Chapter 25: Murtto and Mandarin Island. Trovitopolosis City Problem!

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Sometime after obtaining a Shiny Snorlax, Luna and the gang arrived at another island on Lapras.

"Hey Tracey," Luna looked at her Pokémon Watcher friend, "what island is this?"

"Ah, this Luna is Murcott Island," Tracey said, "this island is home to all sorts of bug Pokémon."

Misty freaked out when she heard that, "D-d-did you say that b-b-bug Pokémon live here?" Misty stuttered.

"Yes I did, why?" Tracey asked confused by Misty's actions.

Luna tapped Tracey shoulder, "Mist is afraid of bug Pokémon." She whispered to Tracey.

"Okay," Tracey sigh, "well there is a Pokémon Centre here. So we can take Misty there first, then we can explore the island next."

Luna nodded with Tomo.

So Luna and the gang went to find the Pokémon Centre first.

Misty was whimpering the whole way there, she was scared that bug Pokémon would appear in front of her any minute.

Unfortunately for Misty, the gang did spot some bug Pokémon.

They spotted Caterpie, Weedle, Pinsir, Paras Metapod, Venomoth and Beedrill.

Misty kept on screaming whenever she saw them.

Luna, Pichu, Pikachu, Tomo and Growlithe thought that this was getting ridiculous and Tracey found it a bit hilarious.

Suddenly Tomo saw something. It was a Scyther and it was really hurt and covered in cuts and bruises.

"That Scyther is in a lot of pain." Tomo said.

The gang ran over to it at once.

"We need to get this Scyther to the Pokémon Centre at once." Tracey said.

Tracey got out a potion from his rucksack; the potion was to help Scyther a bit until they got to the Pokémon Centre.

Just as Tracey sprayed the potion on Scyther's wounds, Scyther jumped up with fright and got into battle position.

"The stinging from the potion must have startled it." Misty said.

Tracey tried to talk to Scyther to get it to calm down, but it didn't work. So Tracey sent out his Venonat to use sleep powder to put Scyther to sleep, and that worked. Next he took out a PokéBall and tossed it at Scyther, Luna was surprise that Tracey had captured it.

"Scyther is probably going to be cross with me," Tracey said, "but this was the only way."

Luna, Tomo and Misty understood.

When the gang reached the Pokémon Centre, Tracey gave Scyther to Nurse Joy at once.

A few hours later, Nurse Joy came out of the treatment room.

"How's Scyther?" Tracey asked her.

"Well it's very exhausted and needs lots of rest." Nurse Joy said.

"I wonder what caused it to get so hurt like that." Luna said.

"Well I think I might know," Nurse Joy said, "I've dealt with something like this before. You see as you know Pokémon travel in groups and in those groups there is always a leader to guide them. And when it comes to leaders the Pokémon would fight each other for leadership of the group."

"So I take that means that this Scyther was the leader of its swarm?" Tracey asked.

"From the look at it yes," said Nurse Joy looking at the Scyther, "and this Scyther seems to be an old Scyther, so it's quite clear that it got beaten by a younger Scyther."

Meanwhile in the forests, there was trouble.

Team Rocket was in the forest.

"So this is Murcott Island?" Jessie asked.

"Yep," said James, "and its home to all sorts of bug pokemon."

"Imagine how much money we will get with all the bug Pokémon." Meowth said imagining the money.

"So which Pokémon should we go for first?" Jessie asked.

"Well in my opinion," said James, "Scyther is the rarest bug Pokémon to find."

"Yeah and they're said to be the strongest." Meowth added.

"Okay then Scyther it is." Jessie said.

They found the Scyther swarm at once, in a clearing with lots of trees and a big pond.

James brought out a sort of large black card from his kit bag.

"What's this thing?" Jessie asked looking at the larger black card.

"This holds a very sticky net that catches bug Pokémon," said James, "I nicked it from the Team Rocket headquarters."

"You sure know how to gather cool gadgets Jimmy." Meowth smiled

At the time the Scyther were enjoying the sun and had no idea that they were in danger.

