Chapter 8: The Adventure at Sea!

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Luna and her friends were still in Vermilion City, but were visiting Vermilion Harbour. They were staring at the books. Misty suddenly noticed something. "I recognize that ship," she said pointing to a big white ship, "that's the S.S. Anne, the largest ship in Kanto. I have a small model of that."

"Wow," Luna said, "it would be nice to be able to travel on that."

"Thing is though," Brock said, "we don't have the money for it." Luna and Misty sighed knowing Brock was right.

Just then two ladies, with flowers around their neck, appeared. "You three are Pokémon trainers correct?" The woman with blonde hair said.

Luna nodded, "Yes we are." She said silently confused.

"Then here you go," the brown haired woman said, handing Luna three pieces of paper, "these are tickets for the S.S. Anne."

Luna, Misty and Brock were surprised.

"Wait, you're giving these to us for free?" Brock asked.

"That's correct," the blonde haired said, "S.S. Anne is holding a party for Pokémon trainers. So Pokémon trainers get these tickets free."

Misty felt like leaping for joy, "Let's a board the S.S. Anne!" She squealed.

Luna and Brock couldn't say no to this, so they all boarded the ship.

But this was really a trap. The two ladies were really Jessie and James in disguise. They took of their disguises.

"Who ever thought that would be so easy?" Jessie said.

"And who ever thought I would make a pretty woman?" Jame joked.

"Quiet you two." Meowth said, "The Boss wants to talk to us." A screen came up.

The boss of Team Rocket was a middle aged man, wearing a orange suit, he is known as Giovanni. His desire was to capture hundreds of powerful Pokémon and use their power to make the whole world his own, and to have both humans and Pokémon under his control.

"Is everything ready?" Giovanni asked.

"Yes sir!" Jessie answered, "We have hundreds of Pokémon trainers aboard the S.S. Anne."

"Excellent," Giovanni said, "my men have gone aboard and when the time is right, we will get all of those trainers Pokémon." The screen went off.

"Time to get to work." Meowth said.

Jessie and James agreed.


Luna, Brock and Misty were amazed when they entered the main room of the ship, there were Pokémon trainers everywhere and there were dozens of booths with food, accessories, clothes, games and even Pokémon battles are happening on the ship.

"What shall we do?" Luna asked her friends.

"Let's split up," Misty answered, "that way we can have a good time in our own way."

Luna and Brock decided that was a good idea.

"Let's meet up back here in an hour." Brock said. They all went their separate ways.

Luna, Pichu and Pikachu took a good looked around, they passed by a stall that held souvenirs. Luna brought a stuffed Pichu and Pikachu, which made her real Pichu and Pikachu delighted, Pichu and Pikachu hugged the stuffed Pichu and Pikachu immediately. She even brought a Raichu, Rapidash, Azurill, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, 3 Gastly Evolution set and Eevee dolls. [Remember that Luna has a bit girly side when it comes to toys.]

Next Luna saw a stall that involves luck, it was a lottery stall. Holding manger prizes to be won.
There were 4 prizes to be won.
The 4 prizes was just a conciliation prize:
- The 4 prize a Pokémon keyrings for anyone to win.
- The 3 prize was a big Pokémon medicine kit.
- The 2 prize was a blue Pokémon egg in an incubator.
- The 1 prize was a bag of mystery.

Luna thought that it might be fun to try and she did, she ended up winning the first prize which was a bag of mystery, inside was 2 PokéBalls that are blue with bubbles, the other one is green with 4 nature patterns, [cherry blossom, snow, leaves and sun]
and 4 Evolutionary Stones; a Thunder stone, a Water stone, a Fire stone and a Moon stone.

'These will come in handy.' Luna thought and she looked at the two patterned PokéBalls, "I wonder what Pokémon is in these two."

Then Luna saw something that made her really cross, a man was selling a Magikarp. Luna hated people that sold Pokémon to make money, she told a Security Guard what she had seen.

The Security Guard called some of his men and had the Magikarp Salesman arrested. "Thank you for telling us about him." The Security Guard said, "Officer Jenny warned us about him some time ago. She has been after him for years. Now he will be in jail."

