Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Social Call

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A/N: I said I wasn't going to update 'till I had a good chunk of PoA done, and my break from Wattpad, but I couldn't help myself. So here. Again, really sticking to the plan now, updates won't be for a while after this one.

"Sit down," said Fudge, indicating to the chairs by the fire.

Fudge had cornered them outside the Leaky Cauldron, and without much care for their own thoughts of protest, brought them inside and into their own little room to talk.

"I am Cornelius Fudge. The Minister of Magic." He introduced himself to them, and it made Y/N roll his eyes.

They already knew him.

"We already know that. Get to the point." Y/N said, feeling annoyed far more in the man's presence than ever before. He hadn't forgotten what Fudge had tried to do last year (though it failed miserably for the older man) It still breached him to the core.

Fudge merely glared at the boy as Tom the innkeeper reappeared, wearing an apron over his nightshirt and bearing a tray of tea and crumpets. He placed the tray on a table between the three and left the parlor, closing the door behind him.

"Well," said Fudge, pouring out tea, "You've had us all in a right flap, I don't mind telling you. Running away from your aunt and uncle's house like that!" He said before looking pointedly at Y/N. "And you with that ridiculous potion." Causing Y/N to huff. "I'd started to think... but you're both safe, and that's what matters."

Fudge buttered himself a crumpet and pushed the plate toward Harry.

"Eat, you look dead on your feet. Now then...You will be pleased to hear that we have dealt with the unfortunate blowing-up of Miss Marjorie Dursley. Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Department were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. Miss Dursley has been punctured and her memory has been modified. She has no recollection of the incident at all. So that's that, and no harm done."

Fudge looked back at Y/N. "And your unfortunate mess has been resolved. Noise complaints were made, but shut down. We don't need you on the Daily Prophet speaking of breaking and entering, especially now." Fudge's glare lessened into a grin, looking back and forth between the two boys.

Though the two boys were wondering what would happen to them now. Since Harry had obviously broken the law by blowing his aunt up, and Y/N had disguised himself as a Hogwarts teacher, and stolen the identity of said person. Proving to cause havoc at a muggle home.

And Fudge noticed their expressions of curiosity, while Harry was worried. Y/N was concerned, yet not as much as he should be, especially in his shoes.

"What about our punishment?" Y/N asked the minister, eyeing him closely with narrowed eyes.

Fudge blinked. "Punishment?"

"We broke the law." Harry said, cutting into the conversation. "The Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry!"

"Oh, my dear boys, we're not going to punish you for little things like that!" cried Fudge, waving his crumpet impatiently. "And boys will be boys, it happens more than it should, but of course, no trouble." Fudge looked at Harry "It was an accident! We don't send people to Azkaban for a little mischief."

Y/N looked at the older man with a frown. "Oh that's funny. Weren't you going to throw me in Azkaban because of my family ties to Sirius Black?" He snapped.

Fudge looked alarmed for a second, before masking his face. "Of course not." He waved it off. "That was a mere precaution in an effort to stop the attacks, surely you understand. Especially for someone of your... calibre?" Fudge said, looking at him with raised eyebrows, causing Y/N's frown to deepen. "Besides, that's all behind us now." He laughed, though neither one found anything amusing. "A bad judgment on my part, I'll admit. But circumstances change, Y/N...We have to take into the present climate... of things." He explained the two.

But it seemed Harry still didn't get it. "But, last year, I got an official warning just because a house-elf smashed a pudding in my uncle's house!" he told Fudge, frowning. "The Ministry of Magic said I'd be expelled from Hogwarts if there was any more magic there!"

"Like I said, Harry." Fudge removed his gaze from Y/N, and to Harry's instead. "Things can change in a small amount of time. Though, surely you don't want to be expelled?"

"Of course I don't," Harry replied quickly.

"Well then, what's all the fuss about?" laughed Fudge. "Now, have a crumpet, while I go and see if Tom's got a room for you both."

