Chapter 18: Cinnabar Island! Mermaid Misty!

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After catching a ferry, the gang were finally at Cinnabar Island.

Todd wasn't with them anymore; he took a path for the mountains to find more Pokémon to photograph.

"It says that Cinnabar Island is a tourist attraction," Brock said, "there is a hot springs there."

"Really?" Misty said excitedly, "Can we take a hot spring?"

Luna saw no problem with that. "I want to take a break as well, before heading off to the Gym." She said.

"And here," Brock said, "I can get my fossils restored." He remembered Professor Oak telling him that there was a Pokémon lab on Cinnabar Island that restored Pokémon Fossils.

When they docked on Cinnabar Island, they headed for the Pokémon Centre right away. Luna had her Pokémon checked out she wanted to make sure her Pokémon were ready for the Gym.

Tomo was with her, he liked staying by his sisters side.

Misty went to book for a hot spring and Brock headed to the Pokémon lab.

"Okay," Luna said, "let's ask where the Gym is?"

Just then a hippie came up to Luna, "You looking for the Gym?" He asked.

"Yes I am do you know where it is?" Luna asked.

"The Gym Leader Blaine built his Gym in a firey place where firefighters would never win." The Hippie said. Then he left.

"What did that man mean?" Tomo asked Luna.

"What that man said was a riddle Tomo," Luna said, "but I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that one. We'll ask the others later."

The gang met up again at the hot springs and soon they were relaxing in the baths.

"This was a great idea Mist." Luna said.

"I thought we could use a nice relaxation after all that we've been through." Misty said.

Pichu and Pikachu and Togepi were enjoying it too. Luna also let her Zorua, Plusle and Minun out of their PokéBalls since they are not battling. Tomo's Growlithe wasn't in the hot spring. As it was a fire type it didn't want to get wet, so Tomo placed him in Nurse Joy's care.

"Hey Brock," Luna said, "did you give your Fossils to the Pokémon lab?"

"Yes I did," Brock answred, "and the Professor said that I will be getting Kabuto and Omanyte tomorrow."

"We can collect them after the Gym Battle." Luna said, she then told the others about the hippie and the riddle.

"That would be a volcano." Misty said.

"Misty's right," Brock said, "a volcano's lava is something that a firefighter would never be able to put out, no matter how much water is used."

"I know the Gym Leader uses Fire Types," Luna said, "but isn't that a bit over the top for a Gym?"

"Well I must say I wouldn't put up a gym in a volcano," Brock explained, "but sometimes Gym Leaders like to make their gyms look suitable for what ever type of Pokémon they use. Like my Gym is full of rocks and boulders because we use rock Pokémon."

"That's right," Misty also explained, "remember my gym is like an Aquariam because it's a water Pokémon Gym."

Luna had to agree with that; Erika, the grass gym leader, had her gym look like a greenhouse. Lt Surge had his gym look electrical because of his electric Pokémon. And Sabrina's gym had psychics as assistants, as her gym used psychic Pokémon.

After finishing with the hot springs, the gang found a room at an inn and fell asleep there.

The next day, the gang went to find the Cinnabar Gym.

The volcano was located at the far back of Cinnabar Island. When they arrived at the volcano, they didn't see anything.

"That's odd," Brock said, "we are at the volcano, but I don't see any gym buildings."

"You don't suppose that the Gyms inside the volcano do you?" Misty asked.

"Only one way to find that out." Luna replied.

There was a cave at the base of the volcano and the gang was just about to check it out, when the Hippie Luna saw yesterday came out of the cave.

"I see that you solved my riddle," The Hippie said, "but before you can battle Blaine you must answer this riddle first. What can keep your head dry in the rain, but you can also where it if you already lost it?"

"Oh Arceus, another riddle. I'm bad at riddles." Luna groaned, "Umm, a wig?" She answered.

"That's correct Lu." Misty congratulate her, Luna looked at Misty confusedly, "A wig can keep your head dry in the rain, but you can also wear it if you already lost your hair."

"You're a smart young lady." The Hippie smiled and he took off his wig, "I am Blaine the gym leader of Cinnabar Gym."

Luna stepped forward, "I'm Luna from Pallet Town," she said, "and I wish to battle you for the badge."

"Follow me." Blaine said.

Blaine led the gang through a tunnel, and then they arrived at the Gym's Battlefield.

