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Harry, despite his better judgement, decided to write Draco back.


This shop keep of yours sounds very interesting, and is evidently very knowledgeable. I loved the chocolate, so my thanks to you. I've already eaten an entire bar, and I worry about the fate of the rest of it. 

As for the pills and oil, thank you. This means a lot. I can't put it into words. I've been worried about the press following me and finding out that I'm an omega, so you going out and purchasing it for me was amazing timing. I've read the side effects very thoroughly, so don't worry about that. Hermione told me the oil can potentially seep into my glands and cause an infection, but only if I use too much, so I'll have her help me in using it. She always was too smart for me. 

How much was it everything? I'd like to pay you back.

Don't worry about what you said. I know how out of it heats/ruts can make people, so I don't hold it against you.

The bond shouldn't fade for another few weeks, but I can't help but feel like our connection is weakening. Maybe we actually did do it wrong haha.

Thanks, again, for everything.


Finally deciding it was good enough, Harry borrowed Ron's owl to send the letter, giving her a kiss on the beak before she flew out the window, Harry's letter clutched firmly in her talons. Just when Harry was preparing to gather up his things and go to bed, the owl came back- and with a different roll of parchment. 


I owe her thanks on both of our behalves, then. The purchases were no big deal, though I'm glad I was able to help, despite it being inadvertently. The press should just bugger off, in my opinion. I don't think it would be missed by anyone. 

Praised be Granger for knowing that. I think she's done more research about us than the both of us ourselves. 

The price is irrelevant. It was a gift, not a loan.

Yes, I may have been in rut, but it was still completely out of line. You never did anything I did. I'm serious about the magic absorbing restraints. I'd gladly become a squib- temporarily, of course. Can you imagine living without magic forever?

Ha ha, very funny. I told you, I didn't mess up the hickey. Unless it's more than just a physical mark and pheromone exchange that matters? I'll look into it. For now, get some rest. Don't bother owling me back till morning, as after this sends I'll be headed to bed, and I'll kill you if that blasted owl barrels into my window while I'm trying to sleep.

Don't mention it, Potter. It was my pleasure.

Yours, D.M.

Harry couldn't help but smile, sending a reminder on his wand to write Draco back in the morning. That night, he had the weirdest dream.

It wasn't like his nightmare he'd had- no, this was nice... Weirdly nice, considering it was of Draco Malfoy, what appeared to be set far in the future. He watched himself in third person as he opened the door to a house, immediately being met by Draco, who was holding the hand of a small child, beaming at Harry was if he was his whole world. "Papa! Papa!"

"Yes, papa is home," Draco grinned, letting go of the child's hand so that he could rush towards Harry, practically climbing him to get a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Harry. 

Then, Draco wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, planting his own kiss on Harry's temple. "He missed you all day."

This is our kid, Harry realized in astonishment. Deep black hair, silver eyes, Draco's features- there was no denying it. 

"Of course he did, future Harry replied, but Harry had no control over it. It was like watching a movie.

They ate dinner, talked about life, while their kid babbled and ate happily, before promptly falling asleep in his high chair. After Harry put their kid to bed, however, is when it got... interesting.

Lets just say Harry in Heat would be elated.

When Harry woke up, he was blushing, and hard. He fervently ignored it, but the rest of the dream tugged at his heart. It was so domestic- so perfect. 

He wasn't sure how he was going to look Draco in the face, not after that dream. Not without ever blushing, daydreaming about their perfect fantasy child or getting flustered, thinking about what they'd done after their child had gone to bed underneath the silk sheets. 

He wondered if he and Draco had shared the dream again, and if so, how he felt about it. Probably repulsed, Harry thought bitterly, even as he started to write the blond again. 


Can't help but agree. The press is a load of rubbish. Nothing they've ever said about me was even remotely true- but everyone believes it, none the less.

Honestly, I'd be long dead with Hermione. She and Ron deserve more credit for the whole 'killing Voldemort' business.

The stuff had to be expensive. I insist you let me pay you back.

I honestly can't. Not that I have anything against squibs, but it seems so difficult to live in such a world of magic and not be capable of it yourself. No wonder Filch hates us all so much. But I'm glad you're willing to take those preparations during Rut. By the sounds of it, most Alphas wouldn't even think about it. Do you know when Zabini is supposed to go into rut? 

Let me know about the bonding. If it's wearing off and you don't want to renew it, that's fine. I have stuff to help me now.

Speaking of you killing me if I disturbed your precious beauty sleep, how did you sleep? I had a weird dream. Did you have the same one?


Harry sent the letter and leaned back with a heavy sigh, his thoughts inevitably drifting back to the dream. It had to be the bond between them that made it seem so appealing.


Draco was in the middle of his skin-care routine when he received Harry's letter. He sighed. He hated owling back and forth. Not that he didn't like talking to Harry, that wasn't it, it was just such a hassle to cross-reference the letter. It was much easier for him to speak than it was write- it flowed much more naturally. It seemed to be the opposite for Harry, however- Harry sounded much more powerful in his letters than he did in person, stuttering around and looking awkward. Even when his voice did hold power, it wasn't power of eloquence- just his naturally powerful voice that demanded attention and authority

Draco was always more softer spoken, preferring to take his time formulating articulate words, trying to figure out which ones would make him sound best. Speaking was like a puzzle to him, whereas speaking seemed like a contest to Harry.

He finished up his face, hastily scrawling a quick note back.


Let's meet up and talk about this in person. Lauralee's classroom? She's off on vacation, and I doubt anyone else would bother us there. I'm growing awfully tired of writing. I'll bring a few books about bonding to see if we can figure it out. 

Yours, Draco


Harry seized up upon realizing he'd have to go face Draco now. But he couldn't bring himself to turn Draco down. He scrawled on the back of Draco's letter and sent it out. 


Alright. I'm heading over in an hour.


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