Chapter 14 - Another Year Gone

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Just so you know:

'These are Y/N's thoughts.' In italics.

'These are Fenrir speaking in Y/N's head.' In normal text.

A/N: Here's the chapter! Sorry for any typos.

It happened again. Passing out at the end of the year was starting to become the norm for him. Y/N didn't know what to think, but as he laid in the hospital bed of the infirmary, he couldn't help but wonder, if he'd turn out like it again next year. God he hoped not.

Though, he had the time to think about a lot. The rest of the students that had been petrified (including Hermione) were still knocked out, sleeping in their hospital beds as Professor Sprout began to prepare the potion that would undoubtedly fix them, and put a lot of people's minds at ease (Y/N being one of them) as well.

Immediately after Y/N woke up, Madam Pomfree urged him to lay back down. As Y/N had repeatedly tried to get to his feet despite the aching he was feeling. Though due to the phoenix tears from Fawkes, he was fairly well off, not hurting as much as he should have. And he thanked him for that.

It didn't take long for (the remaining of the golden Quartet) Harry and Ron to appear rushing through the doors, getting a scolding from Pomfree beforehand. But they were in high spirits, glad to see that their friend was fairing well, and he too was glad to see them doing great. Y/N could still visibly remember what happened before he collapsed.

Tom Riddle. Revealing himself to be the younger prodigy of Lord Voldermort himself. How he revealed that Y/N was far more connected to him than he ever thought possible. Then the worse happened. He felt it went he awoke in the chambers, he felt it now when he woke up in the infirmary.

Though it was different.

The pain in the back of his neck, before when he heard the voices it was like lava or something burning into him. But now, it was like frostbite, something freezing him ever so. Though he had a hunch, it happened when his — he shivered at the mere thought — Wolf form came out.

He would call it ridiculous if it wasn't so true. Yet he felt it, he felt the transformation happen and he couldn't control it, he had to direction, no pause, no thoughts of his own while in that state. All he felt was his anger, his passion and just pure hate for the dark lord that had (undoubtedly) killed his mother and ruined his life from an early age. He didn't know what it was, but he had an idea who did. Fenrir, the boy or whatever it was, before had to have known. It happened when he let him go, when he freed the shackles that had bonded him. Looking back on it, he wondered if letting him go was best.

No one else but Harry knew what happened between the two, how he had changed into such a beast, and it scared him. He was glad no one else knew, but he was scared if anyone else found out. How they would see him and mock him out of fear. He didn't want that.

It was different, being in such a state. Being in that wolf, or werewolf form was terrifying for him. Y/N only felt blood lust and all his pain surging into one, and so it used it, to fuel him. Making him really powerful, though due to him having no control, as said before. But to some extent it did what he wanted, he had wanted to stop Tom Riddle and the Basikal. And he did, the beast knew what it- he wanted, and did it without a hussle though at one point Y/N had wanted to stop, and he couldn't. The beast wouldn't let him.

With a sigh, Y/N lifted his head up, the sight of his white hospital bed sheets just weren't appealing to keep watching. Harry and Ron were just sat besides him, sitting in wooden chairs they had pulled up. They were in deep conversation, and one mention of the name of Lockhart made him snap his head towards him.

"What?" He asked them, looking between the two. He had been daydreaming before, zoning out. "What about Lockhart?"

"He's gone." Harry told him, a hopeful and cheerful glint in his eyes. "He was supposed to go find the entrance to the chamber and find Ginny, and you."

"Good job, he did." Ron said sarcastically, frowning. "The git tried to hex us, tried to take away our memories." He chuckled darkly. "Didn't end well for them though."

"How so?" Y/N asked, preparing himself up against the backboard of the bed to steady himself more. "Please tell me you stopped him?"

"Of course we did." Harry said.

"Yeah," Ron replied, his frown gone and replaced with a smirk. "I gave him a bit of his own medicine and off he went. Lost his entire memory. Heard dumbledore sent him away just after they fixed him up. Wasn't safe for him apparently." Though Y/N was glad he wasn't awake to endure Lockhart, even if his memory was bust, he wouldn't of been able to endure him in his current state.

"I bet it wasn't." Y/N gritted his teeth. Especially not after the bullshit he put them all through. "Good riddance to the useless git."

