Chapter 1: Starter Pokémon! PokéDex?

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Beep... Beep... Beep

The sound of an alarm clock woke Luna and Infernape up with a start, well except for Pichu who is still asleep. She stretched her arms and legs out and out of of bed to get ready for her journey.

"It's a good thing that I set my alarm clock around six in the morning or I would have off slept in." Luna said with a yawn. she turned her head to Infernape who was also awake, "Morning Infernape." She smiled.

"Infer, Infernape."

"Pi-Pichu." Pichu tirelessly said.

"*laughs* Morning to you too Pichu. Now time to get dress." Luna said.

She took of her pyjamas and put on her clothes, her clothing was a three quarters white sleeve on her right and left was longer reaching her up to her fingers and showing a bit of her skin with a black singlet inside with a light blue hoodie vest that reach past her waist a bit covering her belt, dark blue skinny jeans, a dark red sash around her waist and a loose belt around her pants, she was wearing brown boots (simple boots not heels so they are easy for her to walk and run). She was also wearing a chocker with feather charm, a sweat red sweat band on her right with a light green bracelet, she also had a pair of red crystal rain drop earrings on.
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After checking everything was in place Luna ran downstairs with Pichu on her shoulder and Infernape following behind.

Julia was in the kitchen making breakfast when Luna and her Pokémon entered. She made toast, bacon and eggs for breakfast and some sandwiches for the beginning of her journey.

"Morning mum." Luna said with a smile.

"Pi, Pichu!" Pichu said excitedly.

"Infer, Infernape!" Infernape said excitedly as well.

"Morning dear, Pichu and Infernape too." Julia replied with a smile. "Ready for your journey Luna?" She asked.

"Yep!" Luna chirped, "All set and ready to go."

"Are you choosing a Starter Pokémon or your having Pichu as your starter Luna?" Julia asked.

"I don't know yet, I'll probably make up my mind when I get there." She answered.

After finishing breakfast Luna ran to Professor Oak laboratory with Pichu on her shoulder, Infernape stay home because she would attract attention to trainers when they see her.

In her mind she was thinking which Pokémon to choose, their are three choices;

One was a Squirtle, Squirtle was a small Pokémon that resembles a light blue turtle. It had two short legs, large brown eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet had three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curled inward and its body is encased by a tough shell. This shell was brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and had a thick white ridge between the two halves.

Second was a Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur was a small, quadruped Pokémon with green to bluish-green skin and darker green patches. It had red eyes with white pupils and sclera and pointed, ear-like structure on top of its head. Its snout was short and blunt, and it had a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth was visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ended with three sharp claws. On its back was a green plant bulb.

The last one was a Charmander, Charmander was a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with an orange body, though its underside and soles are cream-colored. It had two small fangs visible in its upper and lower jaws and blue eyes and its arms and legs are short with four fingers and three clawed toes. A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail.

Luna was thinking hard, choosing one out of three is a hard choice for her.

Soon Luna arrived at Professor Oak's Lab, she rang the door bell and there at the door was Professor Oak, he was an early man with grey brown hair and eyes, wearing a red shirt with a white lab coat over the top.

"Morning Professor Oak." Luna greeted.

"Ah! Morning Mew. Happy Birthday!" Professor Oak greeted back. "Your early not that I mind through."

"Yes, sorry Professor. It's that I through that it would be easier for me to pick." She answered. "Just in case I might take a while to pick a Pokémon."

"I see, no worries." Professor smiled and saw Pichu, "Good to see you again Pichu." He patted her.

"Pichu~!" Pichu happily said.

"Come on in." He said as Luna entered.

Professor Oak led her into his research room of his lab, the research room was where Professor Oak kept his machinery for researching Pokémon and where he stalked the start Pokémon for new Pokémon Trainers.

"Well Luna, what's your choice?" He asked, "Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle." He than pointed to Pichu, "You can have Pichu as your starter."

"I'll have Pichu as my starter Pokémon Professor." She replied and he nodded.

Luna was looking than she saw a fourth PokéBall in the centre of the three, it had a lightning mark on it. She was curious about it, "Say Professor, what Pokémon is in this one?" Luna said as she pointed towards it.

"Pichu?" She titled her head.

