Chapter 6 - A Special Birthday And Unsettling News

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A few days had passed since the issue on the Quidditch field, especially with Malfoy's bullying and taunting of Hermione.


Such a horrific name, one that Y/N greatly despised. From then on Malfoy would be seen scattering around in the hallways of Hogwarts, pestering every muggle-born he could get his hands on, egging them on with vicious insults. Y/N wasn't very pleased with it, so it was quite funny when the next person Malfoy encountered happened to be Y/N himself, a bit of talk here and there, some mineable threats and whatnot, the platinum boy ceased everything.

Only going as far as to say anything when Y/N wasn't around, which was a lot because he was usually in the library.

He could tell the whole situation days prior had unsettled Hermione a bit, she wasn't as joyful as she usually was. So Y/N hoped he could come up with a way to cheer her up.

Fortunately Y/N came up with a great idea.

Hermione's birthday!

The only bad thing about it was that he only had a few days to prepare it since he had... forgotten about it with everything that was going on.

But never fear, he requested the help of some... close friends to help, and of course they were very inclined to help him.

So when he first asked Ron and Harry the next morning while in potions class they agreed straight away, luckily Hermione was too fazed into her work to notice the three boys staging her birthday.

After potions they was a free period, no classes for the next hour so Y/N took it upon himself to seek out George and Fred, the Weasley twins who Y/N actually took a great liking too unlike their older brother Percy who they all undoubtedly thought he was a bit of tosser or the better word, asshat.

When he approached the two after they had finished there DATDA class, they were more than willing to help out but of course the two of them wanted to spice things up a bit, a bit too much for the second year student.

"Oh come on! It'll be a right laugh." George had argued, coming up a plan to stuff a birthday cake full of sparkles and confetti to explode in the girl's face. Even Y/N had to admit, it did sound amusing but he wouldn't do such a thing that could potentially ruin Hermione's birthday.

So the three of them made a compromise, they would help out with birthday and they'd get to do something "Wicked" the twins reassured him that it wouldn't be too aggressive.

"We won't go too far." Fred reassured him but something about the grins they wore made
Y/N sceptical, to say the least.

Y/N had also gotten Harry and Ron to gather up all their friends and pretty much the whole second years of Gryffindor who knew Hermione and of course the entire of their house Quidditch team. So far it was going great, the plan was pretty much set in motion. All they had to do was wait.

So when the 19th of September came around, the guys were ready, well almost. They went throughout the day like normal, going through class after class. When they finally reached lunchtime it was time for the surprise to be sprung into action.

They used an empty classroom which Professor McGonagall had generously gifted them for the event.

Y/N and Hermione were now sat at the Great Hall dining area, eating away at their lunch.

Unfortunately it wasn't entirely ready to go, George and Fred were still sorting out the "surprise" as they had worded it, and Harry and Ron were still gathering up the last of the students. They said they would send him a message via O/N when they were ready. So
Y/N had to keep her busy, eating more and purposely shovelling more food onto her plate which she didn't mind at first but then grew a bit suspicious after the third time.

"OK, spit it out." Hermione finally asked after finishing her fourth meal, her voice clearly irradiated.

Y/N raised a sudden eyebrow at the question. "Huh, what ever do you mean?" He said with an amused expression and casual tone of voice, sounding falsely sweet.

"You're stalling." Hermione pointed out, rolling her eyes.

"Nope, I have no idea what you're talking about." Y/N responded as he cut into his third meat pie which was delightful at first but was starting to become too much, he wasn't built to eat so much.

'How the hell does Ron eat this much, I'll never know.'

"You're stuffing your face with food, Ron and Harry are nowhere in sight and you keep shovelling food onto my plate. So the only logical conclusion I see is that your stalling, for what I don't know." Hermione said so confidentially that Y/N wondered if she knew his true intentions.

"You don't know that." Y/N replied after helping himself to more food, which was starting to mull him over. "Perhaps I want to put on a few more pounds." That wasn't his intention at all.

Hermione laughed. "I highly doubt that, and I don't think you need to put ANYMORE on-"

The sudden reply made Y/N drop his spoon which made a clang noise and the result caused gravy to spill onto his pants. "Son of a bitch." The boy hissed as he started wiping away the stains with a napkin. The abrupt situation only made Hermione laugh even more, turning into fits of giggles.

