Chapter 19: Viridian Gym! Back to Pallet Town! Training for the League!

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The gang had just arrived at Viridian and Luna was looking forward to battling Viridian Gym.

"I can't believe that I only need one more badge to enter the Indigo League." Luna said. She was staring at her seven badges and remembering each battle like yesterday.

"You sure seem excited Lu." Misty said.

"Of course I am Mist," Luna answered, "I have always wanted to take part in the Indigo League ever since I first saw it on TV as a little kid."

Misty smiled, "It is nice to dream." She admitted.

They arrived at Viridian Gym. The Gym was a light brown building and looked like a Roman temple.

Luna was just about to head for the doors, when her rival Gary turned up, "Hi Luna." Gary said in his cocky voice.

"Gary, what are you doing here?" Luna asked.

"I'm here for a gym battle," said Gary "what are you here for?"

"I'm here to get my eigth badge." Luna said and showed Gary her seven badges in her case.

Gary smirked and showed Luna his ten badges, "I'm battling this gym first." He said and entered the gym.

Luna wanted to enter the gym too, but the guards at the door said that they would only take one challenger at a time, Luna had to wait for Gary to come out for his turn.

Luna sighed, "I think I'll stop by the Pokémon Centre for a while then." She said.

They went to the Pokémon Centre. The Nurse Joy was happy to see Luna and Misty again.

Luna was planning to use Gyarados, Salamence and Kangaskhan for the Gym Battle because she heard the Viridian Gym one of the toughest gym in Kanto. So she had Nurse Joy check them out. She was now having tea in the Pokémon Centre café with the others.

"I just realized that it has been nearly a whole year, since we left Viridian City." Misty said to Luna.

Luna smiled, "Your right," she said, "and it will be my 11th birthday in a couple of weeks too. Wow, we have been travelling for so long, I've lost track a bit of how many days have flown by."

Brock laughed, "That's normal, because it's easy to ignore the fact that time flies by so quickly when you're enjoying your good life." He said.

Just then Luna felt a Psychic aura in the air, "What's wrong big sister?" Tomo asked.

"I don't know," Luna said, "but I'm sensing psychic powers in this city."

"Is it a psychic Pokémon?" Brock asked.

"I'm not sure," Luna replied, "I mean it feels like a psychic Pokémon, but it feels stronger though." The gang were all puzzled by this.

Half an hour later, the gang decided to head over to the Gym again.

When they got there, the guards were no longer there and the Gym sign said 'CLOSED'.

"Something's not right," said Brock, "we need to get into the Gym at once."

Good news was, the gym doors were not locked. The gang barged through the doors, ran through the corriders, until at last they found the battle arena.

To their horror they saw Gary and his two Pokémon Nidoking and Arcanine unconscious on the floor.

Luna ran over to Gary to see if he was all right, "Gary are you alright? What happened?" She asked.

Gary woke up and explained, "The Gym Leader used a Pokémon that I have never seen before," Gary said weakily "and it was so strong that my Pokémon never stood a chance."

Luna grabbed a PokéBall, "Lucario I need you help." She said, her aura Pokémon appeared.

Gary was shocked by Lucario appearances, since he has never seen one before.

"Luna?" Lucario blinked and saw the two heavily injured Pokémon, "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, but I need you to use Heal Pulse to help Nidoking and Arcanine or else they may not make it." Lucario nodded and use heal pulse on them.

Luna focused her auras on the area, 'The psychic waves came from here and it's powerful.' She thought.

Just then they heard laughter.

"Who's there?" Misty asked.

Team Rocket appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Luna asked.

"Our Boss had something to do," Jessie said, "so while his dealing with his business, we are the Gym Leaders at the moment."

Luna eyes widen for a second, 'Then this means Viridian Gym is under the control of Team Rocket.' She thought, 'A bad guy is a Gym Leader great.'

"If you want this badge," Jessie said holding the Earth Badge in her left hand, "you will have to battle me first."

"I accept the battle." Luna said and told Lucario to watch out and look after everyone she even release her Vigoroth and Infernape for back up.

Gary again was amazed by them again, but he didn't say anything.

Just before the battle began, James made two platforms appear on the battlefield, "The trainers will stand on these platforms." He explained.

Luna stood on the green platform and Jessie stood on the red platform.

Jessie threw three PokéBalls. A Machamp, a Kingler and a Rhydon popped out.

Giovanni the real Gym Leader had given them to Jessie.

Luna tossed out Salamence, Gyarados and Kangaskhan.

Gary was shell shocked by all Luna's Pokémon again he had never seen them before expect for Gyarados but it's an odd colour and he realise that she had more than 6 Pokémon on her.