The three of them continued into their usual conversations, laughing and egging each other. Though it wasn't the same for them without Hermione there to support them. It left them feeling gloom, but in few hours the mandrakes would be done and the potions would be able to wake them.

Harry also began to explain to Y/N how he had freed Dobby from Lucius Malfoy's chains. To which he was glad for, it was about time Malfoy got what was coming to him. So losing a elf house was a fair to sight to see. And Harry told him about the diary it's self. How Lucius Malfoy had planted it in Ginny's cauldron (Speaking of Ginny, they had managed to free her and send her home with her parents which gave Y/N a great relief) the day at Diagon Alley which made Y/N grind his teeth in anger. if it was up to him, Malfoy wouldn't see the end of the day when he'd be done with him. But alas, there was nothing they could do, well anything legal.

But before they could continue their talks of heroics, quidditch and other such things, the infirmary doors opened with a thud and in came Professor Dumbledore, his usual cheery expression on his face.

"Professor." The three boys said in unison, reaching out of their chairs to greet Dumbledore, though not Y/N. He was still stuck in bed, he managed a slow nod to the much older man.

Professor Dumbledore approached them, a small smile gracing his lips. "Hello, boys." He said to the two students, before turning his attention to Y/N who still laid propped against the headboard of his hospital bed. "Y/N, it's good to see you finally awake."

"Thank you, Professor."

The ageing headmaster turned back to the two boys, and gave them an apology smile. "I'm afraid I need to have a word with young Y/N here, if you would be so kind to return to your classes." Of course, classes were still active even only a day after the event in the chamber. Though Dumbledore had allowed them to come see their friend when he'd awake.

The two boys muttered goodbyes to Y/N and farewell to Dumbledore before retreating out of the infirmary, Ron muttering something about Y/N being lucky he didn't have to endure Snape's lessons for the rest of the day. For that, Y/N was thankful.

"I see you're awake." Dumbledore said as he sat down. "You scared quite a lot of us, including myself. You've got the quite the self-sacrificing rep." He smiled. "Much like your father, very much so."

"I can't really help it." Y/N lamented. "It's just something I feel I need to do, something that feels right."

"You don't always have to put yourself in-danger, Y/N." Dumbledore advised him.

"Yes I do." Y/N said with full determination. "I don't want my friends to get hurt-"

"So you put yourself in harms way?"

"Yeah," Y/N nodded. "Like I said, I need to."

Dumbledore sighed. "You're not responsible for your family's actions, so don't repay them with putting yourself in harms way. Even though, it is indeed noble of you, bold even. Like a Gryffindor, but you don't need to prove to anyone that your different. They already see that in you." Dumbledore explained to him.

It was true, inside Y/N just wanted to do the right thing. Save his friends, but himself in the way of their harm would only end up with himself hurt in the process. He felt that after everything his family had done, even more so now that... Tom Riddle. He had to repay their acts of aggression and pain, and etch it onto himself, spare others the harm they'd receive. Yet Dumbledore advised against it.

"At least in the mean time, go about saving your friends in a less, excruciating way, please." Dumbledore said, his eyes showing concern for him. Y/N merely nodded, a silent agreement to do so. And he would. "Speaking of your father." He said, a smile curling at his lips. "He came by earlier to see how you were, but of course couldn't stay too long, though bless him, he was very worried."

"He was?" It was news to him. He had never seen his father distressed over him. Though only once when he was little when he had hurt himself. Guess, even now that was still permitting from the older man.

"Indeed," The professor said. "He gave me this to give to you." Dumbledore handed him a small box. Y/N opened it up to reveal a green bookmark with with white clovers on it. Huh, Irish. What was he doing in Ireland? Y/N smiled at the small gift yet still he frowned afterwards, he would be having a very long conversation with him when gets home. Concerning quite a few... things.

Dumbledore turned back to Y/N with a look he had never seen before, it was something between the lines of worry and shame. "So, how are you feeling, Y/N?" He asked him as he sat back down in the chair Ron had been using previously before.

Y/N looked down at his hands, they were laid flat against the bed cover in front of him. For a second he watched them, fidgeting with them before finally looking up at Dumbledore. He wore a look of concern, something that still baffled him to this day. "I'm... okay, all things considered.