After he (mostly) cleaned himself up, he looked back at Hermione with a half glare. "Happy now? You just ruined my favourite pair trousers. And are you calling me fat?"

"Yes and no- your- not fat at all." Hermione managed to speak out between giggles, her cheeks turning slightly pink. But not as bright as the moment when Y/N decided to throw a peach at her from the a nearby bowl, the fruit sticking to her bushy hair.

A gasp escaped the younger girl's lips as she moved her hands through her hair, trying to assess to the messy situation.

When Hermione eyes locked into Y/N's, if looks could kill, Y/N would certainly be dead right now. Like a flash, Y/N was gone, running out of the Great Hall, past a few teachers and almost bumping into Snape, who gave him a half measured glare, before he made it into another set of hallways, but not far enough because Hermione managed to catch up.

She caught up and grabbed a hold of Y/N's elbow in a desperate attempt to stop him but it proved to be disastrous because the next thing they knew, they were lying on top of each other, Hermione pinning, more like trapping the boy to floor.

The two erupted into another fit of laughter, not bothering to see the questionable looks given by passing students.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, after the laughter had died down that the two of them realised what awkward position they were, Hermione was currently sat atop of Y/N, her small frame of a body stretched out on top of Y/N's own. They both blushed furiously as they got up and began registering what happened.

Before either one could respond, O/N came flying over head towards Y/N and dropped a letter into his view, he picked it up and unfolded the thing, it read:

We're ready.

Y/N tucked the tiny piece of parchment into his back pocket.

"What was that?" Hermione asked after she finished combing the sweet fruit substance out of her hair by using a special cleanup charm.

"All will be revealed in time Hermosa." Y/N flashed her cheeky smile, walking ahead towards their destination.

Hermione blushed at the nickname as she hurried up besides Y/N, giving him a curious yet hesitant look.

"What are you hiding? What's so important that you have to distract me constantly?" Hermione questioned him, her features growing impatient as they crossed another set of hallways.

"You'll see." Is all he said, his face blank of any emotion except one of great seriousness.

The two venture further into the castle until they finally came across the classroom in which Y/N had organised.

Hermione had no clue what was going on, her mind wracked around every possible conclusion and possibilities but alas, she had no idea what was about to happen. The part of today being her birthday completely escaped her mind, she hadn't told the boy or anyone when her birthday was so there was no way they could know. Well at least she thought so.

"Y/N what is-" But before she could continue, the boy dragged her inside a classroom, almost tripping over Y/N as she was pulled inside the dark room, showing nothing but shadows.

"I can't see anything." Hermione voiced, grabbing ahold of Y/N's arm for steadiness.

She was about to ask why the hell they were in the first place but Y/N loosened from her grip and tiptoed away, leaving her alone.

"Y/N!" Hermione shrieked, "Don't leave me you prat-"

"SURPRISE!" A dozen voices shouted as the lights came on, illuminating the entire classroom for those to see. Hermione's hand immediately clasped around her mouth, muffling out any words in a gasp as her eyes scanned around the room.

In front of her stood Harry, Ron and many other Gryffindors, ones from the Quidditch team along with Fred and George Weasley.
Y/N stood at the front of crowed, a brightly lit smile on his face, watching the girl before him bask in the glory, the pure bliss clear on her features as she watched everything unfold.

Above the black board in the classroom was a sign which wore glimmering colours and mini explosions (Fred and George proved them not to be harmful) like fireworks. The sign read:

"Happy Birthday Hermione."

It was conjured by Y/N using a special charm that he had learn the previous days from Professor Flitwick.

Behind the group of students sat a long wooden table covered in a velvet sheet and sat right in the middle was a cake.

Hermione moved forward, speechless, unable to mutter a word never mind a sentence. The cake was made from violet frosting, thirteen birthday candles stood lit atop the cake.

She blushed furiously as she realised she wasn't alone, the others watching her with full content, they chanted for her to blow out the candles. So Hermione did as requested, she approached the table and blew them out, prompting the other students to bellow out in cheers.

All Hermione could do was smile as she watched her friends push and shove to gift her their presents. Her eyes watered slightly at the sweet gesture, but she held them back, keeping full composure.