It was now time for the Gym Battle.

The first match was between Machamp and Salamence.

Jessie had Machamp attack Gyarados with karate chop.

When Gyarados got hit but she didn't feel it. But Luna got shocked by the platform all the sudden, she shook of the electric shock.

"What happened?" Misty gasped.

Team Rocket laughed.

"I had the platform rigged so that the Trainer feels all the pain their Pokémon feels." Meowth smirked.

Luna and her Pokémon's got cross, after hearing that, "You dirty low life crooks!" She shouted, "You are that low to not play fair and square!"

Tomo, Misty and Brock were cross too and even Gary thought that this was dirty.

"Fine! If that's how you want to play then it's war!" Luna shouted and her Pokémon's on the field roared loudly in response to their trainer anger.

Misty, Brock and Tomo almost felt sorry for the Pokémon that is battling against them and they know what Luna temper was like and she is not the type to get angry but when someone plays dirty she snaps.

"Gyarados hit Kingler with a Dragon Tail then Thunder it full blast. Salamence Aerial Ace on Machamp then Dragon Pulse. Kangaskhan use Double Hit then Fire Punch on Rhydon." Luna commanded.

Gyarados, Salamence and Kangaskhan hit Kingler, Machamp and Rhydon instantly knocking them out and they all fainted at the same time.

Everyone in the Gym was speechless, Team Rocket was shocked their Pokémon got knocked out quickly with just two attacks.

Gary was shocked even more, Infernape, Vigoroth and Lucario smiled at them all that training pay off, but maybe a bit too much.

Then Jessie got badly shocked, "Ahhhh, What are you doing making me get shock!?" She shouted at Meowth who is in charge of the control.

Jessie became frustrated. She sent out Arbok and Weezing from their PokéBalls.

"Hey you can't use new Pokémon," Misty shouted, "that's against the rules."

"I'm the gym leader," Jessie said cockily, "so I make the rules."

"I see then," Luna said as her front bangs covered her eyes, "Pichu why don't we show them that it not nice to mess with the rules."

Gyarados, Kangaskhan and Salamence moved to the side for the little mouse electric type to take the field.

"Pichu use Agility then Iron Tail." Pichu disappeared and reappeared in front of Weezing hitting it with its Iron Tail, Weezing flew back and crashed into Arbok making it faint quickly and Jessie shocked for the second time, then Pichu appeared in front of Weezing and Arbok angrily.

Tomo, Misty and Brock shivered at the quick defeat of Jessie Pokémon but then cheered for her.

Even Gary thought that Luna was an impressive trainer and a powerful one.

James and Meowth asked Jessie if she was all right.

But of course Jessie was bad tempered because she had lost.

"Hey Jessie," Luna said, "I won so I would like the Earth Badge please."

Jessie refused to give it to her.

Just then Tomo pulled out the remote control, he had Growlithe steal it from Meowth. Tomo pressed a red button. Meowth then revealed that the button Tomo pressed would make the red platform explode, and it did.

Team Rocket blasted away with Arbok and Weezing.

Machamp, Kingler and Rhydon ran away into a back room of the gym.

Jessie dropped the Earth Badge and Luna caught it.

"Finally my eighth badge." Luna smiled happily, Pichu jumped onto her shoulder rubbing her cheek in affection.

Luna and the gang left Viridian Gym. "I wonder why Team Rocket owns a Gym." She said.

"I don't know," Misty said, "but knowing crooks like them, my guess it's for something bad."

Luna, Tomo and Brock agreed.

"Hey I wonder if we will ever see that mysterious Pokémon that Gary saw." Brock said.

"To be honest with you," Luna said, "I have a feeling inside me telling me that we will see that Pokémon one day."

"Where's the Indigo League gonna be held big sister?" Tomo asked.

"Well," Luna answered, "I do know that it will be held at a place called Indigo Plateau, but I don't know where that is. I will have to ask Professor Oak for that."

"Then I suggest we go to Pallet Town" said Brock.

Luna smiled, "I agree with that," she said, "besides it would be nice to be home again and see my mum and the Pokémon too."

So the gang headed for Pallet Town.


When Luna arrived at Pallet Town, her mum was outside the house waiting for her. Before leaving Viridian City, Luna had phoned Julia to let her know that she was coming home.

Julia pulled Luna into a great big hug same as Pichu, Pikachu and Infernape who she let out to see her mum again, "I'm so glad you're home Luna." She said happily, "Pikachu, Pichu and Infernape is good to see again."