"Yes." Dumbledore chuckled slightly. "It's not everyday someone fights a Basilisk, and lives to tell the very story." Causing Y/N to squirm slightly at the attention this would bring him. He liked being out of the spotlight, but now that wasn't the case.

"Who else knows?" Y/N asked him, averting his eyes. He dreaded what his answer was.

"Naturally? I imagine Harry and Ron told as many Gryffindors as they could." Dumbledore said as he leant forward slightly. "Though I suspect something's were lost to them." So only a group of Gryffindors (who were all pretty much friends) knew. They knew how the they had defeated the basilisk, stopping the diary and the spirit of Tom Riddle. Though he had no clue if Harry had told them about what happened to him. But he knew Harry, it wasn't his secret to tell, it was up to Y/N himself. Yet he didn't know what to do or say.

"Something happened in the chamber, Professor. Something... I-" Y/N stopped mid-way, averting his gaze to the chair besides him, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"It's okay, Y/N." Dumbledore said gently, bringing his hand up to his shoulder, patting it softly. "Harry told me."

"He did?" Y/N turned to face him, a look of betrayal on his face, but quickly softened. Of course he would tell him, he understood that. But he hoped he hadn't told anyone else.

"He did." Dumbledore confirmed. "And I know you'll wish to talk about it." It was in his natural, to question a lot of things that confused him or agitated him. What happened in the chamber managed both.

"Professor... what am I?"

Dumbledore sighed, looking away for a moment, before looking back into Y/N's light hazel eyes. "Special." He said, smiling. "You are a special wizard, Y/N. One of a kind." To which made him frown, he had no idea what he was, did Dumbledore know?

"Am I a werewolf?" Y/N asked him hesitantly, a scared look in his eyes. 

"No." Dumbledore said. "You are not. You are something far... different." He could d swore he was going to say greater, yet Y/N didn't think anything of it as great. It was terrifying. He could still smell the linger of basilisk blood on his lips. The sullen rage that coursed through his veins and the uncontrollable power he felt while fighting, not even fighting. More like slaughtering. He managed to seriously wound the basilisk, before Harry put it done with the Gryffindor sword.

"It terrifies me..." Y/N admitted, his eyes wide and full of fear. He recalled it all in his mind. The fight and urge for blood. It made him subconsciously reach to the back of his neck. It was happening more after that transformation.

"I understand." The professor said, nodding his head forward slowly. "Your mother felt the same way."

"My mother was like this too?" He asked Dumbledore, eyes wide in shock. Was he really like her so much?

"Indeed, she was, and now you are too." Dumbledore told him. "She felt the same, terrified to no end. But I assure you, there's no need to be scared. It's easy to be scared of the unknown. But as time passes, you'll be able to control it, I am more than certain." He explained to him as Y/N listened intently.

"It's like a beast inside you trying to wake up, it feeds off your emotions, channeling them into the powers that you so witnessed today. But it doesn't define you, that power." Dumbledore smiled reassuringly. "No, that task is for you and you alone. Only you can control what you use it for, but sometimes we can go over board when it comes to emotions, especially ones as strong as yours." He swore he saw a twinkle in the old man's eyes, but merely said nothing. "You may feel at times where you feel lost, that you fear you have no control. But just remember, it's just you. Only you can control it, nobody else. I believe you are more than capable of handling your inner-self."

"Okay," Y/N said after a moment, though a small part of him was still afraid of it. "I'll do my best."

"Oh, I know you will." Dumbledore said a grin. "I expect nothing less from son of Maria Black."

Hearing such words from Dumbledore made him feel warm inside, a comforting feeling. He was glad he had faith in him, he hoped himself would have enough too. Yet he still felt a part of him worry about what would happen if he lost it later down the road.

"It turned me into a wolf-like creature." Y/N told him after a few moments of silence. "It was... confusing. It was like I had no control, just acting on pure instinct."

Dumbledore hummed slightly. "Yes, it was the same for your mother. It's almost like an animagus form, but slightly different."

"What is?"

"Well, your form is much like a werewolf in nature, brute strength, good sense of smell, yet more sense of control and direction, more willpower than an average werewolf. It's more than likely the side that opened up to you was the aggressive side."