Fudge strode out of the parlour and Harry and Y/N stared after him. There was something extremely odd going on. Why had Fudge been waiting for them at the Leaky Cauldron, if not to punish them for what they'd done? Y/N found it more than odd. Though Fudge and Lucius Malfoy had cornered him last year, and threatened to take him to Azkaban. Now, why they had wanted to, was more or less open to his eyes. It had to do with his new found... skills. That, or he thought he'd become another Sirius Black. But Y/N thought it to be the former.

Besides what else could it be? But what he didn't know, was why? Why was Fudge tip toeing around the Ministry trying to do it in secret, rather than come out publicly and address him as a threat? Something else was going on other than Fudge suddenly growing a very generous heart. And it irked him.

Fudge soon came back, accompanied by Tom the innkeeper.

"Room eleven's free," said Fudge. "I think you'll be very comfortable. just one thing, and I'm sure you'll understand...I don't want you two wandering off into Muggle London, all right? Keep to Diagon Alley. And you're to be back here before dark each night. Sure you'll understand. Tom will be keeping an eye on you both for me."

"Okay," said Harry slowly, deciding to take the lead, "But why?"

"Don't want to lose you again, do we?" said Fudge with a hearty laugh. "No, we know where you are...I mean..."

Fudge cleared his throat loudly and picked up his pinstriped cloak.

"Well, I must be off. But could I borrow a little of your time, Y/N." Fudge asked him, to which Y/N frowned again. "Promise I won't keep you from your friend any longer than I have to."

Sighing, Y/N followed Fudge out of the room. While Tom the innkeeper showed Harry to the room they'd be sharing.

"Now, I hope I don't have to repeat myself on this... Sirius Black situation we have on our hands." Fudge said as they entered another small room again. Away from prying eyes. "Certainly not."

"What does this have to do with me?" Y/N asked, full knowing what he meant. But he wanted to get a read on him.

"Well, your uncle is a very dangerous individual, Y/N." Fudge gave a tight smile, almost reaching a grimace. "We wouldn't want him getting his filthy claws on you, now would we?"

"No." Y/N answered, rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't want that at all."

"Good, good." Fudge said, making a ticking sound with his tongue, ignoring his behaviour. "It is a very serious matter. You'd do well to keep to yourself for now on. No telling what may happen."

Of course Y/N knew that he might seek him out. But go to a length to try and hurt him? Or even kill him? He had to ask.

"With Sirius?" Y/N said. "You think he'd go after me?"

"Well, it's only reasonable to expect that, now isn't it?" Fudge told him. "Sirius Black is a notorious killer, with no care for those around him, even family. It wouldn't do us any well if a picture of your demise were seen in the Daily Prophet, imagine the fallout."

Of course, the Ministry would look weak if it couldn't protect its own people.  More so if one of Black's family members was killed right under their noses. Y/N almost shuddered at the thought.

"I'll be fine." Y/N said with some steel in his voice. "I can protect myself." And he really could. It's just others he couldn't protect, especially now with... Fenrir.

"Oh I know." Fudge made a fake coughing noise into his hand, before looking back at Y/N with a mixed expression. "But you'd do well to forget that." Speaking of the untold power coursing through his very veins and mind. "Your mother was pushed into a similar situation herself, and that was quite the problem. You don't wish to be a problem... Do you, my boy?" Y/N eyes only narrowed more as the man spoke. And the fact that he brought up his mother only angered him further. "I'd hate to see you follow through like her." Fudge explained. "Or you could find yourself in quite the jam." He smiled. "Besides, we don't want any... unfortunate accidents to happen while at Hogwarts now, do we?"

Unfortunate accidents? Her path? It seemed Fudge wanted to provoke him somehow. To perhaps get him expelled, or even worse, somehow locked up in Azkaban. Though he didn't know why he was insistent on him though. There had to be more to it than just Fudge seeing him a threat to people. He reckoned it had something to do with his mother too, but how? He had no idea. Was there more to Maria Black than originally thought possible?

And since when did the minister handle something as small as a threat like him personally? Something else was going on, and Y/N was inclined to find out just what the hell it was.

And Fudge really wanted Y/N to avoid Sirius. Now, why? Besides him being mentally unstable, or so they say.

'He's hiding something, I can smell the arrogance and lie on him as plain as day.'