After the Magikarp Salesman got taken away, Luna walked over to the Magikarp in the tank. "Hey Magikarp," she said putting her hands on the glass, "I have a friend, who would like to have you for a friend. Want me to take you to her?" She asked.

Magikarp looked at Luna in curious, then nodded yes. Luna found a PokéBall on top of the tank and returned Magikarp with it.

After that Luna met up with Misty and Brock and they exchanged with what they did.

"I brought myself a cook book with new recipes and a book about Pokémon medicine." Brock said.

"Apart from girly stuff," Misty said, "I brought this Slowbro doll." She held a Slowbro doll in her arms. "I hope to obtain a Slowbro in the future."

Luna showed her Pichu and Pikachu dolls along with some other dolls, 2 PokéBalls and her 4 Evolution Stones.

"Wow." said Misty, in amazement and she was loving Luna Azurill doll.

"I take it you're going to use those on 3 of your Eevees, right?" Brock said.

"I am." Luna said, "But I'm leaving my Shiny Eevee for a different evolution."

"What about the Moonstone?" Misty asked, "And what Pokémon is in the 2 PokéBalls."

"I don't know about that one," Luna answered, "and I'm not sure what is inside the 2 PokéBalls it could be a Water type and Season type Pokémon?"

"Really, what makes you say that Lu?" Brock asked.

"Well the patterns on the PokéBalls that what." Luna replied, "But than again I could be wrong."

Then Luna revealed a PokéBall to Misty, she told her and Brock about the Magikarp Salesman.

"No way," Misty said, "selling Pokémon is so low."

"I agree," Brock said, "guys like him should be in jail."

"Since you're a Water Pokémon trainer Misty," Luna said, "I thought that you should take Magikarp. Besides this may help you overcome your fear of Gyarados."

Misty hesitated, but knew that Luna was right and trying to help her, so she accepted Magikarp.

They were just about to get something to eat, when black smoke appeared in the room, making even cough and unable to see.

"What's going on?" Luna asked.

Pichu and Pikachu got into guard mode, sensing something is going to happen.

Team Rocket appeared and said their motto, which is starting to really annoy the gang.

"What do you want?" Misty asked.

"What else, we want your Pokémon." Jessie smirked and clicked her fingers.

Most of the passengers on board revealed themselves as Team Rocket agents, and they all had some vacuum machines.

"Suck up the there Pokémon!" James ordered.

The Team Rocket agents turned on the machines, and the machines released powerful vacuums.

Luna got cross. "Don't think you are getting away with this!" Luna shouted, "Everyone release your Pokémon and fight back!" She released her Pichu, Pikachu, Infernape, Fearow, Eevee, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, S. Seel and Azurill.

Misty released her Staryu, Starmie, Poliwag twins, and Seel.

Brock sent out Geodude, Growlithe, Weepinbell, Zubat and Sandslash. [His Onix would have been too heavy for the boat]. The other trainers sent out their Pokémon to fight too.

There was a massive battle going on the ship. All the Water Pokémon joined together, so did the Fire types, Infernape was the strongest and she knocked out most off the bigger Pokémon quickly, the Grass types, the Rock types, the Ground types, the Flying types, the Normal types and the Bug types. Then at last the Electric types sent all the Team Rocket members away with their thunderbolt attacks. The trainers had won.

But then there was trouble; a strong storm was happening outside and big waves rocked the ship.

"I don't like the look of that storm." Misty said, looking out of the window.

The other trainers were scared too, seeing a big storm that was extremely dangerous.

They turned to the Captain. "Everyone!" the Captain called out, "Don't panic! Panicking will only lead to more trouble for you. There are lots of life boats on deck. They will get us to safety."

Luna, Misty and Brock and all the trainers ran to the life boats in extreme hurry.

But everyone was running in a panic and in a hurry to escape the boat to save themselves.

Luna, Misty and Brock ended up knocked out, when some of the trainers ran into them.

While they were unconscious, the trainers watched the S.S. Anne sink from big waves, while on the life boats, no one knew that three people were still on board.

Misty woke up first, after being unconscious for a while, she then woke up Luna and Brock. "Ugh, what happened?" Luna asked holding her head.

"Well S.S. Anne sank," replied Misty, "and we got left behind."

"I remember," said Brock, "we both got knocked out by the other Pokémon trainers."