"Phew it's hot here." Luna said.

The battlefield was inside the volcano and everyone could see lava flowing around.

"Do excuse me," Brock said, "but wouldn't gym battles make this volcano erupt?"

"No need to worry," Blaine said, "I make sure that this volcano never erupts. Well Luna it's time to battle and this will be a 3 on 3 Pokémon battle."

"I got it." Luna said.

So the Gym Battle began, Blaine's first Pokémon was Ninetails. Luna sent out Blastoise.

"Ninetails use Flamethrower." Blaine commended and Ninetails launched a powerful flamethrower towards Blastoise.

"Douse the flames with Hydro Pump." Luna said and Blastoise hydro pump turned Ninetail's flamethrower into steam.

"Use Fire Spin." Blaine said. Ninetails flipped and launched a powerful fire spin against Blastoise.

"Use Rapid Spin and Hydro Pump."Luna said, Blastoise withdraw into his shell and spun around releasing the hydro pump attack from the inside cancelling the fire spin and Ninetails got hit by Blastoise hydro pump. "Alright now finished it with Skull Bash." Blastoise charged at Ninetails and hit Ninetails body with a skull bash diresctly. Ninetails screeched in pain and fainted.

Blaine returned Ninetails, "I must say Luna I'm impressed by your battling techniques," he said, "but I am not finished yet." His next Pokémon was Rhydon.

Luna returned Blastoise and sent out Milotic, "Use Aurora Beam." Luna said, Milotic's multicolored beam headed for Rhydon.

"Dodge and use Tackle." Blaine said. Rhydon dodged to the side and began to charge at Milotic at a fast speed.

"Woah, that Rhydon is fast," Luna said, "we need to slow it down." Then she got an idea quickly, "Use Ice Beam on the battle field." Milotic's ice beam turned the battlefield into an ice rink. Rhydon started to panic, it didn't like the ice and as the ice was slippery it had trouble trying to stand its ground. "Now use use Dragon Tail follow it up with Dragon Pulse." This time Milotic's dragon tail and dragon pulse both hit Rhydon and it fainted.

Blaine recalled Rhydon, "I have to say Luna you are one impressive trainer," he said, "but now I introduce you to my no. 1 Pokémon."

Blaine's last Pokémon was a Pokémon that looked like a bipedal Pokémon with a red body that has yellow flame designs on it. A row of red spikes runs down its back, and there are two lumps on its forehead with a flame on top of each one. It has a puckered, yellow beak and small eyes. Its thighs are yellow, and it has red feet with two, clawed toes each. Its arms are covered in rigid, red scales and it has red hands with five, clawed fingers. It has black, metal shackles on its neck and ankles. At the tips of its yellow tail is a flame.

"That's a Magmar." Luna said.

Magmar, the Spitfire Pokémon.
The evolved form of Magby. Its body is like a furnace, making Magmar a living inferno. It has been discovered only near active volcanoes.

Luna returned Milotic and hand another PokéBall in her hand, "Since you've introduced me to your strongest fire Pokémon," Luna said to Blaine, "I thought that you'll like to meet one of my Strongest Water type." Luna toss the PokéBall on the battle field showing revealing a Shiny Red Gyarados, "I like you to meet Triton."

"Grrr!" Gyarados roared.

Blaine was amazed by the Shiny Gyarados she had, "Amazing Gyarados you got there." Luna smiled, "Fine with me." Blaine chuckled. He was enjoying this match more than Luna, "Magmar use Flamethrower." Magmar shot a flamethrower towards Gyarados.

"Hit that Flamethrower with Aqua Tail." Luna said, Gyarados shot a stream of spiralling water around its tail and whipped the flamethrower away with it.

"Fire Blast." Blaine commanded.

"Counter it with Water Pulse." Luna said. When the fire blast and water pulse collided with each other, steam flew everywhere, "Use Rain Dance." She said and Gyarados fired a light blue orb from its mouth and rain clouds appeared, making it rain. Magmar flinch because he didn't like the rain. "Now use Hydro Pump."

Thanks to rain dance, Gyarados' hydro pump became stronger and not only did it make Magmar feel pain, it made it fainted.

Luna was the winner.

Blaine returned Magmar and walked over to Luna who was rubbing Gyarados' head, "I have to say Luna," he said, "of all the trainers I battled in the past, you are the best. You gave me the best Gym Battle I've ever had in years."

