9. A Sky Full Of Breaking Waves And Vipers

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// Castiel's POV

Castiel pulled on the sleeves of his hoodie, nervously.

He walked up to the dorm to his room and fiddled with the key in his hands. He slowly unlocked the door and walked inside.

No one was there yet.

He wondered where Dean was.

He said he would be sleeping in their dorm tonight...

Castiel looked inside Dean's closet and pulled out the old hoodie Dean let him keep.

He pulled the hoodie he wore off and put Dean's on.

He pulled off his jeans and put on some pajama pants.

He climbed into Deans bed and sat down. He grabbed the pillow and hugged it closely to his chest, taking in the scent of him.

Castiel sighed and laid down, still hugging the pillow.

He sighed and buried his face against the pillow. He wished Dean was here already.

That's it! He would stay up and wait for him! Castiel sat up again and place the pillow in his lap, he picked up his phone and began to scroll through Tumblr.

As long as he read enough fanfiction, he'd be able to stay up and wait for Dean.


It was currently 2:30AM and Dean wasn't there.

Castiel's phone died an hour ago and the charger was on his side of the room but he was too comfy on Dean's bed that he just forgot about it.

But without anything to do, Castiel grew bored and tired.

His eyes were heavy. He wanted to sleep...but he had to wait for Dean!

Castiel had his eyes half closed when the door opened.

"Cas?" He heard.

It was Dean. Finally.

Castiel smiled sleepily at him and hugged the pillow again.


"What are you doing awake?" Dean asked walking up to him.

Castiel laid on the bed again and looked up at Dean, his eyes opening and closing.

"I...I was waiting...for you..." he yawned.

"You didn't have to do that. You know we rehearse late during this time for competition."

"Oh yea..."

Castiel felt his eyes close and the world close around him.

"Cas?" He heard Dean ask.

Castiel tried to respond but he just hugged the pillow tightly.

"Night Cas..." he heard Dean whisper and felt him kiss his forehead.

Castiel smiled and sighed into the pillow, drifting off to sleep.

He was glad he was back in the dorm. He had talked to Abbadon about it and she said she never forbade him to see Dean and it was his dorm so he could obviously sleep there.

// Dean's POV

Dean changed into his pajama pants and got into bed-- he never slept with a shirt on anyway.

Cas was hugging the pillow against his face and babbling happily about something.

He was so cute.

Dean slowly pulled the pillow away from Cas and placed it where it belonged. He lifted his head and placed it on the pillow. Castiel sighed and moved closer to Dean.

Dean smiled and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed the top of his head and drifted into his own sleep.


"Come on Cas! It's over! You can come back." Dean smiled widely.

Castiel looked down at him and smirked.

"Go back? Why would I do that?" He asked.

"What? What do you mean why? You-- you wanted to come back..." Dean's smile faded from his face.

Castiel laughed and shook his head. His eyes becoming darker as the seconds past.

"Now why the hell would I want to go back? The Hell Hounds were the home I never had. They're my family."

Dean's shook his head.

"No! You're lying! She's making you say this! This isn't you talking!"

"This is me, Dean. You need to accept it."

Dean felt his eyes swell with tears.

"You were gonna come back to me! We were going to be h-- " Dean tried to convince but Cas cut him off.

"You mean nothing to me!" Castiel yelled.

Dean's eyes widened.

"You...you don't mean that."

"Yes. I do. Good bye Dean."

And he began to walk away.

"CAS!" Dean yelled after him but he was gone.

Dean opened his eyes, still screaming. He looked around. He was in his room.

It was a dream...thank god.

When Dean tried to hug Cas, he wasn't there. And Dean was facing away from him. Dean felt a pair of arms around his waist and then realized.

Dean groaned and smiled.

"Dean...?" He heard Cas ask.

"Why am I the little spoon?" Dean asked, laughing.

Castiel chuckled and kissed his back.

"It just happened...good morning by the way."


Castiel squeezed Dean once before pulling away and sitting up.

Dean smiled and also sat up. He wrapped his arm around Cas' waist and kissed his cheek. Cas smiled and closed his eyes.

"I feel like this would only be happening if we had had sex last night." Cas chuckled.

Dean smirked and began to kiss Cas' neck.

"I mean...we could." He mumbled.

Castiel hummed in return and leaned his head back, giving Dean more room.

Dean smirked and kissed all over his neck, biting down a few times, causing Cas to gasp.

"You're wearing my hoodie," Dean whispered.