Harry had gotten her a telescope, Ron a Quill set and of course Y/N bought her a book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Which she was complaining about Hogwarts having no copies left so she was extremely grateful. The rest of the birthday went by in a blur, more presents were gifted that contained candy and other things, one importantly was from Fed and George which contained what looked like a magnifying glass but when Hermione looked into it, it made her yelp in fright. The glass showing a (Ghoul) zombified version of herself, the sudden action made the twin boys roar in laughter at her reaction but quickly turned soar as Y/N chased after them, a menacing glare piercing them as they ran.

It only made Hermione laugh more, the whole event ignited such a warm fuzzy feeling inside her. She had never experienced something as sweet or generous as this before.

After the party finished and the students had eaten what was left of the cake after a certain boy ate more than he could handle, the students retreated back into the hallways of the school, the feeling and thrills soon waring off. But Hermione still felt the bubbly sensation, a smile never leaving her lips.

"Thank you Y/N!" Hermione squealed, eloping the boy in a bone crushing hug, when the two returned to the Gryffindor tower that night.

"No- problem H- Hermione." Y/N managed to squeeze out as the air left his lungs from the pressure, Hermione soon stopped her attack as  she noticed the boy nearly suffocating. She blushed in embarrassment, but hugged him back again, this time more gently.

"This was the best birthday ever." Hermione mumbled into the boy's shoulder, a smirk crept its way up to Y/N's lips.

"I should bloody hope so, it took me ages to organise." But that proved to be the wrong then to say,


"You prat!" Hermione scolded but giggled nevertheless.

"I'm only kidding, it was a joy to setup but I couldn't have done it without everyone else." Y/N told her, praising the rest of the team.

Y/N pulled away from Hermione's grasp, which for a second made the girl scowl in disappointment but quickly resolved moments later when she noticed Y/N getting out his guitar.

"I almost forgot." Y/N said, pulling his guitar onto his lap as he sat down on the nearest sofa. "My second gift to you." He patted the seat next to him, gesturing her to join him which she did with no questions asked.

"You're gonna sing?" Hermione asked, a bit of glimmer in her eyes as she recalled the last time the boy had sung.

"No." The answer brought a frown to the younger girl's face.

"I'll play though." Y/N answered as he began brushing his fingertips against the guitar strings, producing a peaceful melody.

After about five minutes of the melody, Hermione felt herself unbuckle, her eyes becoming heavy as her body yearned for sleep, the peaceful tune sending a need of rest. Sending her into a peaceful slumber.

Y/N continued playing, his fingertips never leaving the base of the strings as his eyes leader over to that of Hermione, who undoubted had fallen asleep, her head resting on the boy's shoulder which only made him blush.

"Happy Birthday Hermione." Y/N whispered softly, continuing the melody until his own sleep came for him...

The next couple of days went by as well as you'd expect.

It was nearly lunchtime and Y/N only had a couple slices of toast from Ron and Hermione beforehand, so he was keen to go for the great hall for lunch.

Y/N and Hermione wandered the halls, only to come across Harry and Ron who having a conversation, well that was until a rather loud voice boomed out. "There you are, Potter—Weasley." Professor McGonagall was walking toward them, looking stern. "You will both do your detentions this evening."

"What're we doing, Professor?" said Ron, nervously suppressing a burp.

"You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr. Filch," said Professor McGonagall. "And no magic, Weasley—elbow grease."

Ron gulped. Argus Filch, the caretaker, was loathed by every student in the school.

"And you, Potter, will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail," said Professor McGonagall.

Y/N visually winced at the reveal. He patted his friend on the back and whispered in his ear. "I feel you mate, if you need someone to break you out, let me know" He said with a mischievousness smile. Unfortunately Professor McGonagall heard it.

"I heard that, L/N. If you don't be careful then you'll end up joining Mr. Potter with Lockhart's "fan mail" The older woman said coldly as the younger boy just gulped nervously.

"Oh no—Professor, can't I go and do the trophy room, too?" said Harry desperately.

"Certainly not," said Professor McGonagall, raising her eyebrows. "Professor Lockhart requested you particularly. Eight o'clock sharp, both of you."

Harry and Ron slouched into the Great Hall in states of deepest gloom, Hermione behind them, wearing a well-you-did-break-school-rules sort of expression and Y/N who had a look of pity on his face as he watched the boys who looked miserably.