"Pichu!" "Pika!" Infernape!" They exclaimed happily seeing Julia again.

"It's nice to be home." Luna said returning her mum's hug.

Luna introduced Misty and Brock to her.

"I'm glad to finally meet you two," Julia said, "and I thank you for taking care of Mew for me."

"My pleasure." Brock said with a smile.

"We had a fun time traveling with Lu." Misty said.

When Julia saw Tomo, she gave him a hug too, "Nice to finally meet you Tomo." She said with a warm smile.

After all the cheerful greeting, Julia and the gang went into the house. Luna saw Persian, Skitty and Chimecho inside the house and greeted them. "I'm glad to see that you three have been doing well." She said.

Both Persian, Skitty purred and Chimecho sang.

Luna walked into the garden that is at the backyard with the gang, the garden looked beautiful and bigger then before.

"Oh, wow it's so pretty." Misty said.

Tomo and Brock agreed it was beautiful with flower tree, berries trees, fruits and vegetables growing and a median size lake it almost look like a forest.

"Hey, look." Tomo said pointing to what he is seeing.

They saw Victreebel, Butterfree, Beedrill and Bellossom tending the garden. Starmie and Staryu are watering the plants, they also saw another Pokémon that is a small, light green bipedal Pokémon. It has three thorns on top of its head, and it has black eyes with long eyelashes. Visible from the back is a small stretch of yellow coloration around its neck much like a collar. There are leaves extending from its shoulders like epaulettes. It has a leaf skirt with a yellow stripe running down the front. It holds a rose in each of its hands, a red one in its right and a blue one in its left.

"Who's that Pokémon?" Brock asked.

"It's a Roselia." Luna answered.

Roselia, the Thorn Pokémon.
The evolved form of Budew. Roselia's aroma can bring serenity, but the thorn in its head contain a vicious poison.

"Wait did it just say the evolved form of Budew." Misty said, "That means that the Budew Lu caught evolved."

"Yeah." Luna said, "Hey everyone it good to see you again." She greeted to them, they all responses with a wave or bow, "The garden sure got bigger than I remembered."

"Yes it did, the neighbourhood helped me making the garden bigger it's like a forest now." Julia said happily, "Oh, Mew thank you for giving me them, I love them and they are a great help to me with the garden."

ust then a a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with a round, white body with a red spot in the middle. Its light pink arms and legs are connected to its body by red spheres. Its knees have small, white coverings. There are red pads on the tips of its white fingers, and its black feet curl upward at the tips. Blue growths extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there are red circles on its cheeks.

"Oh and this is my newest addition, Mr Mime, who I like to call Mimey."

Mr Mime, the Barrier Pokémon.
The evolved form of Mime Jr. By rapidly moving its fingers, Mr. Mime can stop air molecules to create an invisible wall.

"Wow mum," Luna said, "when did you get Mr Mime?"

"I got Mimey a couple of days ago," Julia said, "I was coming home shopping, when I noticed a hurt wild Mr Mime lying out on the path. I took it home at once and helped it become healthy again. Once it was fit enough to leave, it didn't want to leave. So I kept it as my 11th Pokémon."

"I see. That's great Mr Mime, I mean Mimey welcome to the family." Luna said with a smile and Mr Mime smiled back.

Later that evening Julia made a huge meal for the gang, "I figured you four might be hungry, so dig in." She said.

Julia also made some Pokémon food for Togepi, Pichu, Pikachu, Infernape and Growlithe.

"I've been looking forward to your cooking for a long time." Luna said she had always loved her mum's cooking.

Tomo, Misty and Brock were enjoying the meal too.

"So Luna, what are you planning to no now?" Julia asked.

"Well I need to ask Professor Oak where Indigo Plateau is," Luna said, "and since I have a few more months until the Indigo League, I'll use the time left to train."

"What are you going to do for training?" Brock asked in curiously. He knows that her Pokémon's are all at extremely high levels now.

"Well I've decided to train my Pokémon in different habitants," Luna said, "you know like train my water Pokémon in the ocean and train my bug Pokémon in the forest and all that."

"Yeah, I like that idea." Misty said.

Tomo asked Luna if she could watch her train. Luna agreed to let Tomo watch but he has to be careful.

"If you are going to do that," Julia said, "I suggest you all get a good nights sleep tonight, to recharge your energy."

That night Luna was tucked up in bed with Tomo beside her. Pichu, Pikachu, Infernape and Growlithe was in a Pokémon bed that was supposed to be Pichu and Infernape bed, "We are going to be very busy for the next few months," she said to them, "so we are going to need all the rest we can get tonight."

