Chapter 13 - Secrets Within

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"Wake up."

"Hear Me..."


Endless voices called for him, each filled with pain, discomfort and woe. Each as louder as the next. They called out to him, crying, begging for his help. To lift them off their shackles but all Y/N could do was listen, listen to their screeches, their muffled cries and abdominal trembling quakes.

And so he questioned what was happening, where was he? How did he get here... where was here? He couldn't speak, but nor would he want to as the voices got louder and louder. So much that Y/N's head began to pound or what he thought was his head. He couldn't see his surroundings, nor his body. All he could see was darkness, blacking out the light that he so yearned.

Suddenly the voices stopped, their voices were distancing, as if venturing away from him to the depths below. For once Y/N felt himself begin to tire, his body numb and his mind dazzled. He couldn't remember what had happened, he didn't know he got there and he sure as hell didn't want to be there any longer and so he called out.


But no one answered him, he felt his hands begin to tremble, shivers descending down his spin as he tried to look around for anything notable but alas, all there was to see.... Was darkness. Was he destined to stay stuck in it forever? Or would he finally see the light? As if his thoughts had been answered a dim, but visible light began to shine, illuminating the area around him and so Y/N finally got a better view of his surroundings, but he began to question whether being stuck in the dark was far better than bring shown the hard truth of light.

At first, he saw nothing but light. But then his eyes began to adjust to the newfound sensations. His dark brown eyes had been shielded by his arm (which he could finally see) before finally slumping to his side and behold, he saw the darkness had hidden from him. First thing he noticed was his clothes, they were not the usual black and red colours of Gryffindor, but now they were full black, a slight pattern of grey stitched in his forearms of his robes.

Y/N looked up from his robes and saw the lands, or rather lack of, around him. There were no buildings, no land, and no skies. But there was... something. A dark but white mist surrounded the place, just a far distance away from him. That was all. A dark horizon and a mist that casted the grey area.

The boy took a hesitant first step forward, as if afraid to walk on the very ground that was only dark as the night sky. He stepped forward and found nothing had happened and then took another and another. Until he finally made it to, wherever it was that held substantial. He reached the outskirts of the mist, it withered in the air and Y/N had half the mind to stick his hand through, and so he did.

Slowly, his right hand trembling slightly, he reached out and pushed his hand through the mist with his eyes shut tight. And nothing happened, again. What was this? Was it here to torment him> Was he dead? He didn't know, he didn't have such answers. But he felt something call to him, beyond the mist, a glowing yet haunted simmer of energy humming to him, guiding him fourth.

Y/N reached his hand forward even more, so much that everything below his wrist was now covered in the shroud of darkness. Just when he was about to retract his hand, he felt something violently grabbed a hold of his hand and pull him in, sending him spiralling out of control, falling through the dark like a bird with no wings.

Just when he thought he would hit the ground in a thudding splat, his head merely graced for what he would consider the floor, it was as if he had landed his feet on a bowl full of jello. When he finally recovered himself from shock. Y/N looked around, jerking his head around to catch any glimpse of what he had taken him through the other side, yet he could not see anything, nor anyone. That was until he heard it, a growl of some sort and it made his insides churn in such a painful way that he thought he'd be sick. It growled again and Y/N finally whipped his head around to find the location of the source of noise.

He looked towards the centre, as much as a centre it could be. The place looked like it spanned hundreds of miles, maybe more. He approached the middle slowly at first, careful as to not disturb whatever beast lived here. Unconsciously, he began to wring his hands together, nervousness overtaking him as he took another step, this time in spitting distance of his target.

When he finally reached the spot of the noise, he saw another mist, yet this one was small in comparison to the one that had swallowed him whole. This was about three meters apart, it's very essence like a shadow, watching him carefully. Like before, he reached his hand out, before immediately stopped when he heard the noise again, but it wasn't the same it sounded like a purr, something a cat would do. It came from below, and so Y/N dropped his gaze, edging closer to the ground and then what he saw both calmed and terrified him.


The ominous, small kitten-sized cat was at his feet. It's blue ocean eyes watching him close. Her tail softly curling to her side, her black and white fur almost invisible if it wasn't for the light. She purred again, this time much quieter yet more understanding. Midnight turned around and walked through in mist, which Y/N decided to start calling rifts. Midnight walked through the rift before Y/N could even utter a word.

With nowhere else to go. He stepped through once again, dreading what was on the other side.


Harry and Ron had already come back from visiting the Aragog and his spider buddies, a lot of help they had been. Though it wasn't a complete waste of time. They managed to uncover that Hagrid was not the one to open the Chamber Of Secrets, and it seemed there was more to Moaning Myrtle than any of them thought possible. If only Y/N had gone with him. But Harry wasn't exactly blind, he knew he was hurting with Hermione petrified, he was too but something in Y/N's eyes had vanished the day before they had gone to the forest, to seek out Aragog. Hope. The hope had gone from his eyes and he simply didn't know what to do.

Harry wanted to seek him out, to tell him of what they had found and that they couldn't do it without him, god, without Hermione there it was already tough. But when Harry and Ron returned to their dorms, to sleep in their beds, Y/N was not there. Which wasn't entirely suspicious. Harry, even Ron, knew that Y/N would spend long hours in the library, especially after... But at the time Harry didn't think anything of it.

Only when professor McGongall announced the next morning that mandrakes had finally turned up, that Hermione and everyone who had turned stiff would be cured. He expected to see him there, overjoyed and full of relief but he was not. So Ron and Harry checked the library and still, he wasn't anywhere to be found. So they went to the next best place, the infirmary.

The two of them walked inside, greeted by the air and nothing but that. Madam Pomfree was nowhere in sight and that he was a blessing in disguise. No visitors either, and that meant no Y/N. They rushed up to Hermione's bedside and found her still plagued with an endless sleep. Still, Y/N could not be found.