"Filch'll have me there all night," said Ron heavily. "No magic! There must be about a hundred cups in that room. I'm no good at Muggle cleaning."

"I'd swap anytime," said Harry hollowly. "I've had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart's fan mail... he'll be a nightmare..."

They continued on talking until Harry and Ron decided to head out, leaving Y/N and Hermione alone at their table. Y/N was currently helping himself to some blueberry pie, wasn't as good as his grandma's but it'd do, speaking of grandparents.

"What are your grandparents like?" Hermione abruptly asked as she laid down the spells and charms grade two book she was reading.

Y/N, who had a mouthful of blueberry pie and... bits of it smudged on his face, looked up from his plate to her. Causing the girl to giggle and he to chuckle.

"You've got food on you." she gestured to a part of his chin which was covered in blueberry sauce.

"Here?" As he rubbed away at the wrong spot causing Hermione to giggle more.

"No there," she pointed to the boy's lips which he licked at but to no success.

He took out a napkin and wiped away at his blueberry covered face but missed one spot to which Hermione took his napkin out of his hand and cleaned it for more him.

"You're such a mess." She rolled her eyes and chuckled as the boy squirmed at her touch.

Y/N put a hand over his heart and faked hurt in his eyes and tone of his voice. "Ow, thanks mum." He joked causing the two to laugh.

After he cleaned up, Y/N turned to her and smiled brightly which caused butterflies in her stomach.

"They're great! My grandma is best cook in all of Spain... or so she says," Oh how he remembered the Sunday lunches and day outs on picnics. It was the only time he felt completely happy and free.

"What about your grandfather?" Hermione asked, with a smile of her own.

'That smile' Y/N thought, it churned his insides and brought such joy to him as she watched patiently for him to continue.

"Oh god no, he couldn't cook even if his life depended on it." He joked causing another round of laughters to emit from the two.

It was a understatement to say that Y/N was looking forward to seeing his grandparents again after so long, more so for his grandfather. His health had gotten worse and so Y/N's father made the decision to go see them at the end of the year and to bring a friend of course. He was deeply looking forward to it that much Hermione could tell, she too couldn't wait to go either, especially to meet the ones that affected him so much.

"He's... the best I could ever ask for. Whenever I need him or his advise he's always there for me. He's the one I inspire to be, the one I look up to." Hermione couldn't help but smile even more when she heard her best friend talk so passionately about his grandfather, the way his eyes light up whenever he mentions him, the way his voice turns to one of proudness and excitement. It was a lovely sight to see.

"You know he's the one who convinced me to come to Hogwarts, you know?" Y/N told the girl as he propped his elbows up onto the table.

"Really?" She asked as she watched him closely, her full attention on him.

"Yeah, at first I didn't know if wanted to go, I was excited for sure but I had doubts about it all. I didn't know if I would fit in." Y/N explained.

'He fits in alright' Hermione thought as Y/N continued.

"I asked him "grandpa, what if I don't fit in there. What if I don't belong? What if they hate me?" He mimicked in a younger kiddie voice.

"What did he say?" She asked as she got closer, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"He said "Son, some people will only love you as long as you fit in their box. Don't be afraid to disappoint." Y/N said softly to which the girl nodded.

"So to this day I only inspire to be myself, I won't wear a mask to hide who I am for people to like me, because then that wouldn't be me. You, for example, you've could've pretended not to be a lover of books and got more friends but then it wouldn't be you, it wouldn't be the part that I like so much-" Y/N blurted out, his eyes widened at what he said last and his cheeks blushed as Hermione giggled but showed a blush of her own.

"I mean- you- I-" Y/N was speechless and flustered as Hermione giggled even further, her cheeks turning to a cherry red colour.

"I know what you meant, Y/N" she reassured him as she smiled towards him.

It caused the two to giggle loudly as they enjoyed their company. They didn't think their day could get ruined after such a display of happiness but like all stories, it'd be nothing without a bit of disappointment.

"Y/N L/N."

An older woman's voice echoed through the hall as the students turned toward the front, where normally teachers would be seated. The voice turned out to be of Professor McGonagall.

"Please follow me please." she gestured to her office as Y/N got up, her voice was strain and croaked as if she was saddened by something, something Y/N wouldn't be pleased about.

