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"So what's your story?" I asked.

The two of us were crossing the street, a busy intersection filled with hundreds of people. Bikers, walkers, drivers. There was so much to process, yet the only thing I focused on was him.

"I don't have one worth sharing," Nico said. His voice was hauntingly beautiful. It was smooth and strong. The accent made it delicate. "I don't live in the past anymore."

"Ahhh, okay. I see what you're doing."

His annoyance was expressed on his face, finished with a sigh. "And what is that?"

When I answered, I reminded myself of a teasing child. "You're being very mysterious.... but it won't work. You should try taking me somewhere nice. That's a good start for you to seduce me properly."

Nico laughed and his face broke into a grin. "In your dreams."

I faltered for a second, because his smile was prettier than I thought it would be. How could something so simple be so radiant?

He had been showcasing his coldness since I arrived. He was sharp and low and passive aggressive all day. But still, there was more to his character than angry words and clipped conversation. Nico was careful, finally letting his guard down. Nothing is simple - people are especially complicated. If I didn't know how to understand, I would have to learn. I recognized that now.

I was staring.

Wait, I was staring.

"Are you okay, Will?"

"Yeah, of course I am." Embarrassment was hot on my cheeks, and I could feel it turning my face red. "I space out sometimes. I'm sorry if I was looking at you weird."

The smile hadn't disappeared completely, it only lessened. "You don't have to be sorry."

I bumped his shoulder and laughed at my awkwardness. Nico was easier to get along with than I originally thought he'd be.

"NICO!" Someone yelled, a sudden voice I didn't recognize.

We snapped our heads around, coming to a stop as Nico groaned. There was a guy weaving through the crowds with a serious intent.

He was tall and tan, lean muscles on display because of his tank top. His dark hair was plastered to his skin. By the time he got closer, I saw that he was dripping with water. His flip-flops squeaked and his clothes were completely soaked. Sunglasses were crookedly sitting on the top of his head. It would have been funny if his expression wasn't so intimidating.

"What do you want, Percy? I'm busy." The sudden venom in Nico's tone surprised me.

Percy put his hands on his hips. "Where have you been? You haven't answered your phone, I've been trying to talk to you about something."

"And I've been ignoring you. Although, it's great to know that you care." Nico spat. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it expertly, despite his shaking hands. "If this is about Bianca, I don't want to hear it anymore."

There was a distance in the way he said that name. His eyes held the look of unbelievable hurt and utter betrayal - emotions hurtling towards Percy in a terrible way. I found myself standing a little closer to my roommate. I was there if he needed me.

Percy seemed to notice my presence of the very first time. He didn't acknowledge it, but he cleared his throat and tried to defuse the tension.

"Listen, Nico.... I know better than to talk to you about that on a random street."

"Then what do you want?"

"You work at the Plaza Hotel, right?" He waited for Nico's hesitant nod before continuing. "My dad is buying the place. He's planning on tearing it down."

It was as if the atmosphere changed.

The color drained from Nico's face. He was pale, but, in that moment, he looked like a ghost. "No one's told me about that.... they would've called me or something."

Percy pushed a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't joke about this. The only reason you don't already know is because they're waiting until the paperwork gets finalized to tell staff. I thought that you'd appreciate the heads up. My dad wants to build a water park, so he's also been buying the other businesses in the area."

"But Waterland was a complete mistake! Posiden lost thousands of dollars and had to close the place down!"

I knew Nico didn't have a lot of money, losing a job was a devastating blow. Countless strangers passed us without even seeing. There was nothing I could do, and it broke my heart.

Percy only shrugged. "He blames that on the location. Denver never was his favorite city."

"Whatever. Thanks for telling me, but I need to go." Nico grabbed my wrist and pulled me along behind him. "Come on, Will. We need to talk to Reyna."

"You have my number! Call me soon, we still need to talk!" Percy yelled after us.

Nico didn't look back.

A/N ~ This is kinda short but please accept my offering

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