"Where is he?" Ron asked himself in a frustrated whisper, and only Harry could nod his head. Wondering the same thing. Harry slumped into the chair that, unknown to them, Y/N had used the night before. And Harry felt something back up against his left thigh and so he looked down and saw a book. The same book Y/N had shown them a couple months earlier. The Descendants book.

"Ron!" Harry called him over urgently, who was looking over the other bedrest people. He came in an instant and immediately saw the book in the boy's hand. "It's the book Y/N and Hermione found." But what was it doing here? 'Was Y/N here at all?' And Harry, stubbornly tried to open it, but to avail. "Ugh." He groaned.

"What's that?" Ron's voice brought Harry out of his thoughts, the boy was pointing down at the floor and he saw it too, a piece of parchment. Ron scooped it up and held it lightly in his palms, as he read through it. It only had one word that meant anything to him, the rest looked like a riddle of sorts.

"What's it say?" Harry asked with wide eyes, hoping it could help them locate Y/N or at least help them find out what was in the Chamber Of Secrets.

Ron had only one word. "Basilisk."


"Do you know what it's like to be broken? To be split in half? To be unfixable, for someone to take away the very essence of your being?" A chilling voice sounded throughout the void, Y/N stood, just barely. The jump through the rift had shattered him, robbed him off any energy and will.

He felt his knees buckle to the fall as the ominous dark voice continued it's drawl. "You wouldn't be able to comprehend, not yet at least. But I do, I have felt what it's like to be broken apart piece by piece, to have yourself stripped of your well-being, the part that makes you... well, you." Y/N had no idea who was speaking, like before there was no one insight, no person, no Midnight, just nothing.

"You're confused." The mystery voice answered for him, chuckingly almost darkly. "I understand, I do." And it sounded sincere, the being or whatever it was, truly understood. Its voice was dark and bristle, waiting in the shadows. "It's complex. When I first came here, when I was imprisoned in this dark abyss. I had the same feeling and emotions you are now feeling. But I promise it will pass."

"Who are you?" Y/N asked, impatient and quite frankly, afraid. The darkness was crippling, the voice was surrounding him, he could hear it all around him like a stereo. Omitting in every part of the area.

"Who am I?" The voice repeated the same question, and chuckled humorously, which made Y/N frown. "I ask myself that question many times, and I never come up with a concrete answer. Perhaps you could answer for me?" And like a flash of lighting the darkness vanished and then came the light, the area became visible.

And another rift appeared, this time light and white as the shores of heaven. And out came the last thing that Y/N ever expected to see, at first it was a black shadow. It's eyes were yellow, emitting a low flame yet it's body emitted a dark black hue, flickering against it's tight frame.

The thing edged closer to Y/N, each step leaving a blackened a human sized footstep, no bigger than his own. And the shadow began to manifest itself, where there were yellow eyes,turned dark and brown. His charcoaled body began to lighten, moulding into a pale colour of skin yet the shadowy hue surrounding it never left, if anything, it only darkened with every change.

Soon it began to form hair, it's face morphed and it's body shifted into clothing, it's own pair of robes. And when the creature finally finished, it took all Y/N's strength not to run away at the first sign, but alas, his feet were almost glued to the ground, he couldn't move, he was frozen on the spot. The savoury smirk on the, now, person's face did nothing to calm him, it only unnerved him more.

"Well..." The creature's form was human now, it's brunette dark brown hair, it's tan toned skin and dark brown eyes, the same facial expression and... it was him... It was Y/N. It was like looking in a mirror. "I'm you." The voice even sounded like him, perfectly. And the smirk only turned into a grin while Y/N looked horrified, and the last thing he expected it to do... was joke.



Ron and Harry bursted out of the infirmary and past the doors. They had discovered what Hermine and Y/N had discovered, but the whereabouts of Y/N were lost to them, if he wasn't he, sure he would've gone after them, looking for Harry and Ron? But he wasn't anywhere to be found and that destroyed them, 'what if he's been taken?

What if he's petrified somewhere?' But surely someone would have found him by then, but no, no reports had been made. And Harry felt guilty for not at least convincing Y/N to follow them after the spiders, to somehow get him out of his trance. But no, Y/N wouldn't and Harry couldn't blame him for feeling so defeated, so down.

They didn't know what to do with what they knew. That what was in Chamber Of Secrets was in a fact a Basilisk, a giant snake. And luckily he hadn't killed anyone yet. Whenever it tried, it failed. They hadn't looked it in the eyes of death but still they had turned unconscious and devoid of all life. So what could they do? Well, they had to see a teacher, to explain what they had discovered and professor McGongall was the best choice, but just like magic, her booming yet, surprisingly, hoarse voice sounded down the end of the corridor.

"All students return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staff room, immediately please."

And Harry turned around as fast as he could to face Ron who looked baffled. "Not another attack? Not now?"

"What'll we do?" Ron asked with a frustrated tone. "Go back to the dormitory?" But Harry had a different idea.

"No." Harry said, glancing around until his gaze finally landed on an old looking wardrobe. "In here. Let's hear what it's all about. Then we can tell them what we've found out." The two of them hid themselves inside, listening to the ramblings of passing students, and then suddenly the staff room door banged open. From what they could see, teachers began to funnel into the room, they looked actually frightened, and then professor McGongoall was the last one to arrive looking somewhat upset, her eyes were stained with long overused tears, and they wondered what had upset her for this to happen.

"It has happened," She told them in a hoarse tone, her eyes sullen. "Two students have been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber Itself."

Professor Flitwick let out a low squeal. Professor Sprout clapped her hands over her mouth, while Snape gripped the back of a chair very hard and said. "How can you be sure?"