James threw the big black card into the air, over the Scyther. Suddenly a big black sticky net sprung from the card and caught all the Scyther.

The Scyther looked like flies trapped in a spider web.

"We did it." Mewoth cheered.

"I'll say," Jessie said, "but won't they be able to slice their way through the net."

"Not really," said James, "these nets have very sticky glue on them and their tough to cut through."

"So now these Scythers are our way to fortune." Meowth smirked.

Back at the Pokémon center, Scyther was having its bandages removed. Suddenly it jolted out of bed. "What's wrong Scyther," Nurse Joy asked rather surprised, "you need to stay in bed."

Scyther ignored Nurse Joy and flew weakly through the window, breaking it.

The gang saw what was happening and ran outside the Pokémon Centre.

Luna saw Scyther, "What's going on?" She asked, "Scyther hasn't recovered yet." Luna frowned.

"Something must be happening in the forest," said Tracey, "and Scyther is going back to the forest to find out what. We better follow it."

Luna, Tomo and Misty agreed and they all followed Scyther.

Meanwhile the Scythers were struggling like mad in the sticky net.

"Okay now to catch them in PokéBalls and send them to the boss." Jessie said.

"Yes, good thing we always take PokéBalls with us just in case" said James.

James was about to throw one at the Scyther, when the elder Scyther turned up and stopped them.

"Scyther, scyther." Scyther said.

"It's telling us to leave them alone." Meowth translated.

"That goes double for us too Team Rocket." Luna said.

"Oh no, the twerps are here." Jessie said.

The gang saw the Scythers in the sticky net.

"That must be why Scyther wanted to come back here." Misty said.

"Scyther, scyther, scyther, scyther, scyther, scyther." Scyther said.

"It said it may not be the leader of the Scyther swarm anymore," Meowth translated, "but it won't let us get away with what we have done." He said.

"Okay then then it's time to fight." Jessie said.

Jessie released her Arbok, Lickitung and her new Pokémon Shellder. James released his Weezing and his two new Pokémon Victreebel and Oddish.

"I'm glad we have these new Pokémon with us." Jessie smiled.


Back in Kanto, James had been thinking.

"You know Jess," said James, "I think we need more Pokémon for ourselves."

"But we've been trying to do that for ages and we never get any new ones from the boss." Jessie said.

"That's why I think we should catch some wild Pokémon for ourselves," said James, "I mean there's no Team Rocket rule that says we aren't allowed to catch wild Pokémon for ourselves."

"Hmm, I like that idea," said Jessie, "besides it would help us on stealing more."

So Jessie and James had agreed to catch more Pokémon.

At that time they were near a beach.

"Let's split up," said James, "then we'll cover more ground."

Jessie looked for wild Pokémon on the beach and James decided to check out a wood near the beach.

James was searching the trees to find good Pokémon when he spotted a Weepinbell and an Oddish.

"Those two will be perfect." James said and had Weezing battle them. After Weezing tackled the Pokémon a few times, James easily captured Weepinbell and Oddish.

Meanwhile Jessie was looking at the ocean and sand to see if any water Pokémon were kicking about. At that point she spotted a Shellder.

"Perfect." Jessie said and used Arbok to capture it.

Jessie and James met up again later and exchanged their news.

"With more Pokémon we will be unstoppable." Jessie smirked.

"I agree." James said.

Sometime after capturing Weepinbell, James borrowed a leaf stone from someone to evolve his Weepinbell into Victreebel.

(Flashback Ends)

"Now to use our new Pokémon's real power," said Jessie, "Arbok poison sting, Lickitung use lick and Shellder ice beam."

"Weezing sludge attack, Victreebel razor leaf and Oddish use petal dance." James said.

Scyther used double team and agility to dodge the attacks. But then, since it was still very weak, he began to collapse from exhaustion.

"Let's help Scyther." Tracey said and released Venonat.

Luna sent out Pichu and Pikachu, Tomo Growlithe and Misty sent out Gloom. She had swapped her Goldeen for her Gloom from Cerulean Gym some time ago.

