Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!

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The gang were still on the way for Violet City, when they came to a hillside area, with a snowy mountain nearby.

"Brr, it's getting cold here." Brock shivered.

"Yes and there's snow on that mountain," Misty said, "it will probably snow here soon as well."

Luna wasn't really bothered by the cold she was actually quite warm thanks to the coat her mum got.

Just then she stopped walking, "Take a look over there." Luna said pointing to a grassy area. A Chikorita was resting in the sun.

"Hey a Chikorita." Tomo said.

Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon.
Chikorita emits pleasant aromas from the leaves on their heads and they love to sunbathe.

Misty could smell the sweet scent coming off Chikorita.

"Yeah and I'm going to catch it." Luna said she was eager to catch one of Johto's starter Pokémon for herself.

Chikorita heard Luna approaching had swung its leaf around, ready to fight.

"This Chikorita looks feisty." Brock commented on its braver.

"I thought Chikorita were supposed to be sweet." Misty said.

"Don't forget Mist," Luna said, "even cute Pokémon can be tough, just as tough Pokémon can be cute." She sent out Heracross to battle Chikorita. "Be careful Heracross, this Chikorita looks tough."

Chikorita charged at Heracross to tackle it.

"Use your Horn Attack to fight back Heracross." Luna commanded. Heracross's charged back at Chikorita with his horn and hit it.

Chikorita got thrown back, but that didn't stop it from attacking. Chikorita used razor leaf.

"Harden Heracross." Luna said. Heracross tensed up his body and shined a bit, and when Chikorita's leaves hit him the leaves bounced off.

"Heracross is doing well, even though he was captured not long ago." Misty said.

"Sure is." Brock said, "Before this is Luna Pokémon where talking about.

"Okay Heracross," Luna said, "use Aerial Ace." Heracross flew into the air, did a loop and then charged at Chikorita. As aerial ace was a flying type move, Chikorita got hurt, being a grass type.

Tomo and Growlithe started to cheer for Luna and Heracross. Luna threw a PokéBall at Chikorita to catch it, but Chikorita used vine whip to toss it.

"Woa~" Luna said, "This Chikorita doesn't give up. Okay Heracross use Aerial Ace one more time." Chikorita used its vine whip to attack Heracross, but Heracross dodged it easily with aerial ace and charged into Chikorita.

"Chikorita is starting to become really hurt now." Brock said.

"Lu should finish this now." Misty said.

Luna threw a PokéBall at Chikorita again and this time it was successful, "Wow," Luna said, "I'm glad to have caught this Chikorita, but seriously this was a tough catch."

"I suggest we get Chikorita to a Pokémon Centre," Brock said, "after all she did put up a good fight against Heracross." Luna agreed with that suggestion.

As soon as they reached a Pokémon Centre, Luna gave Chikorita to Nurse Joy at once.

Luna explained to her about her capture of Chikorita.

"I'm telling you Nurse Joy," Luna said, "Chikorita kept on putting up a fight, even though it was up against a bug Pokémon."

"This Chikorita is not the only one like that," Nurse Joy said, "all wild Chikorita around here are stubborn, and they keep on battling opponents that are bigger and stronger than them. They battle and battle until at last they can't battle any more."

"I admire its spirit though." Luna said. Chikorita slept in the treatment room for hours to recover, until at last it woke up. Luna had stayed by Chikorita's side the whole time, and was relieved that it had recovered at last. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

When Chikorita saw Luna, it remembered her battling it and capturing it. Then it tackled Luna really hard and ran out of the Pokémon Centre as fast as it could. She was glad that Pichu and Zorua wasn't with at the moment, "Oww." Luna said rubbing her chest, "Why did Chikorita just do that?"

"I think I might know why Lu," Brock said who saw everything, "Chikorita might be mad with you because you captured it. Sometimes wild Pokémon don't want to be captured."

Pichu and Zorua came in.

Luna got up and headed for the Pokémon Centre doors. "I'm going to get Chikorita back." She said.

Pichu and Zorua followed her, while the rest of the gang stayed at the Pokémon Centre.

Luna, Pichu and Zorua looked for Chikorita over the grass areas. "Chikorita, where are you?" Luna called out. "Hey Chikorita! Man, finding Chikorita is going to be hard." Then she got an idea, she sent out her Heracross to search for Chikorita in the air.

Heracross flew everywhere to search for Chikorita, until he finally found Chikorita, it was in an area in the snowy mountain. Heracross flew back to Luna, Pichu and Zorua and showed them where Chikorita was.

