Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!

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After reuniting Larvitar with his mother, the gang were now on the way to Silver Town.

Along the way, they noticed a crowd of people outside a very large gate.

Luna asked someone from the crowd what was going on, and that person explained that everyone was waiting for the torch of the Silver Conference.

Another person explained that they were at the Ho-Oh shrine and running of the torch started here.

Those words made the gang feel excited about the torch.

"Can we see the torch too?" Tomo asked.

"Of course we can," Luna replied, "there's no way I would miss the running of the Johto League torch, especially since we ran carrying the flame for the Indigo League, remember?"

Tomo, Misty and Brock did remember and so they all agreed to watch the running of the torch.

Everyone waited and waited for the torch running to start, but so far nothing was happening.

"I hope the runner is okay," Luna said, "I mean surely it doesn't take this long for them to start the running."

Just then a man came out of the gates, "I'm very sorry everyone," the man said, "but due to circumstances the torch will take a bit longer to start."

The crowd started to groan because they didn't like waiting.

"Something must be wrong here, if we are being told to wait more." Brock said.

"Let's find out what's wrong." Luna said

Mightyena barked in agreement, Pichu and Zorua was on his back.

The gang asked the guard of the shrine what was going, and the guard led the gang into the shrine.

The guard explained that there was actually trouble at the shrine.

"If you've got trouble I can help." A voice.

The voice came from a trainer, about the same age as Brock, with a Houndoom at his side.

The trainer said his name was Harrison and he was from Littleroot Town in the Hoenn region.

The gang introduced themselves to Harrison and also told him that they were from Kanto.

The guard explained that the torch and runners were ready, but the flame for the torch wasn't ready.

"The truth is our flame is actually from the legendary Ho-Oh," the guard explained, "and there's a legend about it too."

The legend was that a long time ago there was a terrible war within the area, and both Pokémon and humans were hurt from the battle.

After the war was over the land became a wasteland because of all the fighting, and then Ho-Oh appeared.

Ho-Oh blew its flame at all the humans weapons, ending the war. After that the land was really lifeless then, but because of Ho-Oh's ashes the land started to come to life again and soon the land was back to what it was again and peace reigned.

But one flame of Ho-Oh remained one a tree and the people called it the Sacred Flame.

"They built this shrine to worship Ho-Oh, which is why it's called the Ho-Oh shrine. And the sacred flame had stayed in the shrine ever since."

"Wow, what a story," Luna said, "and I thought it was only the Tin Tower and the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City that were the places to worship Ho-Oh."

"We learn new stories about the Legendary Pokémon of Johto all the time." Brock said.

The guard showed Harrison and the gang to the staircase that led the way to the shrine where the sacred flame was kept. "We can't seem to get the flame, because a wild Sneasel is guarding the shrine." The guard said.

"A Sneasel huh?" Luna said.

Sneasel is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles both cats and weasels. It is primarily bluish black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single one on its left ear. The ear feather is shorter on the female than on the male. On its forehead and chest are yellow, oval markings. It has red eyes with black eyelash-like markings on the edges. Its feet and hands have two large, retractable claws each.

Sneasel, the Sharp Claw Pokémon.
A smart and sneaky Pokémon, it makes its opponents flinch by suddenly showing the claws hidden in its paws.

"If I remember correctly Sneasel is an ice and dark type." Luna said reading more of the information.

"Excellent," Harrison said, "I want to capture a Sneasel and this will be my chance."

The guard explained that Sneasel attacks anyone who gets closer to the shrine, because it made that place its territory. And to make matters worse Sneasel had a Machop and Machoke with it.

"If we don't get that flame soon, we will never be able to start the Silver Conference Tournament." The guard said.

"I'll help get that flame." Luna said.

There was no way that Luna was going to let anything ruin the tournament, especially since she and her Pokémon had worked too hard to enter it.

Tomo, Misty and Brock offered to help too and so did Harrison, he wished to capture the Sneasel.

Harrison and the gang went up the stairs to the shrine at once.

As soon as they reached the top, they met up with Machop and Machamp.

Tomo sent out his Smoochum to battle, he knew that Smoochum was part psychic and she had learnt some psychic moves, "Use psychic at Machop." He ordered. Smoochum's eyes glowed blue and then she fired a psychic blast of energy from her hands at Machop, and Machop ended up hurt bad.

Harrison told his Houndoom to attack Machoke with flamethrower.