Venonat used psybeam, Pichu and Pikachu used thunderbolt, Growlithe used flamethrower and Gloom used petal dance to attack Team Rocket together and save Scyther.

In no time at all the attacks sent Team Rocket and their Pokémon blasting off again.

After Team Rocket left Misty had Gloom cut the sticky net with a mixture of razor leaf and petal dance. Then the Scythers went into the pond to wash the glue off themselves.

The new leader of the Scyther swarm thanked the elder Scyther and then flew off with the swarm.

"There they go," said Tracey, "what about you Scyther? Do you want to fly off too?"

Scyther shook its head and stepped towards Tracey.

"It seems to me that Scyther wishes to stay with you Tracey." Luna said.

Tracey smiled, "I agree with that." Then he returned Scyther to its PokéBall. Tracey was happy to catch a new Pokémon.

"Now that's over, can we go back to the Pokémon Centre. Please?" Misty asked kind of like begged. She didn't want to run into anymore bug Pokémon.

So the gang went back to the Pokémon Centre for the night, wondering what they would come across next.


The gang had come to an island called Mandarin Island and were having a break at a café.

Luna wasn't exactly taking a break though, she had been battling trainers for a while.

"It feels nice to take a break from travelling for a while." Misty said taking a sip of tea.

Luna was eating sandwiches, "Yeah, I just hope I will have the chance to take a break before any more Pokémon trainers battle me." She munched.

Tomo was playing with Pichu, Pikachu and Growlithe.

"You know I'm surprise that all of the trainers you battle didn't recognise you Lu." Misty said.

"Yeah and that's a relief for sure." Luna said fixing her hood and glasses, "I love it that way." She continued to eat.

Tracey was reading a paper and noticed something very surprising, "Hey it says here that Lorelei from the Elite Four is here on Mandarin Island." He said.

Luna raised eyebrow in interest, "Really?" She said, "an Elite Four Member is here on this island?"

"What's an Elite Four Member?" Tomo asked.

Luna looked at Tomo and swallowed her sandwich, "Right, I never did explain to you. Well Tomo, the Elite Four are very powerful trainers," she explained, "I've seen the Elite Four battles on TV before. Apparently their strength is stronger than Eight Gym Leaders put together. Do you remember Bruno, the person we meet in the mountains near Pallet Town?"

Tomo nodded.

"Well his an Elite four member who was a Specialist in fight type."

Tomo was amazed by that.

"But big sister you beat one of his Pokémon didn't you?"

"Yes, but its only a one Pokémon battle, but it was strong."

Tracey listened an he couldn't believe that Luna meet and beat an Elite Four Pokémon, Misty knew since Luna and Tomo told them when they came back ten days after training.

"I certainly want to meet Lorelei," Misty said dreamily, "she's a water Pokémon trainer like me. And she knows how to bring out the power of them. She's my idol and hero."

Luna smiled.

"Hero am I?" A voice said behind Misty.

When Misty turned round, to see where the voice came from, she realised that Lorelei was behind her. Lorelei was a beautiful woman, with long purple-red hair, and wore glasses.

Misty was surprised to Lorelei in front of her and nearly lost her words. "I-i-it's nice to meet you Lorelei," she stuttered, "I'm Misty and I'm a water Pokémon trainer."

Luna chocked on her food and grabbed a cup of water that Tracey gave her and drank it down quickly.

Lorelei greeted Misty back and then turned to look at the ocean.

Tracey was about to talk to Lorelei, when she shushed him, "The ocean is so beautiful," she said, "the gentle wind blows like it's speaking and you can feel the salty air on your face. The blue sky and ocean make's this spot the most beautiful place in the world."

From the way how Lorelei spoke, Luna can tell that Lorelei really liked nature.

After listening to Lorelei speaking, she walked up to Luna. "I say it's nice to nice you Luna Mew Light." She said with a smile.

Luna greeted back, "Nice to meet you too Lorelei of the Elite Four." She said with a smile as well and not showing a sign of surprise that she knows who she is.

"I like a request," Lorelei looked at her, "to have battle with you." She said that shocked, Tracey, Misty and Tomo.

