[015] Aboard the St.Anne; Pokémon Battles and Prizes

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Takuya was still in Vermilion City, but she was visiting the Vermilion Harbour and staring at the books.

"Wow, look at all the cruise ships." Koyuki said excitedly.

Takuya suddenly notice something at the docks, "Hey, thats the S.S Anee, the largest ship Kanto." She said pointing to a big white ship.

"Wow," Yami said, "it would be nice to be travel on that."

"But 'mother' we don't have enough money for it." Koyuki pointed out.

Takuya and Yami sighs disappointedly knowing that Koyuki was right.

Takuya was about to walk away when streamers of confetti exploded in front of her face, she was shock and saw that a pair of... cheerleaders.

"Cooool!" They both shrieked.

"Your a Pokémon trainer correct?" The woman with dark tanned skinned and blonde hair asked.

"Yes I am." Takuya replied silently confused.

"Then here you go." The woman with dark tanned skinned, brown hair said handing Takuya a piece of paper, "These are tickets for the S.S Anne."

Takuya was surprised, "Wait you're giving this to me for free?" She asked.

"That's correct. the blonde haired giggled, "S.S Anne is holding a party for Pokémon trainers. So Pokémon trainers get these tickets for free."

"Oh, thank you." Takuya said.

"Your welcome and have fun." The brown hair woman smile.


So Takuya boarded the S.S Anne cruise, but what she didn't know that it was a trap.

The two ladies were really Jessie and James in disguise and they took of their disguises.

"Who ever thought that would be so easy?" Jessie said.

"And who ever thought I would make a pretty woman?" Jame joked.

"Quiet you two." Meowth said, "The Boss wants to talk to us."

A screen came up, showing the boss of Team Rocket was a middle aged man, wearing a orange suit, he is known as Giovanni. His desire was to capture hundreds of powerful Pokémon and use their power to make the whole world his own, to have both humans and Pokémon under his control.

"Is everything ready?" Giovanni asked.

"Yes sir!" Jessie answered, "We have hundreds of Pokémon trainers aboard the S.S. Anne."

"Excellent," Giovanni said, "my men have gone aboard and when the time is right, we will get all of those trainers Pokémon."

The screen went off.

"Time to get to work." Meowth said.

Jessie and James agreed.


"Wow, this place is really amazing." Koyuki said with glee.

"Your right, it's like a Pokémon trainer's paradise." Yami added.

Takuya agreed as well and looked around interest, so far is saw dozens of booths with food, accessories, clothes, games and even Pokémon battles are happening on the ship, eyeing all different battles going on around her, but surprise her was most of the Pokémon here were from all different regions.

"This must be an international ship," Takuya said, "because I'm seeing lots of Pokémon from all different regions."

"Your right." Yami said looking around.

"It's pretty amazing don't you think 'mother'?" Koyuki asked.


After watching several different battles, Takuya was starting to a itch wanting a battle of her own.

Suddenly a boy with brown hair and dark brown around her age came up to her, "Hey, I'm Jeff from Lilycove City," He introduced, "I would like to have a battle you."

"I accept and I'm Takuya from Pallet Town."

They both took to a battle arena, as other trainers were gathered around watching on the sidelines.

"Zangoose I choose you!" Jeff shouted and released a bipedal Pokémon resembling a cross between a mongoose and cat. Its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws. It has two long, black claws on its forepaws, and pink paw pads on its hind feet. It has pink eyes, long ears, and a small red nose. When it opens its mouth, two sharp fangs can be seen on its upper jaw. There are small tufts of white fur on its shoulders, and it has a large, fluffy tail.

"Zangoose!" It said.

Takuya looked up the Pokémon on her Pokédex:
🔹Zangoose, the Cat Ferret Pokémon.
Zangoose usually walks on all fours, but stands on its hind legs when angry. It's very quick and can easily dodge most enemy attacks.
- Zangoose are native in the Hoenn region.

"A normal and speed Pokémon." Takuya said, "Well, its been awhile since you battle... Niran show them your strength!" She released her playful monkey Pokémon.

"Monferno!" She said happily jumping on the field.

