S1~10: TAG-DUEL! Pt.2; Obelisk and Slifer Queen VS Two Top Obelisk Students

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Haven't posted Yu-Gi-Oh!GX for a long time so...
VALENTINE DAY GIFT, From me to you!!! Hope there isn't much mistake...



The next day has arrived for the next match of the expulsion match. Every students of Duel Academy were all sitting in the arena, waiting for the duel.

Eleftheria yawned, she was sitting in a quiet area and were she won't be disturb, as she checked her cards quickly, she was planning to use her secondary deck for this match.

"Hoo..." Hedwig was sitting on her left shoulder.

"Eleftheria." Kaiba voice called out.

Eleftheria looked up from her cards and saw her adopted father and Yugi, walking towards her, "Hello dad, Yugi." She greeted, casually.

"The match is going to start soon." Kaiba said.

The Slifer Queen nodded, she place her deck away.

"Are planning on using your secondary deck?" Yugi questioned.

"Yeah, takes the opponents off guard." Eleftheria grinned, "Never fail to do so either."

Yugi chuckled, "Well, then we'll be seeing it than."

Eleftheria smirked. "Of course."


"The Second Tag-Duel is about to begin in just a few moments and remember these are test conditions. This is a exhibition expulsion match." An Announcer announces through the speakers. "This is the final duel!"

"Well, the second duel is going to start." Bastion said.

"Yeah." Aozora nodded.

"We made it!" Syrus voice was heard.

The two RA students turned to the side, seeing the two Slifers.

"Syrus, Chumley!" Aozora called out. "Over here!"

Chumley looks to the voice, "Hey Aoi, Bastion." He greeted.

The two Slifers headed towards the two RA's and sat in front of them.


"Will the participants of the disciplinary tag duel step forward?" The announcer announced through the microphone. "Alexis Rhodes and Eleftheria Yuki."

Eleftheria and Alexis then started walking towards the platform.

"Round two!" Eleftheria said, happily, she let her robotic bird go and it was on stand by to begin recording, once again.

Alexis giggled at her friend, excitement.


"Oh, two dorm queens are duelling together, this gotta be exciting to watch." Crow commented.

"Dorm queens?" Yuya tilted his head.

"Yeah, your mother is the Queen of the Slifer Dorm and Alexis Rhodes is the Queen of the Obelisk Dorm." Crow explained.

"Really!" Yugo said, exciting, "Mom is really the best."

"More like she is the ever first female to be a Slifer Red." Jack said.

Yuri looked from his deck that he is organising with pile of cards around him, "Thats right. Mom told us that she is the very first female that is a Slifer Red." He said.

"That's true. But that what makes it more interesting. Grandpa Pegasus was able to change on of the dorm room to mom's style." Yuto added, as he was also arranging his deck with new cards that his mom sent them all, "Mum said that the Slifer Queen title came from all the male Slifers and they agreed to the title."

"Hell, they even call her Queen instead of her name." Jack deadpanned.


"Slifer Queen and Obelisk Queen together. This is going to be an interesting match to see." Zane commented.


"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce our Obelisk, Tag Team Duelists..." Dr. Crowler announced.

Two male Obelisk uniform students walked onto the platform.

One male has shoulder length brown hair that covered his right side face and dark blue eyes, wearing the standard Obelisk uniform.

The second male has a dark shoulder length brown hair hairstyle and navy blue eyes, also wearing the standard Obelisk uniform.

"Conner Smith and Ethan Ford!"

Alexis eyes widen, "No way..." She said, looking at their opponents.

Eleftheria raised an eyebrow in question, "You know or heard of them?" She questioned.

The Obelisk Queen nodded, "Yeah... But only by rumours. They said that these two are almost a Zane's level of dueling." She commented.

"Almost at Zane's dueling level?" The Slifer Queen brown eyes, shined with a glint, "Really? Can't wait now." She said, eager to start.

Alexis sweat dropped, "Right, I forgot that you duel and won against him. Of course your excited." She muttered.

Eleftheria smiled in return.

"Alexis Rhodes. I'll admit, I'm surprise that the Obelisk Queen is in this type of match." Conner commented.

Alexis eyes narrowed, "Being kidnaped. Held hostage and then being used against, isn't something I would appreciate." She glared, "To add it all up. I'm the one to blame for these duel not my Slifer friends."