'I don't need to smell him to know that... He's doing a good enough job on his own by simply standing there...'

Y/N clenched his right hand into a fist, in an effort to avoid punching the man before him. "No. That's not what I want." He told him, eyeing him closely. "Is there a reason you wanted to warn me? Other than to mention how terribly dangerous he is?"

Fudge looked at him for a moment, before clearing his throat. "No, that is all i'm afraid. I'm sure your father will be having the same exact conversation with you later in the week." Before smirking at Y/N, as if to irk him. "Well, if he can make it on time. You know how busy he can get at times?"

'Rubbing salt in the wounds, I see.'

The tightening in his fist began to worsen, to the point that his fingers dragged further into the skin, and bled. Y/N gritted his teeth. "Yeah... I do."

Fudge nodded, flashing a grin. "Well, I better be going." He said, picking up his coat once again and making his way out of the room. "It was good seeing you again, Y/N. We should hope to talk again soon." Fudge said before leaving, with only Y/N alone in the room, with his thoughts.

'What a snobby, arrogant and obnoxious arsehole.' Fenrir said as Y/N made his way out of the room. 'Is he always so... so... what's the word?'

'Obvious? Snide? Always like he knows more than he's letting on?' Y/N thought, secretly talking back to him.



'What a dick.'

Y/N looked down at his hand, to see it finally unclenched, but there was blood. Scratch marks littered the open palm, as if the other side had tried to fully transform, without him even noticing. Yet it was enough to cut him up.

Blowing out a sigh, Y/N made his way to the room that he'd be sharing with Harry. On the way, he spotted Tom the innkeeper who informed him that his father had already had his trunk and pet: Midnight, sent to his room. How on earth he had figured out he was there was anyone's guess. Though he assumed just like everyone else, he had heard the news. And so Fudge had made him arrange it somehow. Not that he cared really.

It didn't take Y/N long to find the room. Harry was already in bed when he got in, and so Y/N decided to get some sleep himself.

But as he laid there, trying to sleep. He couldn't help but think about what Fudge had told him, and wonder why? Why was Fudge so set on Sirius not finding Y/N. That he was so sure that he would cause him harm, and why Fudge had even bothered to show a sense of concern for him. Especially with how he had treated him the year before with icy expressions, and not a care for him at all.

But whatever it was. Y/N would find out, no matter what.


Outside the farmhouse, it was dark, and raining. As much as he had ever seen before in his life. Well, he couldn't not expect it, it was England after all, and the weather was forever dull.

Daniel sighed, looking over the piece of parchment in his hands. A second letter (Though the first had still been pretty clear) he had gotten from his friend in the Ministry. Fudge's adviser. Michael Crawford. An old friend of Daniel back when he was in Hogwarts with the rest of the gang.

Yet now, that gang was ever smaller. Two were dead, one was in jail (now on the run) and another was at Hogwarts as a teacher. While Daniel himself was alone on his farmland. Mellowing in his brooding form. The frown on his face more than notable in the heavy rain, and thunder that followed.

It was a dark night. And not just the weather. The letter he had in his hand held even more darker news. But, darker for who?

Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. We have no idea how, but we are investigating the matter. As an old friend, Daniel. I cannot express it enough that you keep your son close in the weeks to come. And safely wait it out till your son is away at Hogwarts. He'll be safe there (you have my word) Azkaban guards will be patrolling every corridor.

I know you never liked the dementors, but they're valuable, and more than useful. I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm already speaking with the Minister on the matter, and he'll make sure to inform your son -- as I no doubt he will considering the wild act he put on at that muggle house. Keep in mind, Daniel. I caution you to keep your son on a tighter leash, at least for now.

Especially in these trying times.

Michael Crawford

Adviser to the Minister of Magic

He hardly heard from Fudge, other than at the office. But Michael. That was new. He rarely saw him at all, even at work. Michael had always been a 'live with the shadows' guy, rather than avoiding them all together. For Michael to come out of the blue to warn him, so many years later without anything more... It was strange, strange and annoying.

'What are you up to?'