"A Monferno huh? Sinnoh region but I'll start things off," Jeff said, "Zangoose use slash!" Zangoose's sharp claws grew sharper as they started glowing white.

The cat ferret Pokémon leapt forward with incredible speed at Niran.

"Ran use mach punch!" Takuya countered. Niran fist glowed and she leapt also but the mach punch attack hit first, sending Zangoose back to the opponents field and since mach punch was a fighting type move, it was super effective against a normal type Zangoose.

"What that fast!" Jeff exclaimed, "Zangoose you okay?"

"Zang." It nodded saying its fine.

"Ran use flamethrower!" Niran blew flamethrower towards Zangoose.

"Protect!" Jeff ordered. A large green shield suddenyly formed around the cat ferret Pokémon, protecting it from the flamethrower attack.

Once Takuya saw the shield, "Ran use focus punch now!" She said when the protect was gone. Niran ran and she appeared in front of Zangoose and punch it on the stomach directly.

"What?! Zangoose!" Jeff exclaimed in shock of what just happened.

Zangoose was sent flying back, creating a small dust field around it but when the dust disappeared Zangoose was on the ground with swirling eyes.

"Monferno." Niran smirked.

Takuya and Niran won the first match.

"Alright aunt Ran did it!" Koyuki cheered.

"Monferno!" Niran nodded and she froze, she began to glow and her body changed into a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon that is primarily reddish-brown with sections of white fur on her chest, head, and lower legs. Several gold markings adorn her body: swirled, circular ones on her knees and shoulders flame-shaped ones on the back of her hands and a stripe around her back that forms two swirls on her chest. On top of her head is a large flame, which is never extinguished. She has an orange, rounded muzzle, long, round ears with blue inside, and a red ridge over her eyes. The eyes themselves are blue with yellow sclera. There are five blue digits on both its feet and hands, and she has a long tail.

"Infernape!" Niran said.

"You've evolved." Takuya said and looked up the new Pokémon.

🔹Infernape, the Flame Pokémon.
The evolved form of Monferno. Infernape's fiery crown reflects its fiery nature, and its speed is unmatched.

Type: Fire and Fighting

New Moves Learnt: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Hyper Beam, Overheat, Low Sweep and *Thunder Punch.

After returning her new evolved Pokémon, Jeff walked up to Takuya, "That was a great battle Takuya. I'm glad you beat me, I was getting to confident." He said.

"No harm is done." Takuya said, shaking Jeff's hand. "It was a great battle." She walked off, wondering to the stalls. "Well I'm lets look around." She said.


Takuya, Yami and Koyuki took a good looked around, they passed by a stall that held souvenirs, she bought stuff plush toys; a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu and Ninetails.

Takuya also tried her luck against a scratch ticket, chance of winning a set of Eevee Evolution toys; Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and surprisingly a Sylveon, with surprised her that she actually won.


Koyuki wanted a try a punching game, apparently it was to test a Pokémon speed punches. If the Pokémon can get more than 100 punch balls than they a set of jewellery pendants for the Pokémon and their trainer to wear, which Takuya and Koyuki thought to be very pretty and amazing how the pendant cannot be destroyed in battle, it was made to withstand the attacks.

In the end Koyuki succeed on punching the flying white balls, she actually got the highest of punching more than 250 hundred in 10 minutes.


Yami was next to try a game, the game was about trying to find your way out of the dark tunnel maze, which Takuya paled since she has not sense in direction and their were three prizes to be given for the three top winners; the third was a big Pokémon Medicine Kit, the second was a blue Pokémon egg in an incubator and the first was a set of Evolution stones.

Yami came out first out of five Pokémons, he was out in 5 minutes which shock some of the trainers who are still trying to communicate to their Pokémon.

Takuya received the set of Evolution stones inside were; a Water stone, Fire stone, Thunder stone, Shiny stone, Moon stone, Dusk stone, Leaf stone, Dawn stone, Sun stone and three Everstone.

It was an amazing fabulous big prize to win.


"Mother whats the ticket drawing?" Koyuki asked.

Takuya opened up her booklet and started skimming through the pages, "Here it is. Well it says that once a moth on the S.S Anne, they draw 5 numbers that match some of the passenger's tickets. Each winner gets a special prize that's related to Pokémon in some way." She said out.