"Oh, that well, that's a Pokémon that I caught yesterday." Professor Oak replied.

"Oh, can I have a look at it?" She asked.

"Yes you may, but please be careful." He answered, "That Pokémon is rather a feisty and bit bad tempered Pokémon. But if you like it you can have it as well."

She nodded as Pichu was sitting on her head interesting to see what comes out of the fourth PokéBall as well.

Luna opened up the PokéBall and it popped out a what seemed to be a big version of Pichu, it was covered in yellow fur, and its ears were long and pointed with black tips. It had a small mouth, brown eyes, and two red circles on its cheeks. There were pouches inside its cheeks where it stores electricity. Its forearms was short, with five fingers on each paw, and its feet had three toes. It also had two brown stripes on its back, and its tail was in the shape of a lightning bolt with a patch of brown fur at the base.

"Pika." It said.

Luna and Pichu eyes sparkled in excitement, "Hey it's a Pikachu the evolved form of Pichu." She said.

"Pipipichu~!" Pichu said whiling hopping on her head and fell into Luna arms.

"Yes it is." He said, "I caught it when I saw it was eating the electricity in my lab."

Luna bend down into her knees to speak to Pikachu with Pichu in her arms now. When she saw Pikachu sparks from his cheeks, Luna knew she had to be careful she had read about electric currents and knew that they can be very sensitive even though Pichu zapped her a couples of time during training by accident to aim properly.

"Hello there," Luna said with a smile, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Luna Mew Light and this is my friend and partner Pichu."

"Pichu~" She waved happily in excitement seeing another electric type.

Pikachu looked at her in amazement how she isn't afraid of him and seeing another one of it kind happily in the human arms. And her middle name is named after the creator of Pokémon Mew.

"Well, you see my dream is to become a Pokémon Master and you see Pichu looks happy to see another of its kind, I'm wondering if you like to come with us." Luna said, as she shifted Pichu to her head, "But if you don't want to I won't force to come."

Pikachu stared quietly at Luna and Pichu for a few seconds and happily jumped onto her shoulders with a smile.

"Pika~" Pikachu replied with a nod.

Professor Oak was amazed that Luna was able to befriend quickly but then again she was always loved by Pokémon and that's why her middle name is 'Mew'. Ever since she was six she would always come to the lab and check out all the Pokémon's that were there no matter what type and size they were she was loved by all she even draws and added details to her drawing she was quite a talented artist for her age.

"Well Mew my girl," Professor Oak said, "I take that you want Pichu as your starter and Pikachu as a catch Pokémon right?"

"Yes Professor I do." She replied happily seeing Pichu and Pikachu both chatting happily to each other.

"Alright, here is the PokéBall that is Pikachu and here are 5 PokéBalls for your Pichu and Infernape as well." He stated as he handed her 5 empty red and white balls. When Pikachu saw them he shook his head same as Pichu.

"I'll take it that you hate PokéBall right?" She asked.

"Pichu!" "Pika!" They both replied.

"Alright if Pikachu doesn't want to I won't force you and Pichu I already had the feeling you hate it but just go in for a second for me to catch you."

"Pichu." She whined and nodded. Luna tap Pichu with the PokéBall and it opened capturing Pichu and it ding, Luna smiled and opened it back out showing a dizzy Pichu she sweat dropped along with the Professor.

"Pipipichupichu!" (I hate that thing!) She said unhappily.

"Okay Pichu I got it, but at least you won't be in it anymore." Luna stated and Pichu hopped back onto her shoulders.

"And here is a gift for you." Saying as he took out a large wristwatch- like device with the colours pink, light blue and white snowflakes patterns on it, presenting it to Luna. She looked at it with Pichu and Pikachu looking confused at it.

"Huh?" "Pichu?" "Pika?" They said at the same time which made the Professor laugh.

"This is something that has been created as a combined project between me and Professor Juniper. It is based on my own PokéDex and the Unova region's Xtransceiver along with my friend Bill's Pokémon storage and Transfer System, the Xtreme-Dex or X-Dex for short." He explained to Luna.

Luna was surprised and amazed how much work they put in a single device. "But what does it do Professor?"