"The heir of Slytherin," said Professor McGonagall, who had turned very pale and white. "Left another message. Right underneath the first one. Their skeletons will lie in the chamber forever."

"Who is it? Madam Hooch asked, who had sunk into her child as her knees buckled. "Which Students?"

And what came next filled Harry and Ron with such despair and misery that they held their breath, as if forgetting how to breathe to prevent any gaps from escaping.

"Ginny Weasley... and Y/N L/N."


He had to be dreaming. It was the only, logical, rational and just plain sane idea. But no, it wasn't sane, it was the opposite, it was madness. Y/N stared ahead of him. His eyes widened and full of fear, curiosity and confusion, looking at the human figure in front of him. The very form that looked identical to himself and Y/N didn't know what to say, he was rendered speechless, and the dark figure noticed. Y/N went to open his mouth, but no words left his lips.

"Whatever you do. Do. Not. Panic." His other side told him, emphasising each word very carefully. His face was one of mystery, his eye brows were furrowed and his lips were in a thin line, yet his eyes were mirrored in concern, for him or himself? Y/N didn't know. As if the thing was dreading him panicking, had this happened before?

"Seriously?" It came out as a whisper. It was all Y/N could say, if he wasn't so out of tune, he would've scoffed at the other him.

"What? Should I tell you to panic instead?"

And Y/N's face morphed into complete disbelief at the other person's question.


As if reading his mind, the guy answered. "Not one of my best first impressions, but certainly not the worse." He muttered under his breath. Which only made Y/N give him a pure look of confusion. So the figure shook his head. "Well, nice to make your acquaintance, at last."

"W- what? Who the fuck are you?" Y/N questioned as his eyes narrowed. And the figure brought his hand up to his own face and merely pinched his nose in frustration. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you?" He said sarcastically.

"Who the fuck do you think I am?" The figure talked back to him, oh the language colouring was the same. He sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Fine. Quick recap. I'm the devil, you're dead and this is hell." And Y/N's face immediately crumpled into pure fright, his eyes widened as far as they could and his mouth opened in shock. He was horrified. But all of a sudden the dark figure of him began to laugh wholeheartedly, clutching his side from the pure ache until finding subiding at the glare that Y/N sent him. "Nah, I'm just fucking with you. I'm, well technically? I'm you, in a way."

Y/N folded his arms across his chest and huffed. "What do you mean technically?"

The dark figure sighed heavily. "Okay. Probably best to introduce myself. I am Fenrisúlfr. But that's a mouthful, so you can call me... Fenrir."

"Fenrir?" Y/N repeated, trying to get a taste of the word on his tongue. "Like the god, Fenrir's Wolf. Monster of The River Van. The Father of Wolves." Y/N tried to rack his head around it but all he caused for him was a headache. "So, you're a god?"

"Not exactly." Fenrir answered, shaking his head. "That's what I'm named after."

"Who named you?"

"You wouldn't know them." Fenrir told him, rolling his eyes. "Their names are long forgotten in the void of time and change, even in the wizarding world."

Y/N was about to retort, to ask him about it but decided against it. It was far better to introduce himself. "I'm-" But Fenrir had other ideas.

"I know who you are." He said as he turned around and began to walk away. Y/N followed him, staying by the creature's side. "You're Maria Black's son. One of the only two living of the Black family in existence." Y/N again, was about to ask how he knew but Fenrir interrupted him. "I've been watching you. For many years now, and to see you here at this moment, is... delightful. The path can finally be followed and with it, the door can be opened once again."

'Path? Door? Again?'

"What path?" Y/N asked him as they came to a stop. "What door? A door for what?" And Fenrir said nothing. He just smiled, still gazing ahead. Irritated, Y/N looked ahead as well, looking for whatever he was so focused on.

"That." Again, as if reading his thoughts, answered him. Ahead them, a door appeared out of the mist. It was huge, it was black and dark, made from bark of trees and rims of steel surrounding it. Where a padlock was stationed, a metallic steel chain held it in place, locking it shut. "That door is the exit. Your... and my exit."

"A way out of this place." Y/N figured and he stepped forward his gaze centred on the door that held his salvation. Y/N reached out with his right hand and was about to touch it, before suddenly out of his air, Fenrir appeared right next to him. He didn't bother to ask how, even if he did wonder, but he had more pressing matters. He couldn't stay here.

"Tell me." Fenrir began. "What do you remember before arriving in this void?" He asked him, turning left to face him.

Y/N looked to him and answered. "I remember... I remember visiting the infirmary." And his down casted his head, as if in shame. He began to remember everything, the pain, the guilt and shame began to pour back into him.

"What else?" Fenrir asked, surprisingly gentle.

"I found out- she... Hermione found out about the Basilisk. It slums in the Chamber Of Secrets. And I remember rushing out into the corridor looking for my friends. To tell them what I learned and..." He trailed off, his mind was foggy, like the mist itself.

"You were attacked." Fenrir reminded him, as he placed his own hand atop his shoulder. His own reflection facing him down. "Do you remember who?"


Fenrir nodded, and let his hand fall to his side and he looked up to the giant door that held them both. "You're currently in the Chamber of Secrets." And Y/N immediately shifted uncomfortable and looked at his counterpart. "Unconscious, but not for long, he has plans for you and if we- you. Don't find your way out, I and along with you, will perish."

Y/N nodded slowly, grasping at his other's words. Fenrir gave him a smile. "Only you can help us escape. I need your help, and in turn, you will need mine. You can't hope to stop them without me, and I am willing."

But a part of Y/N wondered if it was right to escape. He didn't know Fenrir, what he was, who he was. He looked just like him, he had the ability to shape him to his form, would it be right to free him? To free himself? He needed his help and he needed his, so what felt so wrong?

"Okay," Y/N whispered. "I'll help." And he walked up to the giant door as Fenrir followed him closely behind, withholding a smirk. "How do I open it?"