"There's a passive side of it?" Y/N asked, confused.

"Yes, your mother wasn't a wolf like you. She was an eagle. Yet when she first showed signs of it, it wasn't anything like yours. Hers was good natured, calm and resourceful." He said. "It wasn't until much later, that her aggressive side began to manifest."

"So there's two sides to this... animagus."

Dumbledore took a second to think, before answering. "Yes, like two sides of a coin. One completely different, yet all the same. Though I wouldn't call it an animagus form, when, in theory it isn't, in a way."

"Well what exactly is it?" Y/N asked.

"Well, as the book I gave you, read: Descendants." Dumbledore said. "It's a powerful, aggressive form of an animagus. Simply one of a kind." He picked up the very book from the nightstand to his right, before glossing over the cover. "Something to be admired really, unique."

"I don't know about that. Sometimes I wish I was just like everyone else."

Surprisingly, Dumbledore snickered, before placing the book back down. "And how boring that would be." To which Y/N couldn't disagree, his life was anything but normal.

Though it begged the question, if this power was one of a kind. Then where did it come from? Was Elizabeth, Maria's mother like this also? And who had written the book on it, surely his mother?

"If what you say is true, then who wrote the book?" Y/N asked, eyeing it sceptically. The book was old, but not old enough to detriment when it was written. Well, it was in old Latin, so surely hundreds of years ago.

"There's a rumour." Dumbledore said, "In ancient times of Greece history, in the magic world many could transform into the very animals their gods portrayed themselves as." He said. "Much like animaguses. Yet they were different, more than just animal shifters, no they were far more wise, and strong than the ones to this very day. But all data and notion of them was lost in time, and it was believed that simply died out."

"So I'm... what? Some sort of god?" Y/N said with a humourless chuckle.

Dumbledore clicked his tongue throughly before asking. "Before you woke up in the chamber, did you experience anything? A dream, an illusion of some sorts?" And immediately Y/N's mind flashed back to his dream-like state with Fenrir, surrounded by black mist and darkness.

"Yes." Y/N whispered. Looking thoughtly ahead. "I talked to someone- something. He called himself, Fenrir. He looked... looked-" But he cut himself off, not willing to say it or it would be deemed true.

"He looked like what?" Dumbledore asked him gently.

"Me..." Y/N whispered back, averting his eyes. "It doesn't make sense, but I know what I saw."

"I see," Dumbledore said. "I believe, it is true. This... Fenrir. Is now a part of you, and you a part of him."

"That's not all." Y/N told him. "There was a weird pain in the back of my neck, whenever I heard the voices, the basilisk."

"Yes, very much like Harry. It seems the two of you have more in common than you realise." Dumbledore continued to smile. "As with Voldermort. He both killed your mothers, and in turn left something behind for the both of you. Tell me, what was it like when you heard the voices, and when you finally awoke in the chamber."

"Well," Y/N thought back on it. "When I was hearing the voices, the pain was hot, like something burning me from the outside, trying to cook me alive." He explained to him. "But when I woke up in the chamber, the pain was cold, like frostbite was beginning to settle in."

"Hmm... it's just as I thought." Dumbledore said. "I believe the burning sensation was caused by being in the presence of Voldermort..."

He didn't need to continue for Y/N to realise it. "And when it was freezing.... that was Fenrir." Y/N said, mouth agape.

"If my theory is to be correct, I need to see." Dumbledore said, his face a mix of worry and concern. "May I?" If Y/N didn't that confusing, it surely didn't show it. He moved forward, enough for Dumbledore to look behind the boy, at the back of his neck. "Ah, so it appears to be true."


"There appears to be a small scar across the back of your neck, just above the shoulder length. Have you always had it?"

"No." Y/N shook his head. "That shouldn't be there, I've never had a scar before." Confusion laced his words. The sudden reveal made him quickly clutch at the back of his lower neck, purely out of instinct. It didn't feel different. Yet when Dumbledore showed him a mirror of it, then it only dawned on him. It wasn't anything like Harry's nothing like a lighting bolt. It was more like tear or something of rift that just appeared from nowhere. He hadn't had it before awaking you in the chamber... so could Fenrir have caused it? When he escaped his shackles?

"How do I get rid of it?" Was his first thought.