Daniel sighed heavily, before slumping back against the stairs of his porch, feeling ultimately defeated. His hands balled into fists. For minutes, he sat alone, listening to the heavy rain and thunder that pounded above him. It was loud, but not loud enough to hear a slight creak behind him. It caused him to tense, and immediately turn his head around to face whatever caused it.

But he saw nothing.

Frowning even more. Daniel got up and made his way to the back door, trying to listen out for the noise. Just after another crack of thunder, he buried his hands over his left ear, to listen more closely ahead. And then he heard it again. It sounded like somebody walking down a terrible creaky staircase. But this time it came from behind him.

Daniel suddenly tensed up, as if remembering that sound before. When he realized what it was, the hair on his neck stood up. And Daniel soon found himself in the presence of someone he never thought he'd see again for a time.

"You shouldn't have come here." Daniel immediately ducked and grabbed at his wand and turned around to be faced with the big black dog of Sirius Black, baring its own teeth.

The dog sent out a piercing bark that made Daniel hiss, he pointed his want towards the animal before uttering: "Stupefy" But the black dog of Sirius dodged the spell, and jumped at Daniel knocking him to the ground in an attempt to subdue him.

Daniel quickly rolled out of the way, backing away from the bared teeth of Sirius, and finding himself out in the mud of the backyard fields. He got up from his knees (His trousers now covered head to toe in mud) and prepared his wand.

Sirius let another howling bark as a sort of warning, and charged at Daniel, but before he could reach him. Daniel barked out a tune of his own.

"Persolvo!" A screeching blue light shot out of Daniel's wand and stroke Sirius, sending him down to the count, among the mud and dirt. When Daniel moved his gaze to the black dog. The animal was no longer, and in its place, was...

Sirius Black.

"You shouldn't have come here." Daniel repeated, watching the man in front of him get up off his knees and onto his feet. Standing head tall, just a few meters away from him.

Sirius Black watched him carefully, giving him a once over to test if any more spells were coming his way. Noticing his look, Daniel placed away his wand at the penetrating gaze his friend had on him. Though still, it didn't ease any of the discomfort, and the guarded self of Sirius.

"Where else was I to go?" Sirius finally spoke, the rough voice penetrated the heavy rain. "Everyone else would've turned me in."

"I might." Daniel said, yet it lacked any conviction.

Sirius snorted. "Sure you will. And after that, you'll soar through the sky like an angel from heaven and lay miracles at people's feet. To deliver them of God's grace."

"What do you want?" Daniel snapped, growing tired of him already. Daniel was always the one most annoyed by his sarcasm and sass. At times, he never knew how Lupin could stand him.

Sirius took a step towards him. His greasy black hair now soaking wet, his black and cut robes worn, and slender body fatigued. He looked the man in the eyes, before giving his answer. "What I've always wanted."

"What you want..." Daniel began, regarding him closely. "I can't give you."

"No. But he can." But Daniel immediately shut that down.

"He won't be able to help you with it. It's too dangerous." Daniel told him, narrowing his eyes. "He doesn't know you, hell! I don't even know you. Not anymore."

"I've changed." Sirius nodded. "But then again, maybe not?" He titled his head to the side, looking Daniel over. "You haven't changed at all. You've still got that paranoid stick lodged up your arse."

"I was paranoid for a reason." Daniel said.

"I prefer to call it: Control-freak Syndrome." Sirius japed, swindling away at the moss of wet black hair in front of his eyes. Thanks to the rain, though Daniel would argue that this was Sirius's first shower in more than a decade.

"Call it whatever you want." Daniel said, growing tired of his friend's japing personality. "I can't help you."

Sirius scoffed. "It seems you're no good to anyone." He snarled. "If you can't help your son, then you can't possibly help me, can you?" He raised an eyebrow at the man. It irked Daniel, more than ever.

Daniel looked back at him, studying him close, before letting out a sigh. "I was protecting him, Sirius." Daniel excused it as helping him, rubbing away the dirt from his trousered knees that had become dirty in his fall to the ground.

Sirius let out a muffled snort. "Well, you've done such a good job." He mocked, crossing his arms over.

