[021] Takuya's Fifth Gym; Celadon Gym, Perfume Grass Battle!

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Upon arriving at Celadon City for Takuya's fifth badge, she had trouble on the way there.

Takuya ran into a Pokémon who likes to pick a fight with anyone that comes across it, the Pokémon was a primate Pokémon, similar to a New World monkey. It is a bipedal Pokémon with a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. Its nose is similar to a pig's snout, and it has red eyes and triangular ears with brown insides. Mankey's hands, two-toed feet, and the tip of its curved, prehensile tail is brown.

It was a Mankey.

Takuya liked Mankey's fighting spirit and decided to catch it. Mankey put up quite a fight though; even though she was using Ciro, as flying beats fighting but this wild Mankey did not give up.

Then more trouble happened, the wild Mankey evolved into a bipedal Pokémon with a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. There is usually has a stress mark on the left side of its forehead, and it has triangular ears with pink insides and a pink, snout-like nose. Its arms and legs are brown and have metal shackles on the wrists and ankles. This is probably indicative of a method of training with weights. The hands have no visible fingers, instead resembling mittens or boxing gloves, and the feet have two toes.

It was now a Primeape! Primeape turned out to be stronger than it was as a Mankey, packing more powerful fighting moves.

But luckily Ciro also evolved into an avian Pokémon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. His glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. His head is decorated with a red and yellow crest that is nearly as long as his body. The fan-like feathers of his tail are red. His beak and legs are pink and there are angular black markings around its eyes.

Ciro was now a powerful Pidgeot.

Takuya ordered Ciro to use one of the flying strongest move; brave bird and it work, Primeape fainted.

Takuya immediately tossed a Pokéball catching Primeape and she was happy to have it on her team.

Primeape is named, 'Clovis.'


Now they were having a nice break in Celadon City.

As they were having a break, Yami suddenly sniffed the air smelling a nice fragrance not to far from where they were.

"I smell something nice." Yami said sniffing.

"Huh?" Takuya blinked and started to sniff the air, "It's perfume and the smell it's too far away from here."

"Smells lovely." Koyuki smiled.

Takuya didn't mind perfume; her mum kept perfume all the time, although she couldn't understand why women were always so excited about it even through her mum explained to her once.

Seraphina and Kaisa shook their head at her stubbornness and told her to not change, she being a innocent, naive and pure girl she is, which Takuya didn't understand much.

Flint and Volkner both were nervous and groaned, much to heir Pokémon, her mum and Professor Oak amusement, when she asked them the same, their answer was the same as Seraphina and Kaisa just stay the way she is.

"Oh well," Takuya said to herself, "everyone has something they like." Just then she thought of something. "Hey, my mum's birthday is coming up and since she likes perfume I will get her some for a present."

"Good idea." Yami smiled.

"Let's go." Koyuki said.

Takuya nodded.


When Takuya enter the perfume store, inside where a lovely fragances everywhere with different sections and bottles.

Takuya was having a good look at the perfumes, "Which one would mum like?" She whispered looking at all the different perfumes, "I think that I need some help with this?"

"Definitely, when it comes to this type of stuff your completely lost Aura." Yami shook his head.

"Hey, I'm not that bad." Takuya whined.

"May I help you?" A female voice said from behind her.

Takuya turned round and behind her she saw a woman with dark purple hair in a traditional way and green eyes, wearing a tradition kimono.

"Yes please, can you help. You see I wish to buy some perfume for my mum because it's her birthday soon and she likes perfume. But I really don't know that much about perfume, so I don't know which one she'll would like?" Takuya asked with a smile.

The woman smiled and giggled, "Well aren't you a cute girl." She said, "I'll be glad to help, now what does your mum?"

"Um... Ah, gardening. She loves to garden." Takuya replied happily.

"Then you need a perfume with garden scents." The lady smiled and she turned to the ladies that were helping out another customer. "Please help this nice girl with the perfumes of garden scents."

