Chapter 9: Tentacool Attack! The Ghost of Maiden Peek!

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After having a long relaxation on the beaches of Porta Vista, Luna, Misty and Brock decided it was time to catch a boat for the mainland. But they had to wait for a boat to arrive.

While they waited Luna switched her Infernape because she would be able to help train her other Pokémon's at the ranch, S. Seel that evolved into Dewgong while training same as Squirtle and Azurill who is now a Wartortle and Marill, Espeon, Fearow and Charmander for her 3 Eevees, Deerling, Milotic and Pidgeot who evolved at the ranch.

Since she had an Espeon, she thought that she would evolve them too. She sent the Eevees out of their PokéBalls and placed her Fire stone, Water stone and Thunder stone in front of them to choose.

Luna asked the three Eevees if they wanted to evolve, "If you don't want to, I won't force you."

But the three Eevees did want to evolve, into more there stronger forms.

The first Eevee touched the thunder stone and she evolved into a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with a spiky fringe around its tail, and a white ruff around its neck. In addition to the ability to become sharp like needles, its ears are large and pointed, and its eyes and small nose are black. It has slender legs and small paws, each with three toes and a pink paw pad.

"Jolteon!" She said.

The second Eevee touched the fire stone and she evolved into a quadruped Pokémon with three small toes and a yellow paw pad on each foot. It has long ears, dark eyes, and a small black nose, it's body is covered in reddish-orange fur. However, its bushy tail, fluffy collar, and a tuft of fur on its head are yellow.

"Flareon!" She cried out.

Finally the last Eevee touched the water stone and she evolved into a composite creature sharing physical traits of aquatic and land animals. It is a quadruped with three small toes on each foot and dark blue paw pads on the hind feet. It's body is light blue with dark blue ridge around its head and as a ridge down its back, it has a split tailfin that could been mistaken for a mermaid's in the past and it has a white ruff around its neck, and three fins around its head made of cream-colored webbing.

"Vaporeon!" She said.

"Congratulations on your new evolution girls." Luna said.

Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon.
The evolved form of Eevee. When angered or frightened, the hairs on Jolteon's body become like needles that are fired at its opponents. It absorbs charged atoms and can produce 10,000 volts of electricity.
Electric Type
New Moves: Thundershock, Thunder Fang, Pin Missile, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Hyper Beam, Discharge and Double Kick.
Ability: Volt-Absorb
Hidden Ability: Quick-Feet

Flareon, the Flame Pokémon.
The evolved form of Eevee. It stores some of the air it breathes in its internal flame sac, which heats its body to over three thousand degrees.
Fire Type
New Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Ember, Fire Fang, Will O Wisp, Sunny Day and Hyper Beam.
Ability: Flash-Fire
Hidden Ability: Guts

Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon.
The evolved form of Eevee. The composition of its cells is similar to molecules of water, and as such, can melt in water.
Water Type
New Moves: Water Gun, Acid Amour, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Rain Dance and Blizzard.
Ability: Water-Absorb
Hidden Ability: Hydration

Luna was feeling happy, with her new Pokémon she had got, "And pretty soon I'll be having a new Pokémon." She said holding the blue egg from S.S. Anne in her arms.

When the gang had their Pokémon recovered in the Pokémon Centre, Luna offered to take the egg.

"What do you think it will hatch into?" Misty asked.

"I don't know," Luna answered, "I just want it to be nice and healthy. Did you sort out your Pokémon to Misty?" She asked.

"Yes I did." Misty said she sent her Gyarados to Cerulean Gym and brought back her Oddish, "My Sisters said that my new Pokémon have made their shows more popular. At least they're happy."

"I sent my Growlithe and Sandslash back to my family," Brock said, "and get this. My mum says that my brothers and sisters played with Growlithe right away."

"Well they do say that Growlithe make good pets for humans." Misty said.

Brock agreed, "Yeah they do."

Just then Pichu and Pikachu noticed something in the ocean.

"Pika." Pikachu said catching everyone's attention.

The gang turned to see what Pikachu was pointing at and they spotted three Pokémon's in the ocean but they looked injured.

The first Pokémon is a small blue, seahorse-like Pokémon with a single dorsal fin and a tightly curled tail. Its eyes are red and its ridged belly and dorsal fin are cream-colored. It has a long, tubular mouth and three spike-like projections on either side of its head.

The last two was a box jellyfish-like Pokémon. It has a light blue, clear body with two large, transparent, red crystals on each side of its body, and one small one in the middle. It has two small eyes with black pupils and no visible irises near the base of its body, it has two tentacles laced with stinging cells. The tentacles extend from beneath its round, blue lower body, which has a cape-like formation in the back.

