[016] Escaping the Sunken St.Anne Ship

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While Takuya was unconscious, the trainers watched the S.S. Anne sink from big waves, while on the life boats and no one knew that one trainer was still on board the ship.

Three of Takuya's Pokéballs shook themselves and revealed a worried Ninetales, along with two other Pokémon.

Seraphina spotted Takuya lying on the floor unconscious, she quickly ran off and gently nudge her, "Kit wake up." She said.

"Mother please wake up." Koyuki shook her mother.

Takuya groaned and got up, "Ugh, what happened?" She asked holding her head.

"Well I remember is that the S.S. Anne was starting to sink so... the ship sank." Yami answered.

"I remember now, I got knocked out by the other Pokémon trainers." Takuya said looking outside the ship window seeing water Pokémon swimming, "Thats not good."

"Over here kit look." Seraphina said pointing to a diagram of the ship on the wall upside down.

"Its the diagram and structure of the S.S Anne." Takuya said examining it, "Can it be removed?"

"Yes." Seraphina said and she slash the glass removing the diagram from the display case.

"Amazing. I find it how much they spent on this." Takuya said looking at the diagram, "Well according to this map we can to hand to the bottom of the ship. Since its upside down that is."

With Takuya lending the way, they tried to find a way out, even if S.S. Anne was at the bottom of the sea.


The ship had been turned upside down, so they were walking on the ceiling, not the floor. They reached a flight of stairs, but water was leaking into the ship.

"When we sent Team Rocket away from the ship, it must have made a big hole." Takuya explained.

"Now what should we do?" Yami said, "We can't breath underwater."

"Maybe Mesi and Nav can help us." Takuya said and released her seal and turtle Pokémon. "Mesi, Nav can you two go and see if there is a way for us to get out of this boat."

"Squirtle!" "Seel!" They both nodded.


Arnav and Mesi swam everywhere in the under deck and checked every nook and cranny for a way out, but they couldn't find anything.

Arnav and Mesi where both about to go back and tell their trainer the bad news, when they saw something, they found a Pokémon egg in an incubator and floating next to them where bunch of Pokéballs in a net.

The two water Pokémon both looked at each other and nodded, they both picked up an item each, Mesi picked up the incubator and Arnav picked the net of Pokéballs.


"Uncle Arnav and aunt Mesi has been gone for some time." Koyuki said, as they had been waiting the two water Pokémon information.

"I wonder if they have found anything." Takuya said.

Just then Takuya seal and turtle Pokémon both popped out of the water holding something with them.

"There you two are." Takuya said relief and she saw the egg on Mesi's back. "What's that?"

"Squirtle!" Arnav said holding a bunch of Pokéballs.

"They must've been stolen before the commotion started." Seraphina said. "Now they forgotten about them."

Takuya saw the egg, "I recognize that egg," she said, "this egg was on the lottery stand if the Maze game. It must have gotten left behind in the confusion." She took the incubator from Mesi, took out the egg and inspected it. "Nothing looks wrong and water didn't get into the incubator either."

Takuya put the egg in her backpack for safe keeping, now she has two Pokémon egg and she put all the Pokéballs into another bag.

"The thing is though," Koyuki started, "how do we get out of here?"

Just then Takuya thought of something, "I have an idea," she said, "since those stairs going downwards lead to the upper deck. What we need to do is head upwards to the boiler room. But going up the stairs will be tricky." She looked around and saw a way to get herself up and she quickly returned back her Pokémon, then she started to jump and grabbed the side, getting herself up, she made it to the top.

Takuya released back her Pokémon and they went through the doors.

Through the door was a hallway, but it was dark and there were no lights on.

Takuya called out her Agnider, "Agni we need you to light the way for us." She said.

"Char, Char!" He smiled.


Thanks to Agnider's tail, they got through the hallway, then they got to the boiler room, but a problem was... It was already setting up in flames.

"It must have got on fire when the ship sank," Yami said looking around the burning room, "it's too dangerous to walk from here to the other side. But we need to cross here."

Then Takuya had an idea, "Avis can fly us to the other side."She said and released Avis and he took the group to the other side of the boiler room.