Ethan and Conner both grimaced at the Obelisk Queen tone.

Eleftheria snorted, "You, deserve that." She deadpanned.

"Duelist prepare to battle!" Dr. Crowler announced.

Each Duelist got to their sides and had their duel disk on their arm, ready.

"Remember Duelist. The rules of this duel is quite simple. Each team will have 8000 points rather than having 4000 to each player separately. Also there is no sharing of strategy, no sharing advice and no sharing of cards that aren't already in play. You can however, used cards on your partners field. Understand?"

"Yes!" The Four Duelist replied.

"Alright then... DUEL!" Dr. Crowler leaped off the stage.



Connor/Ethan: 8000

Alexis/Eleftheria: 8000

"Non-trouble students go first!" Conner shouted, he drew his sixth card, "I summon Marauding Captain in ATK mode!"

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1200 - DEF/ 400
Level 3

"And when Marauding Captain is summoned to the field, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or below monster from my hand and I pick my Command Knight in ATK mode!"

Command Knight:
ATK/ 1200 - DEF/ 900
Level 4

"Now Marauding Captain will take the blow for all other Warrior-types." Conner continued with a grin, "Plus, you can't touch Command Knight as long as there's another on the field. Your turn."

"Thank you." Alexis drew her sixth card, "I play Etoile Cyber in ATK mode!"

Etoile Cyber:
ATK/ 1200 - DEF/ 1600
Level 4

"And then I'll place one card facedown." A facedown card appeared behind Etoile Cyber.

"I'll move next." Ethan announced, drawing his next card, "I summon Goggle Golem in ATK mode!"

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 1500 - DEF/ 500
Level 4

"Followed by a facedown card." Ethan ended, inserting his card.

"Well I'm last. Draw." Eleftheria drew her sixth card, she looked at it, "I summon Agumon the Dinosaur Fighter in ATK mode!"

A tornado of flame bursts out of the ground and out jumped a Agumon with red training grips.

Agumon the Dinosaur Fighter:
ATK/ 1100 - DEF/ 1300
Level 2

[A/N: To be honest Agumon looks more like a Dinosaur type than a Reptile type Digimon! So I'm going with Dinosaur. Yep!]

The audience was surprised they expected the Slifer Queen to use her Moonlight and Sunlight Crystal cards.

"What? Where's your Moonlight and Sunlight Crystal card?" Conner asked, confused.

Eleftheria waved off, "I have two types of deck. This is my secondary deck." She replied.

"Oh come on." Ethan groaned, "This is worst..."


"Seems like that thought about knowing Ria's deck but not her first." Bastion commented.

"What type of deck is her secondary?" Aozora asked.

"You forgot? It's Elemental HEROs." Syrus answered.

"Taking everyone by surprise." Zane stated.


"Wahh~ Mom is using Elemental HERO deck this match!" Yuya said, excitingly. This deck is the deck that their mother also showed them and explained to before bedtime, they are really cool looking.

"You go mom!" Yugo shouted.


"Technically I'm surprise. Elemental HEROs deck is a type of deck that male Duelist would use. But then again this is Eleftheria." Yugi commented.

"Don't you always say not to underestimate any type of deck and users?" Kaiba said, dryly.

"..." No commented from Yugi.


"Agumon ability activated; I can tribute him to summon GeoGreymon the Champion Fighter from my deck in ATK mode!" Eleftheria placed the summoned monster.

Agumon was surrounded in a bigger tornado of flames and out stepped a different monster.

GeoGreymon roared, as the flames pillar died down.

GeoGreymon the Champion Fighter:
ATK/ 2400 - DEF/ 2300
Level 5

"I'm not done, I activate GeoGreymon's ability; I can special summon a Lv 4 or below fire attribute monster from my hand to the field!" Eleftheria announced, shocking the audience.


"Man, Ria isn't holding back." Syrus commented.

"Ah ha, you said." Chumley agreed.


"I choose Elemental HERO of Flame- Agunimon in ATK mode." Eleftheria summoned.

A pillar of flames appeared again and a figure jumped out of the flame pillar, revealing the Elemental HERO of Flame.

"Oh yeah!" Agunimon grinned, as he entered the field. "Time to turn up the heat!"

Elemental HERO of Flame- Agunimon:
ATK/ 2000 - DEF/ 2300
Level 4


"Yay! It's Agunimon!" Yuya cheered.