Fenrir's gaze dropped to the floor, looking at his own left hand. And for some reason it made Y/N inclined to do so himself, without a second though he looked down at his left hand and saw the ring, it's silver coating and green gem outlining his finger. The emererable gem was lit, exposing a dim green light. Y/N lifted his left hand up slowy at first, and the ring's light only got brighter. Edging closer to the metal chain that binds this place.

Just as he was about to touch the chain, a voice sounded in his right ear that sent shivers down his spine.

"When you're lost in the darkness, look for the light."

And like he had said, the ring lit up with all it's glory and so bright that near blinded them both. The two shielded their eyes from the light and in mere seconds it was gone. They opened them to see the chain melted away and in turn, the door to their salvation unlocked.

"Shall we?" Fenrir gestured to the door, a smirk on his face, but Y/N could not decipher its meaning, relief? Proud? Happiness or just pure joy?

So Y/N grinned, feeling a glow of light and safety bask him full. He answered, feeling the darkness around him fade, "We shall." And the two of them opened both door locks and revealed to them a bright white light, and so the two took their first step into what could possibly be their return.

But in the back of Y/N's mind, he wondered whether unlocking the door was wise, and asked himself if unchaining such a door would be his greatest achievement... or his greatest mistake.

Y/N still laid unconscious on the floor of the chamber, yet his breath was beginning to rise more thickly. What felt like hours, turned into seconds as Y/N's eyes began to flutter open, a pain jerking throb pounded his head as he tried to lift himself up.

He blinked first, and then again, until finally his vision returned to normal as he adjusted to the light, or rather lack of light in the room. When his eyes finally adjusted he managed to get a clear view of where he was, and he wished he wasn't.

'So he was right.'

The Chamber Of Secrets. It was dark and dull, dim lit torches positioned high on black stone pillars and in front of him was a giant statue, a wizard of some sort. Y/N hefted himself up, his hands gripping hard onto the stone flooring as he steadied himself. Still, the pain in his head was still there, either from being knocked out or for opening the door. He took a deep breath as he finally got onto his feet, stumbling slightly as he quickly grabbed ahold of a nearby stone pillar to hold himself up.

He groaned, the last thing he remembered was opening the door and being exposed to white light. And, realising where he was. Y/N looked around, trying to examine the room but his vision began to blur, he gripped his forehead tightly to stop it but it proved fruitless. When it settled, he tried again and all he saw was the same, dark room, but he saw something else he had misplaced.

A jet of flaming red hair was sprawled out on the floor, black robes and pale looking skin. It was Ginny. Y/N immediately rushed to her side and looked her over. "Ginny?" He shook her shoulders gently, to wake her up but it was no use, she made no sound.

"She won't wake." A voice sounded from behind him and he rushed around to grab his wand but found his robe pocket empty.

Y/N couldn't see anyone, nor who the voice belonged to. He got up from his crouched position and stepped forward, hesitantly at first.

"Who's there?" Y/N demanded to know, and groaned again, more sluggishly. The pain was getting worse, practically unbearable. But no answer came for him, he saw something twitch out his far left vision of his eye. He looked over fast and saw someone. But he couldn't tell who, his face was covered by the shadows. The mystery person walked out of the shadow, and approached Y/N slowly.

"I said, who are you?" Y/N growled, the feeling of pain in his head only got worse by each step the other boy took. He gripped his forehead again, it was getting worse. 'Ugh, stop!' The boy finally made it halfway to him, and Y/N got a better look at him. He had deep brown eyes, pale skin and short black hair. He stood at 5'11, Y/N was a couple inches shorter than him.

"Tom." The boy answered, finally opening his mouth. The voice came out softly, gentle even.

"Tom... Riddle?" Y/N questioned hesitantly, it had to be him. They knew he was around the same time the last Chamber Of Secrets was opened, surely it was him, who else would it be?

"Yes..." Tom Riddle answered with a slight smirk, but vanished as soon as it came. Tom shifted, moving further right, to get a clearer view of Y/N which made him frown. "Hmm, Harry told me much about you, so much." Riddle shook his head humorously. "But I didn't think I'd get to see you so soon, Y/N."

"I'm afraid I don't share the same feelings."
Y/N bristled, not liking the way Riddle's smile would widen as he spoke of him,

"No of course not." Riddle said, his smile being replaced with a frown. "But still, it is good to see you...."

"Why?" Y/N almost shouted, "What do you want with me?"

Tom Riddle got closer to him, it only made
Y/N step back and almost fall over Ginny, so he stopped as Riddle was only a couple meters between. "I wanted to see if it was true, and now that I've seen it, there's no mistaking it." Tom chuckled which only made Y/N more confused, he looked around to try and find a way out, and saw a passage behind him, he could escape that way... "Oh I wouldn't bother." Riddle saw what he was looking at,
Y/N turned back around to face him, "We still have a lot more talking to do."

"So, talk." Y/N said as he stood still, eyeing Riddle closely.

"You see, Ginny and Harry told me a lot about you." Tom nodded as he paced back and forth. "Half-Blood, son of Maria Black and Daniel
L/N. Special Auror for the Ministry. They described you, from every little detail, to every fact and I simply could not believe them. Not until at first, when I finally saw you with my own eyes. You... you look so much like her."

Y/N stood aimlessly, watching Riddle. He went to reply but Tom interrupted him, continuing to talk. "When the Chamber was first opened, she was intrigued by such a thing, that she began to search and question anyone and anything she could. The prospect of a monster, and a chamber that held just that, well. She couldn't keep herself contained."

Sister? Tom Riddle had a sister, Y/N didn't know.

"And then when Hagrid was deemed the opener of the Chamber, she wasn't convinced, somehow she knew—" Tom cackled, "—She always knew, except she said nothing, she let it go. She could've done something, turned me in, yet she did not, oh... sister."