"I am-- it's ahh-- comfortable."

Dean's hand trailed down Cas' stomach, causing him to giggle.

"What?" Dean asked, stopping and pulling away.

"I-- Nothing." Cas smiled.

Dean curled his fingers on Cas' stomach. Cas gasped and tried to move away.

"You're ticklish!" Dean smiled widely.

"I don't know what you're t-- DEAN!" Cas yelled as Dean pushed him down on the bed and tickled at his sides.

"STOP!" He cried.

Dean smiled and continued. He glanced at the clock and almost sky rocketed off the bed.

"SHIT! IM LATE!" Dean yelled and ran off to change.

Castiel caught his breath and sat up.

He was late too but he didn't care one bit.

Dean ran around pulling his shoes on and a shirt.

He picked up his wallet, stuffed it in his pocket and quickly kissed Castiel before running to the door.

"See ya!" He called and ran out the door and towards the practice room.

Dean was glad he got to see Cas again. And he was even more pleased that he got to see him every night now.

Dean quickly bought himself a coffee before walking into the room.

"Look who decided to show up." Gabriel smirked.

"Sorry! I slept in..." Dean laughed nervously.

"Right...okay come on everyone! Time to practice." Sam said, clapping his hands.

Everyone gathered in a circle around Sam and Gabriel.

"Okay so one of you will sing a tune-- the rest will intensify that tune and our soloist here will be vocals-- you can choose to sing with him but if you do, it has to be covered by his voice, got it? This is all just to see how quick we are at finding a certain tempo, pitch, and sound." Gabriel explained. "So, Chuck, go ahead and sing a tune."

Chuck sighed and thought for a moment before beginning to sing the tempo of the song.

"Lucifer-- continue." Sam pointed.

Lucifer nodded and sang the tune along with Chuck.((God and Satan are singing together-- totally normal))

Sam and Gabriel instructed everyone else to sing along with the tune and began to sing themselves.

Dean took in a deep breath and began to sing.

"Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars...

I'm gonna give you my heart...

Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars...

Cause you light up the path..."

A few people sang behind him, signaling for Dean to sing louder.

He almost missed the point where Cas popped up in their practice room.

"I don't care, go on and tear me apart...

I don't care if you do, ooh...

Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars

I think I saw you..."

Dean smiled widely at Castiel who was still in his hoodie

Cas smiled and waved at him, moving to sit in one of the chairs in the room.

Everyone stopped singing and turned to look at Cas.

"Hey guys." He winked.

Everyone was quiet for a while before they all screamed like twelve year olds and ran up to him.

"CAS! WE'VE MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!" They yelled and tackled him into multiple hugs.

Cas laughed and returned their hugs.

"I've missed you all too!" He smiled.

"Hey, little brother. How's the Hell Hounds?" Gabriel asked, walking up to him, hand in hand with Sam.

"Eh they're okay-- Abbadon's just always got something up her ass." Cas shrugged.

They all groaned and shook their heads.

"So my rehearsal doesn't start for another fifteen minutes so I thought I could sing one last song with you guys." Cas suggested.

They all looked at each other before looking at Dean.

"What do you think?" Sam asked Dean.

Dean looked at everyone then at Cas.

"I think he should he able to sing a song with us."

Everyone nodded and soon they were back in their circle, Cas now with them. And Dean stood across from him in the group.

Castiel took a deep breath and sang the tune. Once everyone knew the song, they sang along with him until Cas' voice faded to sing the song.

"Every breaking wave on the shore, tells the next one 'there'll be one more'

And every gambler knows that to lose, is what you're really there for...

Summer I was fearless, now I speak into an answer phone

Like every fallen leaf, on the breeze,

Winter wouldn't leave it alone, alone..."

Dean smiled and sang the chorus with him.

"If you go...if you go your way and I go mine...

Are we so...are we so helpless against the tide?

Baby, every dog on this street, knows that we're in love with defeat.

And we ready to be swept off our feet

And stop chasing, every breaking wave?"

They were about to sing the second verse when Ruby ran in.

"Castiel." She stated.

They all stopped and looked at her in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Cas asked.

"I'm here to take you to rehearsal, duh." She said, rolling her eyes.

She strolled over to the group but tripped over one of the chairs, causing her to fall-- next to Sam which led to him catching her.((...should we cut her?))

"Uh...are you okay?" Sam asked her.

Ruby looked up at him and smiled.