Luna was the most shocked, that another Elite Four actually asked for a battle, first Bruno and now Lorelei what next another Elite Four.

"I don't mind and it's an great honour to battle against one of the Elite Four again." Luna said, "But I must ask why all the sudden request."

"I've seen your ability on T.V in the Indigo League and I must say its surprising. You its rare see a trainer so young, to have Pokémon so powerful and strong. Bruno also told us about you battling him and beating him." Lorelei smiled, "You must've work hard to get them strong."

Luna smiled, "Thank you very much Lorelei. I did work hard, but it's the Pokémon ability to get them where there are at now." She said.

"Very well," Lorelei said, "is a 1 on 1 okay with you."

Luna nodded, "Of course." She said.

Lorelei and Luna got to a clearing, so not to break or knock over anything while they battled.

Misty, Tomo and Tracey watched from the side-lines.

Luna picked Absol, while Lorelei picked Slowbro.

'I better not underestimate this,' Luna thought, 'I've seen her Slowbro on TV before and it's a real fighter. But I like to test it's strength and power.' "Okay then Absol Thunder." Absol launched a thunder made the ground cracked because of the amount of electricity in it.

Lorelei was surprised to see so much electric attack released, 'Just like the Bruno said about her Pokémon. "Never ever let your guard down to whatever or underestimate the Pokémon she is using, all of them are at a high level." It appears what Bruno said about her are true.' She thought, 'Luna Mew Light what a dangerous opponent you are.'

Slowbro took a bit of damage.

"Wow and amazing," Tracey said in shock, "Slowbro took a bit of damage from that thunder just then."

"I'm surprised, Slowbro is one of Lorelei's toughest Pokémon," Misty said in disbelief, "I can't believe that it took damage already."

"Big sister is amazing." Tomo cheered.

"Absol use Thunder again." Luna said.

Before Absol could use thunder again, Lorelei gave her Slowbro a command. "Use disable Slowbro." She said. Slowbro's eyes turned blue and stopped Absol in its tracks. Absol couldn't move.

Then Slowbro moved Absol into the air and dropped it with its psychic power but Absol reserve the psychic power landing normally on the ground, "Nice. You trained more with Infernape didn't ya? Luna asked and Absol nodded."Okay let's use Mega Horn." She said and Absol horn grew bigger charging at Slowbro with great speed.

Lorelei had to react quick, "Mega Punch Slowbro." She said. Slowbro's fists turned white and as soon as Absol ran up to it, ready to hit it the mega horn and mega punch collided with each other, Absol added a bit more power to it and made Slowbro mega punch recoiled and he slided back. Absol jumped back landing in front of Luna.

"I must say Luna." Lorelei said, "your a indeed a strong opponent to face." Luna smiled, "Your Pokémon are impressive as well. Slowbro use Water Pulse." Slowbrow launched a blue orb with water following behind.

"Let's go, Absol Razor Wind!" Luna said and Absol horn glowed, she released the razor wind cutting the water pulse attack in half and the razor wind continued aiming directly at Slowbro.

"Use Protect." Slowbro had a green orb protecting it from the attack.

Luna had Absol use feint attack breaking the protect and she commanded to use shadow claw into thunder wave. The shadow claw damaged Slowbro greatly also the thunder wave hit it directly making Slowbro paralysis.

Lorelei told Slowbro to use ice beam, Luna told Absol to use flamethrower to counter the attack collided with each other but Absol flamethrower was powerful that it melt the ice beam and hit Slowbro directly.

Lorelei was about to give it an attack when Absol came and Attack Slowbro dark pulse directly.

'Her Pokémon are indeed not an average level.' Lorelei thought and looked at Slowbro who is panting a lot for the first time, getting hit by the electric and dark attack worn him out and looked at Absol who's breathing is normal like nothing as happen so far, 'After all that powerful attacks her Absol doesn't look close to tiring. I have to finish this battle.' "Slowbro use Heal Pulse." She said.

Luna eyes widen at when she said heal pulse, heal pulse can heal a Pokémon also the Pokémon damage by a bit.