Yugo pouted, "I wanted to see Lobomon."

Yuri and Yuto ignored the whining, they all have a favourite Elemental HERO and their evolution forms.

Yusei chuckled at that.


"I'm not done." Eleftheria announced, as she continued her move, "Now I activate Agunimon's ability, you see his ability is similar to GeoGreymon but instead it's from my deck and I choose Gulimon, the Crimson Dinosaur in ATK mode!"

Another pillar of flames appeared but it was crimson colour and out appeared Guilmon.

"Yay! It's my turn to play!" Guilmon smiled.

Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur:
ATK/ 1900 - DEF/ 1400
Level 4

"Guilmon's affect; you see once per a turn, by cutting his attack points on half, he can attack you directly!" Eleftheria announced.

"Say what!" Conner and Ethan gasped.

Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur:
ATK/ 1900 - 950 = 950

"Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon released a breath of crimson fire ball at the two Obelisk.

"Ah!" The two Obelisk student, cried out as the attack hit.

Conner/Ethan: 8000 - 950 = 7050


"Ouch." Chumley winced.

"Burn." Aozora commented.

"Alright! Ria drew the first attack, thanks to Guilmon's ability." Syrus cheered, his friend.


"I'll end my turn with three facedowns." The Slifer Queen ended with three facedowns appearing behind her two monsters.

Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur:
ATK/ 950 + 950 = 1900


"Everyone's taken the first turn and now everyone can start attacking." Bastion stated.

"That's not all thanks to Ria monsters effect, she has three monsters on the field." Aozora added.


Conner/Ethan: 7050

Alexis/Eleftheria: 8000

"My move again." Conner announced, drawing his fifth card, "Now I activate the Spell; Banner of Courage!" He inserted his Continuous Spell Card, letting a large red banner appear behind his monsters, "This will raise up my monsters ATK by 200 during my Battle Phrase or my partners... Oh yeah, my partner monsters has a little trick he can do since I haven't Normal Summoned this turn."

Eleftheria narrowed her eyes, Alexis looked at their opponent warily as the opponent made his next move.

"Goggle Golem, Gemini Summon!"

"HUH?!" Everyone gasped.

Goggle Golem started glowing bronze, making the monster roar and flex his stone muscle.


"Erm...?" Chumley blinked.

"Gemini Summon?" Syrus wondered. "Whats that?"

"Were about to find out." Bastion said.

Aozora frowned.

"..." Zane watched.


"My Gemini monsters have the ability to summmon themselves twice, in order to activate their effect." Ethan explained, "Otherwise, they considered Normal Monsters when they first hit the field. Now that he's been Gemini Summoned, he gains effect boosting his original ATK points to 2100!"

Goggle Golem cracked his knuckles, feeling more pumped to attack.

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 1500 + 600 = 2100


"Now, he can beat Aguimon, Guilmon and Etoile Cyber." Syrus gasped.

"Yeah, but good thing that one of Eleftheria's monster is stronger." Chumley said.

"Yes, but they are about to become stronger." Aozora pointed out, "Banner of Courage activated when they move to Battle Phrase."

"Oh no!" Syrus and Chumley gasped.


The Banner of Courage started glowed.

Commander Knight:
ATK/ 1600 + 200 = 1800

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1600 + 200 = 1800

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2100 + 200 = 2300

"It's clobbering time!" Conner shouted, "Command Knight, attack Etoile Cyber!"

The female knight charged in, raising her sword to strike the dancer...

"Not so fast." Alexis countered, revealing her facedown card, "Go Double Passé! Now I take the attack!"

Command Knight suddenly cut around the dancer and slashed Alexis instead of the dancer in one swipe of the sword.

Alexis/Eleftheria: 8000 - 1800 = 6200

"Someone wants a funeral." Conner shrugged.

Eleftheria snorted.

"Since your monster hit me, my trap allows the monster you tired to attack to come after you." Alexis continued, recovering from the hit, "Also, when Etoile Cyber attacks directly, she gains another 500 ATK during the attack!"

Etoile Cyber:
ATK/ 1200 + 500 = 1700

The Cyber Girl gracefully raced across the field and landed a powerful roundhouse kick to Conner's chest.

Conner/Ethan: 8000 - 1700 = 6300


"She countered back with an interesting card." Yugi said.