"I thought this was a great battle as well." Luna smiled.

"I have one more riddle for you," Blaine said and Luna face paled knowing that she is bad at riddles, "What's hot, but doesn't burn anybody?"

"Is it the Volcano Badge?" Luna guessed.

"Bingo!" Blaine chuckled and handed Luna the Volcano Badge.

The Volcano Badge was in the shape of a flame.

After bidding farewell to Blaine, the gang was waiting for a boat to leave Cinnabar Island.

Brock got his Kabuto and Omanyte from the Pokémon lab and he was very happy to have two new rock type Pokémon.

"Now I just need one more badge." Luna said looking at her seven badges. She had kept them pinned inside a case that she made.

"Where are you going to get the last badge from?" Tomo asked Luna.

"I can get it in Viridian City." Luna answered, "Its close to Pallet Town." So the gang's next destination was Viridian City.


The gang were on the way to Viridian City, so Luna could get her eighth badge.

Luna was polishing her seven gym badges, Tomo was playing with Pichu, Pikachu and Growlithe and Brock was drinking from his water bottle.

Misty was checking out her six Pokémon, to see if they were all right.

But Seel was looking a bit unhappy, "Hey something's wrong with Seel." Misty said worriedly.

Brock examined Seel, "I think Seel wants to swim in something bigger than a fountain." He said.

"But we aren't anywhere near any oceans and lakes." Misty said.

Then Misty had an idea, "We can take Seel to Ceruleam Gym."

"That's a good idea," Luna said, "after all your gym does have an enormous swimming pool."

"I'll contact my sisters and let them know that I'm coming home." Misty said.

So the gang headed out to Cerulean City, before heading out for Viridian City.

Misty was happy to see the Cerulean Gym again when they got there.

"It looks like my sisters have been taking good care of it." Misty said.

Just then Tomo saw a poster on a billboard, "Look at that." He said.

The poster was a picture of a mermaid with water Pokémon surrounding her.

"Looks like my sisters are putting on another one of their shows." Misty said.

Luna took a good look at the mermaid, "Hey Mist," she said, "but doesn't she look a bit like you?"

Misty looked at the mermaid, "I think you're right Lu." She said.

When they entered the Gym, Misty's sisters were happy to see Misty.

"Thank goodness you're here." Daisy said.

"We thought you would never get here." Lily said.

"You made it here just in time." Violet said.

Misty was puzzled by this, they had never welcomed her home like this before and the sisters greeted Luna, Brock and Tomo as well.

Misty went straight to the pool and took out Seel, "There you go Seel," she said, "enjoy a swim in there."

Two more Seel popped out of the water and greeted Misty's Seel.

Misty saw all the other water Pokémon were doing okay. She saw her Finneon, Tentacruel swimming around with the two Tentacool she had captured, her Gyarados with three Magikarp, Cloyster with four Shellder, Seadra with Horsea, Vaporeon, Golduck with Psyduck, Seaking with three Goldeen, Kingler with two Krabbys, two Slowpokes and Lapras.

To Misty surprise she saw three Poliwags with two Poliwhirls and two Poliwraths. "Some of the Poliwags I caught evolved." she smiled.

Just then her sisters came in.

"Come on Misty," said Daisy, "we need to get ready."

"Ready for what?" Misty asked.

"Our water show of course." Lily said.

"I see," Misty sigh, "so what am I doing? And who's playing the mermaid?" She asked.

"You are Misty." Daisy, Lily and Violet said in unison.

Misty gasped, "What?" She couldn't believe it.

In the lobby Daisy explained everything, "The truth is," she said, "our water shows aren't as popular as they used to be."

"That's right," Lily said, "the stadium has been nearly empty for a while."

"So we decided to do something new," Violet said, "we decided to do our shows underwater."

"And before you called us," Daisy said, "we decided to make you the star of our show."

"What? But I'm not a Water Ballerina," Misty said, "and I can't believe you did this without my permission."

"Sorry Misty," said Lily, "but we had already advertised you and the tickets are already selling out."

"And the people will be disappointed if you don't do it," said Violet, "not to mention our first performance is tomorrow."

Misty sighed she didn't want to do this, but she knew that she couldn't refuse, "Fine, I'll do it." she gave up.

"Then let the rehearsals begin." Daisy cheered happily.

The under water show was called 'The Magical Mermaid'.