"Wow, that sounds awesome Aura. Lets check it out." Yami said.

Takuya nodded and followed the other trainers to the main ballroom.


"Alright Pokémon Trainers, its time for the monthly ticket drawing!" The announcer said through the microphone, "My name is Vivian Meridian, some of you may know my from the Hoenn Region Contest MC."

Serval of the trainers obviously coordinators from Hoenn, started cheering.

"Contest?" Yami said confused.

"A Pokémon Contest is divided into two parts. In the first round, called the Performance Stage, Coordinators have their Pokémon performing their moves in order to showcase their style, beauty, grace and skill is the main focus, it's the same as the second stage but it's a battle performance." Takuya explained.

"Sounds interesting."

"Yeah, I have plans to enter when Hoenn journey starts."

"Can't wait." Koyuki said.

An assisstant walked up to the stage and handed Vivian an envelope, she opened it and pulled out the letter which announce five winners.

"Alright we have our five winners! First off is our fifth place prize winner is... Jeff of Lilycove City!"

The crowd started to clapping as Jeff went onto the stage.

"Hey, isn't he the trainer that mother battled against?" Koyuki asked.

"Yeah he is Yuki, good for him." Takuya smiled.

"Our fourth place winner is... Peter from Nimbus City!"

The crowd cheered again as Peter who has tanned skinned, short dark brown spiky hair and brown eyes, walked onto the stage completely shocked.

"Our third place winner is... Tim from Pewter City!"

The crowd cheered again, Tim who has neck dark blue hair and eyes, walked up the stage with a smile.

"Our second place winner is... Marin from Cerulean City!"

The crowd cheered again as Marin who has waist length orange hair and blue eyes, walked up the stage in surprised.

"And... Finally our first place winner and grand prize winner is..."

Everyone was silent waiting for the final announcement, hearing who is the first and grand winner.

"Takuya of Pallet Town!"

The crowd went wild, clapping and cheering.

"Eh? Huh?" Takuya said losing her balance on the pole she was leaning against in disbelief. "How?"

"Wow mother talk about your luck today." Koyuki said, which was true Takuya had won amazing prizes today.

"Too lucky, Flint will be so jealous." Yami snickered, he always remember how Flint complains how lucky Takuya has been.


In Sinnoh Region, Flint the Elite Four, "A-CHOO!" He sneezed.

"Really Flint." Volkner stared at his best friend in disbelief. "Can't you move your face somewhere else."

Flint gave a nervous laugh, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting to sneeze."

The Sunnyshore City Gym Leader rolled his eyes with his Raichu, "Really."

"Somebody must be talking about me and my awesome skills."

Infernape whacked his trainer head.

"Ow! What's that for?!" Flint shouted at his flame Pokémon who rolled it's eyes in response.

"Idiot. / Rai. " Volkner and Raichu said.


Takuya walked up onto the stage standing next to Marin.

"Alright, now that all of our winner's have been chosen. It's time to give them their prizes!" Vivian announced.

Another assistant walked onto the stage and presented Vivian with a flat box with a Pokéball symbol on the front.

Vivian walked up to Jeff, "As our fifth place winner, your prize is..." She opened the box and presented to Jeff, inside were set of seven beautiful colour wings in a display case. "A full set of Wings! Congratulations Jeff!"

"Thank you very much!" Jeff said, he took the box and left the stage.

The assistant walked back onto the stage, this time with two boxes.

"For our fourth place winner, we have..." Vivian opened up both boxes, "A complete set if Vitamins and a dozen bottles of Moomoo Milk!"

"Thank you." Peter said with a bow, he took the boxes and left the stage.

Vivian then walked up to Tim with two boxes in tow, "For our third place winner, we have..." She opened the box, "A compete set of a type Pokéballs and a Pokémon Egg."

Tim eyes widen, "Oh wow, thank you so much!" He said took the boxes and left the stage.

Vivian then walked up to Marin with two boxes in tow as well, "For our second place winner, we have..." She opened up both boxes, "A complete set of Evolution Stones, five set of random Pokéballs and a Mystery Pokémon from the Kalos Region."

Takuya perked up on the Kalos region mystery Pokémon, 'Wonder what could it be?' She thought.