The Professor smiled smugly before saying, "Well you see it can function as a PokéDex that can scan any Pokémon, not just that of Kanto for example your Infernape who is normally location in the Sinnoh Region. It will also record any Pokémon you encounter on its own using its own intelligence. Beside, it will also allow you to hold four video conversations at the same time and also displays a map of the region you are in. Finally, it can also transfer your Pokémon to my ranch, so if you want an urgent Pokémon transfer, you can call me on it, and I can send the Pokémon to you, even if you are not in the Pokémon Centre. But the best part is that it has Artificial Intelligence and can give you information on any Pokémon subject in it's database if you ask it." He finished a laugh at her expression.

Luna eyes widen at the device seeing and understanding how much work they put in the device. "Wow Professor, that is a amazing device. But why are you giving this to me as a gift?" She asked.

"You see Luna, this is only a prototype and Professor Juniper and I decide to to give it to you." He answered, "You see I explain to Professor Juniper about you and how that your intelligence for a child your age and she through about it and decide that you would be a great candidate for it. And we both decide that you can keep it, saying it a thank you gift for working so hard taking care and visiting the Pokémon at the ranch all the time." He finished.

"Really so it's mine to keep?" She asked and he nodded, "Thank you so much Professor and to Professor Juniper as well." Luna said happily as she gave a hug to the old man. "But will Gary and the other trainers get one as well." She asked.

"No, they won't. You see you helped me around the lab a lot even though you didn't really have experience of it but you still took care of all the Pokémon for me as well when I was busy." Professor Oak stated and she nodded in understanding.

Than she through about it, "But Professor wouldn't Gary and the other be jealous about how I got a device from you and they didn't." Luna said in worry knowing the attitude of Gary saying it's unfair.

"Don't worry Luna I already through about it," he said and she looked at him, "you see you'll also have your other PokéDex as well as the X-Dex. When Gary is around you, you can use your normal PokéDex for scanning and the data from it will also transfer from the PokéDex to your X-Dex, it also works the other way around. Great isn't it?" He asked as he handed her a red PokéDex and she nodded happily.

"Yeah it is and good thing that my left arm is a long sleeve or else I can't cover it." Luna said happily and Professor Oak agreed.

"Alright let's start the progress shall we." He said and Luna nodded as he put the device on her left wrist.

It powered up, [Assimilating DNA. Assimilation is complete. Hello, I am Dexter or a mobile Pokémon Encyclopaedia, Video Phone, Virtual Map, Pokémon Transfer System and a Advisor for the Pokémon Trainer Luna Mew Light. If lost or Stolen, I can teleport back to my owner.] It said in a female monotone voice.

Professor Oak brought Luna's PokéDex near the X-Dex and it powered up again, with the female monotone drone saying, [Downloading data from PokéDex. Download Complete. Trainer Luna Mew Light possess three Pokémon, Pichu, Pikachu and Infernape. Congratulations Luna, three of your Pokémon are unusual and Powerful for their species.] It finished and Luna looked at it excited.

"Awesome this is so cool." Luna said, "Right guys?"

"Pichu~" "Pika~"

"Awesome." She grinned. "Thank you so much."

"Your welcome my girl. The help you have given me over the last few years." He explained and she looked at him confusing, "Due to your close bond with the Pokémon in my ranch and wild Pokémon helped me greatly in my studies main field research, as well as the studies on unique Pokémon as been very popular example would be Pichu." She looked at Pichu and she titled her head questionably.

"Because your Pichu is able to uses high level moves such as Hyper Beam and Focus Punch which it can only learn when it reach the full evolution form of it but your Pichu was able to learn, so there no need to thank me my girl. Now I have to give you something else it's about the limited Pokémon that you can carrying, seeing that you have a close bond with three of your Pokémon I'm giving you permission to carry 10 full team Pokémon." Luna was shock and he handed her a card.

He told Luna to scan the card with Dexter, so she did. Dexter voice came out, [Luna Mew Light. You may have permission to carry a full team of 10 Pokémon with you, which can increased indefinitely under the discretion of your supervising Pokémon Professor.]

Luna was surprised for the uncountable of times this day. Finally slapped herself out of it, she shouted "Thank you, thank you, thank you so, so much Professor! I can't thank you enough properly!!"

The Old Professor laughed at the young girl's enthusiasm, before saying, "You can repay me by doing your best out there on your journey and the gyms."