Daniel narrowed his eyes dangerously, taking a step forward. "It was the best way to go about it." He argued but something about the snarling exhale of Sirius proved him wrong.

"Best way?" Sirius stated slowly, as if trying to comprehend the meaning. "The best way would have been to tell him everything, not hide it from him." He shook his head almost violently. "No wonder he doesn't bloody trust you, at least not indefinitely. Not that I'd ever expect him to though..."

Daniel growled at that last statement, not taking too kindly to his brother-in-law's words. "Don't lecture me on how to be a parent, you're hardly the role model for such a thing."

Sirius laughed bitterly, removing his arms from in front of him, to his stomach to suppress any further amusement. "Funny, I'd still be better than you'd ever be. Especially now."

"Why now?" Daniel frowned.

"Well it's obvious." Sirius said, looking at him as if he was stupid. "I'm free, and I'm going to see my nephew." 'Among other things.'

For the first time in a good while, Daniel laughed. Though it was a bitter one. "You honestly think you can just waltz right up to Hogwarts with the dementors there, 'Oh hello, I'm Sirius Black, criminal of Azkaban. But it's okay I'm just here to see my nephew.' Yeah, good luck with that." He hissed, causing Sirius to rush at him in a blink of an eye, grabbing him, hands gripping the man's forearms tightly.

"I'm not that stupid you cretin." Sirius hissed, tightening his grip more.

"Of course." Daniel drawled, shaking his head. "That reminds me, how did YOU get out of Azkaban?"

This time, Sirius smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know? Unfortunately I'm not willing to risk telling you. Sometimes information has the chance of leaking out."

"Yes, so much like how Lilly and James's location was discovered."

What a low blow.

"Shut it!" Sirius growled, anger seething through his hardened features. "You know I didn't betray them, you were there."

Something flickered in Daniel's eyes, shame, sadness? "Indeed, I was there." He averted his eyes for only a moment before returning to Sirius's dark ones. "And I know you blame yourself for their deaths, but perhaps it's time to let go."

"I'll never let go." Sirius exclaimed, removing his grip from Daniel with a harsh move. "And that's hypocritical, coming from you." Daniel merely blinked, not willing to break his composure. "I won't rest until all those that are responsible for their deaths are dealt with, including Peter..."

"You really believe it to be him?" Daniel asked him, straightening himself up. The very notion making his eyes lit up at the chance to stop the very person responsible.

"I do... I know we've never seen eye to eye, Daniel. But... believe me when I say this, Peter is the one responsible... for everything."

For a second, Daniel was unmoving. His eyes centre on Sirius's dark and gruffly face. Searching for anything in his face or eyes that may hold deception, but found none. Before sighing, "Fine."


"I'm not doing this for you," Daniel said, obviously he couldn't turn him in, if Sirius was indeed true. Which he knew, Daniel knew before that Sirius would've never sold Lilly and James out. And... What had happened to Maria. Sirius would have never betrayed her. Yet he still couldn't have been sure before. "I'm doing this for my son." 

"I'll help him." Sirius said with full conviction. Other than stopping Peter, he had to help Y/N, if much like his sister he knew he'd need his help. "If it's the last thing I do, for Maria." Daniel tensed are the sound of her name.

"Good," Daniel nodded. "He'll need all the help he can get. Especially this time of year." Though he was referring to his age (which Y/N had just turned fourteen-years-old the week before) hormones were beginning to become a far more common thing for not just him, but all students in his year. Which (like it had done for Maria) would make the beast side of him all the more... attentive, and rash.

Sirius made a move as if to leave, turning away from Daniel. Yet before he left, he shifted himself slightly to peer behind him out of the corner of his eye. Gazed hardened on him, and then his eyes switching to the grave of Daniel's other long dead son. "It's not your fault, you know." He still hated the man. But he needed to say it.

And that's exactly what he did.

"Stop throwing yourself a pity party and try to move on. For your son's sake. Nobody's madder than me about what happened that night. But, you need to stop asking yourself 'What I could've done.' and start by asking 'what I can still do now." And with that finished. Sirius flashed, changing to his Animagus form and before Daniel knew it...

He was gone.

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