Pichu and Pikachu squeaked at that.

"I can't wait to see you fighting in the Indigo League big sister." Tomo said.

"And I can't wait to participate in it." Luna said.

And soon they were all asleep.


The next day, after having a nice breakfast, the gang walked over to Professor Oak's lab, "Wow, so that's the lab?" Misty said.

"Yep," Luna said, "and this is where I started my journey. It's also where I met Pikachu with Pichu."

Pichu and Pikachu squeaked at that they remembered that day too.

Luna walked up to the door and ding donged on the door bell.

"Who is it?" A voice asked from inside.

"Hi Professor it's me Luna." Luna replied.

Professor Oak opened the door, "Ah, Mew it is good to see you," he said, "and you too Tomo, Misty and Brock. Come on in."

Tomo, Misty and Brock were amazed about how big Professor Oak's lab was.

Luna spotted her Plusle and Minun along with Absol and S.Ditto, "Hey guys." She said as she ran up to them and gave each of them a hug, "How have you all been?" Luna asked and hey response with a call.

After the little reunion of her Pokémon they followed Professor Oak brought them into his living room for a chat. Gary was in there too.

"Hey Gary." Luna greeted.

"Well hi there Luna." Gary said, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Then Gary saw more Pokémon next to her, he recognised the Pulse and Minun, S.Ditto but one Pokémon, it has white fur with a like leaf blade on the side of it head. But he didn't ask about it.

"Here for information about Indigo Plateau." Luna said.

"So am I." He said.

"Before I answer any questions." Professor Oak said, "I have something to speek to you about Mew and Gary." Luna and Gary looked at him in confusion.

Gary and the gang sat down on the living room's couches, Pulse and Minun on her shoulders, Ditto was on her head and Absol was sitting beside her. Pichu and Pikachu was on her lap.

Professor Oak stayed standing up, "Gary and Mew," he said, "as you know that it has nearly been a whole year that you two started your journey. And I must say both of you have made Pallet Town proud and have also become Pallet Town's two top trainers."

"Wow, thanks Grandpa." Gary said.

"Yeah thanks a lot. Hang on a minute," Luna said, "What about the other two trainers that left on the same day as Gary and me?"

"Ah well Mew," Professor Oak said, "those two are still travelling, but they will not be joining you at the Indigo League. The truth is their battling skills do not compare to you two, so they haven't exactly succeeded as trainers."

Luna and Gary looked at each other in amazement, "Now I wish to check some things out with you two." Professor Oak had a computer in his living room and switched it on. "First I want your PokéDex Gary and Mew I want your Xtransceiver please." He said to Gary and Luna.

Gary handed his PokéDex and Luna handed him the Xtransceiver over, Gary was looking at the device in question, "Now according to the research," said Professor Oak, "Luna you have seen over one hundred different Pokémon in this Region and some from other regions too, while Gary has seen only sixty Pokémon."

Luna was amazed by that, but it was true that she had seen all sorts of Pokémon on her journey.

"Next up is that Gary has ten badges and Luna has eight badges," Professor Oak said, "and last of all Gary has caught more than 200 Pokémon and Luna has caught 79 Pokémon from different region together. Which I say is very impressive."

Luna was amazed by the amount of Pokémon she caught and surprise by the amount that Gary had caught, but she didn't care she didn't believe that catching Pokémon like crazy was important.

"Now that is all settled," said Professor Oak, giving Luna and Gary back the PokéDex and Xtransceiver, "the last thing to say is about the Pokémon League at Indigo Plateau."

"Where is Indigo Plateau, Professor?" Luna asked whiling putting on the Xtransceiver back in her wrist.

Professor Oak showed them where it was on a map on the computer screen.

"To get to Indigo Plateau you need to turn west from Viridian City first," Professor Oak explained, "that will be route 22, then you go to route 23 and that is now you get to Indigo Plateau."

Luna and Gary thanked Professor Oak and then Gary left, he decided to head home for a rest.

Luna and the gang walked into the Oak Corral, where all the Pokémon, that trainers caught, were.

Luna released her Pokémon from their PokéBalls; Ivysaur, Infernape, Lucario, S.Kirlia, Scyther, Growlithe, Mantyke and Cubone. Then she called out for her other Pokémon and soon Luna was surrounded by 72 Pokémon.

"Okay everyone," Luna said to all of her Pokémon "we are entering the Pokémon League in 2 months time. During these 2 months we are going to train and make ourselves strong for the Pokémon league. Everyone understand?"

All of Luna's Pokémon roared in agreement.