"Thanks Avis." Takuya petted him before returning him back.

"We are now at the hull of the ship," Takuya said, "we can get out from here."

Creck... Creck... The boat started to rock a bit.

"We need to get off the ship fast," Seraphina said, "Kit, I'll make a hole in the ship. We can get out that way, you need to return Yami and Koyuki back before the waters hit, also get a water type ready."

Takuya nodded, "Okay." She returned Yami and Koyuki back to their Pokéballs, she saw how the burn hole is nearly completed, "Sarila I need your help!" She called out her penguin Pokémon.


"I'm nearly done. Get ready kit!" Seraphina warned.

As soon as Seraphina finished, buring the hole, Takuya quickly returned her before the water hits the ninetailed fox.

Then Sarila help, Takuya managed to get out of the boat, into the sea and the her penguin Pokémon helped her to the surface.


After escaping that sunken ship Takuya was resting on a raft, Sarila found floating on the ocean water.

"Okay that was close." Takuya sighs.

"Prinplup, Prin, Prinplup!" (I never what to go through that again!) Sarila said.

"Same. I need to find land, Avis I need your help!"


"Avis I need you to search for land."

Avis nodded, "Fearow!" He took off into the sky searching.


Just then Takuya felt that her breathing got heavy and fuzzy, warm, her face was red, she also felt a bit dizzy.

Sarlia noticed this, "Prinplup?"

Takuya was about to say she was okay, but she suddenly fainted on the raft.

"Prin, Prinplup!" Sarila called out worriedly and she quickly released Seraphina, Yami, Koyuki and Kaisa from their Pokéball.

"Sarila?" Seraphina blinked.

"Prin, Prinplup, Prin!" Sarlia painckly pointed to Takuya who was panting fast and heavily.


Kaisa put one of her paw on Takuya's forehead and felt it was really burning hot, "Oh no, she's running a fever." She said worriedly, "We need to get her to a hospital fast."

"Prinplup, Prin, Prin." (Avis just left to find land for Takuya.) Sarila said.

"Okay, I have a plan." Seraphina said, "Mystic, Triton, Arnav, Mesi, Ephyra, Pluiva and Poseidon everyone come out now!" With that said six of Takuya's Pokéballs shook and released her water type Pokémons.

"Grr!" "Squirtle!" "Seel!" "Milotic!" "Magikarp!" "Larr!"

Seraphina used psychic to tied ropes to them, "We have an a emergency, everyone Aurora is getting sick," she said, "we need to find land quick!"

"Grr!" "Squirtle!" "Seel!" "Milotic!" "Magikarp!" "Larr!" They all nodded.

Takuya's water Pokémon all pulled the raft together.

When one of Takuya's Pokéball shook and her Eevee was released, when Eevee saw Takuya lend on Kaisa, panting heavily she was worried for her trainer.

"Eevveevvee." Eevee nuzzled Takuya's cheek to help her feel better.

Kaisa smiled, "Don't worry little one, Aura is strong." She said.

Eevee nodded, "Eevee!"

While the water Pokémon was pulling the raft as fast as they could, Magikarp couldn't keep his eyes off Takuya, it could see that she was in a lot of pain and needed help, it remembered how kind Takuya was to it and that he helped him by letting him become one of her Pokémon.

'We need to move quickly than this,' Magikarp thought, 'otherwise Takuya will never make it.'

The Magikarp thought with all its might to go faster, when it suddenly started to glow.

Takuya's other water saw this and was shocked.

"Poseidon is evolving." Yami said and he was right; Poseidon turned into Gyarados.

"Grrr!" Poseidon roared and picked up the raft speed making it more faster than before.

"Woah!" Yami said in shocked almost losing his balance, off how fast they were going now.

"Wow, uncle Poseidon just made much faster than before." Koyuki cheered.

"He's worried for Aurora's condition." Kaisa said, "Remember, Aurora is the one that help him."

Just then they all saw Avis ahead of them and he flew over to them.

"Fearow, Fear, Fearow!" Avis squawked at them.

"Avis must have found land." Seraphina said.

"Uncle Avis, mother needs help quick!" Koyuki shouted, "Mother is very sick and she needs a hospital now!"