"How interesting." Yuri commented, "Taking a direct damage and than allowing that monster that is meant to be attack, attack the opponent directly." He grinned, "I think I'll ask mom for a card like that."

Yuto grimaced, Yuri monsters where devastating enough.

Crow jaw dropped and then sweat dropped, "Scary..."

Yusei shook his head.


"Nice." Eleftheria praised.

Alexis nodded.

"Minor setback." Conner said, "Now that your trap is gone, Marauding Captain can finish it!"

The blonde warrior charged in next just Etoile Cyber was planning to retreat.

Eleftheria sighs, "I reveal my facedown card Treatening Roar!" She countered, showing one of her facedown.

Marauding Captain stopped in her tracks and she was returned back to her side, while Etoile Cyber went back to her side.

Alexis looked at the Slifer Queen, "Thanks for the save." She said.

"No problem." Eleftheria replied.

Now Conner lets out a frustrated sigh, "Damn... Fine, Goggle Golem attack Aguimon!" He shouted.

Goggle Golem quickly rushed into to catch the Flame HERO.

"Heyyyy, a little help!" Agunimon shouted out.

"I play my second facedown card, Crest of Miracle, my monster is not destroyed but I take half point of the attacking monster and I can draw 1 card." Eleftheria card revealing itself to everyone.

A golden light appeared, blinding the Golem from attack and the Slifer Queen drew one card from her deck.

Alexis/Eleftheria: 6200 - 1150 = 5050

"I end with a facedown card." Conner concluded. "I made my point."

The Banner of Courage stopped glowing as the other monsters Reuther to their last power.

Commander Knight:
ATK/ 1800 - 200 = 1600

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1800 - 200 = 1600

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2300 - 200 = 2100

Conner/Ethan: 6300

Alexis/Eleftheria: 5050

"It's my move." Alexis announced, draw her fifth card, "Thanks to Eleftheria's last move and mine! I activate Polymerization, fusing Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater to form my Cyber Blader!"

Blade Skater appeared in the field, just in time as Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater to race into the correct and... The Obelisk Queen signature Fusion Monster jumped out and ready to fight.

Cyber Blader:
ATK/ 2100 - DEF/ 800
Level 7


"Nice work, she can take down Marauding Captain and the rest while dealing some serious damage." Bastion nodded.

"Ya got that right." Syrus agreed.

"That's not all she could do." Zane added.


Eleftheria smirked, she remembers the monster effects.

"And then, I'll activate Cyber Blader's effect!" Alexis continued, "Since you boys have three monster, she can negate the effects of all cards on your side of the field!"

Conner and Ethan gasped, as Cyber Blader glowed a brilliant aura that drained the powers of the three monsters.

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1600 - 400 = 1200

Commanding Knight:
ATK/ 1600 - 400 = 1200

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2100 - 400 = 1500

"And since the effects are negated, Command Knight is vulnerable without the immunity effect." Alexis stated, "Cyber Blader, take out Command Knight!"

Cyber Blader charges forwards, towards the Command Knight and kicks him on the stomach, destroying him.

Conner/Ethan: 6300 - 900 = 5400


"Wohoo! You go girl!" Aozora cheered. "Payback!"

Bastion, Chumley and Syrus all sweat dropped at the RA Queen.


"And now with two monsters on your side, you gain your effects back but my Cyber Blader's ATK points are double!" Alexis pointed out.

Cyber Blader:
ATK/ 2100 + 2100 = 4200

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 1500 + 400 = 2100

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1200 + 400 = 1600

"I'll end my turn with a facedown." Alexis ended, as she place a facedown Card into the Spell and Trap Card Zone, it appeared behind Cyber Blader.

Conner/Ethan: 5400

Alexis/Eleftheria: 5050

"She's good. She locked us down with those abilities of Cyber Blader." Conner commented.

Ethan rolled his eyes, "What do you expect from the Obelisk Queen." He said.

Eleftheria hummed, "Nicely played Alexis." She said.

Alexis nodded, "Thanks."

"We need to destroy Cyber Blader, right now she's the strongest on the field." Conner stated, eyeing the Obelisk Queen ace monster and than looked at the other three monsters on the Slifer Queen side, "We'll worry about Slifer Queen monster after that."

"I could do that." Ethan drew his fifth card, "This should work. I sacrifice Marauding Captain to Summon out Chthonian Emperor Dragon in ATK mode!" He declared.

