried about her.

"Yeah, they feared that we would hurt the baby Remoraid." Misty said.

"Ah well, we found what we were looking for now," Luka said "so now we can leave them alone in peace."

Luka opened up the treasure; inside was another wooden box. She opened up the second box; inside it was the silver wing.

Luka picked up the silver wing. "I've finally found," she said happily, "and now I can prove about my great-grandfather's story being true. And I will prove that the silver wing is indeed a feather of the Legendary Pokémon Lugia."

Just then Luna remembered about when she and the others saw a shadow of Lugia near Blue Point Isle, and told Luka about it.

"That's interesting," Luka said, "if a Lugia is living somewhere in the Whirl Islands, then I would use my Silver Wing to find out for sure."

"I'm sure you will," Luna said, "actually I have the strange feeling that we all will find out."

Tomo, Misty and Brock agreed with Luna's words.

With Luka's treasure seeking now over, Luka finished driving the gang to Red Rock Isle.

"Finally we are at Red Rock Isle, where the Whirl Cup is." Misty said.

"I can't wait for this." Luna said.

"Neither can I." Misty said.

18/09/2015- Edited

1. I don't know how quickly Lugia grow, but Pokemon do grow up fast in the anime.

2. I got the idea of the water Pokémon poachers since I notice that I never did any poachers for water type Pokémon.

3. Luna hasn't really caught much water Pokémon so I made her catch lots of water Pokémon including the Buizel because I wanted to. She also didn't catch any Shiny so I added some.

3. Some of Luna's new water Pokémon will evolve during the competition.

4. Misty's Croconaw will evolve into Feraligatr later.

5. I know Team Rocket was involved with the silver wing searching, but I did say that they wouldn't up in many chapters because I found it a bit boring like that in the anime.

6. Exciting news!! The Lugia arc will be right after the Whirl Cup Arc!

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