"Sorry but don't think so," Luna announce, "Absol use Agility then Sucker Punch." Absol vanished the appeared in front of Slowbro while it was still healing itself but not enough, Absol hit him directly and sent it flying in the air it was still moving, "Absol quick use Night Slash!" Luna shouted and Absol paw glow black and purple striking Slowbro while it was still in the air directly.

"Slowbrow use Hyper Beam." Lorelei said, Slowbro mouth glowed orange gathering power into the hyper beam attack and fired it at Absol.

Absol launched her claws into the hyper beam head on causing a explosion and gust of wind in the air.

The smoke can down onto the field when the field cleared up to Lorelei, Luna, Tracey, Misty and Tomi surprise and shocked.

Lorelei Slowbro was on the field with swirling eyes fainted and Absol who is still standing tall but with a scratch on her.

The result was clear Slowbro is unable to battle, Absol won that means Luna had beaten Lorelei one of the Elite Four Pokémon, for the second time.

Everyone was quite till Tomo broke it with a cheer, "Alright big sister has won!" He said running over to Luna and tackling her into a hug along with Pichu, Pikachu and Growlithe.

Misty and Tracey was still in shock and disbelief, they couldn't believe it.

"I can't believe it with my own eyes." Tracey said.

"Luna actually defeated one of the Elite Four top Pokémon," Misty continued for him, "and her Absol only got a scratch during that battle. Amazing. Like last time. Now I know about her beating one of Bruno's Pokémon.

Tracey nodded again agreeing with every single word Misty words just said.

"I also can't believe it." Tracey said, "Lu how powerful did your Pokémon become?"

Lorelei who returned her Slowbrow to his PokéBall and walked up to Luna who was hugging her Absol in great full of her battle and retuned her to the PokéBall.

"I must admit Luna you are indeed a powerful trainer." Lorelei smiled, she is not upset about being defeated, "You are a great Pokémon trainer, I could tell in our battle that you have a good relationship with your Pokémon. And your heart and Absol's heart were connected in a way. As long as your relationship with all your Pokémon is strong, I know that you will become a strong trainer in the future. Well your already a strong and powerful trainer." She said.

"Thank you Lorelei for the great battle." Luna said.

Lorelei shook her head, "No Luna, thank you for a great battle I have ever had." She said.

That evening, it was time for Luna and the gang to leave.

They bid farewell to Lorelei and set off on their journey again.


After travelling through what seemed to be a desert, the gang arrived at a city.

"I wonder what city this is?" Luna asked, "It seems deserted."

"This is Trovitopolis City," Tracey said, "it's the largest city ever on west Mandarin City."

"Finally a nice city to rest in." Misty said.

"And a good place for something to eat and supplies." Luna said.

Just as the gang were about to walk over to the city, the ground above them gave way and they fell through a hole into the ground. The reason why that had happened was because Team Rocket had set up a trap to catch Pichu and Pikachu, but of course it failed.

When the gang woke up from being unconscious they realised they were in a tunnel that led to the sewers.

"How in the world did this happen?" Luna asked.

"I don't know," Misty said, "but I want to get out of here."

The gang started to walk to try to find a way out.

"Trying to get out of here won't be easy," Tracey said, "sewers have many twist and turns like underground tunnels do."

Just then Tomo spotted something in the underground river. "What is that?" He asked.

t seemed to be two big vines shooting out of the river.

The gang were getting scared by this.

"Let's get out of here!" Misty shouted.

They ran out fast as they could to get away from the giant vines.

Suddenly Tracey saw light and some step ladder. "That must be the exit." He said.

The gang climbed up the step ladder one by one, until at last both of them were out of the sewers.

"Phew we're safe." Misty panted.

"Want in the world was that anyway?" Luna asked fixing her hood that fell off while running.

Suddenly the gang got surrounded by police.

"You four are under arrest." Jenny said, while some policed men handcuffed them.

The gang were put in jail in no time at all.

"What did we do to deserve this?" Misty asked.