"Wow, thank you very much!" Marin had gone starry eyes as they gave her two boxes and a closed Pokéball.

"Well Marin, would you like to open the Pokéball up now and show the audience, or wait till later?" Vivian asked.

"Hmm, I'll opened it up now." Marin replied, she put down the boxes and tossed the Pokéball in the air, "Go Pokémon!"

With a flash of white light, a small, fluffy white Pokémon with two pink spots on the top of its head. It has a small pink nose in between its two eyes, which have pink sclera and a white pupil. The lower half of its body is light pink, and its tail is pink with some white near the base.

"Swirlix!" It said.

Takuya looked up the candy like Pokémon:
🔹Swirlix, the Cotton Candy Pokémon.
Swirlix only eats sweets making its fur as sticky as cotton candy.
- Swirlix are native in the Kalos region.

When dexter had finish that, Marin squealed and hugged the cotton candy Pokémon, "Oh, your so cute!" She gushed.

This set off a chain off reaction, every girl in the room started to squealing and cooing over how soft fluffy the Pokémon was like a candy Pokémon.

Marin bowed and left the stage with her new Kalos region Pokémon floating behind.

"And now for our final first place winner, we have..." Vivian announced as the assistant walked up with five boxes behind, "A new Super Rod, Pokémon Grooming Kit, Full Pokémon First Aid Kit, Portable Rejuvenator Machine and a Mystery Pokémon! Talk about an amazing wonderful prize!"

Takuya eyes widen in shocked at the prizes she won, they were all amazing and they were all hard to gather up in stores. "Wow, thank you very much!"

"Mystery Pokémon huh?" Yami said interested.

"What Pokémon is the mystery Pokémon?" Koyuki asked.

"Lets find out." Takuya grabbed the Pokéball from the top of the pile of boxes and tossed into the air, "Go Pokémon!"

A flash of white light appeared and showed a small, bipedal dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily blue. It has a big mouth filled with sharp teeth, no neck, and arms that start at the outer edges of its jaws. A red underbelly stretches from its abdomen to the bottom of its jaw. It has two horns that resemble jet or plane engines, each with a light blue stripe in the middle. It has a single light blue stripe wrapping around its back and a fin on its head, it appeared out glittering.

"Gible!" It said.

Takuya and the entire crowd gasped in surprise when they saw it.

"No way." Takuya said to herself, completely surprise.

"Gi, Gible!"

Takuya looked up the Pokémon:
🔹Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon.
Gible once lived in the tropics, and to avoid cold it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat.

Type: Dragon and Ground

Gender: Male

Known Moves: Tackle, Sand attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Take Down, Sand Tomb and Slash.

*Egg Move: Dragon Breath, Iron Tail, Metal Claw and Iron Head which has yet to be unlocked.

Ability: Sand-Veil

Hidden Ability: Rough-Skin

Extra Information: - This Pokémon is a Shiny.

- This Pokémon is native in the Sinnoh Region.

Gible is named 'Ryuu'.

Takuya realised that she was still on the stage, she quickly bow, returning the Pokémon back and left the stage with four boxes in her arms.


After the Ticket drawing event was over, Takuya called Flint and Volkner telling them about her prizes and winning huge amazing wonderful prizes.

Flint was grumbling how lucky she was and talk about luck all the time, Volkner agreed but he teased her about when it comes to directions and maps she isn't.


After the call was over, Takuya decide to look around again and saw something that made her really cross, a man was selling a Magikarp.

Takuya hated people that sold Pokémon to make money, she told a Security Guard what she had seen.

The Security Guard called some of his men and had the Magikarp Salesman arrested, "Thank you for telling us about him." The Security Guard said, "Officer Jenny warned us about him some time ago. She has been after him for years. Now he will be in jail."

After the Magikarp Salesman got taken away, Takuya walked over to the Magikarp in the tank, "Hey Magikarp," she said putting her hands on the glass, "I was wondering if you like to come with me? I have two other Gyarados that I'll know will like your company. What do you say?"

Magikarp looked at Takuya in curious and surprise to see a trainer with two Gyarados. "Magikarp!" It nodded.