"You can't," Dumbledore explained softly. "Like I said, he is a part of you, and you are a part of him. It's the mark that was left on him, and now that mark is now etched into you."

A mark was left on him? But by who? And what caused the mark in the first place? He didn't have an answer for that, but surely he could try and find out. Was it a mark like Harry? Or something completely different. He had survived the killing curse in the chamber, much like Harry when he was just a baby. But it couldn't be... could it?

Dumbledore took the time to look out the infirmary window. His older eyes glasses over surprisingly quiet day out. Before turning to
Y/N again.

"Regarding them." Dumbledore said, obviously focusing on Y/N's new change. "Your powers will grow, become unpredictable you see. If  you are anything like your mother, which I know is to be true, then your powers will only develop further and unstable as time progresses." If that was supposed to make him feel better, then really didn't. "I will have an old friend oversee you when you return to Hogwarts to help you control them. But for now, enjoy your holiday while you can and let all your worries slip away."

Unpredictable, dangerous and supernatural powers?

'Well, that's fucking great.'  Y/N thought as he huffed, laying his head back against the headboard.

'Hey don't blame me.' A voice said in his head, to which nearly made Y/N yelp. 'Yeah, it's me. What? You didn't think I'd just leave now did you?'




Well fuck.

The hours went by in a blur, Y/N was still filled up with everything he had experienced just hours before. But one good thing, he was finally out of the infirmary for the day, and had just arrived into the great hall. Not before being greeted by the whole Gryffindor table with claps on the back and as well as Harry, who looked ecstatic as he was no longer being seen as the Slytherin Heir, much like Y/N. Which they were very much grateful for. Even, Justin and his group of friends from before (including the redhead Emma)

A/N: Pay attention to Emma, she'll be important for the next few books.

Who apologised to the both of them for suspecting them to be the heir. To which they forgave them. With Emma taking a lasting look at the two them with a sort of wishful look. Which, unknown to them all, made Ron frown.

Though, still Y/N's troubles of Fenrir was still grieving him. He wasn't sure what was going to happen now. He had something, or someone quite literally inside him. Yeah, not at all fun. He wasn't inclined to share a toothbrush, never mind his own body. But it was a small, but considerable price to pay for... what? Whatever power he possessed.

But he still wondered if the power was something to be admired and used. He was still shocked from what had happened before, and honestly, he feared the day he would transform into the wild beast again. If by his own free will or forced.

Though in other news. Things were turning out alright for the rest of the school. The attacks had stopped, the victims were about to be cured any moment. And more importantly (well to Y/N, and the rest golden quartet) Hermione would be back to normal.

Though Y/N felt worried, not for her, but for himself. A slight anxiety feeling that Hermione would be mad at him, even disgusted or some sort. That he had failed to save her. But all that went out of the bloody window when a loud familiar voice sounded from further up the Gryffindor table, the great hall doors opening with a thud.

Y/N stuck his head out and looked further ahead to see, no other than Hermione Granger. A bright cheery smile gracing her lips as she rushed down the to the table, precisely where the gang sat usually sat.

"Hermione!" The three boys practically shouted with delight. Y/N immediately jumped out of his seat, all most knocking over Ronnie, who was in a gleaming spirit to see his best friend Colin back who was also heading this.

"Y/N!" Hermione clasped onto him like a magnet. Crushing him into a bone-breaking huh. Her arms found their way around his neck and she pulled him further in, head just nearly touching his shoulder.

Y/N himself sucked in a great sigh of relief on seeing her, his own arms sneaking their way around her waist, hugging her back as strong as he could, fearing of ever losing her. He knew right then, that what he had felt, the worry, the ache and sadness was just complete bullshit. Yeah I said it, complete bullshit. The two students hearts began to beat dramatically faster, the two stayed in that moment for nearly a couple of minutes before the two finally pulled back. The two sharing with each other heart warming smiles that almost ached their jaws.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Y/N whispered, pulling back from their embrace when they realised they'd been staring more than one would deem normal for a group of two friends.

"So am I." Hermione said with a flicker of her eyes, and flashing a grin. And it made the boy laugh, he hadn't remembered the time since before Hermione went under that he hadn't felt so happy as to see her now. "You're okay? You did it." She said in a small voice. They got lost in their little moment, so much that they hadn't realised Harry and Ron exchanging small smirks at the two 'best friends' being reunited.