He got out of his seat as, Midnight jumped off his shoulder and onto Hermione's lap in which she smiled and awaited his return.

Y/N followed the Professor through a corridor of doors and hallways until they reached her office, she gestured with her hand for Y/N to sit down in the seat opposite of her desk as she took her own sit, a comfy leather chair.

"Is there a problem professor? Am I in trouble?" He asked innocently as McGonagall watched him with close eyes and a sad smile.

"No, Y/N you are not in trouble" the older woman reassured her godson. If he wasn't in trouble then what was the problem?

"It's about your Grandfather" The woman managed to choke out only minutes later.

Y/N was still oblivious to it all, the way Professor spoke gently, the use of his first name, the hesitation. All the signs were there but he just couldn't see them.

"Is he alright? As he cancelled the trip?" He barraged her with questions.

"His health has deteriorated beyond what the doctors originally thought... his cancer has... worsened" she informed him as the boy's eyes widened in fear.

"But he's alright thought right? He can get help, chemo, magic that sort of stuff, right?"
Y/N asked, his fingers digging into the armchair, as his lips began to trembled.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, it was... too late"

The next thing Y/N knew was being plunged into darkness, he felt his entire world crash all around him. He held onto the armchair for balance as he almost fell over. His hearted aches as Professor could only offer a sadden expression of her own.

"Your grandmother sent a letter for you" she gestured to the letter on the desk and passed it to Y/N, who was currently fighting for control over his emotions, he carefully took it from her grasps and opened it up, dreading for what would come next.

Dear Y/N

Hello my grandson, if you're receiving this news then you have been informed of a tragic act that has beholden to our family.

I regret to say this but your grandfather has passed the life of the living and into the eternal void of life after death. What waits him, I am not sure but I can only hope it is a better life than that of this world.

A funeral has been arranged in Spain for him and it would be of the upmost of respect that you'd join us in our hour of greatest need.

I'm sorry Y/N, I know how much he meant to you. He loved you like his own son and even more, never doubt the love you have for him 'cause he never doubted what love he had for you.

Love from,


Once again the youngest of the L/N's family found himself in deep despair, pain ached in his heart as he felt tears threatening to fall. He wouldn't let them though, he would be strong and get through it, for him and his grandfather.

"Thank you." Y/N croaked out, his voice breaking slightly at the words. He got out of his chair and faced the older woman with a sad smile, his eyes glassy but no tears fell.

Professor shared a similar look of dread and hugged her godson close, as the boy sunk his head into the woman's chest as he closed his eyes.

Minutes which felt like hours, passed by with ease. He let go off her and didn't utter a single word, he grabbed the letter on the desk and left the comfort of McGonagall's office as the woman watched him leave and walked sorrowful to the great hall.

He ran through the entrance from the front view and saw the other students who he had left ten minutes before having conversations and laughing between them.

He soon spotted Hermione who was reading through another book in one hand while stroking Midnight with the other. He began walked towards her and she saw him coming her way, she smiled but immediately stopped and turned to a look of concern and worry at sullen expression on his face.

"Y/N, are you alright?" She asked him, her voice small and filled with worry.

"I-" He couldn't think of what to say, the words caught in his throat. He didn't say anything to her, he walked passed, his steps becoming heavy with each one. It soon broke out into a jog as he dropped the letter out of his hand; rushing out of the great hall as Hermione picked up the fallen letter and read it, her eyes widened at the news and straight away ran out after him, her own faced filled with a similar emotion.

Y/N ran out of the school halls and outside into deep grassy fields of the courtyards. He leant onto a nearby ruined wall, stone chipping away.

He felt tears willing in his eyes, sadness and anger looming over him like a shadow. Y/N curled his hand up into a fist, tightening his hold so much that it began to hurt at the mere pressure, suddenly he launched his fist into the old stone wall, his bare knuckles crushing against the rubble, but no pains echoed out of his lips, only tears of ache and emotions left his soul.

He was devastated, his breaths were coming faster now and more uncontrollable, he tried his best to control but it was unbearable. He stopped his punching before it got too seriously, just when he felt himself come under control it all crashed down as a piercing voice filled the air.