"You mean we are still on the ship and we are the bottom of the ocean?" Luna asked. She quickly had a look out of a window and saw Water Pokémon swimming outside, "Oh Arceus, what are we going to do?"

"One thing to do is not panic," said Misty, "remember I said that I have a model of the S.S. Anne. Well I learnt and I remember the structure of the ship."

Luna and Brock were relieved of this.

With Misty in the lead, the group tried to find a way out, even if S.S. Anne was at the bottom of the sea. The ship had been turned upside down, so they were walking on the ceiling, not the floor. They reached a flight of stairs, but water was leaking into the ship.

"When we sent Team Rocket away from the ship, it must have made a big hole." Brock explained.

"Now what should we do?" Luna asked, "We can't breathe underwater."

"Leave that to me," Misty said pulling out her PokéBall, "let's go Seel." Seel popped out of his PokéBall . "Seel go and see if there is a way for us to get out of this boat."

Seel swam everywhere in the under deck and checked every nook and cranny for a way out, but he couldn't find anything. Seel was about to go back to his trainer to tell her the bad news, when he saw something. He found an egg in an incubator. Seel picked it up and took it with him.

"Seel has been gone for some time." Misty said, as they had been waiting for Seel for information.

"I wonder if he has found anything." Luna said.

Just then Seel popped out of the water holding something with him.

"There you are Seel." Misty said relief and she saw the egg on Seel's back. "What's that?"

Luna saw the egg, "I recognize that egg," she said, "this egg was on the lottery stand. It must have gotten left behind in the confusion." She took the incubator from Seel, took out the egg and inspected it. "Nothing looks wrong and water didn't get into the incubator either." Luna let Brock inspect it.

Brock took a good look too, "Yeah, nothing is wrong with it," he said, "but as soon as we get out of here, we take the egg to a Pokémon Centre."

Luna put the egg in her backpack for safe keeping. "The thing is though," she started, "how do we get out of here?"

Just then Misty thought of something, "I have an idea," she said, "since those stairs going downwards lead to the upper deck. What we need to do is head upwards to the boiler room. But going up the stairs will be tricky."

"Leave that to me," Brock said, taking out a PokéBall. "Let's go Onix". His rock snake Pokémon popped out, "Onix we need you to make satirs for us."

Onix stretched his body all the way up to the doorway on the top of the stairs. Then Luna, Misty and Brock ran up Onix's body to the doorway. Brock returned Onix and they went through the door.

Through the door was a hallway, but it was dark and there were no lights on.

Luna took out her Charmander. "Charmander we need you to light the way for us." She said.

Thanks to Charmander's tail, they got through the hallway. Then they got to the boiler room, but it was on fire.

"It must have got on fire when the ship sank," said Misty, "it's too dangerous to walk from here to the other side. But we need to cross here."

Then Luna had an idea; "My Fearow can fly us to the other side." Misty and Brock thought that was a good idea, so Luna released Fearow and one by one Fearow took the group to the other side of the boiler room. Luna petted and thanked Fearow and returned him.

"We are now at the hull of the ship," said Misty, "we can get out from here".

Just then the gang felt the boat rocking. "We need to get off the ship fast," said Misty, "Mew get Charmander or Infernape to make a hole in the ship. We can get out that way. And we also need our Water Pokémon to help us."

Misty released her Starmie and Seel and Luna released her new Pokémon that was in the bubble PokéBall it was a beautiful Milotic but they didn't have time to take a break and Squirtle.

Misty grabbed Seel, Luna grabbed Milotic while her Pichu and Pikachu grabbed Squirtle and Bock grabbed Starmie.

Then Luna called out her Charmander to use flamethrower to make a hole. As soon as Charmander made a big enough hole, Luna quickly returned him before the water hits him.

Then with the Water Pokémon's help, the gang managed to get out of the boat, into the sea and the water Pokémon helped them to the surface.

After escaping that sunken ship Luna, Brock, Misty, Pichu and Pikachu were resting on a raft. "Goodness me," Luna said, "I thought we were done for then."

"Yeah," said Misty, "I hope we never have to go through that again."

"Right now we need to find land," said Brock, "Mew release Fearow. It can find land for us from up in the air."

Luna did so and Fearow was soon searching for land.