Misty squealed, "It's a Horsea and two Tentacools."

Horsea, the Dragon Pokémon.
The pre-evolved form of Seadra. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees.

Tentacool, the Jellyfish Pokémon.
Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore.

"I love Tentacool," Misty said with hearts in her eyes, "they are so adorable."

"Misty really loves Water Pokémon like crazy." Luna whispered to Brock and he nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm going to catch these three." Misty said as she was about to throw PokéBalls at them, but Brock stopped her.

"Hang on. They look hurt." Brock stated.

"You're right," Misty said, "it looks like they have been in a fight. What happened?"

Just then Luna saw something, "Look at that," she gasped, "that boat is being attacked by something."

It was a boat carrying workmen. Suddenly the boat sank and the workmen fell into the sea.

Misty released all her Water Pokémon and Luna released her Milotic and Vaporeon to get them out of there.

The workmen thanked Luna and Misty and were about to tell them what had happened when an old woman appered.

The old woman introduced herself as Nastina and thanked Luna, Brock and Misty for helping her men. "Those damn Tentacool are ruining my plans again." She shouted in rage. She explained that she was trying to build a hotel and theme park out in the ocean, "But thanks to those disgusting Tentacool my plans are getting ruined. Say as you three are trainers, would you care getting rid of those Tentacool?"

The gang refused immediately, especially Misty. Misty was furious that Nastina thought that Tentacool were disgusting creatures.

The gang left immediately, unhappy what Nastina was planning.

Luna, Misty and Brock were looking at the ocean, "I've been thinking about something." Luna said that got there attention.

"What is it?" Misty asked.

"Well it's about the Tentacool attacking the boat." Luna said, "What if, where Nastina is building her theme park and hotel is really where the Tentacool live."

"That actually makes sense." Brock said realising what Luna mean, "Wild Pokémon do attack humans if their territory is being threatened."

"So the one who's wrong around here is Nastina, not the Tentacool." Misty said.

Then Pichu and Pikachu saw the Horsea and two Tentacools again.

"Pichu!" "Pika!"

Misty walked out to the Tentacools, "Tentacool I need to know," Misty asked, "is where that construction is your home?" The Tentacools nodded. "Your theory is right Mew," She said, "Nastina is ruining the ocean. We need to stop her."

But then there was trouble, Nastina couldn't take any more of the Tentacool and she asked everyone in Porta Vista to get rid of them for her. She even said they would get a reward of a lot of money if they did. The bad news was that everyone accepted the offer.

"What can we do?" Luna asked in worry, "Nastina is really desperate to get rid of the Tentacool."

The other bad news was that Jessie, James and Meowth was around and they wanted the reward money too and agreed to go after the Tentacool. They were now out on the ocean, in a row boat, carrying a tub of what they called 'Super Stun Sauce.'

"So what will this stuff do?" James asked.

"Simple James," said Jessie, "this stuff with make the Tentacool paralysed."

"And once it's done that," said Meowth, "we can capture the Jellyfish and present them to the boss."

"Ah I've got it," said James, "this is a great plan".

Unfortunately Team Rockets plan didn't turn out great. When they poured the stuff into the ocean, one of the angry Tentacool touched the stuff and evolved into a large, primarily blue jellyfish-like Pokémon. It has two large, red crystal spheres encrusted in its upper body that can refract sunlight and store energy. The round lower body, from which it's eyes are visible, appears black, it can extend up to 80 tentacles out of its body and it has two blue beak-like appendages.

"Tentacruel!" It said angrily.

When Luna, Misty and Brock saw the new evolved Tentacruel, they were horrified because it was ten times bigger than a normal size Tentacruel indicating it is giant Pokémon, it was bigger than the tall buildings in the cities.

Tentacruel, the Jellyfish Pokémon.
The evolved form of Tentacool. It uses its tentacles to capture prey and holds it until weakened from poison.
- This Tentacool is a Giant Pokémon.

"That's is a very unhappy Tentacruel." Luna stated seeing this angry, rage face.

"This isn't good," Brock said looking at the Giant Tentacool, "that giant Tentcruel is angrier than all the Tentacool put together."

The Tentacruel began attacking the city with its giant tentacles and the Tentacools helped him.

Then Tentacruel grabbed Meowth and spoke to the humans through Meowth like a puppet. "Humans," Giant Tentacruel said, "you destroyed our home and now we will destroy yours."

"So where the hotel is being built is where the Tentacool live." Brock said.

"We need to stop them," Misty said, "who knows what else they will do."