The story was that the mermaid was happily swimming with her water Pokémon. Then two evil pirates grab her and demand she give them all her water Pokémon. Then a handsome prince comes to save the day and he and the mermaid all in love and they lived happily ever after with the water Pokémon. Misty was the mermaid, Violet and Lily played the evil pirates and Daisy was the handsome prince. The four sisters took the rest of the whole day getting everything ready for tomorrow.

They rehearsed the whole show and got all the costumes and props ready.

The next day was the day of the performance. A big crowd of people had turned up to watch the show. Daisy, Lily and Violet were happy by this, this crowd was the biggest crowd they had ever seen.

Luna, Brock and Tomo had seats too and Brock was looking after Togepi.

Soon it was time for the show to begin. Daisy, who was taking the tickets, had pre-recorded her voice for the narration.

Then Cerulean Gym's enormous pool rose up from the floor to nearly all the way up to the ceiling; that way the audience could see what was happening underwater.

The audience gasped at the clever effect. And then the show lights dimmed; it was now the start of the show.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, peaceful lagoon that was home to all sorts of water Pokémon.

A show light showed some of Cerulean Gym's Pokémon. There was Misty's Seel, Horsea, three Magikarp, Seaking and three Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie, Wartortle, two Tentacool, a Slowpoke, a Krabby and three Shellder. The others were all in their PokéBalls.

These water Pokémon were the best friends of the Magical Mermaid.

A light shone on Misty, who was standing on a diving board. She jumped into the board and began dancing with Seel and the other water Pokémon.

The audience loved the performance so far.

All day long, the Magical Mermaid would play with the water Pokémon, until late at night.

Misty fell asleep inside a fake clam, while the water Pokémon slept outside the clam. In the clam was a mouthpiece that could help Misty breathe and talk underwater.

Everything was going great so far, but trouble was occurring.

Team Rocket had arrived and they were not only planning to steal the show, but steal all the water Pokémon. They tied and gagged Violet and Lily up and hid them in a locker. Then they dressed themselves up in pirate costumes and got ready for their cue.

The Magical Mermaid and her water Pokémon friends lived a peaceful happy life. But one day two nasty pirates arrived to kidnap all the water Pokémon.

This was Lily's and Violet's cue, but Team Rocket appeared on the diving board instead.

Brock and Luna saw them, "We need to stop them Brock." Luna said.

Luna told Tomo, Pichu, Pikachu, Growlithe and Togepi to stay in the seats and then she and Brock ran to the stage to help.

Jessie and James jumped into the pool and flung a net over some of the water Pokémon. The Tentacools, the three Goldeens, Krabby and two Shellders were caught in the net.

"These water Pokémon are now ours." Jessie said.

"Oh no you don't!" Misty shouted she grabbed the net to try and free the water Pokémon, but Jessie and James were not giving the water Pokémon up without a fight.

The audience were clapping and cheering loudly, they thought all of this was part of the show.

Meowth, who didn't like getting wet, stayed in the balloon that they brought through the roof of the gym.

Just then a handsome prince came to save the day.

Daisy, who was now in her costume, was about to enter, when Luna and Brock ran past her.

"Stay here Daisy," Brock said, "it's dangerous."

Luna and Brock grabbed two mouthpeices and jumped into the pool.

Daisy was confused about this, but she found Lily and Violet in the locker and realised that something was wrong.

Luna and Brock swam towards Misty.

"We are here to help you Mist." Luna said.

Misty was happy to see Luna and Brock and turned to Team Rocket, "If you think that you are going to take my water Pokémon, you are so wrong," she said. "Wartortle, Finneon, Starmie, Seaking and Seel I need your assistance."

Wartortle, Finneon, Starmie, Seaking and Seel got ready to fight.

"Go Arbok." Jessie said. Arbok was ready to fight.

The interesting thing was that Arbok could breathe underwater; even though it wasn't a water Pokémon.

James sent out Weezing, but Weezing couldn't breathe underwater like Arbok, so James returned it at once. Arbok had to fight alone.

"Seel use headbutt," Misty said and Seel butted Arbok with its horn, "Starmie, Finneon and Wartortle use tackle and Seaking use horn attack." The Pokémon hit Arbok with their attacks one by one.

Jessie got frustrated and told Arbok to use poison sting. That was trouble because Arbok's poison sting would spread all around the pool and hit everyone.