Just then Luna felt that her breathing got heavy and fuzzy, warm, she also felt a bit dizzy.

Misty noticed this; "Hey Mew, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Luna was about to say she was okay, but she suddenly fainted on the raft.

"Pipichupichu!" "Pikapikapikachu!" (Luna! Luna!) They called out worriedly.

Brock put his hand on Luna's forehead and he felt it was really burning hot, "Oh no, she's running a fever." He said, "We need to get her to a hospital, and Fearow has just left."

Misty released all of her water Pokémon and tied ropes to them. "Everyone Mew is getting sick," she said, "we need to find land quick." Misty's Pokémon all pulled the raft together.

Misty went to find Luna's Milotic and Squirtle to help out, but she released Eevee instead.

When Eevee saw Luna panting heavily she was worried for her trainer.

"Eevveevvee." Eevee nuzzled Luna's cheek to help her feel better.

"Eevee sure likes Luna a lot." said Brock.

Misty agreed.

While the water Pokémon was pulling the raft as fast as they could, Magikarp couldn't keep his eyes off Luna. It could see that Luna was in a lot of pain and needed help, it remembered how kind Luna was to it and that he helped it find an owner, 'We need to move quickly than this,' Magikarp thought, 'otherwise the girl will never make it.' The Magikarp thought with all its might to go faster, when it suddenly started to glow.

Misty and Brock saw this and was shocked.

"I think your Magikarp's evolving Misty." Brock stated.

And he was right; Magikarp turned into Gyarados.

Gyarados roared and picked up the raft and Pokémon on its back and started to swim as fast as it could.

"What is Gyarados doing?" Misty asked..

"Magikarp must have known that Luna is in trouble," said Brock, "so it must have evolved into Gyarados to help."

Misty was amazed. She had thought that all Gyarados was ferocious and mean, but her one wasn't. 'It seems that not all Gyarados are bad.' She thought and didn't feel scared at all, she then looked at Luna, 'Thank you Mew for making me realise that not all Gyarados are scary.' Misty smiled.

Just then they all saw Fearow ahead of them and Fearow flew over to them and squaked at them.

"Fearow must have found land." Brock said.

"Fearow please lead us to shore," said Misty, "your trainer needs to get to a hospital."

Fearow looked at Luna, with worry in its eyes and led them to shore at once.


At that time, in a place called Porta Vista, the captain of S.S. Anne and an Officer Jenny were staring out at sea, on the harbour. Apparently all the survivors of S.S. Anne made it to Porta Vista for safety.

The captain and Officer Jenny were worried about Luna, Misty and Brock. "Since there is no sign of them," said Officer Jenny, "I fear that they are dead."

"I will take responsibility for telling the sad news to their families," the Captain sadly, "after all I was the Captain of S.S. Anne."

They were just about to arrange for a memorial for Luna, Brock and Misty, when the Captain saw something, "Hey look at that." He said. He and Officer Jenny saw a Fearow and Gyarados coming their way, "Do you think they're wild?" He asked.

"I don't know." Said Officer Jenny. She was just about to grab a PokéBall, when they heard a voice.

"Somebody help please!" Misty shouted.

Fearow and Gyarados landed on shore. Officer Jenny and the Captain saw the group.

"Is everyone okay?" Officer Jenny asked, relieved that they were alive.

"Yes, but our friend here has come down with a terrible fever." Brock said pointing to Luna.

Officer Jenny looked at Luna, "I'll call for an ambulance at once." She said.

Soon an ambulance was taking Luna, Misty and Brock to the hospital. Misty and Brock returned Gyarados and Fearow to their PokéBalls.

Eevee wanted to stay out of her PokéBall. She wanted to stay with Luna, even though it was Luna that needed medical treatment, Misty and Brock got a check-up too. Officer Jenny insisted that they did, because of their experience in a sunken ship.

It took two whole days, but with medicine and plenty of sleep, Luna was feeling better in no time.

Misty, Brock, Pichu, Pikachu and Eevee were relieved off that.

Misty and Brock told him what had happened, after Luna collapsed.

"Wow, so your Magikarp evolved Mist?" Luna asked.

"Yes and get this," said Misty, "after that I don't scared of Gyarados anymore."