Y/N eyes widened. "You framed Hagrid?" His blood began to boil, more and more. "You used him!" He hissed and Tom merely laughed. "You set him up!"

"Indeed I did," Riddle smiled darkly. "My sister said nothing, but still she comforted that blundering fool." He spat.

"What does your sister have to do with me?" Y/N hissed at the other boy, his hands curling up at his side.

"Why, everything, of course." At the sound of that, Y/N began to feel light headed.

Before Y/N could ask, a voice sounded from behind him. "Ginny? Ginny wake up." It was Harry!

Y/N turned away from Riddle and turned around to see Harry hunched over Ginny.

Harry was looking over Ginny franactily, he left his wand on the floor and unknown to him, Riddle took it. Harry didn't even see Y/N nor Riddle. "She won't wake up, I already tried."
Y/N's voice brought Harry out of his frantic trance and the boy looked up to see him.

Harry immediately got up and embraced Y/N in a hug, checking his friend over. "Are you okay?"

Y/N did a slight grimace but nodded. "Yeah." And the two turned around at the sound of a cackle in the air. The two saw Riddle approach.

"Riddle, Tom Riddle." Harry breathed out, "It's you." Y/N nodded to confirm it and Riddle approached them, more quicker than he had done with Y/N before.

"Hello, Harry." Tom answered, smiling at the boy before turning right and smirking at Y/N, who frowned in response. "Finally, now that Harry is here, we can proceed."

"With what?" Y/N growled, tightening his right hand into a fist.

"Like I said, with everything."

"What did you do with Ginny?" Harry questioned him,

"The diary," said Riddle. 'My diary. Little Ginny's been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes - how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books, how -" Riddle's eyes glinted "- how she didn't think famous, good, great Harry Potter would ever like her..."

All the time he spoke, Riddle's eyes never left Harry and Y/N's faces. There was an almost hungry look in them.

"It's very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of an eleven-year-old girl," he went on. "But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Ginny simply loved me. No one's ever understood me like you, Tom... I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in... It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket..."

"If I say it myself, Harry, I've always been able to charm the people I needed. So Ginny poured out her soul to me, and her soul happened to be exactly what I wanted... I grew stronger and stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Weasley. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Weasley a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her..."

"What'd you mean?" said Harry.

"Haven't you guessed yet, Harry Potter?" said Riddle softly. "Ginny Weasley opened the Chamber of Secrets. She strangled the school roosters and daubed threatening messages on the walls. She set the Serpent of Slytherin on four Mudbloods, and the Squib's cat."

"No," Y/N and Harry whispered.

"Yes," said Riddle, calmly. "Of course, she didn't know what she was doing at first. It was very amusing. I wish you could have seen her new diary entries... far more interesting, they became... Dear Tom," he recited, watching Harry's horrified face, 'I think I'm losing my memory. There are rooster feathers all over my robes and I don't know how they got there. Dear Tom, l can't remember what I did on the night of Halloween, but a cat was attacked and I've got paint all down my front. Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me I'm pale and I'm not myself. I think he suspects me... There was another attack today and I don't know where I was. Tom, what am I going to do? I think I'm going mad... I think I'm the one attacking everyone, Tom!"

The two boys clenched their hands, anger coursing through their veins.

"He framed Hagrid too." Y/N spoke, not daring to take his eyes off Riddle. "Like he did with Ginny."

"Very clever, Y/N." Riddle unexpectedly snapped, "Smart aren't you, but not enough to save your... friend." He smirked and Y/N clenched his hands so much that he felt the slight wet of blood on his palms, digging in. "You're not as clever as my sister, you never will be."

"You mean, Elizabeth?" Harry's voice broke
Y/N out of trance, he let go and let his hands go limp at his side, as his gaze turned to Harry. "Your sister."

"Oh yes," Riddle laughed. "Smart she was. Smart enough to find out I opened the Chamber Of Secrets all those years ago. But foolish enough not to tell anyone. I hated her at first, when I found out about her, that my father had meddled with another after my mother's death, a muggle-born..., yet I grew to care about her, and she did too. Until she turned her back on everything, on me. The arrogant bitch."

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OF HER THIS WAY!" A booming voice shouted, it startled the three of them, they looked around for the source but found no one. The pain in Y/N's head began to get worse, so much that he clutched his head with both of his hands, feeling his knees begin to buckle.

"Tell me, Y/N." Tom turned around, his eyes widened until he set his them on Y/N and the light in his eyes left slightly, until he managed to compose himself. "Did you ever wonder who your grandmother was? Your mother would've spoken of her if she were alive, yet they're both dead." The headache in his head got worse the more Riddle spew his thoughts. "My sister was like me, she adored family tradition, blood purity, and so I loved her for it. And then I found out she was dating one of the Black's, Orion, the most purest of blood and I was delighted to say the least. But they had a falling out four months after, and I hated her for it. She decided she didn't want to pursue it, that she had changed her mind. That blood purity meant nothing. Then one day she came to me, and imagine my surprise when she told me her reason why..."

Y/N and Harry could only watch as Riddle explained. Y/N felt something churn in his stomach, and it wasn't good, it was hateful, full of pain and he didn't know what to say.

"That she, Elizabeth Riddle... was pregnant." And Tom cackled, his voice touching a higher peak.

Y/N's head began to open defy itself, the pain morphing even worse, so much that he buckled to the ground. Harry saw him go down and went to help but Y/N held his hand out in warning. To tell him to stay back. Suddenly his memories began to play back in his head, everything. The night his mother died, his conversation with Voldermort last year. 'You are truly blind, for the truth is right inside you.' And finding the Black family tree book in the library, Maria Black, mother unknown. It couldn't be.