But then Slowpoke stopped Arbok with disable. "Thanks Slowpoke," said Misty, "now Seel use aurora beam, Finneon and Wartortle use water gun." Seel fired a rainbow coloured beam at Arbok, Wartortle and Finneon fired a stream of water at Arbok.

A Shellder, that hadn't got caught in the net, swam up to Slowpoke and clamped onto its tail, when Shellder did that, Slowwpoke started to evolve into a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly and a tan muzzle. It has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. On its hands, it has three clawed fingers, and two clawed toes on its feet. There is a Shellder attached to its tail. This Shellder has a gray, spiraled shell with darker spots. There are several spikes across the surface of Shellder, and it holds onto its tail with many sharp teeth.

"Slowbro." It said.

And then Seel, Wartortle and Finneon started to evolve too.

Seel had evolved into a a pinniped Pokémon resembling a sea lion. It has a snowy white, furry body, which renders it virtually invisible in snowy conditions. Its face has two black eyes with no visible sclera, a black button nose and two tusks extending from its upper jaw. It has a streamlined body with two front flippers and a long flowing tail.

"Dewgong, gong!" It said.

Wartortle evolved into Blastoise.


Finneon evolved into a a fish-like Pokémon with dark blue scales. Its eyes are deep pink, and its face and eyelids are light blue. It has two pairs of large pectoral fins that resemble butterfly wings. These fins have wavy, light blue markings around the edges, and the lower pair is longer on the female. There is a band of light blue running vertically around its body. Its tail is long with a deep pink spot at the tip, and it has a pair of light blue pelvic fins.

"Lum." It said.

"Wow," gasped Misty, "not only did Wartortle evolve into Blastoise, but Slowpoke evolved into Slowbro, Seel evolved into Dewgong and Finneon evolved into umm.." She didn't know Finneon evolution.

"That's amazing." Luna said, "That's a Lumineon Mist the evolved form of Finneon."

The audience went wild over the four evolutions.

Even Misty's sisters went crazy.

Tomo had Luna's Red PokéDex with him and looked at Dewgong, Slowbro and Lumineon.

Slowbro, the Hermit Crab Pokémon.
The evolved form of Slowpoke. Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the Shellder on its tail bites down.

Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokémon.
The evolved form of Seel. Its streamlined body has low resistance, and it swims around cold oceans at a speed of eight knots.

Lumineon, the Neon Pokémon.
The evolved form of Finneon. Lumineon lives in the oceans depths. It lures Pokémon by flashing light patterns on its tail fins.

"Wow." Was all Tomo said.

"Time to grab those Pokémon," Jessie said, "let's go Arbok."

"Quick Dewgong use Ice Beam." Misty said. Dewgong fired a stram of ice towards Arbok and Jessie and James, freezing them all in a block of ice in the process. "Now for the grand finale!" Misty called out, "Slowbro blast them away with psychic." Slowbro's eyes glowed blue and sent the frozen Team Rocket and Meowth blasting away with their balloon.

The audience clapped and cheered at the performance.

Luna, Misty and Brock climbed onto a big rock that was in the pool and waved at the audience.

"I hope that you enjoyed the show!" Misty shouted out."

Luna, Brock and Misty met up with Daisy, Violet and Lily backstage. Tomo was there too.

"Wow Misty," said Daisy, "thanks to you, our shows are now popular again."

"Yes and they're sold out for the next six months." Lily said.

"And since you are leaving Misty, Lily and I will take turns playing the mermaid." Violet said.

"Hey Misty," said Daisy, "would you mind leaving Dewgong here?"

"Huh?" Misty said.

"I think you should leave Dewgong here," Brock said, "I mean its happy being in the pool with the others."

"Oh very well." Misty said and handed Dewgong's PokéBall to Daisy.

"And leave Blastoise and Starmie here too," Lily said, "those two will be a big hit in our shows."

So Misty gave Starmie and Wartortle to Violet as well and took some new Pokémon with her. So Misty's six Pokémon were now Staryu, two Poliwags, Togepi, Psyduck and Goldeen.

With bidding farewell to Daisy, Violet and Lily, Misty and the gang left Cerulean City for Viridian City.

31/08/2015- Edited

1. I still think that the Cerulean Gym in the anime didn't have many Pokémon, so I decided to give it all the water Pokémon there are in Kanto.

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