When Luna, Pichu, Zorua and Heracross found Chikorita, it was shivering, being a grass type, the cold weather was not good for Chikorita.

"We've found you at last Chikorita." Luna smiled. Chikorita was surprised to see Luna and jumped into her arms. "Okay," she said, "now that we have found you, it's time to find our way back to the Pokémon Centre."

At that moment it started to snow and it was getting late too. "Hmm, we should shelter and wait till tomorrow to head back to the others." Luna said.

Luckily there was a cabin not far from where they were standing.

Luna opened the cabin, returned Heracross, set a fire going in the fire place and held Pichu, Zorua and Chikorita in her arms, "We'll sleep here tonight." She said.

Pichu, Zorua and Chikorita agreed.

Chikorita started to like Luna and fell asleep in Luna's arms, feeling safe and happy.

The next day, when the sun was shining and the snow stopped, Luna, Pichu, Zorua and Chikorita got out of the cabin to try and get back to the Pokémon Centre.

Just then Nurse Joy, Misty, Tomo and Brock turned up.

"Big Sister!" Tomo shouted running into Luna's arms.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Misty said

"Yeah Pichu, Zorua, Chikorita and I are all okay." Luna said.

They all went back to the Pokémon Centre and got ready to continue on their journey.

"I'm relieved to see that Chikorita has accepted you as its trainer Luna." Nurse Joy said.

Chikorita was in Luna's arms and was rubbing its cheek against her chest.

"Yeah," Luna said, "and it will become a great Pokémon for my team."

So with Chikorita in tow, the gang continued on their journey for Violet City.


The gang had now finally arrived at Violet City.

"Finally we can relax," Misty said, "I'm tired from traveling today."

"I need to gather up on supplies." Brock said.

"Come on Tomo," Luna said, "let's get some training done."

Tomo agreed. He and Luna went to an open area in Violet City to train their Pokémon.

Luna was happy with her new Johto Pokémon Heracross, Sentret and Chikorita. Luna got on well with her newest Pokémon Chikorita.

"Okay guys," Luna said to her Pokémon "we are going to train for our first gym battle in the Johto region."

"We are going to train too." Tomo said to his Pokémon. Even though Tomo didn't participate in Pokémon battles, he still liked to train them because he wanted to be a strong trainer like his sister Luna.

Luna found out on the Xtransceiver that the Violet City Gym Leader used flying types. So she figured she could use Pichu but didn't want to and Sentret, but she wasn't sure on the second and third Pokémon yet.

Pichu and Sentret had a practice battle, tackling each other and throwing attacks at each other, while trying not to hurt anyone else.

Heracross was weight training by lifting up some rocks with his horn.

Chikorita was practicing her tackle, razor leaf, magical leaf and vine whip and learning a new move, secret power, energy ball and light screen from Vena.

Arashi was learning to fly with Luna's Pidgeot, Luna got him from Professor Oak earlier to help Lugia learn to fly. Luna's baby Lugia may be still a bit young, but it was eager to learn how to fly.

Tomo was training with his Growlithe, Pikachu and Farfetch'd, his other Pokémon were with Professor Oak.

When lunch hit, Luna decided to stop the training now. "Okay everyone," she said "we've done enough now. Let's go to the Pokémon Centre for some rest and food."

Tomo and all the Pokémon agreed with that plan.

At the Pokémon Center, Misty and Brock were waiting for Luna and Tomo.

"How did the training go?" Misty asked.

"It's all great," Luna said, "and I think my Pokémon and I will be ready for the Violet City Gym."

Brock was looking at a paper. "Look at this," he said, "a man named Primo says that he has a new Pokémon left at his Adoption Centre."

"Pokemon Adoption Center?" Misty said, "I've never heard of that."

"He isn't selling the Pokémon for money is he?" Luna asked hoping that wasn't the case.

"Oh no," Brock said, "you don't need to worry. You see Primo hatches out Pokémon from eggs, raises them for a while, and then he gives them to trainers who will take care of them."

Luna was relieved that it had nothing to do with buying and selling Pokémon.

"Let's go over there and see," Misty said, "maybe there are Pokémon that we want there."

Luna, Tomo and Brock agreed to the idea.

After lunch, the gang went to Primo's Pokémon Adoption Centre. It was like a Pokémon Nursery place.

The gang introduced themselves to Primo.

Primo was a young muscular man. "Glad to see more trainers to adopt Pokémon." Primo said happily.