"Of course Professor you can count on me and my Pokémon." Luna said with a confidence voice and adult like.

"Bye now, I hope you have fun and enjoyed your journey and research adventures my girl." As he handed her 5 more PokéBalls.

"Yep!" She chimed, "Pichu, Pikachu come on we got to go and get Infernape and also say bye to mum." She called out to the two electric mouses. They ran and hopped onto her shoulders. "Bye Professor and thank you so much. Oh, and don't forget to tell Professor Juniper that I said thank you for the gift." With that she left.

"Don't worry I will tell her and I know that I can count on you." He said to her when she left, "Your middle name is Mew after all, so anything is possible for you." He smiled.

After Luna got her starter Pokémon and a PokéDex she headed home to get Infernape and say goodbye to her mum also her backpack, "Wait till mum sees you Pikachu." She looked at Pikachu, "She'll find you adorable like Pichu and you'll love her."

"Pika." Pikachu replied.

Just as Luna was walking towards her house a red car came up to the lab. The boy had mahogany hair and black eyes and wore a long-sleeved purple shirt, a black necklace, dark blue pants and shoes.

It was Luna's old friend and rival Gary Oak, Professor Oak grandson. "Hey there Lulu-boy." Gary said, "Going home? So you decide to chicken out on becoming a Pokémon Trainer huh?" He taunted.

"Actually Gary I already have my starter Pokémon." She replied calmly unaffected by his words but Pichu was angry, "I have Pichu as my starter and Pikachu is my second 'third' Pokémon I got." She pointed at Pikachu and patted Pichu head to calm her down. "And also Gary yes I am going home, to say goodbye to my mother before I leave."

"Well whatever." Gary snorted, "My Pokémon's will be strong than yours." Then he went to the lab to get his Pokémon from his grandpa lab.

"We'll see about that Gary, you know nothing about my Pichu and Infernape strength." Luna stated after he left.

Back at home Julia was waiting for Luna with Infernape, when she saw her coming up the path. "Got your Pokémon dear?" She asked.

"Yep!" Luna replied, "I got Pichu as my starter and Pikachu as my second Pokémon from Professor Oak." She said before point d towards her mum and Infernape, "Pikachu I like to meet my mum and my second Pokémon friend Infernape."

"Pika~" Pikachu said which meant 'Hello'.

"Infernape." She replied back.

"Ah! How adorable you are just like Pichu!" She squeal and shouted with a gleam in her eyes, she hugged Pikachu gently.

"And guess what mum?"

"Yes dear?" As Julia is still hugging Pikachu in her arms.

"Professor Oak gave me a device like a watch and video call watch." She said happily as she showed her mum the device. "It can also do voice or video calls when not at the Pokémon Centre and that's not all it can also take and send pictures and videos I take or record."

"Wow. That's amazing, you better take care of it." She told her motherly voice.

"Of course I will and that's not all. Professor Oak also gave me permission to carry a full team of 10 Pokémon." She said happily.

"What?!" Julia yelled out in shock of what she just heard her daughter said, "No way! My sweet daughter got permission from the Professor Oak to carry 10 Pokémon on her!" Than she hugged Luna tightly, she knew that she would one day get it for her being a 100% Pokémon lover and trainer but she was quiet observant for a child her age pointing out things not even beginning assistant wouldn't to be able to point out.

"Congratulations Luna!" Julia hugged and kissed her forehead, "Now remember to help Professor Oak." She said as she handed back her Pikachu and Infernape walked over to her side.

Luna nodded, "Of course mum I will." She answered and Julia handed her backpack with her things inside. "Thank you mum." She hugged her.

"No worries I'm so proud of you my dear." Julia said as she looked at all her Pokémon. "Now I want you all to look after each other okay."

"Yes!" "Pi!" "Pika!" "Infer!" They all replied happily.

"Bye Luna, I packed some food for you and your Pokémon." She said as she hugged Luna's Pokémon, "Be careful on your journey and keep out of trouble."

"Yep! Bye!" Luna walked as she put on her backpack onto her back with Pichu and Pikachu both on her shoulders and Infernape walking beside her, setting of on her journey.

25/08/2015 - Edit

Yes as you notice that I change it a lot by adding a bit more detailed.

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