"What's this?" Malfoy hissed as his two cronies came into the once deserted courtyard. Y/N's eyes were turning amber at the sound of his most hatred enemy.

Malfoy spotted Y/N over at the wall, himself perched on the side of the wall. "What's wrong L/N! Lost your guitar?" He mocked as the three of them got closer.

Y/N didn't say anything, he even didn't look in Malfoy's direction as he stared at the ground.

"Y/N!" Hermione cried as she came rushing in, Harry and Ron close behind who she had found in the corridor just before.

Her voice was enough for Y/N to lift his head up to her and the boys. She came closer to him, just a few meters between them, she held out the letter, which he hadn't even noticed he had dropped before.

Malfoy and the two fools were closely, mixtures of disgust and amused expressions among them. Malfoy did something unexpected for the golden Quartet. He snatched the letter from Hermione's grasp and read it out loud, as the four of them flared daggers at him, Y/N the most.

"Listen to this, "Hello my grandson, if you're receiving this news then you have been informed of a tragic act that has beholden to our family." Malfoy read out in a mocking tone as Y/N glared at him as pure fire erupted in his blood.

"You have no right!" Y/N roared at Malfoy, jabbing a finger at the boy as he continued.

"I regret to say this but your grandfather has passed the life of the living and into the eternal void of life after death." He smeared in a disgusting tone as the other glared at him, protesting him to give it back.

The three boys laughed at it as Y/N tightened his already bruised hand, a fist forming ready to strike.

"You're a failure L/N mourning over some pathetic mudblood" He hissed as the word sent Hermione into a scowl.

"Shut up!" Y/N hissed loudly as he got into the boy's face, just inches apart.

"Face it! you're a failure just like your mother and your grandfather, and you'll be next." Malfoy continued with a grin as the two boys behind him laughed.

"You- you-" Y/N couldn't find the words to say, his emotions over clouding him and he felt lost as to what to do.

"He died knowing you as a pathetic wizard, bet he couldn't be any more disappointed." He spat out as he dropped the letter to the ground and crunched it beneath his shoe.

Disappointed. That one word was a enough to tear a hole in Y/N's heart. Enough to darken his brighting soul. All his life Y/N aspired to be useful, to be more than he ought to be. To be someone to be proud of, his grandfather was one of those who taught him to be more than what people see him to be. But more importantly to his father, again it all came back to him, the man who was so often a gap in Y/N's life, appearing one second and then gone the next, it's what caused him to leap to new heights, to be a seaker, to excel where others failed. All because he just simply wanted one thing... for his father to see him in a different light, but no matter how many candles he lit, his father would only see darkness or rather, lack of light.

Y/N tried to find words to hiss, any remarks to spit Malfoy's way, but he couldn't. His brain freezed, his tongue tied and breaths came more heavily than before.

Next, he did something no one was expecting, what they did expect was for him to throw punch but he didn't. He shoved passed him, his eyes on the ground as he walked miserably away to whatever hiding place he could fine. The golden trio watched in shock as their friend left the courtyard, his eyes full of hurt.

He heard a voice in his head that sounded much like Malfoy or perhaps Professor Snaps.... and even a grimace, pail image of his father. "You're a failure L/N." Over and over....

Hermione couldn't believe her eyes at what she just saw. Y/N was rendered speechless and vulnerable, she felt her heart ache as she watched her best friend step away.

Malfoy and his cronies started laughing uncontrollably and it honestly infuriated Hermione beyond anything she's ever felt before. Ron looked like he was about to pounce Malfoy but Harry stopped him with a hand in front of him as he saw Hermione march over to the three bullies, a look of anger and spite on her face. 'Oh boy' Harry thought.

"You nasty, arrogant, narcissistic prat!" The insult rolled of her tongue perfectly as she glared at the boy before her.

"What did you say mudblood?" Malfoy hissed as he stared at bushy haired girl.

What happened next was one that nobody and I mean nobody would expect, a loud hiss noise echoed through the air. Hermione had smacked Malfoy across the cheek, causing the boy to yelp at the sudden contact.

Harry and Ron faces were shocked to be sure but soon broke out into breaths of laughter as the three bullies stormed off in a gust of rage and... embarrassment.

She glared at them and picked up the letter from the ground and hurried off to find her closest friend, who meant so much to her...

"I'm coming, Y/N."

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