While Machop and Machoke were distracted, Luna made her way to the shrine to grab the Sacred Flame.

But then Luna nearly got scratched by Sneasel. "So you're the troublesome Sneasel huh?" She said.

"Sneasel." It said.

"Well you are not getting in my way of getting the Sacred Flame." Luna sent out Mightyena to battle, "Kuro (Black) use flamethrower." Kuro fired a flamethrower at Sneasel, but Sneasel dodged it and then tried to slash Mightyena with its claw but Mightyena dodge it.

"Not bad your fast but," Luna said, "not fast enough, Kuro use shadow claw." The shadow claw hit Sneasel directly but Sneasel didn't give up.

At that moment Harrison, Tomo, Misty and Brock showed up, they had defeated Machop and Machoke.

"You okay Luna?" Harrison asked.

"Huh? I'm fine," Luna said, "but you better hurry Harrison and catch that Sneasel or else my Pichu and Zorua are going to attack." She pointed to her two Pokémon that glaring daggers at Sneasel dangerous wanting to attack it not matter want.

"Not good." Brock, Misty and Tomo said together, fearing for the Sneasel, "You better hurry Harrison or else Sneasel is toast!"

Harrison didn't know what is going on but he agreed, "Alright, leave the rest to me Luna." He said. He told Sneasel that he was going to capture it, and then he released a red, yellow and white Pokémon from its PokéBall.

This Pokémon looked like a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. It's body is red with accents of beige, yellow, and gray. Behind its head, there are beige, hair-like feathers that continue downward and surround its chest and abdomen. It has a small red face with a V-shaped crest on its head. Its eyes are semicircular with yellow sclera and blue irises, and its mouth is similar to hooked beak. It has featherless, gray hands with three fingers each, and three clawed toes that are not normally visible due to the shaggy, yellow feathers on the bottom of its legs.

"Blaziken!" It said.

"How cool, its a Blaziken." Luna said, looking at the Pokémon awesomeness. "Is it your starter Pokémon Harrison?"

"Yes, I got Blaziken as a Torchic." Harrison said.

Harrison ordered his Blaziken to attack with quick attack, and Blaziken tackle Sneasel hard.

Sneasel fought back with shadow ball, but Blaziken dodged it.

"Okay Blaziken flamethrower." Harrison said. Blaziken blew flamethrower at Sneasel and Sneasel got it by it.

As Sneasel was an ice and dark type Pokémon, the flamethrower hurt Sneasel well.

"Now finish it with fire punch." Harrison said. Blaziken punched Sneasel hard, while its hand was covered in a flame, and Sneasel fainted from the fire punch.

Harrison tossed a PokéBall at Sneasel and captured it.

"Phew, safe." Luna said. "Pichu, Zorua. Sneasel is captured and I'm fine." Her two Pokémon huffed then jumped back onto Mightyena back.

Luna sweat dropped and sigh.

Luna congratulated Harrison for his capture and then went to the shrine to get the Sacred Flame.

Inside was a stone statue of Ho-Oh and the flame was resting in a bowl, on the top of the head.

So now the runner of the torch had the sacred flame of Ho-Oh at last and he got ready to run with the torch.

The guard was grateful and thanked Harrison and the gang, he also said that Machop and Machoke were going to stay at the Ho-Oh shrine and become its guardians.

The gang were happy for the Pokémon.

Then at that moment the runner started running with the torch and the crowd started cheering.

"Now the Silver Conference is finally going to start." Luna said, who was excited.

Harrison revealed to the gang that he was going to enter the Silver Conference too, and then he started to walk to Silver Town.

"I reckon that there is going to be a lot of cool trainers and Pokémon at the Silver Conference." Misty said.

"I agree," Luna said, "but that's not going to stop me from trying to win this tournament."

The gang started to head to Silver Town too and Luna couldn't wait to participate in the Silver Conference.

By the next day, the gang were now in Silver Town. Luna was looking through the guide with Brock.

"Is it like the Indigo League?" Luna said, "You know with me having to do four preliminary rounds, with three Pokémon, and then the normal matches with three Pokémon?"

"Actually Mew, it's different and the challenge looks a lot harsher than the Indigo League." Brock said.

"Oh really?" Luna asked, "What are the rules for the Silver Conference?"

Before Luna's question was answered, they met up with Gary.

"Hey Gary," Luna said, "I take it you have all eight badges for the Silver Conference?"

"That I do Lulu-boy," Gary said, "and I will be aiming for the top."