Marauding Captain disappeared in a veil of flames, unleashing a towering, Chthonian Emperor Dragon revealed itself with a roar.

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 - DEF/ 1500
Level 6

Eleftheria whistled, but the flames isn't powerful as one of her dragons. "But... What are you planning?" She commented.

Ethan smirked, "Your about to find out. Goggle Golem attack Cyber Blader!"


"What?" Chumley said.

"The Banner of Courage is activated." Aozora said.


"But that's at all." Zane said.

"Indeed." Bastion agreed, he figured out their plan.


"Smart play." Kaiba stated.

"Indeed, they want Cyber Blader to lose her effect." Yugi commented.


The Banner of Courage started to glow and the monsters ATK points, raised by 200 points.

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2100 + 200 = 2300

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 + 200 = 2600

Goggle Golem rushed towards Alexis's Fusion monster and tackled her into the waist.

Cyber Blader standing her ground, she kneed him in the stomach to back him away from the fight, before using her skates to slice him down to pixels.

Conner/Ethan: 5400 - 1900 = 3500

Alexis gritted her teeth, knowing the answer, "Now with one monster on your field. Cyber Blader's ATK points are back to normal. But you can't beat her in battle." She declared.

Cyber Blader:
ATK/ 4200 - 2100 = 2100

"Yes I can! Reveal my Trap Card; Gemini Trap Hole!" Ethan countered, as his Trap Card revealed itself, "Since a Gemini monster was destroyed, I can destroy all monsters you have on the field."

Alexis gasped.

"Gotcha back." Eleftheria said, as one of her facedown Card revealed itself, "I play HERO's Counter. This card can negate the activation of a Trap Card and destroy it!"

"What!" Ethan exclaimed.

A shield with the HERO symbol on it appeared, and landed onto the Gemini Trap Hole Card and it was destroyed, sent to the graveyard.


"Nice counter Ria!" Aozora stated.

"Totally ishus." Chumley agreed.


"Damn it! So close. Fine, Chthonian Emperor Dragon attack Guilmon!" Ethan continued.

Chthonian Emperor Dragon was about to attack Guilmon, whose eyes turned to slit and growled at it, not surprising because of his nature.

"I reveal my facedown Card, Negate Attack!" Alexis countered, as the card set was activated, "So Ria's monster is safe."

The dragon stopped and gave a low growl and Guilmon eyes returned back to normal.

Ethan cursed, "I was so close!" He groaned.

"Could be but by the Slifer Queen's expression, I'll say you weren't." Conner commented, he eyed the expression on Eleftheria's face it was calm and in her eyes, he could see that she had a plan, "She must have a plan if one of her monster is destroyed."

Ethan nodded, "I'll end my turn with a facedown." He said and a facedown card appeared.

The Banner of Courage, stopped glowing.

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2300 - 200 = 2100

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2600 - 200 = 2400

The monsters are back to their original points.

Connor/Ethan: 3500

Alexis/Eleftheria: 5050

"My move." Eleftheria drew her third Card, "First, Guilmon's abilities kicks in again."

"Crap." Both opponents said.

Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur:
ATK/ 1900 - 950 = 950

"Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon fires three fire ball towards the opponents side.

Conner/Ethan: 3500 - 950 = 2550

"I summon, Gatomon the White Cat in ATK mode!"

Gatomon appeared on the field, as she looked at the opponent field and purred.

Gatomon the White Cat:
ATK/ 1600 - DEF/ 1700
Level 3

"Next, I play Emergency Reload. This card allows me to draw the amount of card for each monsters on either sides of the field, if I have less than three cards in my hands... I count five." The Slifer Queen drew five more cards from her deck and gives a quick glance. "Now, I activate Gatomon's ability, by cutting her ATK points in half, she can attack you directly." She continues her move.

"Not again..." Conner and Ethan groaned.

Gatomon, the White Cat:
ATK/ 1600 - 800 = 800

Gatomon ran across the field and she scratches both male Obelisks faces.

"OOOWWWWW!!" Both held their three claw scratch face, in pain.

The audience winced at the attack, as if they felt it.


"Oooo, that's gotta leave a mark." Syrus winced.

"Cat scratch." Bastion said, dryly.


Conner/Ethan: 2550 - 800 = 1750

"Now I play a Spell known as Slide Evolution." Eleftheria slotted the card.