Fearow looked at Takuya, with worry in his eyes and led them to shore at once.

"Let's move everyone!" Serpahina ordered.

"Grr!" "Squirtle!" "See!" "Milotic!" "Larr!" They pulled the raft again.


At that time, in a place called Porta Vista, the captain of S.S. Anne and an Officer Jenny were staring out at sea, on the harbour.

Apparently all the survivors of S.S. Anne made it to Porta Vista for safety.

The captain and Officer Jenny were worried about Takuya, she was the only trainer reported missing.

"Since there is no sign of her," Officer Jenny sorrowfully, "I fear that she is dead."

"I will take responsibility for telling the sad news to her family," the Captain sadly, "after all I was the Captain of S.S. Anne."

They were just about to arrange for a memorial for Takuya, when the Captain saw something, "Hey look at that." He said, he and Officer Jenny saw a Fearow, three Gyarados, Shiny Lapras, Squirtle, Shiny Seel and an unknown Pokémon coming their way, "Do you think they're wild?" He asked.

"I don't know." Officer Jenny replied, she was just about to grab a Pokéball, when they heard a voice.

"Somebody help please!" Koyuki shouted.

The group of Pokémon landed on shore.

Officer Jenny and the Captain saw Takuya on the raft.

"Are you okay?" Officer Jenny asked, relieved that she was alive.

"Yes, but our trainer has come down with a terrible fever." Kaisa said from her spot.

"Please help." Koyuki said worriedly.

Officer Jenny was shocked that the Pokémon uses telepathy but she quickly looked at Takuya and gasped, "I'll call for an ambulance at once." She said.


Soon an ambulance was taking Takuya to the hospital, not before returning all her Pokémon back.

Eevee wanted to stay out of her Pokéball, with Seraphina, Yami and Koyuki, she wanted to stay with Takuya, even though she was needed for medical treatment because of her experience in a sunken ship.


It took two whole days, but with medicine and plenty of sleep, Takuya was feeling better in no time.

Takuya's Pokémon were relieved off that.

Seraphina, Yami and Koyuki told Takuya what had happened, after she has collapse.

"Wow, so Poseiden evolved." Takuya said.

"Yes and little Eevee here didn't leave her side at all, after you got out of the treatment room." Seraphina explained.

Takuya smiled and picked up, Yami, Koyuki and Eevee, she gave them a hug. "Thank you for being beside to whole time." She said with a bright smile.

"Your welcome. / Mother." Yami and Koyuki said.


Suddenly Eevee started to glow, she changed into a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with slender legs and dainty paws, her covered in fine, lilac fur, its ears are large, and her has purple eyes with white pupils. There are tufts of fur near her eyes and a small, red gem embedded in its forehead, she also has a thin, forked tail.

"Esp, Espeon!" She said.

"Oh, wow." Takuya said taking out her Pokédex.

🔹Espeon, the Sun Pokémon.
An evolved form of Eevee. Espeon are able to read air currents allowing it to predict the future as well as its opponents next moves.

Type: Psychic

New Moves Learnt: *Detect, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Hyper Beam and Morning Sun.

Ability: Synchronize

Hidden Ability: Magic-Bounce

"I heard of Espeon," Takuya said, "Eevee can evolve into Espeon during the daytime and Eevee can also evolve into an Umbreon, but only at night-time." She showed them Umbreon on her Pokédex.

Umbreon has a sleek black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. There are two pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. It has long pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them.

🔹Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon.
An evolved form of Eevee. The rings of Umbreon's body glow faintly when exposed to the moon's aura, and it gains a mysterious power.

"Another form of Eevee, like aunt Kaisa." Koyuki said.

"Yes, Eevee's are such amazing Pokémon and unique, since it can evolve into nine different types." Seraphina smiled.

"That's true."


Espeon is named 'Kara'.

"Oh, what about the sack of Pokéballs Arnav found on the ship?" Takuya asked.

"They are back with their original trainers kit, you don't have to worry at all." Seraphina answered, "Also all the trainers that got their Pokémon back said to tell you, 'Thank you very much for saving and returning back our Pokémon.' Thats it."