The Horsea and two Tentacools tried to reason with Tentacruel, but Tentacruel wouldn't listen. "It's no use Horsea and Tentacool." It said, "Humans are not trustworthy and should be destroyed."

First the Tentacool and Tentacruel destroyed Nastina's hotel and theme park, and then moved back to attacking the city.

Misty bravely steps on top of a building and speaks to the Tentacruel through a microphone, "Tentacruel," She said, "I understand that you are angry because of what the humans did to your home. And now that we realise of what we did, we promise you this will not happen again and we will leave your home alone."

Tentacruel hesitated at first, not certain if to trust Misty or not, then it commanded the all the Tentacools back into the ocean. "We will let you off this once, but if you humans do attack our home again, we will not be forgiving next time." Tentacruel warned them and then it swatted Meowth and Team Rocket away and went back into the ocean.

Nastina was still angry at Tentacool and Tentacruel and wanted to get rid of them but Tentacruel swatted her away too.

Luna laugh along with Pichu and Pikachu, "Hahahaha! Nice shot!" She commented on Tentacruel.

"Yeah, good riddance." Brock said, "Couldn't happen to a nicer person." Luna agreed.

So now the ocean was never going to be disturbed again and the citizens of Porta Vista both agreed to never build a building in the ocean again because they all knew that the water Pokémon of the ocean may fight back.

After the problem with Tentacool and Tentacruel was over Luna, Misty and Brock finally caught a boat for the mainland.

"Hey Misty," Luna called her, "did you catch any Tentacool?"

"Yes I did," Misty said, "you remember the Horsea and two Tentacool that we saw? Well I caught them and they are now at Cerulean Gym."

"I bet your sisters will be frilled that you got new Pokémon for them to use." Luna said.

"They sure will." Misty replied.

Now that saving the city from the Tentacruel and Tentacools attack, the gang continued on the road.


Luna and her friends soon came to a place called Maiden's peak. "Hey, I heard of this place," Luna said, "they say a woman died here and became part of the cliff here. They even say her spirit still haunts this place."

"Wow really?" Misty asked.

"Well that's what the story says about it." Luna answered.

Brock then saw a pretty woman, with light purple hair, on the docks. He found her very pretty but what he didn't know was that pretty woman was actually a Ghost Pokémon in disguise.

The gang saw that a festival was going on.

One of the residents explained; "This is our end of summer year festival. We always have one every year to celebrate the end of summer and our legend of the ghost of Maiden's peak."

While Luna, Brock and Misty enjoyed the festival, they also heard the story about the maiden of Maiden's peak.

The story was two thousand years ago, men from Kanto were sent away to war. The maiden, from Maiden's peak, was in love with one of the soldiers and waited for him to return, on the cliff, but her lover never returned, they say he died in that war. The maiden never believed that and waited for him to return for the rest of her life and they say that when she died her body became one with the cliff and they also say that her spirit still waits for her lover.

Apparently the end of summer year festival was also the anniversary of when the soldiers left for war.

Luna, Misty and Brock also found out that tomorrow night, the people of Maiden's peak would be sending out candles on paper lanterns onto the ocean. The candled lanterns were to help lost spirits find their way.

That evening Luna, Brock and Misty were resting in the Pokémon Centre.

"I keep thinking about that story," Misty said, "it's sad that maiden never got to live the rest of her life with the one she loved."

"You know guys I just remembered something." Luna said as she took out a small brown box and a journal book from her backpack, in the brown box was a very old ring, with a purple stone. "Professor Oak told me about this. A man named Yamato from Pallet Town was in that war two thousand years ago. He survived and when he returned home he wrote about it on some parchments. He even wrote that he made friends with the soldier that the maiden fell in love with." She explained.

"Are those parchments still around?" Brock asked.

"Not really," Luna said, "those parchments worn a very long time ago, but his story was kept from scrolls to books. This journal that I have is about his story."

"I'm amazed by that." Misty said, "Does it say anything about the maiden's lover?"

"Yes I does actually." Luna answered, "The truth was her lover was killed in that war. Before he died he asked Yamato to give the ring to his lover."

"But how come you have it and it's not with the maiden?"

"Well Yamato said that after he returned home to Pallet Town he became dreadfully ill," Luna explained, "and they say he died not long after. So it must mean that Yamato's friends and families never knew who the ring belonged to. His ring and story had been in a monument for him and the other soldiers of Kanto ever since."

"So why have you brought it with you?" Brock asked.

"Well apparently," Luna said, "before I turned ten Professor Oak had a look at Yamato's story. He even read about the ring, which was supposed to have been delivered to the maiden a long time ago. So before I turned ten Professor Oak told me and Gary about the story and asked us if one of us would take to the maiden. Gary didn't want to more like scared to, so I offered to return it."

