[010] Kanto Grass Starter; Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

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Right now, Takuya was having trouble walking through a non-path forest.

"Ugh, I hate this." Takuya whined, "Why can't I read a simple map?" Turning the paper map in different directions to read.

"Aura can we take a break please? I'm starting to get thirsty." Yami said.

"Rio, Rio." Koyuki agreed.

Takuya looked around and spotted a very small stream, she decided to take a break there.

Yami and Koyuki saw the small stream and hopped off her shoulder, running towards the stream and started to refresh themselves.

While Takuya was sitting down, she saw a Pokémon by the stream as well.

The Pokémon resembled a blue plant bulb with a round body, beady red eyes and five oval foot-like roots. It has five large, green leaves sprout from it's head and drinking water from the small stream.

Takuya took out her Pokédex to check:
🔹Oddish, the Weed Pokémon.
It often plants its root feet into the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walk about at night.

"What's an Oddish doing here?" Takuya asked, then shrugged her shoulder, "Oh well. Yami, Koyuki we get going now!"

"Ohh~ I was enjoying the cool water." Yami pouted.

"Rio." Koyuki smiled.

"Oddish." The wild Oddish looked at the black-blued haired girl in interest.

Out of the bush a small, quadruped Pokémon with green to bluish-green skin and darker green patches. It has red eyes with white pupils and sclera and pointed, ear-like structure on top of its head. Its snout is short and blunt, and it has a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws and on its back is a green plant bulb.

"Bulba!" It called out to the wild Oddish.

Takuya blinked and turned to source of the sound, she gasped. "No way its a Bulbasaur!" Takuya exclaimed in happiness.

Takuya took out her Pokédex:
🔹Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon.
It bears the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The seed slowly develops. Researchers are unsure whether to classify Bulbasaur as a plant or animal. Bulbasaur are extremely calm and very difficult to capture in the wild.

Bulbasaur saw Takuya and attacked her with its vine whip attack.

Takuya eyes widen and jumped to dodge it, "Phew, that was close."

"AURORA!" Yami exclaimed and jumped in front of Takuya, "Hey, what's the big idea?" He asked the wild seed Pokémon, "She didn't do anything to you!"

"Rio, Rio, Rio! Rio!" (Big brother is right! 'Mother' didn't didn't do anything at all.) Koyuki said angrily.

"Odd, Oddish, Od, Oddish." (Calm down Bulbasaur, please.) Oddish pleaded to the seed Pokémon.

The wild Bulbasaur looked at the two Pokémon in shock, it was it's first time seeing a Pokémon  protect a human this much and what surprised and shocked it the most was a rare pure white Riolu.

"Um..." Takuya said trying to calm down her two Pokémon. "Umm... Please calm down, Yami, Koyuki don't hurt it, it was only protecting the Oddish."

"So, he's doesn't have the right to attack you." Yami reasoned. "I say call Triton or Mystic."

"No." The blacked-blued haired girl sigh, "You better go Oddish, Bulbasur." She picked up her two Pokémon and walked off. "Maybe well see each other again."

Bulbasaur stared at her stil in shock because most trainers would give to a wild Bulbasaur a battle or try to capture him but she didn't, she let him go just like that.

"Bulba." Bulbasaur said and ran off with Oddish.


Takuya contuined to walk on, then she came across a wooden bridge.

Takuya looked at the map then to the bridge, "That's odd." She raised an eyebrow, "This bridge isn't even on the map."

"Should we cross it?" Yami asked.

"I say we should, who knows someone might be living on the other side and if they are, they could help us."

"Okay, but we have to be careful this bridge looks unstable." Yami warned.

Takuya nodded.

When Takuya started to cross the bridge, Yami was right it wasn't exactly stable, so she had to hang onto the sides were the ropes were, while she walked and suddenly a huge gust of wind rocked the bridge and the ropes on the bridge snapped.

"Oh no!" Takuya exclaimed in alarm and she managed to grab the rope tightly with Yami and Koyuki both hanging on for life on her shoulders.

"Aura can you climb?" Yami asked worriedly.

"Yeah I think so, hang on." Takuya answered and she manage to climb herself up with two Pokémon hanging, up onto the cliff. "Phew, that was close." She wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Rio, Rio, Rio?" ('Mother' you okay?) Koyuki asked.

Takuya nodded, "I'm fine. We better get moving." She said.

As Takuya was looking for a way out, she had trouble on the way. Apparently someone has put lots of traps along the path and Takuya kept failing into them.

"Okay this is getting ridiculous." Yami said in annoyance as Takuya climbed out of the hole, "What's going on here?"

"I don't know but I think these traps are for setup for a reason and it's not for pranks. More like protecting something or someone." Takuya answered, "Come on lets keep on moving, before we run into more traps."