"Slide Evolution?" Connor said, confused.


Syrus gasped, "That Spell Card."

"What does it do?" Bastion asked.

"From what we remember is that almost all of Ria's Elemental HEROs has a secondary form known as Beast HERO, they are much stronger than their basic Warrior forms." Chumley explained.

Aozora was surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah and it was cool." Syrus said.


Eleftheria explains,  "And now, go for it Agunimon."

Agunimon started to grin, "It's time." His body glowed red aura and then a blast of tornado flames, surrounded the HERO.

Everyone on the field, expect for the Slifer Queen held their ground.


"Wohooo! BurningGreymon is going to appear!" Yuya cheered on.


"Oh man..." Ethan said, "This is bad."

"Grrr!" A deep growl was heard from the flames and as the flames began to slow down, it bursted a fiery wing, "ARGHHH! BURNINGGREYMON!" The Beast HERO roared out.

"Meet, Beast HERO of Flame, BurningGreymon." Eleftheria smirked.

Beast HERO of Flame- BurningGreymon:
ATK/ 3700 - DEF/ 4000
Level 7

"Holy Ra, this is bad!" Connor exclaimed.

"You don't say!" Ethan shouted out.

"BurningGreymon effect, he is unaffected by traps. Now attack Chthonian Emperor Dragon with Wildfire Tsunami." Eleftheria declared.

"Damn it!" Connor cursed, his trap card is unless against this monster.

"RARRGHH! WILDFIRE TSUNAMI!" Beast HERO of Flame roared out his attack and sent a tornado of flames towards Chthonian Emperor Dragon, destroying it.

"Argh!" Both Connor and Ethan felt the heat from the attack.

Conner/Ethan: 1750 - 1300 = 450


"Totally ishus! They only have 450 LPs left!" Chumley said.

"And if the next attack gets through, they'll only have 150 LPs left." Syrus said.

"Wohoo! Go Ria!" Aozora cheered.


"Now GeoGreymon attack Goggle Golem with Mega Flare." Eleftheria continued her next attack.

"Mega Flare!" GeoGreymon, the Champion Fighter fires a large giant fireball towards the Gemini monster.

Connor grunted, "I reveal my facedown, Gemini Absorb!" His facedown card.

[A/N: Gemini Absorb (OC card)]

A green barrier with appeared in front of Goggle Golem and the attack was absorbed by the barrier.

"Gemini Absorb is activated if a Gemini Monster is being attack and that's not all, this Trap Card allows it to absorb the attack and we get a LP boost equal to Goggle Golem and GeoGreymon ATK points." Connor explains.

Conner/Ethan: 450 + 2100 + 2400 = 4950


"Aww, they were so close." Yugo said.

"Smart move." Jack said.


"Crap. They were so close." Aozora commented.

"Oh man, their LPs are back up past 4000." Syrus said.


Eleftheria clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Fine, Guilmon and Gatomon ATK points are back to their original." She stated.

Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur:
ATK/ 950 + 950 = 1900

Gatomon, the White Cat:
ATK/ 800 + 800 = 1600

"I set three cards facedown and end my turn." Eleftheria place three cards into the duel disk, three cards appeared behind each of her monsters.

Connor/ Ethan: 4950

Alexis/Eleftheria: 5050

"That was a close call." Connor said, "Good thing I have this Trap Card in play."

Ethan nodded, "Yeah, we would've serious problem." He said.

"My move. Draw!" Connor drew his fifth card, "I'll go ahead and play two Spell cards, first is the Warrior Returning Alive and bring back Marauding Captain from my graveyard and my next Spell is, Reinforcement of the Army, to bring Field-Commander Rahz from my deck and I'll add them both to my hand." He took back his Marauding Captain from the graveyard slot and a card from his deck and place them both in his hand. "And now I'll summon both of these boys to the field in ATK mode."

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1200 - DEF/ 400
Level 3

Field-Commander Rahz:
ATK/ 1600 - DEF/ 1200
Level 4

"Now that Commander Rahz hits the field, I can move a Level 4 or below Warrior-type in my deck to the top." Connor continues his move, as he made the changes in his deck needed. "Now Chthonian Emperor Dragon attack Gatomon! Also don't forget Banner of Courage!"