"Such a simple thing as that, managed to change her very perceptive." Tom frowned deeply. "And she left to settle her own life, and then.... She was born..." Tom smirked at the look on Y/N's face, the aghast. "Tell me, do you know who that girl grew to be? The daughter of Elizbeth Riddle, my niece?"

Y/N closed his eyes shut and turned away, "It can't be." He whispered. Y/N turned back to Tom and opened his eyes, glaring at the boy. "You're lying."

"Say the words." Riddle encouraged him, his face dark and twisted, "Say. Her. Name."

Harry watched them both, his mouth parted and unable to form any words.

"Maria... Black..." Y/N struggled to breath out.

"Yes," Tom said mockenly. "You see, it's all coming together. Tell me, did you ever wonder why they said so little of her, why the great Maria Black and Elizebeth Riddle were out of touch, out of bound, left to wither? It was because of me."

Tom Riddle pulled Harry's wand from his pocket, which he had stolen, and began to trace it through the air, writing three shimmering words:


Then he waved the wand once, and the letters of his name rearranged themselves:


"You see?" He whispered. "It was a name I was already using at Hogwarts, to my most intimate friends only, of course. You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle father's name forever? I, in whose veins runs the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself, through my mother's side? Elizabeth kept our father's horrid name, her mother's, but not mine, we didn't share the same, oh no. You think I'd keep the name of a foul, common Muggle, who abandoned me even before I was born, just because he found out his wife was a witch? No, I fashioned myself a new name, a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I had become the greatest sorcerer in the world!"

"You're lying..." Y/N struggled out, he couldn't breath. He felt as if he was going to be sick, all of it, it couldn't be true. "No! I refuse to believe it."

"But it's true." Riddle frowned. "What is there not to believe?"

"You're not," Harry said, his quiet voice full of hatred as much as Y/N.

"Not what?" snapped Riddle, returning his gaze to Harry.

"Not the greatest sorcerer in the world," said Harry, breathing fast. "Sorry to disappoint you and all that, but the greatest wizard in the world is Albus Dumbledore. Everyone says so. Even when you were strong, you didn't dare try and take over at Hogwarts. Dumbledore saw through you when you were at school and he still frightens you now, wherever you're hiding these days--"

Y/N was still crouched on the floor, his head feeling as if it was going to explode, the feeling in his neck returning to him. Stinging like all hell. He was... he was related to Voldermort through his mother, no... he couldn't believe it.

"Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" Riddle hissed.

"He's not as gone as you might think!" Harry retorted. He was speaking at random, wanting to scare Riddle, wishing rather than believing it to be true.

Riddle opened his mouth, but froze. Music was coming from somewhere. Riddle whirled around to stare down the empty Chamber. The music was growing louder. It was eerie, spine-tingling, unearthly; it lifted the hair on Harry's scalp and made his heart feel as though it was swelling to twice its normal size. Then, as the music reached such a pitch that Harry felt it vibrating inside his own ribs, flames erupted at the top of the nearest pillar.

A crimson bird the size of a swan had appeared, piping its weird music to the vaulted ceiling. It had a glittering golden tail as long as a peacock's and gleaming golden talons, which were gripping a ragged bundle.

A second later, the bird was flying straight at Harry. It dropped the ragged thing it was carrying at his feet, then landed heavily on his shoulder. As it folded its great wings, Y/N and Harry looked up and saw it had a long, sharp golden beak and a beady black eye.

The bird stopped singing. It sat still and warm next to Harry's cheek, gazing steadily at Riddle.

"That's a phoenix." said Riddle, staring shrewdly back at it.

"Fawkes?" Harry breathed, and he felt the bird's golden claws squeeze his shoulder gently.

"And that -" said Riddle, now eyeing the ragged thing that Fawkes had dropped, "that's the old school Sorting Hat--"

Riddle began to laugh again. He laughed so hard that the dark chamber rang with it, as though ten Riddles were laughing at once.

"This is what Dumbledore sends his defenders! A songbird and an old hat! Do you feel brave, Do you feel safe now? To business," said Riddle, still smiling broadly. "Twice - in your past, in my future - we have met. And twice I failed to kill you both. How did you survive? Tell me everything. The longer you talk," he added softly, "the longer you stay alive."

"No one knows why you lost your powers when you attacked me," said Harry abruptly. "I don't know myself. But I know why you couldn't kill me. Because my mother died to save me. My common Muggle-born mother," he added, shaking with suppressed rage. "She stopped you killing me. And I've seen the real you, I saw you last year. You're a wreck. You're barely alive. That's where all your power got you. You're in hiding. You're ugly, you're foul--"

Riddle's face contorted. Then he forced it into an awful smile. "So. Your mother died to save you. Yes, that's a powerful countercharm. I can see now... there is nothing special about you, after all. I wondered, you see. There are strange likenesses between us, especially Y/N, after all. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphaned off, raised by Muggles. Probably the only three Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look something alike... but after all, it was merely a lucky chance that saved you from me. That's all I wanted to know."

"But now, I've got what I want, time for you to meet you're end." And Riddle brought out Harry's wand and pointed it towards Harry. "Avada Kedavra!" And a jet of green light shot out of his wand, heading straight to Harry.

"NO!" Y/N rushed in front of Harry and shielded himself with his arms and waited for the spell to hit it's mark. Y/N felt something bask against his robes, it staggered him back slightly and Harry in the process. When the two boys opened their eyes, they found Riddle staring at them with wide eyes, the wand still pointing at them.

"Impossible!" Tom growled, letting go of the wand, and it slumped to his side.

'It didn't kill me...' Y/N thought as he looked down at his robes, 'I should be dead, why aren't I dead?'

"Hahahahahahahaha!" A thunderous laugh sounded throughout the chamber, so much that it almost shaked it's foundations. Y/N, Harry and Riddle looked around frantically but no one revealed themselves.

