Mixed Receptions

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I shook my head at the memories of the flight, during which I was stuck sitting next to a person who was full of nothing but complaints. The old lady - I think she said her name was Mrs. Dodds - had randomly began a conversation about the decline of morals in the country.

She ranted the entire trip, going so far as to pulling up articles on her phone. I didn't want her to feel bad for wanting to talk to someone, because sometimes people just need to vent, so I nodded along and threw out opinions of my own to humor her.

I was glad when the plane landed and it was time to leave the terminal.

Holding our carry-ons, the other passengers and I exited in a single-file fashion. I walked past a family waiting on the ramp, paused so other members could catch up.

Seeing them made me wish I had someone in the city. I mean, Hazel and I talked on the phone quite a bit before I moved, but I didn't know her yet, or her brother. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Nico before meeting him in person. He was working every time I tried to schedule a phone call. He never responded to my emails or text messages.

Those were already some red-flags, and, on top of that, Hazel gave me a few warnings about him. She said that he could be stubborn and hard to get along with, but she was quick to add that "he would warm up to me eventually."

None of that was reassuring, especially since I was already so nervous about meeting them. Other people always claim that they don't care what others think; however, I was never able to adopt the same mindset.

I care, sometimes too much.

Leaving my old life behind, I had a chance to make my new one better. A fresh start. A clean slate.... But there was still the possibility that I could ruin everything.

No. I told myself sternly as I walked off the ramp and passed through the airport. You are not going to overthink this. Everything will be fine.

I locked eyes with girl across the room. She had curly brown hair and a darker tone of skin. Her easy smile was an inviting warmth to complement her relaxed mannerisms. We were able to recognize each other by the pictures we sent back and forth.

Hazel's eyes lit up with sparks of excitement. She nudged the person slouched against the wall next to her, who must've been Nico, and weaved through groups of people to meet me. Nico followed her reluctantly.

"Will! It's so nice to meet you in person!" Hazel said, throwing her arms around me and embracing me in a hug. "How was the flight? Everything go well?"

"It's nice to see you, too! The flight went okay, nothing out of the ordinary." I laughed as we broke apart.

"This is my brother, Nico. I told you about him."

Nico looked less enthusiastic. His eyes darted to his sister's before meeting mine. Hazel put her hand on his back - probably so that he wouldn't run away.

He wore all black, like he was in mourning, and his pale complexion was a stark contrast to his sister's. His high cheekbones would have made him look regal, in a way, if not for the dark circles under his eyes and how he carried himself. He looked drained, exhausted.

I held my hand out shake his. "It's nice to finally put a face to a name."

Nico regarded my hand with a cold, steady gaze. It became obvious that he wasn't going to shake it, so I awkwardly let it fall to my side.

Nico cleared his throat after a beat of silence. "We have a driver waiting. Let's just get your luggage and leave."

"Oh. Um, yeah.... we should do that." The voice inside my head cursed at how stupid my words sounded.

Hazel shot Nico a glare, but otherwise didn't say anything. While her brother led the way to baggage claim, Hazel slowed her pace so that she could talk to me without him hearing.

"Nico doesn't like change, that's all. I'm sorry he's taking it out on you." Hazel said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She sighed. "He needs a roommate to help pay the bills, whether he likes it or not, and you're honestly the best choice."

"Was Nico paying for the apartment himself? I thought you were helping with the expenses." I asked, frowning.

"I don't have a job.... Since I go to college, my dad pays me a living allowance. I've tried to pay the rent with the money I'm given, but Nico doesn't accept it because of who gave it to me."

"So-" I started, but Hazel cut me off, already knowing what I was going to ask.

"What happened is kind of personal, maybe Nico will tell you later on.... I don't want to go too far into it. All you need to know for now is that Nico and Dad haven't spoken to each other in years. If you notice any tension in the house, it's probably because Dad is still trying to contact him, not necessarily because Nico's mad at you."

I tried to reassure her. "It's fine if we don't get along. I'll be spending most of my time at the hospital anyway."

"About that.... Nico works at the coffee shop there, so you guys will probably be seeing each other a lot more than you would think."

"At Salus Regional?" I asked, blinking at her.

She nodded.

"You didn't tell him yet, did you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know, it's just a hunch."

Hazel opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to come up with something to say. She finally decided on her word choice after a minute or two of walking. "I didn't tell him about your internship because it would make him upset.... Nico doesn't like to hang around other people that much, I've never seen him leave the house for a reason besides work.... He's just like that, though. You'll get used to it."


I let the conversation between Hazel and I drop while we grabbed my luggage - the only things I brought to New York City was my carry-on, a suitcase full of clothes, and my acoustic guitar. I carried the carry-on and the guitar, and Nico, although he muttered under his breath about doing so, carried the suitcase for me.

After putting my things in the trunk, the siblings and I piled into the car. I was in the middle, and I could tell that sitting so close to me bothered Nico.

He shot Hazel a look, but she had adopted an expression of indifference. He settled into the seat with a defeated sigh, pulling out his headphones almost immediately.

The driver was nice, though. He introduced himself as Coach Hedge.

We drove a few miles, stopping every so often because of the traffic. Time seemed to pass fairly quickly, with Hazel and Coach Hedge pointing out certain buildings and telling me interesting facts about the city.

Before I knew it, we were parked in front of an apartment building. I got out and unloaded my stuff.

Nico paid Coach Hedge, handing the man a few bills from his pocket. "Thank you for the ride."

"No problem. You three stay safe."

And just like that, the car was gone. I stared after it, like it was the last bridge I crossed in order to leave Georgia behind.


I know. I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean for this chapter to take so long, but I prioritized my schoolwork and my other fic over this one. (I'm going to try to keep the chapters at an even pace, so that you don't have to wait so long next time)


I was tagged, too. In the past, I posted tags as a separate chapters, but I think I'll do them in the A/N for now on (so nobody gets their hopes and dreams for the next chapter crushed).

AnYWaYS, I was tagged a couple of times by JMpieguy2001 (I'm flattered that you think I'm interesting enough to tag lol)

First tag:

1. Do you have a crush?
Nah. I don't talk enough to get to know anyone like that soooo.

2. Who is your crush?
Listen, if I HAD to chose someone, it would be Robin Skinner (look him up on YouTube, his username is cavetown)

3. What's your eye color?

4. What size shoe do you wear?
Women's 8

5. What's your biggest fear?
Having everyone I care about leave me.

6. What's your height?

7. What's you favorite salad dressing?
I like vinaigrette's. I don't really have a favorite (because its rabbit food. I mean, how much better can you make a salad?)

8. What's your favorite animal?

9. When's the last time you cried?
When I saw the questions on my chemistry quiz (My professor is VERY nice, though. I got my grade back and he gave me partial credit on the problems.)

10. What's your background?

*awkwardly clears throat*

Second tag:

1. Favorite song
Oh fuck. This is hard. Um, probably BG Noise by cavetown (seriously guys, look him up)

2. Favorite sport
Reading??? That doesn't count, I know. Sports aren't my thing.

3. Favorite band
Twenty One Pilots

4. Favorite show
I know it's over..... but do any of you watch Merlin? I LOVED MERLIN *starts getting flashbacks from the finale* *is trying very hard not to craft*

5. Favorite movie
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I am not sorry.

6. Favorite color
I really like forest green (I have red hair, and I think its one of the only colors that looks good with it)

7. Favorite food

8. Favorite drink
Cheerwine (nobody freak out. It's soda, not alcohol)

9. Favorite video game
Outlast. It's terrifying and I love it.

AND NOW TO TAG PEOPLE (you don't have to do these, if you don't want to)


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