"You will have to beat me first Gary." Luna said.

Obviously Luna and Gary's rival was still the same.

"I'll have you know Luna, I trained a lot harder ever since the Indigo League," Gary said, "so you better watch out for me."

"Same with me Gary." Luna said.

After speaking with Gary, the gang walked to where the participants of the Silver Conference were staying.

They were going to stay in a giant Pokémon Centre in Athlete's village.

On the way they met up with Mr Goodshow, who was handing out balloons to kids. He explained that he liked to greet guests, who come to watch the Silver Conference, as well as other Pokémon Leagues.

"I knew you'll be here at the Silver Conference Luna." Mr Goodshow said, "I hope you get us a excellent battle like the Indigo League."

Luna smiled, "Yes Mr Goodshow," she said, "I will."

"Well Luna, I wish you luck." Mr Goodshow smiled.

The gang soon came to the luxury suite, in the Pokémon Centre, they were going to stay in while at the Silver Conference.

"This room is huge." Tomo said.

"You're right," Misty said, "and it can't get any better than this. We also have a beautiful view of the lake."

Luna tried out the couches and they were very comfy and Tomo tried out the beds which were also very comfy.

There was also a computer, so that Luna could look up her opponents on.

"Come on all of you," Brock said, "we have to go to the screen rounds now."

The screen rounds were mini battle rounds before the Silver Conference.

All of the 200 trainers who entered had to battle three times in the screen rounds, using only one Pokémon each.

"It says that you have to defeat all three challengers to enter the Silver Conference," Brock explained, "and only the Top 48 trainers move onto the preliminary rounds."

"Wow Brock," Misty said, "you were right about the rules of the Silver Conference being a lot harsher than the Indigo League."

"Are you alright Luna?" Tomo asked who felt nervous about this.

"Don't worry Tomo, it be alright." Luna said.

Soon it was Luna's turn to battle in the screen rounds. His first opponent was a trainer named Salvador.

Luna sent out Pichu and Salvador sent out Furret.

"Pichu us thunderbolt." Luna said. Pichu launched a thunderbolt that made cracks in the grounds.

Furret got shocked and then fainted, giving Luna the instant win.

Salvador was shock including the referee, also the other trainers who was watching with eyes widen and jaw dropped to the ground.

"Oops, Pichu I think you over did it." Misty sweat dropped.

Brock face palm and groaned, "Too much power."

"Pichu, big sister." Tomo sighs.

While Zorua, well she was laughing at the funny faces of the all the competitors.

Luna and Pichu apologies for destroying the field.

After that Luna opponents were scared of her Pokémon strength and power, she defeated her other two opponents as well, her Misdreavus defeated her second opponent's Machoke easily with psychic attack and her Murkrow easily defeated his third opponent's Exeggutor with drill peck and icy wind.

After the screen rounds were over, everyone went to the Pokémon Centre to see the results.

The gang saw that Luna, Gary and Harrison were both in the preliminary rounds.

"I can't wait for the preliminary rounds," Luna said, "what's the rules of the preliminary rounds Brock?"

Before Brock could answer Luna's question, Mr Goodshow appeared in front of the gang and scaring them.

'Were did Mr Goodshow come from.' The gang all thought, sweat dropping.

"I'll explain what happens in the preliminary rounds Luna." Mr Goodshow said, he explained that in the preliminary rounds the 48 trainers were split into 16 groups of 3, and the three trainers in each block had to participate in a round-robin tournament. A round-robin tournament was when all three trainers in each block battled each other in a series of three on three matches. The trainers would get three points for every win, one point for every draw and zero points for every loss.

"So I have to win more than three points to pass the preliminary rounds?" Luna said.

"Yes and if you and any other trainer from your block are tied, you have to fight each other again to win." Mr Goodshow said.

It was obvious; the Silver Conference challenge was different than the Indigo League.

That night Luna couldn't sleep, she was excited about the Silver Conference starting tomorrow.

Luna, Pichu and Zorua who was also awake decided to take a walk outside the Pokémon Centre for a bit. She released Huntail, Gorebyss and Surkit to have a swim along the lake, they were loving the lake.

"I can't believe that we are already at the Silver Conference Pichu Zorua," Luna said, "I mean it feels like only yesterday that we started collecting the badges."

"Pichu." "Yes." Pichu and Zorua both agree.