The ladies looked at Takuya, "Of course, right this way." She smiled and lend her to the garden section.

They showed all sorts of garden scented perfumes, Takuya sniffed them one by one, until she finally found the one she was looking for, "I would like the Wild Flower garden perfume please," she said happily, "it smells just like my mum's garden." She brought the perfume, thanked the ladies and left the store.


"I like her." One woman giggled. "She's so cute."

"I agree, she's look so cute when she was trying out all the gardening scent perfumes." The second woman giggled. "Did you see how cute her reactions where?"

"Yeah, it was so cute and adorable." The second woman giggled and gushed.

"She's polite girl." The third woman smiled, "You don't see many people who are that polite and carefree these days."

The ladies all giggle, then they all went back to work.


Takuya sent the perfume to her mother by post.

"Hope mum likes it." Yami said.

"So do I. Now -" Takuya was cut off.

"To the gym!" Koyuki cut in.

Takuya laughed and then went to find Celadon Gym.


When Takuya arrived there, Celadon Gym looked like a giant green house and the roof was in a design of the petals of a Gloom.

When Takuya was inside she saw flowers and trees everywhere, "Since Celadon Gym uses grass type Pokémon," she said, "it's no wonder that this gym is more like a Greenhouse."

"Up ahead theres a desk." Yami pointed.

Takuya saw a lady at a reception desk, she walked up it. "Excuse me, I would like to have a battle with the gym leader."

The lady smiled, "Of course," she said, "I'll take you to Erika right now, this way please."


The lady led Takuya to where the Gym battlefield was, not only was the room filled with trees, flowers and grass, it was also filled with all different Grass Pokémon.

Takuya saw an Oddish and its two evolutionary forms, Gloom and Vileplume, Bellsprout and its two evolutionary forms, Weepinbell and Victreebel, Exeggcute and its evolved form Exeggutor and Tangela, she even saw a Bulbasur and its two evolutionary forms Ivysaur and Venusaur, to her surprise she saw some Pokémon from Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova.

Takuya saw the ladies that work at the perfume store, they where talked to a young woman with short blue hair and wearing a green dress.

"Erika," the lady said, "this girl wishes to battle you."

"Welcome." A blue haired lady greeted, who was Erika.

Takuya gasped a bit, "You're the lady who helped me with the perfumes today." She said.

"Ah, I remember you," Erika said with a smile, "I take it you are here to challenge me then?"

Takuya nodded and bowed a bit, "Yes I am and I'm Takuya."

"Well Takuya." Erika said, "As the Perfume Store Manager and Celadon City's Gym Leader, I accept your challenge."


Takuya and Erika went to the battlefield.

"This will be a battle between Erika the Gym Leader and Takuya Sky the challenger," Erika's assistant announced, "this will also be three on three Pokémon battle! Whoever knocks out the most Pokémon first wins!"

The ladies that work there were watching from the side lines and some of the grass Pokémon were watching too.

"Okay, I'll go first. Tangela go!" Erika said and released a Pokémon covered with thick blue vines that obscure its face so only its eyes can be seen. These vines are covered in fine hair, and they give it a round shape. It has a pair of red boot-like feet, but no visible arms.

"Tangela!" It said ready to battle.

Takuya looked up Tangela on her Pokédex:
🔹Tangela, the Vine Pokémon.
Its body is wrapped in vines. The rest of its form is hidden beneath these vines.

"Let's start with a little heat. Serefina show them your strength!" Takuya said as her golden fox-like Pokémon came out glittering and got ready to battle.

"Vul, Vulpix!" She said happily.

Some of the people gasped.


"Amazing." Someone said in awe.

"Wow, it's a shiny Vulpix." Someone said.

"Its a rare shiny Pokémon." Another said.


Erika smiled, "Even though you are using a fire type Takuya," she said, "don't think that you have won yet."

"Don't worry Erika," Takuya said, "I know very well that you should never judge Pokémon by types."

