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Three days later, Draco's rut hit fast- and hard.

He woke up feeling restless and unnerved and immediately went to Lauralee, who looked surprisingly chipper for being awoken at two in the morning. 

She'd instructed her to follow him, and once again instructed him to write down a list of things he required for the house elves to retrieve. 

Hesitantly, after finishing his list, he turned to the professor. "I... Would you ask Pomfrey about sleeping potions and... and magic stifling potions? Or maybe some sort of restraints I couldn't... Get out of?"

She sent him a pitying look. "I'll ask, okay? Just stay put. I'll be back."

She disappeared through the magic wall, which closed seamlessly behind her. Draco sighed, collapsing down onto the bed, feet tapping and fingers drumming restlessly against his leg. It felt like hours until she'd returned, with a tray full of potions and some sort of leather shackle-like device. 

She set them down on the desk across room, turning to face him. "Blue potions are for sleep. Yellow potion will take away your magic for a typically undetermined amount of time, but it typically only lasts for about six hours, so be mindful."

"Yes ma'am."

"As for these... Well, Mr. Malfoy, do you have anyone to help you through your rut?"

Draco thought about Harry for a moment but hesitated.

"If you have any thought about someone, you'll want instructions on these."

Tentatively, Draco nodded.

"Alright. These can only be opened and closed by magic that isn't the person in them. So, if you had someone coming in to... help you... They'd cast the spell to open and close these on your wrists and to the posts of your bed. Seeing how this is a school, we cannot allow any omega or beta to enter without you wearing these, sexual intentions or not."

Draco tilted his head, frowning slightly. "Why wasn't this all told to me the first time?"

"If an Alpha has help during their first rut, they're likely to grow addicted and possessive to that same person for the rest of their ruts, no matter the circumstances."

"I see." Draco frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, if someone were to come... visit... How would they-?"

"They'll have to come to me. That's how we keep tabs on everything and make sure everyone is alright. You breaking the bars was... an unexpected event that no one had prepared for." Draco winced at her slightly disappointed tone. "However, the magic has been updated and strengthened, so that won't be happening again- especially if you're taking anti-magic potions. Now for a second list- people you'd allow inside your room."

"You mean cell," Draco mumbled, and Lauralee rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, your cell. Do try to have some optimism, dear."

"Lauralee, what happens if two Alphas are in a room while one is in rut? Should I let Pansy or Zabini in?"

Lauralee paused to think for the moment. "Given the... nature... Of your friends, I would say no. You're all rather deep lines of lineage, which means your scents are powerful and would probably try to dominate over the other, which could result in fights, even with close friends. I've adjusted the wards so that no hormones could get through the bars, however, so if they wanted to visit externally that would be fine. Inside the cell, however, I advise no one that isn't a beta, or a significant other of another secondary gender."

"So... Harry is allowed in."

Lauralee's brows rose slightly. "Oh?"

Draco flushed, looking away slightly. 

"Are you two... Together?"

Hesitantly, Draco nodded. "As of a few days ago."

"Well, I'll say! A bit of an adjustment in relationship, from what I've heard. Professors warned me you two would be trouble." Upon Draco's confused expression, she laughed. "You and Harry are infamous among staff, you know. Any teachers with you two in a class together are warned beforehand, and bid a solemn 'good luck'. Though it seems there's no need for that, anymore."

Draco's face flushed and he refused to look at Lauralee, who chuckled. 

"The incantation is on the cuffs. The padded part goes on your wrists, the larger, Velcro-type material on the bed posts. I'll inform Harry that you're here and what needs to happen, and the house elves should be here with your stuff in... Mmm... An hour. Harry will be here whenever he so chooses- if he chooses at all."


When the stuff came an hour later, Draco was pacing, his mind basically chanting Harry's name over and over in his head. He could basically feel his body buzzing under his skin, and he turns to face the house elf bearing his requested items.

Except it's not a house elf. It's Harry.

Draco's inhaling deeply before he can think otherwise, but luckily (luckily for Harry, unluckily for Rut Draco), Harry's got his wand up.


"... Harry."

Harry glanced at the bed, wand never leaving Draco's torso. "I want you to go put one of the cuffs on. That way you can't-"

Draco is already complying, however, almost embarrassingly scrambling, in fact, to sit down on the bed and quickly clasp his wrist to the cuff on the side of the bed that isn't against the wall. 

Harry blinked at him, Draco's leg already bouncing with his unused energy, looking over at Harry desperately. "What else?"

Harry blinked at him, his wand lowering for a moment. "What?"

"The yellow potion- on the desk- bring it here. It'll take away my magic."

Harry's eyes widened slightly, looking over at the array of potions. "Oh, wow. Uhm... Yeah. Okay."

Harry picked up the potion, carefully bringing it towards Draco, who immediately takes it from Harry's hands, pulling the cork with his teeth and swallowing it down in a single gulp. He grimaced at the taste but set the bottle down, looking over at Harry once more. He can feel the magic in his veins subside- not disappear, but simply retract, hiding somewhere deep in his chest. Shivering at the feeling, he leans towards Harry, eyes shining. "I'm so glad you decided to come visit me."

"Well, it's not everyday your boyfriend goes into rut," Harry joked, looking moderately uncomfortable, glancing at Draco's free hand every few moments.

Rolling his eyes, Draco reached over and clasped his free wrist into the shackles. Feeling uncomfortable, he moved so his back was up against the headboard, wrists restrained to either side of him, with enough free room to just touch his hands together if he wanted to.

"Better? Will you come here now?"

Finally lowering his wand, Harry nodded, and Draco couldn't help but grin. His beautiful omega, finally here to help him. Comfort him.

Chills ran down his spine.

Harry would make it better. Harry would fix it. 

Harry would fix him.

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