Are You Okay, Sunshine?

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As always creds to whoever made this fanart. And for some random reason I just like to think of Nico as a small ball of cuteness that think he is scary...

As soon as Will left his things at the Apollo cabin and caught up with his siblings we went straight to my cabin on a silent mutual agreement. As soon as I close the door behind us Will pulls me into a tight hug. "I missed you so much, Death Boy." He whispers in my ear. I stand on my tiptoes and give him a peck on the cheek. "Are you okay, Sunshine?" I ask as I feel his body start to shake and a few sobs escape his mouth. He shakes his head, burying it on the crook of my neck and, for once, I feel like I am the one to help him pick up the pieces of his broken self.

I lead Will to my bed and sit down with him still in my arms. I keep holding Will and drawing circles on his back as I try to sooth him. When Will finally calms down, he pulls away from me, wiping the tears off his eyes with his hands. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to break down like this... I... I just-" Will starts to say and I cut him off with a kiss. "It's okay, Sunshine. You don't have to be sorry." I say caressing his cheek with my thumb. "Did something at school bother you?" I ask, I have noticed that something was off about Will ever since he came back, especially when he mentioned school and I am almost certain that something did happen there. I just hope he is not being bullied or anything like that, I know how it feels to be an outcast and I don't want Will to feel like that.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused, raising an eyebrow at me. "What could possibly happen at school?" I look at Will for any sign of emotion, anything that could show that he was lying or hiding something, but there was nothing. "I mean have you been bullied or something?" I question straight-forwardly, surprising myself, I did never think I could be this blunt about any subject related to feelings. "No. Why do you ask that?" He asks as if I am crazy, so I decide to drop it with a shrug. "Will, what happened then?" I look at his face, but he avoids my gaze, looking everywhere but at me.

"I don't want to talk about it." Will finally says after a few minutes of dead silence. "But Will-" I start talking, I want to say that I just want to help him, just like he helped me so much, I just want to be there for him whenever he needs me, I want to make him happy, as happy as he can be at all costs. However, Will interrupts me with a scream "I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, OKAY?" I flinch at his tone, my eyes widen and involuntarily I move away from him. "I-I'm sorry, Death Boy. I didn't mean to-" Will starts apologizing right after realizing what he just did and before he can continue his apology and I can process everything, Percy barges into my room, with a shock written all over his features and his perfect dark hair wild all over the place.

"Oh Gods, Percy! Are you okay?" I get up from my spot on my bed and walk towards the scared-looking son of Poseidon. He only shakes his head, trying hard to regain his breath on a normal pattern.

"Leo" is the only thing he breaths out and I know exactly what that means. I give Will, who is still on my bed with blood shoot eyes, a look that means that this conversation is not done yet and run off of my cabin.

A.N.: Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating last week and for this chapter being very short, but I've been really busy with school these days. I will try to make it up to you as soon as I can.

Thanks again for reading this fanfic,

Love ya

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