"I must ask," Brock said, "what made you decide to run a Pokémon Adoption Centre?"

"Well when I was a kid I discovered some baby Pokémon, that had been abandoned, in an alley way," Primo explained, "as no one else had claimed them I raised them for myself. Then while growing up I kept on seeing Pokémon, which had been abandoned, lost and thrown out. So I decided that instead of leaving Pokémon like that, I should build a shelter for them and give them to trainers that will care for them always."

"So that means apart of giving baby Pokémon up for adoption you also put up ones that had been deserted too." Misty said.

"That's correct." Primo said.

Luna noticed a sort of document on the wall and asked Primo what it was.

"That is a special license that I got from both Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny," Primo said, "you see, when you decided to run a Pokémon Adoption Centre like me you have to get special permission from Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. Otherwise people would think that you're one of those crazy people who sell Pokémon for money."

The gang understood.

Primo introduced the gang to three Pokémon.

The first one was a sheep-like Pokémon with fluffy cream-colored wool covering its entire body, as well as a curly tuft of wool in the middle of its head. Its head is blue, and it has black eyes. Its four feet are blue and have two digits on each foot, and it appears to be on tiptoe at all times. Its conical ears and tail have a yellow-and-black striped pattern. Mareep has an orange sphere at the end of its tail, which acts like a small light bulb.

The second one was a mostly blue, amphibious Pokémon that resembles an upright, armless axolotl. Wooper's head is large compared to its body, and it has small, round, black eyes. It has purple, branching gills on either side of its head, it stands on two small, round feet, and it has a large, thick tail. On its belly are dark blue curved markings.

The last one was a limbless Pokémon composed of magma. Its body is bright red, fading to a duller red along its extremities. It has large, round, yellow eyes with small pupils. Its head is ovoid with flame-like extensions spreading upward from its eyes and round, stable drops of magma dangling from its upper jaw.

"These three pokemon are the only ones I have left." He introduced.

"That sheep Pokémon is a Mareep, the blue one is called Wooper and that red Pokémon is a Slugma." Brock said.

Mareep, the Wool Pokémon.
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.

Wooper, the Water Fish Pokémon.
When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating.

Slugma, the Larva Pokémon.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn't keep moving, its body will cool and harden.

"These are cool Pokémon." Tomo said.

"Hey guys, what you think of us adopting them?" Luna asked.

"I like that idea," Misty said, "oh but what should we do? I mean there are only three Pokémon and there are four of us."

"You, Luna and Tomo can have them Misty." Brock said.

"Huh, are you sure Brock?" Misty asked.

"Of course," Brock replied, "besides I can get more Pokémon of my own later."

So it was agreed.

Since Wooper was a water type, Misty took it of course.

Tomo thought Slugma was cool, so he took it.

And Luna took Mareep.

The gang thanked Primo and then left with their new Pokémon.

Luna, Misty and Tomo liked their new Pokémon.

Mareep liked Luna very much and would keep on head-butting her to show affection.

Misty kept on describing of how cute Wooper was and Tomo liked his new Slugma right away.

For the rest of day, Luna got to know her new Mareep and trained her for the Violet Gym tomorrow.

As Mareep was an electric type, Luna decided she would be her second Pokémon. With Pichu's help Mareep learned iron tail, thunderbolt, protect, electric ball.

Chikorita is her third Pokémon.

That evening Luna felt that she was ready to battle the Gym Leader of Violet Gym tomorrow.

"Are you ready to face the Gym Leader tomorrow Lu." Misty asked.

"Yep," Luna answered, "Mareep, Sentret and Chikorita are already for the gym. And that gum badge will be mine." She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Next day, it was now time for Luna to challenge Falkner, the Violet Gym Leader.

"I've been waiting for this." Luna said.

Violet Gym was one of those tall cylinder buildings, with a big flat circular roof.

"I wonder what the Gym Leader is like." Misty said.

Just then they heard a flap of wings coming from above. When they looked up, they saw a Pidgeot flying in the sky and someone was riding it.

"Who's that on the Pidgeot?" Tomo asked.

Before Tomo's question could be answered, the Pidgeot flew down to where the gang was standing and landed onto the ground.

The one riding on Pidgeot was a young man with blue hair. "Hi there," said the man, "I'm Falkner."

"Are you the Gym Leader Falkner?" Luna asked.

"Yes I am," Falkner replied, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm Luna. I wish to challenge you to a gym battle and earn myself a badge." Luna said.

"I accept your challenge Luna." Falkner smiled.