"That's great." Takuya smiled.

"But..." Yami started.

"But..." Takuya pressed on.

"There are two other Pokéballs that doesn't seem to belong to any trainers. Officer Jenny theory is that they were prizes on board the ship." Yami said.

"What did they do with them?"

"Officer Jenny and the Captain of the ship deicide for you to have them. It's a thank you gift for saving the Pokémon on the ship."


Yami jumped onto her bed, "Here." He dropped off two Pokéballs.

"Thanks." Takuya said, tossed the one of the Pokéball into the air, "Go Pokémon."

A flash of bright white light appeared revealing a small, white squirrel-like Pokémon with a faint blueish tint and a light blue stripe starting from its forehead and goes all the way down to the tip of the tail. A large white tooth grows out of its mouth. It has deep gray eyes and a yellow circle on each cheek. Its tail is almost twice as big as its body, with three spikes at the top of the curl.

"Chipa?" It said titling its head cutely.

"So cute!!" Takuya gushed and hugged the Pokémon.

"Chipa, Chipachip!" It giggled.

Takuya checked the Pokémon on her Pokédex:

🔹Pachirisu, the EleSquirrel Pokémon.
It gathers static electricity and hides fur balls along with its favorite fruit under the eaves of houses.

Type: Electric

Gender: Female

Known Moves: Growl, Bide, Quick Attack, Charm, Spark, Endure, Nuzzle, Swift, *Charge and Electro Ball.

*Egg Move: Ion Deluge which has yet to be unlocked.

Ability: Run-Away and Pickup

Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb

Extra Information: - This Pokémon is native in the Sinnoh Region.

"Well I say we have another playful Pokémon now." Seraphina smiled.

Takuya nodded and named Pachirisu 'Trixy'.

"Yay!" Koyuki cheered and played with her new family member.

"Chi, Chipa!"


"Whats the next Pokémon?" Yami asked.

"Lets see, go Pokémon." Takuya said and tossed the Pokéball with a Gracidea flower painted on top, it released a small, white hedgehog-like Pokémon. In Land Forme, it has green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head, which resembles the Gracidea flower. Several Gracidea-like flowers also appear on its back whenever it feels comfortable, but when it senses an impending danger, it rapidly hides it back. Its legs are short and its underside is plump.

It blinked, "Why hello there." It greeted.

Takuya eyes widen, Yami jaw dropped, Seraphina was amused, Koyuki, Trixty and Kara... Still playing with each other.

"No way." Takuya said in shock.

"Your kidding me?!" Yami exclaimed in shock.

"Well, well this is interesting sight to see." Seraphina said amused how a legendary Pokémon was inside the Pokéball.

Takuya checked the Pokémon on her Pokédex:
🔹Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokémon.
When the Gracidea flower is in bloom, its pollen allows Shaymin to change into its Sky Forme from its Land Forme. Shaymin also have a tendency to migrate.

On the Pokédex screen showed Shaymin Sky Form; it has a slender, canine appearance with resemblance of a small reindeer. The fur on its back becomes a mohawk and it has a red flower petal on the right side of its neck, resembling a scarf or cape. It has flat, white ears resembling wings, a small ruff on the front of its neck, and a stumpy tail.

Type: Grass / Grass and Flying

Gender: Female

Known Moves: Growth, Magical Leaf, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Sweet Scent, Natural Gift, Worry Seed and Seed Flare. / Quick Attack, Air Slash, Leaf Storm.

Ability: Natural-Cure / Serene-Grace

Extra Information: - Shaymin is classified as a Legendary Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region.

- Shaymin is the smallest Legendary Pokémon to date.

- Shaymin will change into Sky Forme and back if it touches a Gracidea.

- It reverts to Land Forme at night or if it is frozen.

- Shaymin can instantly purify any polluted area of all impurities in the air and transform it into a lush field of flowers. It takes in the polluted air, purifies it inside its body, breaks it down into water and light, and releases the purified substance in a violent, explosive burst. Its power varies on the type of pollution absorbed.

- Shaymin can also communicate with telepathy and sense the gratitude of others.