"Yeah, and it couldn't be because we were in the sewers," Tracey voiced out, "something isn't right."

A few minutes later, Officer Jenny opened the jail cell, "You are free to go." She said.

The gang were relieved.

"I do hope that you aren't releasing them." A voice said. It was a middle aged man, with a big moustache.

Luna for some reason didn't like this guy one little bit.

"Yes I am Mr Mayor," Officer Jenny said, "these four kids are only passing by to get to the gym on Trovita Island."

"I don't want any word of this creature getting out," the Mayor said, "so they should stay locked up till next week."

Luna got a tick mark on her head hearing what the Mayor said irrationally annoyed her.

"Sorry Mr Mayor," Officer Jenny said, "but these kids have done nothing wrong, so I can't have them locked up."

The Mayor knew that Officer Jenny was right, so he didn't bother arguing with her anymore.

The Mayor turned to the kids, "I don't want any of you to leak anything about that sewer creature to the public." He growled.

"Why can't we?" Tracey asked, "As it's the truth."

"Because I say so," the Mayor said angrily, "and if you do I will arrest you for endangering public safety."

Luna so was about to snapped, 'How can we be endangering public safety. He's the one endangering the city without warning everyone or telling them anything. What a jerk!' She thought.

"What do you mean?" Misty asked, "Endangering public safety."

"I'll explain." Officer Jenny said.

Officer Jenny took the group to the Mayor's office and explained everything to the gang.

"The truth is you kids aren't the only ones who encountered that strange creature you saw in the sewers," Officer Jenny explained, "lots of people in Trovitopolis City have encountered the creature. It hasn't hurt people, just stealing food. Mr Mayor intends for us to capture it, but there are nearly 500 miles of sewers under the city and 5000 manholes, so capturing it will not be easy."

"That's why we need to take drastic measures," said the Mayor, "an election is next week. And if word of this creature gets out I'll be ruined."

"You don't need to get so upset about it, since the creature is only taking food to eat." Misty said.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." The Mayor said.

It was Nurse Joy at the door and she looked very angry, "My Mayor," she said, "I have heard about your plan and I don't like it. You can't do it."

"This plan is my business," said the Mayor, "so just go back to your Pokémon Centre."

"What plan are you talking about Nurse Joy?" Luna asked.

Nurse Joy said that the Mayor's plan was to send a swat team to catch the creature and destroy it.

"No way!" Tomo shouted.

"That's cruel!" Misty shouted.

"It's not fair!" Luna shouted she was getting really impatient with this old man quick.

"Yeah and it could be a new species of Pokémon!" Tracey shouted.

Officer Jenny didn't like the plan either, "Mr Mayor a plan like that is illegal." She said.

The Mayor was getting angry, "Enough!" He shouted, "I am the Mayor of this city and I will do what I see fits!"

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Tracey went with Nurse Joy to the Pokémon Centre.

"I don't like that Mayor." Tomo said.

"Neither do I," said Misty, "a mean man like that doesn't deserve to be Mayor."

"He's a jerk to the bone!" Luna shouted suddenly scaring Tomo and Misty because they seen what happen before when she snapped at a person she reason him or her out greatly and the person felt ashamed greatly, "He doesn't, no he has no right to be Mayor of a city! He uses his power or title over the city to do what he things is best for him not for the people of this city, it's for him. Instead of listening to other people who are actually trying to help, he doesn't at all. He a 100% jerk!" She finished with a shout.

"Calm down Lu." Misty said trying to calm the angry girl.

"Yeah big sister calm down." Tomo said.

"Pi, Pichu, Pi, Chu, Pi, Chu, Pichu, Pichu." Pichu said. (I agree, with every word Luna said. I say we shock him.)

Pikachu nodded, "Pi, Pikapi, Pika, Chu, Chu, Pikapi. Pikapi, Chu, Pi, Pika." He reasoned. (Yes he is, but we can't. I think that they need to select a new Mayor if they don't then will shock him.)

"Pichu!" (No fair.)

Luna look at them and pouted away.