"They're nothing like you." The voice sounded out again, breaking the three of them from their trance. The voice was hoarse, dark and deep, as if it had aged considerable. It made Voldermort shift uncomfortable. "Where you failed, they succeeded. You're nothing, and you always were. That's why Elizabeth left you."

"Shut it." Riddle hissed.

A dark chuckled filled the air, enough for a gust of wind to pass through them and shake them, it was dark and felt unnatural. Tom moved slightly to his right, to look at Y/N.

Again, the booming voice called out. "You were always nothing, and always will be. That's why you lost, you clung to your pathetic ideas and goals and so she had enough of you. That's why Maria didn't follow you either, like you had hoped. You were too dependent on others that shared your ways, and she didn't. Just like her mother."

"You know nothing of me." Riddle pointed his wand out in the air, looking for a target.

"Ohhh... I know all about you, Voldermort, I've watched you, just as I watched Elizabeth, just as I watched Maria and now... Y/N."

"Y/N?" Harry questioned, looking down at him as if he knew the answer.

"Oh no." Y/N murmured, he couldn't believe it, "Is it...?"

Suddenly Y/N collapsed to the floor, his head hitting the floor hard as a gust of energy entered him, seething through the back of his neck and the pain was too much, unbearable. It made the boy scream out in terror, Harry tried to intervene but Y/N, again held his hand out. Riddle was pale, his skin had gone completely white as his own self and his eyes were wide and filled with... fear?

"Ohhh you caused so much pain." The dark voice came from Y/N as he was still on the floor, the screaming subsiding and Y/N felt something leave its mark on the back of his neck, he reached out and felt it, something struck him there. He himself was unsure if it was him talking or if it was... Fenrir. "My family is in ruin, dead or lost." He lifted his head, looking up to Riddle and for the first time, Harry got to see it, Y/N eyes had turned to the deep shade of amber and his mouth twisted into a dark smirk. "You..." He laughed loudly. "All because of you."

Something was off, he felt something in him changing, he looked down at his hands and watched as they began to morph into a different colour, black, fur. His eyes were darkened, his entire body began to change into fur, overlapping his clothing and they vanished, as if shapeshifting. And before anyone knew it, it wasn't Y/N they were looking at. It was a giant wolf, like a werewolf, yet not the same, it was standing at seven feet, it had claws long and sharp, it's legs were heightened and was insanely intimidating.

The Wolf snarled widely at Riddle.

Harry and Riddle were both shocked, watching it play out, Y/N hadn't moved, his legs were still kneeled to the floor yet his wolf form had made him significantly taller and all Harry could do was look up at him, with both awe and fright.

"You've caused my family so much pain." Y/N chuckled darkly, removing his gaze from the floor and to that of Voldermort, staring his amber eyes into Riddle and Harry could've sworn he saw him tremble slightly. Y/N had no such control, he wasn't sure it was him talking, he couldn't control anything, yet he it thrilled him, a hunger of sorts filled him. "And now... Well,"

His usual expression changed, the wolf feature of his face made him even more intimidating as it finally finished morphing into a wolf's look.

"I'll show you the true meaning of pain..."

Y/N let out a loud growling hiss and launched forward at Riddle, his claws out and striking but before he could hit him, the Basilisk came out of the statue and flashed it's fangs. And so Y/N roared louder and the snake almost cowarded, yet attacked and he dodged out of the way, his form being much quicker than an average wolf or werewolf.

Meanwhile Harry lunged to the side of a stone pillar while Y/N or whatever it was, distracted the Basilisk. He ran past the sorting hat, but tripped over it. But it revealed something hiding beneath it. A sword. The sword of Gryffindor. Harry rushed to get it.

"KILL HIM!" Tom Riddle roared as Y/N dodged another of the Basilisk's fangs. Y/N jumped over the stone pillar and hoisted himself up, his claws digging into the hard stone. And he jumped off, his claws outwards and in turn he thrusted at the snake, slicing at its hide. The Basilisk screeched out in pain, it's form recoiling in fear, but at Riddle's command, it kept attacking.

Riddle soon spotted Harry who had grabbed ahold of the sword, his eyes widened in fear.
"KILL HIM NOW!" The snake heard it's call and came rushing around the archway, away from the wolf and readied to strike Harry.

Y/N panted, catching his breath. He was sat crouched atop of a stone pillar, looking down at Tom Riddle as the basilisk slivered away. Fenrir resisted the urge to mutter: 'It's over Tom! I have the high ground!' He dropped down from one the pillars and immediately saw the basilisk going after Harry. He roared higher than he had ever done and ran to Harry, his own heightened legs taking him so far and jumped in front of Harry to protect him, to shield him. The baskilik lunged forward at the two and struck it's fangs out but before it could hit Harry, it stopped. Y/N eyes darkened less, and he looked down at Harry and saw it, the sword of Gryffindor in his hands and where the blade had landed, it was deepened into the  basilisk's mouth, killing it.

"NO!" Riddle shouted as he came out of the shadow, and Y/N or Fenrir made a growl of sorts, but a humorous one.

Immediately Harry's eyes searched for the Diary of Riddle's and finally his eyes found it, Ginny's hands wrapped tightly around it. Y/N watched Tom with dark and murderous intentions, his entire body was on fire, so much that Y/N couldn't feel any control over whatever action he had, or was taking. Harry rushed over to Ginny's side and took the diary from her hands. Harry looked around, before grabbing at the fang from basilisk's mouth that had snapped off and landed near him, probably caused by Y/N. He grabbed it.

"DON'T YOU DARE-" But before he could say anymore, Harry plunged the fang into the book, the venom blood of the snake covering it. There was a long, dreadful, piercing scream. Ink spurted out of the diary in torrents, streaming over Harry's hands, flooding the floor. Riddle was writhing and twisting, screaming and flailing and then-- He had gone. Harry's wand fell to the floor with a clatter and there was silence. Silence except for the steady drip drip of ink still oozing from the diary. The basilisk venom had burned a sizzling hole right through it.