"We couldn't of done it without your help."
Y/N said, chuckling slightly. "Without you, we'd be completely lost."

Hermione giggled, backing up slightly to allow space between the two. "I'm sure you would've managed without me..." She grinned jokingly. "Well, for a couple days at least." And the two laughed even more, the two felt extremely happy, overjoyed to have each other back. Ron and Harry felt just the same. Hermione moved to Harry and Ron, pulling each of them into a hug of their own. The four of them smiled like no more, before plotting themselves down in their seats. Y/N and Hermione sat together, sucks Harry and Ron sat just across from them.

Further announcements passed in the great hall. It was deemed Gryffindor would be securing the House Cup for the second year running. Which they all cheered at.

They had explained what had to Lockhart too. To which, surprisingly, Hermione was glad Lockhart was gone, which shocked all three of them. She explained that after everything Y/N had told her before, and now what was confirmed, she knew him a fraud. Which prompted Hermione to apologise to Y/N for acting so blind. Yet Y/N didn't care, he was glad she was back, that's all that mattered. Though he was secretly glad she understood how bad Lockhart was.

More news, Professor McGonagall stood up to tell them all that the exams had been canceled as a school treat. Which Hermione was not at all pleased about. But merely nodded. Y/N himself was mixed feelings about it, he was glad no more work, but then again all the hard studying work he had done was not bring out to use. Oh well.

In more.... interesting announcements.
Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few, small differences: Defence Against the Dark Arts classes were canceled. Lucius Malfoy had been sacked as a school governor and Draco was no longer strutting around the school as though he owned the place. On the contrary, he looked resentful and sulky. On the other hand, Ginny Weasley was perfectly happy again.

Soon enough, it was the end of the year and
Y/N felt slightly grim. It was a reminder that he would have to return home and ride out the summer months at home, though, the trip to Spain was still on the table.

Of course he was still going, yet it still begged the question if Hermione would want to go. Naturally, Y/N's father had already arranged for them to set off the next day, though they'd only be staying for a week at most. Enjoy the country, see his grandmother and... attend his grandfather's funeral which he really wasn't looking forward.

The group of Gryffindor's that including, Harry, Hermione, Y/N and Ron. Not to mention the Weasley twins: Fred and George, and of course, Ginny Weasley. Who, Y/N was glad to see her in high spirits.

With a short sigh, Y/N scooped up Midnight from space above his luggage trolly and placed her on his shoulders, causing the cat to purr and curl into a ball. Huffing, the group placed away their luggage on the Hogwarts Express before heading to their own compartment, the group just barely fitting in.

They made the most of the last few hours in which they were allowed to do magic before the holidays. They played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred and George's Filibuster fireworks, and practiced disarming each other by magic. Which, distracted Y/N for a while, for that he was glad. Because, stepping off the train would bring him to the cruel reality that he wouldn't see Ron or Harry until the start of next school year, and Hermione, though not as long.

They were almost at King's Cross when Harry broke them out of their musings.

"Ginny," Harry said, causing the younger girl to look up at him, her blushing slightly at the attention he was giving her. "what did you see Percy doing, that he didn't want you to tell anyone?"

"Oh, that," said Ginny, giggling. "Well, Percy's got a girlfriend." When she said that, Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head. Hermione almost dropped her book of charms, Ron nearly rolled over in shock, and Y/N merely ducked his head away, averting his eyes.


"It's that Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope Clearwater," said Ginny. "That's who he was writing to all last summer. He's been meeting her all over the school in secret. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day. He was so upset when she was - you know - attacked. You won't tease him, will you?" she added anxiously.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Fred said, who was looking like his birthday had come early.

"Definitely not," George said, sniggering.

"Of course not." Y/N said, his focus being on his wand in his right hand, swirling back and fourth between him.

"Wait a minute." Hermione exclaimed, a thought of light flickered in her eyes, as if she had remembered something. Looking towards Y/N with a knowing look. "You said Percy was seeing a girl in Myrtle's toilets, the day Professor McGonagall told us about the Chamber Of Secrets."