Luna was glad for her friend. She turned to Pichu, Pikachu and Eevee, Brock had told Luna that they had been with him the whole time he was asleep.

Luna picked up Pichu, Pikachu and Eevee and gave them a hug. "Thank you for being with me you three." She said with a bright smile.

"Pichu!" "Pikachu!" "Eevee!" Pichu, Pikachu and Eevee smiled happy that their trainer is alright.

Suddenly Eevee started to glow, she changed into a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with slender legs and dainty paws. It is covered in fine, lilac fur, its ears are large, and it has purple eyes with white pupils. There are tufts of fur near its eyes, and a small, red gem embedded in its forehead and it also has a thin, forked tai.

"Espeon!" It said.

Espeon, the Sun Pokémon.
An evolved form of Eevee. Espeon are able to read air currents allowing it to predict the future as well as its opponents next moves.
Psychic Type
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Dream Eater, Sunny Day, Giga Impact, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Psychic and Psybeam.
Ability: Synchronize
Hidden Ability: Magic-Bounce

"I heard of Espeon," Luna said, "Eevee can evolve into Espeon during the daytime. And Eevee can also evolve into an Umbreon, but only at night-time." She showed them Umbreon on her PokéDex.

Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon.
An evolved form of Eevee. The rings of Umbreon's body glow faintly when exposed to the moon's aura, and it gains a mysterious power.

"Wow," said Misty looking at it, "and I always thought that Eevee only evolve into Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon."

"What amazes me," said Brock, "is that you don't need stones for these two."

Luna rubbed her Espeon's head and Espeon enjoyed the attention given by her trainer.

"Hey Lu?" Misty called.


"What's in the other PokéBall?" Misty asked.

"Good question." Brock said, "We know that one is a Milotic, but the other one what is it?" He asked.

"Not sure," Luna answered, "but let's find out." She picked up the 4 season pattern PokéBall and threw it.

The Pokémon that emerged from it was a fawn-like Pokémon, most resembling a fallow deer. The upper side of its body is pink during the spring and it has a yellow patterned rim, and its underside is light beige and its sports a yellow floral tuft on its head, and similar yellow coloration on the insides of its tapering ears. The tips of its limbs are colored black and its pink tail is small. It can change in appearance with the changing of the seasons.

"Deerling?" It titled its head and looked at Luna for a second ran up to her and started to lick her.

"Hahaha." Luna said whiling laughing, "That tickles. Please stop." She asked and it did.

"How cute, what Pokémon is it." Misty squealed.

"Not sure." Brock said as he was holding Luna's PokéDex in his hand, "Lets find out."

Deerling, the Season Pokémon.
When sensing confrontation, Deerling hides in the grass. it can also changes its appearance as the seasons changes.
Normal and Grass Type
Moves: Tackle, Camouflage, Growl, Sand Attack, Double Kick, Leech Seed, Feint Attack, Take Down, Jump Kick, Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power, Double Edge and Solar Beam.
Ability: Chlorophyll and Sap-Sipper
Hidden Ability: Serene-Grace
- Deerling are found in the Unova Region.

"Wow that's amazing." Misty said staring at the Pokémon.

"Yeah it is." Brock said, "It amazing how it can change form as the season changes. Get it out on Dexter." He and Misty looked at the all the forms of Deerling showing the upper side of its body is pink during the spring, green during the summer, orange during the fall, and brown during the winter.

After all the talks about Luna new Pokémon's, she has fully recovered she was finally out of hospital.

"I would say that you three are lucky," said Officer Jenny, "we all thought that you three had died when the S.S. Anne sank, but you survived."

The doctor insisted that Luna, Misty and Brock took a little holiday, before continuing.

Just to perk themselves up from what they went through. Luna, Misty and Brock both thought that was a good idea, so they had a nice day on the beach of Porta Vista, feeling happy and better.

28/08/2015- Edited

1. I know I haven't done the Island of Giant Pokémon, but I never liked that episode and there were some others that I didn't like either, so some will not be up on here.

2. In case you're wondering Luna will get Glaceon and Leafeon, but not until Sinnoh Region.

3. As for Sylveon I'm not so sure yet.

4. And there you have it her Mysterious Pokémon, I wanted her to have a season changing Pokémon and I thought that Deerling would fit the place or Castform.

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