Even though Takuya tried not to fall into any more traps, luck was on her side.


Soon Takuya came into view of a small wooden cabin location, where she saw a young woman with long royal blue hair in a braid with a light green bow tied, blue eyes and a orange headband on top of her head, she is wearing a red jumpsuit with pink shirt underneath and yellow shoes. The young woman was feeding some Pokémon.

"Um, excuse miss." Takuya called out.

The woman turned around seeing Takuya, "Oh dear, who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Takuya a Pokémon trainer and I'm wondering if you could tell me where I am?" She answered/ asked.

"I'm Melanie and your at a small village called Hidden Village."

Takuya blinked, "Hidden Village?"

Melanie nodded, "Yes. You see I take care of injured Pokémon and treat them before their can be on there way. Your not here to capture any Pokémon are you?" She asked.

Takuya shook her head instantly, "No, I'm just lost and trying to find a way to Vermillion City for my third gym badge." She said.

Melanie sighs in relief.

"Does the traps setup have anything to do with Pokémon trainers?" Takuya asked.

Melanie apologised and explained that the holes, nets and broken bridge were to keep Pokémon trainers from reaching the Hidden Village, to make sure they don't capture any of the Pokémon here.

Takuya understood, but she became worried about something, 'Would the traps keep poachers and thieves away though?' She wondered.


Takuya's thought was right; Team Rocket had heard about the Hidden Village and wanted the Pokémon for themselves.

James passed Jessie and Meowth some black glasses.

"What are these for?" Jessie asked.

"Put them on," James said to them, who was already wearing a pair of black glasses, "and look ahead of you."

Jessie and Meowth put the glasses on and looked at the path.

"No way," Meowth exclaimed, "those are traps."

"It's a good thing I got these glasses." James said.

"Where'd you get them from anyway?" Jessie asked.

"I nicked them from Team Rocket's lab," James answered, "they were going to give them to some other Rocket agents. But I nicked before they did."

"That was a smart move." Jessie commented.

"Thanks." James said.


Meanwhile Takuya decide to stay a bit longer helping Melanie care for the Pokémon.

Takuya was tending a Staryu, a Caterpie and two Ratatta's, while Melanie was tending to a Paras and Weepinbell.

Takuya felt something rubbed her legs and she looked seeing a Oddish, "Wait a minute your the Oddish I meet a the small water stream, aren't you?" She asked if she was correct.

Oddish smiled and nodded, "Oddish." It said happily.

"If the wild Oddish is here, that means the Bulbasaur from before is from here as well." Yami spoke up suddenly.

The weed Pokémon nodded, "Oddish." One of it's leaf pointed to the seed Pokémon next to Melanie.

"You must the Oddish that Melanie told me how you were abandoned because your trainer thought you were weak."

Oddish nodded sadly, "Oddish."

"Some trainers don't understand the hard work of a Pokémon, but don't worry I'm sure that you'll find a trainer who wants you." Takuya smiled.

Melanie was watching in surprise that the Oddish was interacting with a trainer or someone other than herself, she smiled seeing how Takuya isn't like other trainer who will be mean to a Pokémon.

Bulbasaur was also watching from the distance, seeing how easily the shy Oddish was talking to Takuya and she could understand her easily.

Suddenly a mysterious shadow was flying over them.

"What's going on?" Takuya asked.

"AHAHAHAH!" They heard Team Rockets motto.

Team Rocket was riding their balloon.

"Who are they?" Melanie asked.

"They thieves, who like to steal other people's Pokémon." Yami answered angrily.

"What are you doing here?!" Takuya shouted.

"What do you think twerp?" Jessie said with a smirked. "We're here to take the Pokémon. Show them Meowth!"

"Right 't' yo!" Meowth pressed a button from the balloon.

A huge vacuum hose came from under the basket. It suddenly started to start sucking up.

"Seriously, they never run out of ideas do they." Yami said.

"No they don't. Come on we have to get the Pokémon to safety." Takuya said and she grabbed Staryu and Oddish while Melanie grabbed Weepinbell and Koyuki help out one Ratatta.

They all ran to Melanie's cabin to protect themselves from the vacuum wind.

Just as Takuya was about to enter, when she saw Bulbasaur struggling through the strong wind, she gave Staryu and Oddish to Melanie and gave Bulbasaur a hand and soon they were all inside the cabin.

"If those twerps think hiding in the log cabin will work think again," Meowth smirked, "our vacuum will suck them all up."

Bulbasaur climbed up onto the roof and vine whipped the hose away from the cabin.

Takuya opened the cabin doors when the hose was away from them, "Hunter a little help here." She released her dragon Pokémon.

"Rargh!" Hunter roared.

"Oh that's not good." Jessie said.

"Oh boy." James and Meowth said seeing a dragon in front of them.