Y/N looked like a deer caught in a set headlights. "Did I?" He made a face, looking as if he was thinking hard. "Hmm, I guess I did." He said with a shrug, while the rest all looked at him suspiciously.

"How did you know he was dating Penelope Clearwater?" Fred asked him a carefree glint in his voice.

Y/N sighed. "I saw them snogging near the bathroom entrance one day after a trip to the library."

"Why didn't you tell us?" This time it was George, a look of hurt across his face. That his friend didn't indulge him in a vicious plan of pranking.

"Well..." Y/N began. "He spotted me and I, well, I told him. 'That I wouldn't tell anyone as long as he'd help me get an empty classroom for Hermione's birthday.'" He explained with a sheepish look.

"Wait," Hermione said with a stunned look. "I thought you said you asked professor McGonagall for the room?"

"Nope," Y/N said with a grin. "I blackmailed Percy (him being a Perfect) to get me a classroom since I was unable to get one from any of the teachers." And Fred and George laughed outright at Y/N's devilish. While Ron and Harry merely grinned, Hermione looked between the lines of scolding or admiration, yet she giggled along with the rest.

Before they knew it, the train had arrived at the station, and just in time. The group left the train and stepped out onto the platform, the many students rushing to their parents and/or guardians. They soon said goodbye to the Weasley's (except Ron who was waiting to say goodbye) and the four of them huddled around in a circle, glancing at each other with thoughtful looks.

Harry pulled out a quill and a bit of parchment and turned to Ron, Y/N and Hermione.

"This is called a telephone number," he told Ron, scribbling it twice, tearing the parchment in three, and handing it to them. "I told your dad how to use a telephone last summer, he'll know. Call me at the Dursleys', okay? I can't stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to..." He said, causing three to laugh.

"Your aunt and uncle will be proud, though, won't they?" Hermione said. "When they hear what you did this year?"

"Ha." Y/N snorted. "I doubt it. You heard what Harry said about them, they'd probably be just as miserable to have him back as Harry is back with them."

Harry nodded, agreeing with his friend. "He's right." He said. "All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it?" He faked a laugh. "They'll be furious..."

At that, they all agreed. Soon the gang hugged Harry goodbye, and off he went to join the Dursley's who looked agitated to be there. But stopped when they noticed Y/N glaring hard at them. Then Ron, who Hermione and Y/N exchanged a hug each before he left to join his family, waving to the group of them. That only left them two.

"Looks like it's just us." Y/N said with a small smile.

"Yes," Hermione said eyeing him closely. "You ready for tomorrow?" She asked him hesitantly.

"You still want to go?" Y/N asked, shocked again that she would. Though, I guess he just wasn't expecting anyone to go with him. But, he was grateful.

Hermione playfully rolled her eyes. "Yes, Y/N. How many times do I need to tell you?"

Y/N laughed, shaking his head. "That's enough, sorry, I just didn't expect you to after everything that's happened..." And his mind drifted to the time in the Chamber Of Secrets.

"What?" Hermione asked him, noticing that a frown appeared on his face.

He shook his head again, and flashing a fake smiles. "It's nothing." Y/N shrugged it off. "I'll be fine." Hermione, including Ron, had no idea what had happened to him down in the chamber, he simply couldn't muster up the courage to tell them. Would he ever? Probably, but not yet, he still had to figure everything out himself.

"Alright then." Hermione frowned at first, but smiled shortly afterwards and pulled him into an embrace, which Y/N happily accepted, yet tensed slightly. No idea why. Was he scared now that something had awakened in him, yet Dumbledore's words still rung in his ears.

'It's just you.'

Releasing from their hug, the two departed and Hermione quickly rushed to her own parents. Waving Y/N goodbye before they left. Leaving Y/N to go to his father, who had, coincidently showed up just now. He moved other to the other side of the station to meet him half way.

"Are you feeling okay?" Were his first words, and it shocked him how concerned he sounded.

"Yeah," Y/N said, eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm... doing fine."

"Well good 'cause I-" But whatever his father had to say was drowned out when Y/N merely walked past him, not bothering to continue. The sudden memory of the chamber sparked in his mind and decided he still had to ask his father about everything he had hid from him, things he needed to know, that he had neglected to say.

'Well that was rude of us...'

'Shut up!'

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