"And there's no doubt that we will be facing off a lot of strong trainers, but that won't stop us from winning, will it?" Luna said, "Just like the Indigo League. We over come anything together." Pichu and Zorua nodded. "Funny the Jade Orb hasn't reacted for a while, I guess that's a good." She said putting her hand over her chest.

Just then they met up with Gary, who was sitting next to the lake.

"Can't you sleep Luna?" Gary asked.

"No, you?" Luna asked.

"No not really." Gary admitted.

Gary noticed that tonight's moon was a full moon, "This is the same moon that was out on the night I left Pallet Town, when I first became a Pokémon trainer." He said.

"I remember that night too," Luna said, "and we have gone through so much on our journeys since then."

"You're right," Gary said, "and it makes me think what else we will accomplish in the future."

"Well whatever happens, I'm sure it will make our lives more exciting than ever." Luna said.

"As for the present Luna," Gary said, "I will be earning first place in this Silver Conference tournament. And I won't let anyone, including you, get in my way of winning. Even if you are Indigo League winner."

Luna smiled, "Sorry Gary, but the one earning first place is me and you will be earning second place."

Luna and Gary smiled at each other.

Pichu and Zorua smiled too, along with the water Pokémon's.


The next day it was time for the opening ceremony of the Silver Conference.

Everyone was waiting for the torch bearer to bring the Ho-Oh's sacred flame to the stadium.


Professor Oak and Tracey were watching what was happening at the Silver Conference on telly in the lab back in Pallet Town.

Julia and her Pokémon's were watching it on telly too at home.

Professor Elm was watching it on his computer in New Bark Town.


Brock, Misty and Tomo took their places in the stadium seats, and Luna and Gary were waiting with the other participants to enter the stadium.

But trouble was around; Jessie, James and Meowth had plans of stealing the flame.

They decided that the flame of the legendary Ho-Oh would make a fortune.

The runner of the torch was near the stadium, but Jessie, James and Meowth were standing just at the entrance ready to pounce.

As soon as the runner opened the door to the stadium, he got tackled by Jessie's Granbull.

The runner got hit by the wall and dropped the torch and the scratch Pokémon caught it before it hit the ground.

"Now the flame is ours." Meowth said.

"Good work Granbull." Jessie said and she returned it.

At that time Pichu and Zorua felt that rouble was happening in the stadium, Luna decided to investigate.

Gary saw Luna running off and asked her what was going on.

"Pichu and Zorua can sense trouble from inside the stadium." Luna said.

"Let's hurry and see to this trouble." Gary said.

At that time, Jessie, James and Meowth were getting ready to run with the torch.

But then Luna and Gary turned up.

"That flame is not yours Team Rocket!" Gary shouted.

"Ha, try and get it twerps." Jessie smirked.

"Oh with pleasure, Pichu if you please." Luna smiled.

Pichu use agility to grabbed the torch away from Meowth.

"What was that?!" Meowth gasped, when the torched vanished from his hands in a flash.

Gary was impressed.

"Okay Zorua, thunderbolt." Luna said.

Zorua shocked Team Rocket good and Team Rocket got blasted away again.

Luna and Gary checked to see if the runner was okay, but his ankle got twisted thanks to Team Rocket.

"If I don't run, I can't bring the torch to the stadium." The runner said worriedly.

This was a problem of course, the Silver Conference could not start without the sacred flame.

Then Gary had an idea, he suggested that Luna ran with the torch to the stadium.

Luna asked the runner if that was okay and the runner agreed, so Luna decided to finish the run of the torch.

Meanwhile everyone in the audience was getting anxious because the flame hadn't turned up yet.

Just then the announcer announced that the runner had an accident. Everyone became worried that the ceremony wouldn't start now.

But there was no need to worry because at that moment, Luna, Pichu and Zoura entered the stadium carrying the torch.

Tomo, Misty and Brock were surprised that Luna was carrying the torch and so was Professor Oak, Tracey, Julia and Professor Elm.

Everyone watched as Luna lit up the big torch with the Ho-Oh's sacred flame.

Mr Goodshow gave one final speech to open the Silver Conference and wished the competitors good luck in the stadium.

Luna was happy and excited that the Silver Conference was now starting to begin.

19/09/2015- Edited

1. Lugia and Celebi will be in the tournament, but not Latias because I said that her and her son Latios will participate in the Hoenn journey along with Rayquaza. For Cresselia it will be Sinnoh.

2. How did Luna obtain Latias and Latios will be in the movie chapter.

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