Takuya found a PokéBall on top of the tank and returned Magikarp with it, "Looks like we have another friend." She smiled, looking at the Pokéball.

"More like another Gyarados soon." Yami chirped.

"Aunt Mystic and Uncle Triton will like to have another one of their kind." Koyuki added.

Takuya had just finished eating and was just about to get some more food, when black smoke appeared in the room, making even cough and unable to see.

"What's going on?" Takuya asked.

"I sense something bad about to happen mother." Koyuki warned.

Yami and Koyuki got into guard mode, sensing something is going to happen.

Team Rocket appeared and said their motto, which is starting to really annoy them badly.

"What do you want?" A trainer asked.

"What else, we want your Pokémon." Jessie smirked and clicked her fingers.

Most of the passengers on board revealed themselves as Team Rocket agents and they were all wearing large mechanical backpacks with two hoses protruding over their shoulders.

"Suck up the there Pokémon!" James ordered.

The Team Rocket agents turned on the machines and the machines released powerful vacuums.

Takuya got a tick mark, "Don't think you are getting away with this!" She shouted, "Everyone release your Pokémon and fight back!" She released Niran, Sarlia, Daliah, Kaisa, Ciro, Denver, Arnav, Ryuu, Raidyn and Serefina.

There was a massive battle going on the ship; Pokémon Trainers VS Team Rocket.

All the Water Pokémon joined together, so did the Fire types, Niran and Raidyn tagged team and knocked out most off the bigger Pokémon quickly, the grass types, the rock types, the ground types, the flying types, the normal types and the bug types.

Then at last the Electric types sent all the Team Rocket members away with their thunderbolt attacks.

The cheered realising that they have won against Team Rocket.

But then there was trouble; a strong storm was happening outside and big waves rocked the ship.

"I don't like the look of that storm." Yami said, looking out of the window.

"We all don't uncle Yami." Koyuki said.

Takuya and all the trainer quickly returned all their Pokémons back to their Pokéballs.

"You two as well. Yami, Yuki." Takuya said and returned Yami and Koyuki back to their Pokéballs, even though there protested against it.

The other trainers were scared too, seeing a big storm that was extremely dangerous.

They all turned to the Captain, who was an old man.

"Everyone!" The Captain said through the speakers, "Don't panic! Panicking will only lead to more trouble for you! There are lots of life boats on deck! They will get us to safety!"

Takuya and all the trainers ran to the life boats in extreme hurry.

But everyone was running in a panic and in a hurry to escape the boat to save themselves.

Takuya ended up knocked out, when some of the trainers ran into her.



1. I love amazing awesome prizes!! Hehehe.

Takuya's Pokémon ~ 41
• Shiny Gabile = M = Ryuu
• Magikarp = M = Poseidon

• Ninetales = F = Seraphina (Sera)
• Zorua = M = Yami
• Aqua Blue Gyarados = F = Mystic
• Red Gyarados = M = Triton
• Delcatty = F = Tsuki
• White Milotic = F = Pluvia
• Rapidash = F= Brisa (Risa)
• Luxio = M = Rai
• Salamance = M = Hunter
• Prinplup = F = Sarila (Rila)
• Monferno > Infernape = F = Niran (Ran)
• Grotle = F = Daliah (Dal)
• Sylveon = F = Kaisa (Kai)
• Pidgeotto = M = Ciro
• Pikachu = M = Tyrell (Ty)
• Beautifly = F = Kimama (Kim)
• Scyther = M = Kardos
• Butterfree = F = Nova
• Sandshrew > Sandslash = M = Tarrin
• Clefable = F = Pari
• Nidoran-F = Rin
• Nidoran-M = Len
• White Riolu = F = Koyuki (Yuki)
• Bulbasaur = M = Denver (Den)
• Oddish = F = Flora
• Charmander = M = Agnider (Agni)
• Shiny Vulpix = F = Serefina (Sere)
• Shiny Seal = F = Mesi
• Raichu = M = Raidyn
• Growlithe = M = Aedus
• Fearow = M = Avis
• Shiny Lapras = F = Ephyra
• Squirtle = M = Arnav (Nav)
• Mini Krabby = M = Saddam
• 5x Eevee's = F = Till they evolve

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