"Okay, Tangela use vine whip." Erika said. Tangela shot out two vines, ready to hit Vulpix.

"Use quick attack to dodge." Serefina quick attack got away from the vine whip.

"Use stun spore." A yellow powder came off Tangela and headed for Vulpix.

"Not good, Serefina use flamethrower." Serefina blow flamethrower attack, destroying the stun spore. "That was close, now Serefina use fire spin quick."

"Tangela, get out of the way!" Erika yelled.

Tangela tired to move, but the fire spin was already close and it enveloped it like a fire tornado.

When the fire spin was being to vanish, Tangela was on the ground with swirling eyes.

"Tan, Tangela." It said fainted.

"Tangela is unable to battle, Vulpix wins! The assistance announced.

"Tangela reutrn." Erika recalled her fallen Pokémon and got another Pokéball out, "Gloom go!" She released a blue, bipedal Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. It has orange leaves and a reddish-brown flower growing from its head. The flower has large, rounded petals and white spots, and the female displays fewer, but larger, spots. Its eyes are wide and narrow and its lips are thin and purple. It trickles sticky nectar from its mouth with the appearance and consistency of drool.

"Gloom." It said.

Takuya looked up Gloom on her Pokédex:
🔹Gloom, the Weed Pokémon.
The evolved form of Oddish. It gives off a powerful aroma that can cause those to smell it to faint from two miles away.

"That's not good." Yami winces.

"Yeah." Takuya nodded and recalled back her fox Pokémon, "Enya show them you strength!" She called out her flame Pokémon.

"Flareon!" Enya yipped.

"Use swift Enya." Enya launch stars shaped attack towards Gloom.

"Gloom dodge it, then use stun spore!" Erika ordered. Gloom jumped and dodge the swift attack, it quickly released yellow powder from it flower, hitting Enya directly.

"Enya!" Takuya called out in worry, "No, Enya is paralysed."

"Flare, Flare-on, Flare." Enya stood there, with the effect of the stun spore making her unable to move.

"Gloom now use solar beam." Gloom begun to gather sunlight energy really fast.

Takuya frowned, "Gloom is gathering solar beam much faster..." She looked up, seeing a bright sun out shining above, "Of course, the sun is really bright." She mumbled, "I got to think of something."

"Gloom go!" Erika said and her Gloom released a white blast beam from its head flower directly towards Enya.

'Please work.' Takuya thought, "Enya try and use overheat!" Enya body was red and she release a powerful flame attack with red, orangish whitish colour mixed.

The solar beam and overheat collioded with each other, creating an explosion and dust, everyone hanged onto something and covering themselves from the instead dust and wind.


"Woah, that was unexpected." A woman said covering herself.

"Yeah." Another woman said.

"That's what happens when two powerful attack hits each other." The third commented.


"Gloom!" "Enya!" Erika and Takuya both shouted in worry.

'Even with the stun spore still effect on Flareon, Takuya was able to make her use a powerful overheat attack.' Erika thought in amaze.

Everyone was waiting for the smoke to clear, so that they could see who won the second round, when the smoke cleared they saw two Pokémon standing still but injured and panting heavily form the overuse of powerful attack.

Gloom and Enya both stared at each other and they both collapsed, fainted making the second round a tie.

The assistance gasped, "Both Pokémon are unable! It's a tie!" She declared.

"Wow, that was totally awesome." Yami grinned, "What a knock out?"

"Enya return." Takuya recalled her fallen flame Pokémon, "Thanks, you did your very best."

"Gloom you too." Erika said and smiled, "You did your best." She then faced Takuya, "I must say that was unexpected, I'm amazed that Flareon was able to use overheat in that paralyse static."

"Thank you."

"But this next one is over, Tropius lets go!" Erika said and released a large sauropod-like Pokémon with a brown body wrapped in green leaves on its chest and head. It possesses large, broad green leaves on its back, which it is for flying and for sugar production via photosynthesis, big and bulky. It has a long neck, which it uses for reaching treetops to gorge on its most favored fruit.