- Each season, Shaymin gathers with others in a flower field somewhere and migrates from there. This behavior is called Flower Carrying because a new field of flowers grow where it lands.

- Shaymin is also attracted to areas where there is a lot of gratitude.

"I have to agree with all the information on that device you know." Shaymin said amused.

"Wow, the Professor in Sinnoh sure out did himself." Takuya said, " And wow, Thana is strong for a small Legendary Pokémon, she has lots of duty to look after."

"Why thank you. Thana?"

"Its your name, it means gratitude and since your a gratitude Pokémon its fits."

"I like it."

"How did you get yourself inside a Pokéball?" Yami asked.

"Well, long story short... I was out in the field of beautiful grass, then a group of people in white and black uniforms with the letter 'R' in bold red surrounded me and battled me, I fainted after the uses of dodging and attacking, the next thing I was inside of a Pokéball and now I'm here." Thana explained.

"That's Team Rocket your talking about, they must of captured your for a their Boss." Takuya grumbled, "Your a Legendary, I wouldn't be surprise."

"Yes and I would like to stay with you, since you freed me and now I can sense a lot of pure aura from you."

"I don't mind, welcome aboard." Takuya smiled warmly.


After all the talk about Takuya new Pokémons, she has fully recovered she was finally out of hospital.

Though Flint and Volkner wasn't exactly happy when she called and took them what happened on the ship, but they couldn't believe that Takuya caught a Legendary Pokémon, but they were happy for her as well.

Flint told her that he'll try to find some Gracidea Flowers for Thana and send it to her mother and Professor Oak's Laboratory.

"I would say that your really lucky Takuya," Officer Jenny said, "we all thought that you had died when the S.S. Anne sank, but you survived."

The doctor insisted that Takuya took a little holiday, before continuing.

Just to perk themselves up from what they went through.

Takuya thought that was a good idea, so they had a nice day on the beach of Porta Vista, feeling happy and better.



You know I don't really get it why Legendary Pokémon are Genderless, so in my story they have genders.


1. I know I haven't done the Island of Giant Pokémon, but like I said before I never liked that episode and there were some others that I didn't like either, so some will not be up on here.

2. In case you're wondering Takuya will get Glaceon and Leafeon, early with a little trick.

3. I wanted Takuya to save some Pokémon from the sunken ship.

4. I wanted Shaymin to be involved in this, so I decide that Team Rocket has caught it and forgotten to keep it's Pokéball in a safe place.

Takuya's Pokémon ~ 43 + 1 Egg
• Shaymin = F = Thana
• Pachirisu = F = Trixy (Trix)
• Eevee > Espeon = F = Kara

• Ninetales = F = Seraphina (Sera)
• Zorua = M = Yami
• Aqua Blue Gyarados = F = Mystic
• Red Gyarados = M = Triton
• Delcatty = F = Tsuki
• White Milotic = F = Pluvia
• Rapidash = F= Brisa (Risa)
• Luxio = M = Rai
• Salamance = M = Hunter
• Prinplup = F = Sarila (Rila)
• Infernape = F = Niran (Ran)
• Grotle = F = Daliah (Dal)
• Sylveon = F = Kaisa (Kai)
• Pidgeotto = M = Ciro
• Pikachu = M = Tyrell (Ty)
• Beautifly = F = Kimama (Kim)
• Scyther = M = Kardos
• Butterfree = F = Nova
• Sandslash = M = Tarrin
• Clefable = F = Pari
• Nidoran-F = Rin
• Nidoran-M = Len
• White Riolu = F = Koyuki (Yuki)
• Bulbasaur = M = Denver (Den)
• Oddish = F = Flora
• Charmander = M = Agnider (Agni)
• Shiny Vulpix = F = Serefina (Sere)
• Shiny Seal = F = Mesi
• Raichu = M = Raidyn
• Growlithe = M = Aedus
• Fearow = M = Avis
• Shiny Lapras = F = Ephyra
• Squirtle = M = Arnav (Nav)
• Mini Krabby = M = Saddam
• 4x Eevee's = F = Till they evolve
• Shiny Gabile = M = Ryuu
• Magikarp > Gyarados = M = Poseidon

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