"Y-yea...I'm fine...thanks." She regained her posture and glanced at Gabriel once before smiling at Sam.

"Let's go Castiel." She said before waving at Sam and walking out of the room.

"Well...I guess I have to go." Cas sighed. "But before I do...." Castiel ran up to Dean and kissed him before running off.

"Good luck at competition!" He called.

Once the door closed, Gabriel slapped the back of Sam's head. ((Obviously he was on his toes.))

"What was that for?!" Sam asked.

"For flirting with the enemy." Gabriel rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Who's a girl."

"Flirting? How was that flirting?!" Sam asked.

The group took this opportunity to walk away and here the gossip from Dean about him and Cas.

"Are you that blind? She's into you! First it was when we were introduced. Her stares lingered like forever and you were completely oblivious. Second, the riff off. You cut her off when she was singing-- but it was more like you started singing and she stopped because all she did was stare at you. That was the first time she heard you sing by yourself. And now. She clearly tripped on that chair on purpose and fell in your direction so you could catch her! And you did! And she stared at you again! She waved good bye to you when she left. She. Likes. You. And you being the nice moose puppy you are, give her ideas." Gabriel huffed, turning away.

Sam was taken back. He was making a point. But Sam never meant to seem like he was into her.

Sam sighed and wrapped his arms around Gabriel's waist.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make it seem like something was happening."

Gabriel pouted and didn't look at him.

"You should've let her fall." He mumbled.

Sam chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Now Gabriel. You know the kind of gentleman I am. If you fell, I would obviously catch you."

Gabriel smirked and looked at him.

"Well that's too bad cause if you fell I would probably let you fall. I would help you up but I would love to see you just fall." He laughed.

Sam rolled his eyes and kissed his cheek again before dragging himself and Gabriel to the rest of the group for practice.


// Castiel's POV

"So what's with you and Sam?" Cas asked Ruby as they walked towards their practice room.

"What? N-nothing." She mumbled and walked faster.

"Come on. I know Crowley told you to get closer to him but...you really do seem to like him."

"No! Well...maybe...ugh I don't know." She sighed.

Castiel rolled his eyes and caught up with her.

"Well I mean that's fine but as long as you don't make a move on him, the balance is perfect."

"Why can't I make a move on him?" She asked.

"Seriously? In case you didn't notice, he's got a boyfriend!" Cas groaned.

She shook her head and opened the door to the practice room, stepping inside. Castiel sighed and followed her in.

Abbadon scolded him for a while but Crowley stopped her since he wasn't technically late.

The all lined up in their arrangement and the girls began to sing. They sang in a weird tritone style-- Cas had no idea how they were doing it so perfectly-- they sounded like the devil himself. ((Actually, Satan's in the other room, honey))

Tessa was the first to sing.

"I can almost feel the tick like clockwork, hearing all the voices in my head each time I go

There's a game they play that I'm not part of

Tearing at the weaknesses and all the faults they know..."

Then Castiel sang.

"It's impossible to navigate around

It's inevitable that you'll fall in

It's improbable I'll ever come back down

I fell in and now I think I might drown..."

Meg took a step forward and sang with Castiel.

"I've fallen deep into a pit of vipers

Sliding over me, over me, and I can't break free

Secrets run deep when you're in a pit of vipers

S-s-slithering, whispering, feel the venom poisoning me."

Crowley cut them off and narrowed his eyes at the group.

"Okay, good rehearsal. We have a few weeks before our first competition so I expect you all to be perfect." He looked at Castiel and smiled. "Castiel. I heard Abbadon has been taking certain privileges from you?"

Castiel looked down at his feet and slowly nodded.

Crowley nodded and glanced at Abbadon before continuing.

"Go on about your normal life-- just with a different team. You can see Dean if we're not rehearsing. Go to you classes on time and sleep in your dorm. Don't let her ruin your life."

Abbadon groaned loudly and threw herself onto a chair.

Castiel looked back up at Crowley and nodded frantically.

"Yes. Thank you." He smiled. Crowley nodded and continued their rehearsal.

Castiel wondered why Abbadon thought she was in charge when Crowley was her boss and the founder of the Hell Hounds. But he was happy he wasn't as strict and rude as her. He was aloud to see Dean now.

Competition was in a few weeks and Castiel needed to decide whether to make them sound terrible or immaculate.

*Hello everyone! Happy late Easter! This was to be published yesterday but it didn't happen so here! I hope you enjoyed! See you next time!

ComeAlongHolmes_  *

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