"Tropius!" It roared.

"Woah!" Takuya said and took out her Pokédex.

🔹Tropius, the Fruit Pokémon.
The fruit that grows around its neck is sweet and popular with children. It flies by flapping the large leaves on its body.
- Tropius are native in the Hoenn region.

"This is going to be tough." Takuya said looking at the fruit Pokémon, "Though I never thought that you will have a Hoenn region Pokémon."

Erika smiled, "I got Tropius, when I went to visit Hoenn, seeing if I'm able to capture a new grass type there." She said, "I rarely use Tropius in battle. I must say why is that your Pokédex can scan Tropius, other trainers that came to challenge me was unable to?"

"Well... my Pokédex is a all region Pokédex meaning I can scan any Pokémon from any regions because I caught some Pokémon who are from another region." Takuya answered and held out a Pokéball, "Like this one... Daliah show them your strength!" She released her grove Pokémon.

"Grotle!" She said ready to battle.

"A Grotle huh?" Erika said, "Very well Tropius, use air slash!" Tropius flapped its wing, creating a win air slash attack heading towards Daliah.

"Use stone edge to counter it!" Takuya yelled out. Daliah use stone edge and it blocked the air slash from hitting her, protecting her. "Stone edge again." Daliah used stone edge one more and it hit Tropius directly making it fall to the ground.

"Tropius!" Erika yelled out, "Tropius are you alright?"

Tropius nodded, "Trop." It got up on its feet.

"Okay, use steel wing." Tropius wings glowed metallic colour and it flew directly towards Daliah.

"We can use that, Dal wait for it..." Takuya said quietly, so only her grove Pokémon can heard it, "Now! Leech seed go!" Daliah launched a leech seed onto its body as it wrapped around.

"Troppp!" Tropius cried out as it energy was being drain.

"Oh no, Tropius!" Erika shouted out in worry.

'It might not be effective but leech seed well weaken its strength and attack each time it's drain.' Takuya thought.


"Wow, that's not a bad idea." A woman stated.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The other woman asked in confused.

"You see grass against grass aren't effective against each other right?" The other womans nodded, "Well Takuya used it her own advantage but using leech seed, the attack will continue to drain Tropius energy away each time, till it's weak."

"Wow, smart girl." The second woman said.


"Tropius use roost, to gain some of your energy." Erika said. Tropics used roost to gain some of its energy back.

"We need to end this." Takuya said. "Lets go!"

"Grotleeee!" Daliah nodded and she began to glow.

Everyone watch in awe as Daliah changed a into bulky quadruped Pokémon resembling a tortoise, with a large shell covering her back. There is a single, oak-like tree and three triangular, stony extensions resembling mountain peaks on the top of the shell. There is a patch of brown, resembling soil, next to the tree. A white rim surrounds the shell, and forms a diamond-shaped continuation on the front. Her body appears sectioned, with the upper half being green and the lower half brown. Her mouth is jagged and at the end of its snout is a dark brown beak, giving her the appearance of a snapping turtle. Her lower jaw is green and there are two large spikes protruding from its cheeks. Her small, red eyes are encircled by a black ring. Her legs are thick and they have four toes each, which appear as if they are actually jagged stones. There are three toes on the front and one on the heel.

"Torterraaa!" She roared out.

"Woohoo! Aunt Daliah evolved!" Koyuki cheered.

"Congratulations on your evolution." Takuya said as she took out her Pokédex.

🔹Torterra, the Continent Pokémon.
The evolved form of Grotle. Sometimes small Pokémon will gather to make their nests on Torterra's back.

Type: Grass and Ground

New Moves Learnt: Hyper Beam, Rock Polish, Rock Tomb and Giga Impact.

Ability: Overgrow

Hidden Ability: Shell-Armor

"Alright then, Daliah energy ball rapid fire go!" Takuya said. Daliah fired three energy balls at Tropius, but she also launched another two more behind it.