"Your right about that and I agree with you as well on what you said little girl." A man voice said. A middle aged man, with short brown hair, was in the Pokémon Centre with them.

"Oh hi Thomas." Nurse Joy said and introduced him to the gang. "I take it you've heard about the Mayor's plan?" She asked him.

Thomas nodded, "Yes I have and it doesn't surprise me one bit that he would think of something cruel like that." He said.

"I take you know the Mayor well huh?" Misty asked looking at Luna who was calming down a bit.

"Yes I do," said Thomas, "I've known him since we were kids, and even as a kid he was always cruel and selfish, both to humans and Pokémon."

"You weren't friends were you?" Tracey asked in a hopeful tone, hope that he is not.

"Absolutely not," said Thomas, "he always bullied me and my friends when we were kids. And whenever we had Pokémon of our own, he would always insult them."

"Like I said," Luna said finally calmed down, "the Mayor only thinks about his reputation as Mayor rather than anything else."

"Yes your right about that," said Nurse Joy, "and being elected as Mayor again is his only concern now. And he has put up campaign posters all over the place and also built a statue of himself."

"Well we can't worry about him now," Luna said, "we need to find that creature before the swat team do, or they will destroy it."

"I agree with that," Thomas said, "and I wish to search for it with you."

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Tracey agreed.

Thomas and the gang went to the manhole that the gang came out of some time ago, "Good the swat team isn't here yet," he said, "so now's our chance."

They all went down the stepladder one by one, until they all got into the sewer.

"Okay so how shall we start looking for it?" Misty asked.

Luna smiled, "We'll follow were I am sensing that creature aura is." She said, "When we first meet it. I know what the creature aura is like. So let's go."

The gang followed Luna who is leading the were the mysterious creature can be found.

They also had torches with them to light the way.


Meanwhile, the Mayor had his swat team cover up every manhole and seal the sewer shut, that way the creature couldn't be able to get out of the sewer.

Nurse Joy heard about that plan and spoke with the Mayor. "Mr Mayor I can't believe you sent your swat team to cover up every manhole in this city," she said, "Thomas and the kids are still in the sewers and they won't be able to get out."

"It's not my problem," Mr Mayor said not caring for what is happening to them at all, "people shouldn't play in the sewers anyway. With the manholes all covered up the creature is now secured. Besides once the election next week is finished I'll release Thomas and the kids then."


Nurse Joy was getting angrier with the Mayor. So angry she wanted to hit him.

Back at the sewers, Thomas and the gang came to a sort of a dead end tunnel.

Luna pointed to under the water. "Is this where your sensing the aura from Lu? Misty asked.

Luna nodded, "Yeah we're actually not to far from it now." She said.

Thomas looked the water, "I can see an underwater tunnel down there," he said, "we will have to swim through that."

Tomo returned Growlithe, since Growlithe was a fire type. And Misty put Togepi in her bag to stay dry.

The gang jumped into the water together and swam through the tunnel.

They soon reached the end, but then the two big vines appeared in front of them.

"Uh-oh." Misty said.

Thomas flashed his light to see where the vines were coming. Then he suddenly saw what the mysterious creature had been all along.

The mysterious creature turned out to be a Bulbasaur, only this Bulbasaur was bigger than its normal size.

"Wow," Luna said, "I've never seen a Bulbasaur like this before. It big."

"It's probably twice its normal size from living down here so long." Tracey said.

"Hey, it's got a collar on it." Tomo said.

Bulbasaur's collar had a small bell on it.

When Thomas saw the collar he gasped, "I know this Bulbasaur," he said, "it used to be the Mayor's Bulbasaur when we were children." The gang were surprised by that, "But he got rid of it a few weeks after he got it."

The gang wasn't happy about that. "How could he?!" Misty yelled out in anger.

Thomas walked over to Bulbasaur, "Hey Bulbasaur," he said, kneeling down to it, "I don't know if you do remember me but I'm Thomas. I met you when I was a boy."

Bulbasaur looked at Thomas, and then it remembered seeing Thomas as a boy. Bulbasaur walked to Thomas and nudged his legs.