Falkner led the gang to the roof of the Violet Gym building.

"I have my gym battles on the roof," Falkner explained, "that way my flying Pokémon can easily fly around when they battle other Pokémon. I love flying type Pokémon very much. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of flying in the sky and now I can thanks to my flying Pokémon."

Luna smiled, "I have a Fearow, Pidgeot, Altaria and Salamence myself," she said, "and I love flying with them in the sky too. it's quite relaxing."

Falkner smiled. "I think I'll enjoy this gym battle with you Luna."

Soon it was time for the gym battle. Luna and Falkner got ready at the battle arena, while Tomo, Misty and Brock stood at the side to watch.

"This a Gym Battle between trainer Luna Mew Light and the Violet Gym Leader Falkner," the referee said, "this is a 3 on 3 Pokémon battle. The first to defeat the opponents three Pokémon first wins."

"Okay let's go Hoothoot." Falkner said.

Luna remembered seeing a Hoothoot sometime ago. "Okay let's go Mareep." She said. Luna's sheep Pokémon got ready to fight.

"This is Mareep's first battle." Misty stated.

"Go big sister!" Tomo cheered.

"I figured you would use electric types Luna," Falkner said, "but that won't put me off the battle. Hoothoot tackle attack." Hoothoot swooped down to tackle Mareep.

"Mareep use Thundershock." Luna said. Mareep fired a blue blast of electricity at Hoothoot.

"Quick Hoothoot dodge it." Falkner said. Hoothoot flew around over the battle arena to dodge Mareep's attack.

Mareep tried to hit Hoothoot with her thundershock again, but Hoothoot still kept on dodging it. 'Hoothoot is fast while flying,' Luna thought, 'in that case I will need to confuse it while it's flying.' "Mareep use Cotton Spore." Mareep fired a lot of white balls of cotton, from her body, at Hoothoot. Hoothoot started to have trouble of trying to dodge the cotton balls, without getting hit.

"That's a clever move to use," Brock stated, "Cotton Spore slows down your opponent whether it's flying, running or even swimming."

"So Mareep may be able to attack Hoothoot now." Misty said.

"All right Mareep," Luna said, "use Thunder." Mareep fired a thunder at Hoothoot and this time Hoothoot got hit by it. Hoothoot started to fall towards the ground.

"Oh no Hoothoot!" Falkner gasped.

"Okay Mareep finish it off with Take Down." Luna said. As Hoothoot was falling to the ground, Mareep charged at a great speed and then slammed into Hoothoot. Hoothoot fainted.

"Hoothoot is unable to battle," the referee said, "the first match goes to Luna."

"Great battling Mareep!" Luna cheered and peered her head.

Falkner returned Hoothoot. "Great strategy Luna," Falkner said, "but this battle is not over yet." Falkner's second Pokémon was a Dodrio.

Luna returned Mareep, "Alright, Sentret I choose you."

"Let me warn you Luna," said Falkner, "Dodrio here is my second best flying type Pokémon."

"Second best." Luna said, "this will be interesting."

"Do you think Sentret will be okay against Dodrio?" Misty asked.

"It will be okay," Tomo said, "big sister trained with her a lot yesterday."

"Okay Dodrio," Falkner commanded, "use Drill Peck." Dodrio got ready to strike Sentret with drill peck.

"Use your tail to dodge Sentret." Luna said. Sentret stood up with her tail, and then, with the help of her tail, she jumped into the air to doge Dodrio.

"That's a clever way to use Sentret's tail." Brock gasped.

"Now Sentret use thunderbolt." Luna said. Sentret blasted a bolt of electricity at Dodrio. Dodrio ended up in a lot of pain from that electric attack.

"When did Sentret learn to use Thunderbolt?" Misty asked.

"She learnt it yesterday," Tomo answered, "big sister Pichu and my Pikachu were training their electric attacks together, when Sentret wanted to join in. She became interested with the Pichu thunderbolt attack and wanted to learn it. But its not the only Attack she learnt she knows others as well." Misty and Brock were amazed.

"Can you still fight Dodrio?" Falkner asked. Dodrio was struggling to stand because of that thunderbolt, but it could still fight.

"Use Agility." Dodrio started to run.

"Use Swift Sentret" Luna said. Sentret opened her mouth and shot out a lot of stars. The stars kept on hitting Dodrio, preventing it from running. "Now Thunder." She said. Sentret fired a thunder at Dodrio and this time Dodrio fainted.

"That Sentret of Luna's is amazing." Misty commented on it.