While Luna was talking to her Pokémon, Tomo was playing with his Pokémon; Growlithe, Tauros, Nidoran couple, Poliwag, Venonat, Cubone, Pikachu, Farfetch'd. Luna gave her Kabuto and Omanyte to Tomo because she had them already and Tomo gave her his Dudou feeling it would be great.

Tomo was feeling very cheerful he had travelled with Luna, caught some new Pokémon friends and learnt how to do Pokémon battles. But one thing worried him, what would he do after Luna finished her journey?

When the gang went back to Luna's house, a big surprise waited for them. Ranger Jenny was there, talking to Julia.

"Ranger Jenny," Luna gasped, "what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I am here to discuss about Tomo." Ranger Jenny said.

Luna began to get worried she had grown very fond of Tomo and saw him like a little brother. 'Does this mean Tomo and I will now be separated from each other?' She thought sadly.

Both Luna, Tomo, Misty and Brock got nervous about what Ranger Jenny was going to say next.

Ranger Jenny took out some papers, "These are adoption papers." She said.

Julia spoke next, "Ranger Jenny told me everything about Tomo's dead parents," she said, "and we came to an agreement."

"I have heard that Tomo has been happy with you Luna," said Ranger Jenny, "and I had decided that Tomo should stay with you permanently." She smiled.

"Which means that Tomo will now be part of our family Luna." Julia said happily.

Luna and Tomo were shocked by this.

"Then this means that you and I will be real brother and sister." Luna exclaimed happily.

Tomo jumped into his sister arms and then ran to Julia his new mum. So it was now arranged; Tomo was now, Tommy 'Tomo' Light.

Ranger Jenny left Pallet Town, happily knowing that Tomo would now grow up with a real family beside him at last.


For the next two months, Luna trained with her Pokémon.

She trained her water Pokémon Blastoise, Golduck, Vaporeon, 2 Gyarados, Krabby, Milotic, Marill, S.Dewgong, Lumineon, Mantyke and Politoed in the ocean at Seafoam Islands, she also trained her Dragonair there as well.

For her rock and ground Pokémon, Gible, Sandslash, Rhydon, Kabutops, Omastar and Aerodactyl trained in the mountains. She also trained, Lucario, Infernape, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Primeape, Absol, Kangaskhan, Charizard, Flareon, S.Ninetails, Rapidash, Growlithe, Cubone, Nidorino, Nidorina, Tauros, Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking there as well.

Beautifly, Butterfree, Parasect, Venonat, Scyther, Sawsbuck, were trained in the forest.

And last of all, Luna trained Pichu, 2 Pikachu, Raichu, Plusle, Minun, Ivysaur, Cresselia, Zorua, S.Ditto, S.Kirlia, Doduo, Pidgeot, Delcatty, Fearow, Gastly, Haunter, 2 Gengar, Arbok, Magnemite, Espeon, S.Umbreon, Jolteon, Salamence and Altaria in the meadows.

Her last two Eevees were both wearing Everstone around their heads because they both wanted to train and evolved into Leafeon and Glaceon. So Luna decided to train them a bit not to much because they were still younger.

Tomo, Misty and Brock had been watching Luna train all the time, and were very impressed with Luna.

"I think Lu is ready for this." Brock said.

"So do I." Misty agreed.

Thanks to all the training, Luna's Pokémon were all ready for the Indigo League.

In the process some of Luna's Pokémon evolved; Ivysaur evolved into Venusaur, Krabby into Kingler, Venonat into Venomoth, Doduo into Dodrio, Marill evolved into Azumarill, Gible evloved into Gabite, Magnemite into Magneton, Rhyhorn evolved into Rhydon and Cubone into Marowak.

Luna also evolved her Nidorina and Nidorino into Nidoqueen and Nidoking by using her Moonstone, Growlithe evolved into Arcanine by using her Firestone.

Apart from training Luna and the gang celebrated Luna's 11th birthday.

They had a party for Luna, with plenty of food and a big birthday cake.

Luna also got presents; new clothes, Pokémon toys and accessories, a new backpack and a book of Legendary Pokémon from Professor Oak.

Luna laugh, "You know what's funny," She said, "I left Pallet Town as a 10 year old, and now I'm back as an 11 year old."

Everyone giggled at that.

Now it was finally time for the gang to head for Indigo Plateau. "Indigo league, here I come." Luna said.

'There is going to be a storm at the Indigo League, watch out for Luna and her Pokémon's.' Misty and Brock thought.

And Luna and the gang headed out for Indigo Plateau.

31/08/2015- Edited

1. I don't know if I should write or type Pokémon's movies. I'm not sure yet???

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