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Draco's foot tapped uneasily against the floor. He was trying to do his homework now that the elves had brought him his things, but he couldn't focus for the goddamn life of him. Every bit of his skin crawled with unused energy, and he groaned as he slumped over, letting his forehead drop onto the desk.

Someone cleared their throat next to him and he jumped with what felt like an entire day's worth of energy, letting out a low groan as he somehow ended up half on the floor, the top of his head pressed into the concrete, upside down with his feet still propped up on the chair. Blinking the wooziness away, he squinted at the visitor through the bars.

"Oh. Hello Hermione. What can I do for you?" He asked, clumsily rolling off of the chair entirely so he could stand up properly, rubbing his head where he'd hit it on the floor. 

Hermione looked slightly amused. "Just wanted to check in on you, make sure you're getting along okay."

"'Okay' is an overstatement of how I'm doing, but that's very kind of you. I'm alright."

She glanced around the cell, raising a brow at the cuffs on the headboard. Draco's face flamed a bright red. "That's... Those... It's not a kink thing I promise-"

Hermione just laughed, leaning against the bars slightly. "Harry told me about them- I was worried about him coming to see you, especially after last time- I just didn't expect them to look so..."

"Like they were pulled out of a sex dungeon?" Draco asked morosely, wincing slightly. "Yeah, me too."

"Well, at least they look comfortable," Hermione grinned, "Might have to find out where to get some."

Draco's brows rose into his fringe, smirking slightly. "Damn Granger. Didn't know you had it in you."

She just laughed, shaking her head slightly. "So you're doing alright? Feeling out of control at all?"

Draco shrugged, holding up his fingers and pinching them close together, but not quite close enough so they touch. "A little bit- but don't worry, Harry comes near and I'm more whipped than a chocolate mousse. Plus..." Draco held the yellow potion. "Magic removing potions. Couldn't cast a leviosa if I pleased."

She still seemed a bit worried but nodded. "Well, listen, I just..." She hesitated, then sighed. "I guess I'll just cut to the chase, then."

Draco felt his heart drop into his stomach, the blood running through his veins feeling like they were filled with static electricity. Just the thought of what she could possibly say made him feel like throwing up. 

Did Harry send her to break up with him? Did he not trust Draco in his rut anymore? Did something happen to him? Was he okay?

"Draco, please, sit down before you have a heart attack! Merlin!" Hermione shook her head, offering a small, consoling smile. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I just want to ask something of you."

"Anything," Draco replied quickly, then hesitated and corrected himself. "Almost anything."

Hermione nodded at him, flicking some of her hair from her face over her shoulder. "I wanted to ask that you keep sending Harry food- but maybe something more nutritious? He's always struggled eating, you know, but he always eats everything you get him. Me and Ron could never get him to eat much and I just think it would be easier if you'd... Y'know... Help him get some of the foods he needs. I'd gladly compensate you for your trouble-"

"No, absolutely not," Draco interrupted, shaking his head. When she looked confused, he remedied, "to the compensation part, I mean. I'll gladly assist in mission 'Feed Potter'. I've been meaning to learn how to cook anyways, I could just sent him some of what I make and... Y'know... Hope it tastes good enough that he keeps eating- that on top of buying him food too, of course."

She looked relieved. "Well, thank you. I really do think you're good for him."

Draco couldn't help but flush slightly, avoiding eye contact with a forced frown so he wouldn't grin like a lunatic. "I hope so. I like him."

She nodded. "I can tell. And he likes you too. Even if he's confused, he really does like you. Maybe not quite as much as you do him, but... You get the gist. He's new to this."

Draco saw the trap before she even finished her words. "And I'm not?"

She sent him a look that meant his deflection didn't work. "Don't play dumb with me, Draco. I don't know how long you've liked him, but it's definitely been longer than the last few months."

Draco didn't like where this conversation was going. "I'm not playing dumb- merely speaking in small words so you can understand me." 

She didn't seem hurt- if anything, just amused, and oh, did that drive Draco mad. Draco's temper had increased by tenfold during his rut, and while most of him didn't want to lash out at the girl, the part of him controlled by his rut was making the calls. 

"It's rather obvious, Draco."

Draco could feel his teeth gritting in his skull, and he didn't even realize the step he took forward until she took a step back. "The only thing that's obvious here is your nose being shoved where it doesn't fucking belong, Granger. Don't you have somewhere else to be? Making up for a certain lack of status with more worthless information, perhaps?"

Why couldn't he just shut up?

She seemed to be wavering on the line of hurt and amusement before she looked into his eyes- why did people always do that on his rut?- and for some reason just smiled at him. "Yeah, I think I'll go do that, Draco. Enjoy the rest of your rut."


Hermione knew that it wasn't really Draco speaking there- it was easy to tell that he didn't mean it, just by seeing how his iris' nearly glowed, pupils shrinking drastically. He was shaking, knuckles pale and lips pulled into a sneer, and he seemed to be panting.

When Harry had described how Draco had been on his rut- "like a traumatized dog that only knows how to scare people away as a defense", she hadn't expected the description to be so accurate. But the way he was shaking, eyes flashing with both anger and fear, she couldn't help but see Draco Malfoy as a dog who was kicked around a bit too much.

She just hoped Harry could help him the same way that he helped Harry.

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