"Are you giving her the ring tonight?" Brock asked.

"Of course I am." Luna answered, "This ring had been separated from her for four thousand years already. It wouldn't be fair if it was separated from her another year longer."

Misty and Brock agreed and they all set off into the moonlight night.

Luna, Misty and Brock walked all the way from the Pokémon Centre to the cliff of Maiden's peak, carrying torches there they found the statue of the maiden.

"Wow," Misty commented, "even though it is two thousand years old, it looks beautiful."

Luna had the ring in her right hand. She had put string through the ring, her plan was to put it round the maiden's neck.

Luna was about to walk up to the statue, when a voice came up to her. "I've been waiting for you." It said in a young women voice.

Luna, Misty and Brock turned round and saw a pale woman, with purple hair, in front of the

Luna bravely stepped forward. "You're the ghost of Maiden's peak aren't you?" She asked.

"I've been waiting for you." The woman said to Brock.

"Listen Brock is not your lover." Luna explained, "Your lover died in that war two thousand years ago."

But the woman just kept on saying, "I've been waiting." Luna felt another presence with her Aura and it feel that something wrong with women and felt that a Pokémon is at word so she held her X-Dexter out towards the woman.

Gastly, the Gas Pokémon.
A Pokémon born from poison gases. It defeats even the largest foes by enveloping them in gas.

"Reveal yourself Gastly!" Luna shouted.

The woman turned into a dark purple Pokémon. It consistently appears as a black, spherical Pokémon surrounded by a purple haze. It has a wide, pink mouth with two visible fangs. Though its eyes seem to extend past its round body, visible eyelids surround them.

"What's the big idea?"

"If you must know," Gastly spoke, "I guard over the stoned maiden of Maiden's peak."

Luna, Misty and Brock were amazed that this Gastly can talk.

"Listen Gastly," Luna said, "I'm not here for a fight or for any trouble. I'm here to give this ring to the maiden. It's from her dead lover." She showed it to Gastly and explained about Yamato.

"I see, very well I will let you give it to the maiden. Besides I sense something peculiar about that ring."

Luna walked up to the statue and placed the necklace round the maiden's neck. But just then the ring shimmered and then a spirit of a young man appeared.

"That's the maiden's lover." Gastly stated.

"What? No way!" Luna gasped in shock.

Then the real spirit of the maiden appeared. "My love," she said, "you have come back to me at last."

The maiden and her lover embraced and the maiden cried tears of joy Luna, Misty, Brock, Pichu, Pikachu and Gastly were touched by this scene.

The man explained that afer he died he put himself in the ring, so that he could rest in peace after seeing his love again.

"But since the ring never got to her," Luna explained, "that means your spirit was trapped in the ring. And you could only be free if the ring got to her."

The man nodded. He and the maiden thanked Luna and Gastly for their help and finally rested in peace in the afterlife together.

After the maiden and her lover disappeared the sun was beginning to rise.

"It's time for me to leave," Gastly said, "I only come out at night."

"What are you going to do now?" Luna asked Gastly, "now that the maiden and her lover are in heaven together?"

"I will still be wondering around, there are still many spirits that are lost, so I intend to help them all." Then Gastly left to who knows where.

Luna sigh, "What a night. I need a nap now."

Misty and Brock agreed with Luna.

Luna, Pichu, Pikachu, Misty and Brock slept through nearly the whole day, since they were awake all through the night belong.

Then as evening came they enjoyed the festival. Right now they were watching the citizens of Maiden's peak put the candled lanterns on the water.

"I hope that all the wondering spirits will be able to rest in peace." Luna said.

"Me two." Misty said.

"Come on you two," Brock called out to them, "time to join the festival."

They both put on kimonos and had the time of their lives, Luna's kimono is dark blue with white cherry blossom pattern with a light blue sash her hair was in a half ponytail that had red ribbon and two crystals bells on.

Luna even dressed up her Pichu and Pikachu, Pichu was in a red kimono with yellow rose and Pikachu was in a simple red with white strips.

Misty kimono is a light pink with goldfish patterns she even let her hair out.

They all enjoyed the festival with dancing and eating.

28/08/2015- Edited

1. I think they should have given Misty a Tentacool in the anime not just Horsea.

2. For the ghost of Maiden's peak, well I didn't like that they never revealed if the maiden and her lover ever got together again. So I decided to do it myself.

3. About Luna Aura abilities she started to learn it a while ago with the help of Lucario of course. I forgot to add it in sorry, her Aura abilities are beginners level but it will go higher.

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