And the two of them stood still, the tightening and twisting pain in Y/N's head returned and immediately he began to change back, his form leaving him almost as quick as he wanted to. Before he knew it, he was back to his normal self.

"Oh god..." Y/N muttered, raising both his hands up to inspect them, covered in Baskilik blood. "I- I- I'm..." But his voice drowned out, he didn't know what to say and quite frankly, he didn't know what to think. When he was in the Wolf form he felt powerful, unburden and unfazed. Like he could do anything. Yet he was hungry, hungry for death, for blood and anything he could find, and that terrified him, more so than anything in his life.

'You're welcome.' A voice sounded in the back of his head and instantly he knew who it was.
'I did tell you, you'd need my help.' And Y/N eyes still laid on his hands, though this time they began to shake, tremble even. He looked over to Harry who was looking at him, in either awe or terror. It might have well been both.

Y/N shook his head in despair and looked at Harry with a wordless expression, he looked at him carefully, until he noticed something on his robes, it was red and oozing all over him, Blood. "Harry!" Y/N immediately rushed forward and grabbed ahold of him.

"What?" Harry looked down and saw the red blood. But he shook his head, "It's- It's not mine."

"What-" Y/N had attempted to say but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. He looked down at his robes where blood was wet he reached down with his right hand and touched it, the mere touch made hiss in pain. "Oh. It's... mine." Harry guided him to the ground and laid him out, "Ah, god..." The Basilisk must've got him, just before Harry had plunged the sword into it.

"Hold on, Y/N." Harry pleaded, "You'll be alright." And Y/N didn't believe him. Everything that he had learnt, everything Voldermort- Tom Riddle had told him. Did he deserve to live after that, to know who he was and who he was related to? Was he destined to become like him, like his mother and her mother. To die by his hands. He didn't know.

"I think I'm dying..." Y/N let out a laugh, before a fitting cough took him over.

"You're not." Harry said as he tried to find some way to bandage it.

"It's poison." Y/N whispered, "The Basilisk venom." He felt his eyes flutter back, his vision began to blur. "I don't think...." But he trailed off.

For a couple of seconds, neither said anything, until Harry opened his mouth. "Why do you keep doing this?" Harry asked him, his hands clutching his friend's robes tightly, as if afraid to let go. "Back in the forbidden Forest, shielding me from Voldermort, standing in Voldermort's way of the stone to protect me, and now you've taken a Basilisk fang for me? Why?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N coughed.

"You keep putting yourself in harm's way, why?"

Y/N blinked, hissing as the pain the stomach only worsened. "You wouldn't understand..."

"Then make me understand!"

Y/N looked back at Harry, his eyes were glassy, and he too felt tears in the back of his eyelids. "He was right, Voldermort. They said they were cowards, everyone of them. My grandmother ran away, my mother did the same, and openly went against him. My uncle became a mass murder and locked away in Azkaban and my own father ran away from my mother and me, left us to defend ourselves." Y/N took a deep shuddering breath. "My family is full of cowards, Harry. I didn't want to be one too."

"They weren't cowards, Y/N." Harry shook his head fast. "They weren't, and neither are you."

"If only that was true." Y/N muttered, the feeling of dread overtaking him. "It felt easy, you know. To put myself in-danger, in a way, I'd be saving you and then my father would be proud..."

"Proud?" Harry questioned. "Proud of what? Throwing your life away?"

"Of me..." Y/N said in almost a whisper. "Never once has my father expressed any pride or even a simple thanks to me, not once." Tears began to prickle in his eyes. "He hates me, Harry..." He said quiet, eyes drifting over Harry, trying to figure out what he's thinking. "He doesn't say it, but I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me." His own image, his hair and eyes, the lightness of his skin. It reminded his father of her, Y/N's mother. It was like he was looking at her and maybe he hated that, maybe he wished that he looked like him instead so he wouldn't be tortured in his very presence.

"He doesn't hate you." Harry said, his voice raw and horse.

As if he hadn't heard him, Y/N continued. "I just want him to be proud of me, now after everything that I've learnt. I just know it isn't possible." He had never expressed anything of sorts of him, nothing for becoming a Chaser, for joining Hogwarts, or for how good he studied or just anything. Y/N was bitter, how could he not be?

"Does he know you feel this way?" Harry asked him, and he had to shake Y/N for him to open his eyes. Y/N could feel it getting closer and closer.

He scoffed and shook his head slowly. "No. I've never told him."

"Maybe you should."

Before Y/N could retort, the sputter of wings was heard just behind them and Harry looked up to see Fawkes. The bird landed besides them and rested his head on Y/N's stomach. Tears began to drop his eyes and Harry looked down to see a pearly patch of tears was shining all around the wound - except that there was no wound.

"Phoenix tears..." Y/N muttered dryly. "I don't believe it." And before Harry could ask any further, the wound on Y/N's stomach had gone, healed completely. Y/N felt his eyes flutter more, becoming drosuey, so much that he felt himself losing his vision.

Harry looked down at Y/N in awe, smiling as his own tears began to wipe away. But soon noticed his friend's eyes becoming sleepy and dull. "Y/N?" But no answer came as sleep overtook the boy and Y/N lost consciousness.


A/N: Oh wow. Now I wanna apologise again if this chapter seems rushed. I'm gonna spend sometime these next few days going through it again in case anything seems cringey or for any typos. P.S: If you're curious about the booming voice that was shouting throughout the chapter and when Y/N spoke before he turned. That was Fenrir. And it seems, Fenrir is finally free, and looking for revenge against Voldermort, I wonder why...

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