"Hunter use twister! Blow Team Rocket and that machine away!" Takuya ordered.

Hunter flapped his wings creating a powerful tornado, hitting the machine along with Team Rocket ballon.

"TEAM ROCKET IS BALSTING OFF AGAIN!" They shouted into the sky.


After the trouble with Team Rocket was over, Melanie thanked Takuya for her help, "Takuya I have something to ask you." She said.

"Sure what is it?" Takuya asked.

Melanie picked up Bulbasaur, "I would like you to take Bulbasaur with you."

"What? But what about the Village?"

Melanie explained that it was time for Bulbasaur to leave the village and get out into the real world, "These Pokémon shouldn't stay here forever, they need to leave soon and grow up into the world. So please take care of Bulbasaur." She said.

Takuya accepted and asked Bulbasaur for a match, which Bulbasaur happily accepted the challenge.

"Rio, Rio!" ('Mother' can I battle please.) Koyuki pointed to herself.

"Huh? You want to battle?" Takuya asked.

Koyuki nodded, "Rio."

"Okay but please be careful."

"Rio." Koyuki smiled and jumped onto the field, ready to battle against Bulbasaur.

"Koyuki use quick attack." Takuya said. Koyuki vanished and reappeared tackling Bulbasaur but Bulbasaur he didn't give up Bulbasaur used razor leaf.

"Koyuki use quick attack to dodge it." Koyuki use her quick attack to dodge the razor leaf attack in time, then she felt something... a power in her palm, Koyuki ran up to Bulbasuar with her palm and sent a shock wave of energy from her palm.

Takuya gasped, at the sudden attack, "That's force palm. Koyuki learnt how to use force palm already." She said.

Koyuki smiled, "Rio, Rio, Rio!"

"Your right, use force palm once more." Koyuki use force palm once more, making the seed Pokémon paralysed.

"Bulba." Bulbasaur grunted from the attack unable to move.

"Use quick attack to end this." Koyuki charged at Bulbasur once more making him faint from the final attack.

Takuya tossed a Pokéball catching Bulbasaur and ding he was caught, she smiled and picked up the Pokéball.

"Thank you very much Koyuki and excellent first battle." Takuya praised.

"Rio, Rio, Rio!" Koyuki cheered.

"Awesome battle Yuki." Yami praised as well.


Takuya promised Melanie that she would take good care of Bulbasaur.

"I know you will." Melanie smiled.

Just then Oddish walked up to Takuya and rubbed her leaves against her.


"Huh? What's wrong?" Takuya asked

"It seems Oddish here wants to go with you as well. I can see that Oddish like you." Melanie said, "So would you take care of it also?"

"If that is what Oddish wants I'll do it." Takuya said and she tapped a Pokéball on Oddish's head and soon Oddish was caught.

Bulbasaur is named 'Denver'.

Oddish is named 'Flora'.

Takuya had sent Ciro, Rin, Len and Tryell to Professor Oak ranch, she quickly took a quick look at Denver and Flora information.

🔹Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon.

Type: Grass and Poison

Gender: Male

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Take Down and Razor Leaf.

*Egg Move: Magical Leaf anf Leaf Storm which has yet to be unlocked.

Ability: Overgrow

Hidden Ability: Chloropgyll

🔹Oddish, the Weed Pokémon.

Type: Grass and Poison

Gender: Female

Known Moves: Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain and Natural Gift.

*Egg Move: Razor Leaf and Synthesis which has yet to be unlocked.

Ability: Chloropgyll

Hidden Ability: Run-Away

'Denver and Flora has some amazing moves already.' Takuya thought putting away her Pokédex, 'Can't wait to use them in battles.'

With new Pokémon in the tow, Takuya and her Pokémon bid farewell to Melanie and set off to Vermilion City.


Takuya's Pokémon ~ 25
• Bulbasaur = M = Denver (Den)
• Oddish = F = Flora

• Ninetales = F = Seraphina (Sera)
• Zorua = M = Yami
• Aqua Blue Gyarados = F = Mystic
• Red Gyarados = M = Triton
• Delcatty = F = Tsuki
• White Milotic = F = Pluvia
• Rapidash = F= Brisa (Risa)
• Luxio = M = Rai
• Salamance = M = Hunter
• Prinplup = F = Sarila (Rila)
• Monferno = F = Niran (Ran)
• Grotle = F = Daliah (Dal)
• Sylveon = F = Kaisa (Kai)
• Pidgeotto = M = Ciro
• Pikachu = M = Tyrell (Ty)
• Beautifly = F = Kimama (Kim)
• Scyther = M = Kardos
• Butterfree = F = Nova
• Sandshrew = M = Tarrin
• Clefable = F = Pari
• Nidoran-F = Rin
• Nidoran-M = Len
• White Riolu = F = Koyuki (Yuki)

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