Thomas smiled and hugged Bulbasaur, he realised that Bulbasaur remembered him, "When I heard that your owner abandoned you I tried to search for you right away, so I could have you as my Pokémon. But I never found you at all. I'm sorry that you were down her for so long and alone."

The big Bulbasaur wrapped its vines around Thomas to return the hug.

"The one who should apologize to Bulbasaur is the Mayor." Luna said.

"I agree," said Thomas, "so let's confront him together."

"Let's." Luna, Tomo, Misty and Tracey said together.

Luckily for them, they managed to get out of the sewers the back way, because that hadn't been sealed up yet.

Back with the Mayor, he was standing in front of the city hall.

"I will easily win the election, now that creature is taken care of." The Mayor said with a smile.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Mayor." Thomas said.

The Mayor was surprised to see him and the kids.

"How did you get out?" He asked, "I had every man hole covered up."

"The manholes were covered up," Thomas smirked, "but the back entrance of the sewers wasn't. Now let me introduce to you the mysterious creature of the sewers." He said pointing to the big Bulbasaur by his side.

The Mayor looked at the Bulbasaur. "That Bulbasaur looks familiar to me somehow." He said exampling the Bulbasaur.

"It should do," Thomas said crossly, "this is the Bulbasaur that you threw away into the sewers years ago."

"Ah that's right," said the Mayor, "I let it into the sewers because it wouldn't evolve."

The big Bulbasaur lifted the Mayor into the air with its vines.

"Hey put me down!" The Mayor shouted.

"Only if you apologize to the Bulbasaur." Thomas said.

"Certainly not," said the Mayor, "as the Mayor I have to maintain my authority. I will not apologise to a Pokémon."

The swat team were soon on the scene.

"This Bulbasaur is holding your Mayor hostage, dispose of it at once."

The swat team got ready to fire at the Bulbasaur, who got scared immediately.

Luna got cross, "Oh no you don't!" She shouted, "Pichu and Pikachu thunderbolt them low shock." Pichu and Pikachu shocked them well with thunderbolt with less power.

Then Luna sent out her Venusaur to toss the swap team away with vine whip. As for the Mayor, Bulbasaur got ready to toss him away.

The Mayor tried to reason with Bulbasaur, but it was too late; the Bulbasaur didn't forgive him. So the Mayor was tossed into the air and he landed on his Statue, crashing it to the ground.

After that Luna, Tomo, Misty and Tracey got ready to leave Trovitopolis City. Thomas, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy were there with them to see them off. "I can't thank you kids enough for all your help." Thomas said.

"I can't either," said Officer Jenny, "and after what happened today, there's no doubt that we will have a new mayor after the election next week."

"Do make sure that the current mayor gets what he deserves once his position is over." Misty said.

"Don't worry, I will after all the cruel and selfish things he's done." Officer Jenny said.

"So Thomas is Bulbasaur staying with you?" Luna asked.

"Of course," Thomas said happily, "I'm never letting it out of my sight again."

Bulbasaur was happy to finally have a good, kind owner.

Luna and the gang were happy for the Bulbasaur too.

"Excuse me Nurse Joy but my friends and I heard that there's a gym on Trovita Island." Luna said.

"That's correct Luna," Nurse Joy said pointing to an island, "it will only take you three minutes to get there from here."

"I will take you to the pier, where the ferry is." Officer Jenny said.

"Thank you very much." Luna said.

And so, with the mystery of the creature of Trovitopolis City solved, and with Bulbasaur finally having a good home and reunited with Thomas.

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Tracey left Trovitopolis City for Trovita Island.

09/09/2015- Edited

1. I always thought that Team Rocket didn't get enough Pokémon in the anime, so I'm giving them more Pokémon in this story.

2. I know Lorelei used Cloyster when she battled Ash, but Slowbro was better.
And man is Absol powerful or what?!

3. Luna or Tomo could have the big Bulbasaur, but I had I thought of my own character, making him knowing the jerk Mayor as a child. It turned out great.

4. Luna has limits on how much people can be mean and be selfish for a stupid reason people.

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