"Well don't forget Misty," Brock reminded her, "that Sentret is feisty."

"Now Falkner only has one Pokémon left." Misty said, "And Lu still has all 3 of her Pokémon."

"Yes and I bet I know who that is." Brock said.

Falkner returned Dodrio. "Luna, Dodrio was my second best Pokémon," he said, "now you have to battle my first best Pokémon." Out of the PokéBall came a Pidgeot. "Pidgeot here is my pride and joy."

"I see," Luna said and returned Sentret, "Chikorita you on!" Chikorita appeared ready to battle.

"Huh?" Falkner was shocked she sent in a grass type to battle, "Why would you send in a grass type against a flying type?" He asked.

"You see," Luna smiled, "don't underestimate the Pokémon. Let's go Chikorita use Razor Leaf." She commanded.

"Use agility to dodge Pidgeot." Falkner said he was shocked by the speed of the razor leaf. Pidgeot proofed to be very fast when it flew away to dodge Chikorita razor leaf.

"Wao~" Luna said, "Its fast but not fast as my flying Pokémon yet." She mumbled the last part.

"Use Wing Attack Pidgeot." Falkner said. Pidgeot dived towards Chikorita charging its wing for an attack.

"Now Chikorita use Leaf Storm." Luna said. Chikorita was surrounded by leaf like a tornado and it hit Pidgeot directly making it weak.

"Oh no Pidgeot!" Falkner gasped, he was shocked how a Chikorita learnt a powerful grass type attack.

"Wow." Misty said. "That amazing Chikorita gotten stronger." Brock nodded.

"Of course she didn't," Tomo said, "Big sister had Vena and Venusaur to be her teacher." He remembered when Chikorita was edger to learn new moves and speed.

"Now Pidgeot use Gust." Falkner said. Pidgeot flapped its wings very fast and created large gusts of wind to blow Chikorita away.

"Chikorita use Leaf Storm to counter it!" Luna shouted. Chikorita use leaf storm again and countering the gust attack making it separate the gust into pieces.

"Incredible the Leaf Storm blocked the Gust attack." Misty said impressed by the counter.

Brock nodded, "Yes impressive."

"Yes go big sister go!" Tomo cheered.

"Okay Chikorita use Energy Ball." Luna said. Chikorita was just about to shoot a green energy orb at Pidgeot, when Falkner quickly commanded his Pidgeot to use quick attack.

Luna had to think fast, or she would have been in trouble. "Use your vines to dodge Chikorita." She said. Chikorita used her vines as a springboard to jump, before Pidgeot could hit her with quick attack.

"Get onto Pidgeot's back. Use your vines to keep on hold." Luna said, Chikorita managed to land on Pidgeot's back and held on tightly wrapping its vines around Pidgeot neck.

Falkner was surprised by this. "Quick Pidgeot," he said, "shake Chikorita off."

"No you don't," Luna said, " Chikorita use Magical Leaf and Razor Leaf." Chikorita had leaves appeared and strike Pidgeot close range same as razor leaf. Pidgeot was completely weaken from that attack and fell to the ground in defeat.

"Pidgeot is unable to battle," said the referee, "the winner is Chikorita. So this means that Luna Mew Light wins the Gym Battle."

"Yes we did it!" Luna cheered happily.

Luna and Chikorita gave each other a big hug for their victory. Tomo, Misty and Brock congratulated them.

"You were awesome!" Tomo said.

"I agree with Tomo there." Misty said.

"You've done a great job training Sentret, Mareep and Chikorita." Brock commented.

Falkner walked over to Luna. "Luna you gave me a great Gym Battle," he said, "and I especially liked your strategies. So I now give you the Zephyr Badge."

The Zephyr Badge was silver coloured, in the shape of a pair of wings.

Luna thanked Falkner and placed the badge in the inside of her case. 'My first Johto badge,' she thought, 'and only another seven more to go.' She couldn't wait to earn the seven badges she needed.

The gang said goodbye to Falkner and headed to the Pokémon Center to rest, so that they could leave Violet City tomorrow.

11/09/2015- Edited

1. I do have an idea of Luna meeting Ho-oh face to face at Ecruteak city, but she won't catch it. A interesting twist will happen. But before meeting Ho-Oh, a little accident happen to Luna she had something inside of her that would react sometime. You'll find out later on.

2. I got the idea of Primo from the Pokémon heart gold DS game.

3. Luna will have her Kanto Pokémon helping her Johto region train.

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