"Tropius use protect quickly!" Erika said. Tropius brought up a green orb surround itself, protecting itself from the energy ball attack but when it released the protect.

What Tropius didn't see was two extra energy ball following behind it, so the energy ball hit Tropius directly making it fall to the ground in exhaustion and very weak, due to the effect of the leech seed still in play.

"Oh no!" Erika said.

"Dal finish this with romb tomb!" Takuya said. Daliah roared, tombs of rock appeared and it started flying towards Tropius, hitting the fruit Pokémon directly unable to hold its ground, the rock tomb hit around Tropius creating dust everywhere.

"Tropius no!" Erika called out.

When the dust cleared, Tropius was on the ground with swirling eyes.

"Trop. Tropius." It said.

"Tropius is unable to battle, Torterra wins!" The asisstance announced, "The winner is Takuya of Pallet Town!"

"Torterra!" Daliah smiled.

"Alright!" Koyuki and Yami both cheered. "Yay!"

"Thank you Daliah, return and take a excellent rest." Takuya said and returned her back to her Pokémon, then she walked over to Erika and Tropius, seeing if it was okay.

"Oh don't worry," Erika said with a smile, "Tropius will be alright. Takuya you gave me one of the best and excellent battle, you're a great trainer and so I give you the Rainbow Badge." She handed Takuya the Celadon gym badge.

The Rainbow Badge was the shape of a flower with eight rainbow coloured petals and its core were four silver petals.

"Thank you very much Erika." Takuya bowed a bit before taking the Rainbow Badge.

After receiving the badge, Takuya bid farewell to Erika and her assistances and left Celadon City.



1. Like I said Takuya is stubborn, naive and pure person.

2. Since the book is a all region I decided for Erika to have other grass type.

Takuya's Pokémon ~ 51 + 1 Egg
• Mankey > Primeape = M = Clovis

• Ninetales = F = Seraphina (Sera)
• Zorua = M = Yami
• Aqua Blue Gyarados = F = Mystic
• Red Gyarados = M = Triton
• Delcatty = F = Tsuki
• White Milotic = F = Pluvia
• Rapidash = F= Brisa (Risa)
• Luxio = M = Rai
• Salamance = M = Hunter
• Prinplup = F = Sarila (Rila)
• Infernape = F = Niran (Ran)
• Grotle > Torterra = F = Daliah (Dal)
• Sylveon = F = Kaisa (Kai)
• Pidgeotto > Pidgeot = M = Ciro
• Pikachu = M = Tyrell (Ty)
• Beautifly = F = Kimama (Kim)
• Scyther = M = Kardos
• Butterfree = F = Nova
• Sandslash = M = Tarrin
• Clefable = F = Pari
• Nidoran-F = Rin
• Nidoran-M = Len
• White Riolu = F = Koyuki (Yuki)
• Bulbasaur = M = Denver (Den)
• Oddish = F = Flora
• Charmander = M = Agnider (Agni)
• Shiny Vulpix = F = Serefina (Sere)
• Shiny Seal = F = Mesi
• Raichu = M = Raidyn
• Growlithe = M = Aedus
• Fearow = M = Avis
• Shiny Lapras = F = Ephyra
• Squirtle = M = Arnav (Nav)
• Mini Krabby = M = Saddam
• Eevee = F = Jala
• Shiny Gabile = M = Ryuu
• Gyarados = M = Poseidon
• Shaymin = F = Thana
• Pachirisu = F = Trixy (Trix)
• Espeon = F = Kara
• Flareon = F = Enya
• Vaporeon = F = Aqua
• Umbreon = F
• Horsea = F = Hydra
• Tentacool = M = Visha (Vis)
• Gastly = M = Gardi
• Haunter = M = Phantom
• White Genger = F = Achlys
• Dratini = F = Ryoko
• Cubone = M = Adnet (Net)

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