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2100 + 200 = 2300

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 + 200 = 2600

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1200 + 200 = 1400

Commander Rahz:
ATK/ 1600 + 200 = 1800

Chthonian Emperor Dragon blasted Gatomon, the White Cat, sending her into the graveyard.

Alexis/Eleftheria: 5050 - 1000 = 4050


"There are four monsters on their side of the field and Alexis' Cyber Blader abilities isn't working because of the amount." Aozora said.


"Alright Goggle Golem attack Guilmon now!" Goggle Golem dashed towards Guilmon, the Crimson Dinosaur who growled at it and tackled him down, destroying him, sending him to the graveyard.

Alexis/ Eleftheria: 4050 - 400 = 3650


"Smart. They got rid off Ria's monsters that has the ability to attack them directly each turn." Zane commented.


Chazz smirked, 'Serves them right.'


Dr. Crowler silently laughs, evilly, 'Kehehehehe! That's right, lose Slifer Slacker!' He snarled.


"BurningGreymon and GeoGreymon are too stronger for the rest to handle, but at least I got rid of those two." Connor said, "I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2300 - 200 = 2100

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2600 - 200 = 2400

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1400 - 200 = 1200

Commander Rahz:
ATK/ 1800 - 200 = 1600

Connor/Ethan: 4950

Alexis/Eleftheria: 3650

"My move." Alexis drew her third Card from her deck, "I play the Equip Spell, Fusion Weapon and equip it to my Cyber Blader!"

Cyber Blader:
ATK/ 2100 + 1500 = 3600
DEF/ 800 + 1500 = 2300

"Now my Blader attack Marauding Captain with Trident Shock." Alexis commanded.

Connor grinned, "Its time to pay the check. I activate my trap card, Covering Fire!" He said and the card flipped over.

The audience gasped.


"Great Scott." Bastion said.

"Oh no!" Aozora said.

"This is bad!" Syrus exclaimed.


"Oh yes! With Covering Fire, I'll add Chthonian Emperor Dragon's power to Marauding Captain to increase his strength!" Connor shouted, "Wouldn't matter which one you went after!"

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 1200 + 2400 = 3600


"They are going to destroy each other!" Chumley stated.

"Alexis should've use Ria's BurningGreymon to attack." Bastion commented, "BurningGreymon isn't affected back Trap Cards."

Aozora winced at the mistake Alexis did.


Dr. Crowler frowned as Obelisk Queen made a misktake, 'Impossible, not one of my top Obelisk students!' He thought.


"Well that was... surprising but also well played." Yugi said.

Kaiba looked at his daughter who has a calm face, "Is it really?" He asked.


"Eleftheria's face is completely calm."

Yugi looked at the Slifer Queen face.


"You should pay more attention." Yusei said, with a small smile.


"Is that so?" Eleftheria spoke up.

"What?" Connor blinked.

"You forgot something. It's me that you should be careful off and Alexis knows that." Eleftheria stated, amused, "I reveal one of my facedown, a Trap Card known as Darkness Haze." One of three Cards flipped up, revealing a dark mist.

"Darkness Haze?" Ethan said.

"Darkness Haze is a Trap Card that can only activate if the opponent monster gain points, this card can negate the points gain and return them back to their original points."

"What!" Ethan and Connor exclaimed.

Covering Fire Trap Card was destroyed and a dark mist replace it, covering the Marauding Captain and its ATK points decreased back to his original points.

Marauding Captain:
ATK/ 3600 - 2400 = 1200

"No!" Connor shouted out.

Cyber Blader continues her attack, she drew her hand back with the Fusion Weapon and sliced Marauding Captain, destroying it and sending it to the graveyard.

Connor/Ethan: 4950 - 2400 = 2550

Alexis breath in relief, "Thanks for the help Ria." She said.

"Your welcome, but you should be careful Alexis." Eleftheria nodded back.

"My mistake." Alexis said, grimacing slightly, "I'll place a monster facedown and end my turn." A card facedown appeared beside Cyber Blader.

Connor/Ethan: 2550

Alexis/Eleftheria: 3650

"My move! Draw!" Ethan drew his four card, "First I'll Gemini Summon my Chthonian Emperor Dragon."

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 - DEF/ 1500
Level 6

"Alright, Dragon attack her facedown monster." Ethan commanded.

"Also don't forget that Banner of Courage is activated!" Connor added.

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 + 200 = 2600

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2100 + 200 = 2300

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2400 + 200 = 2600

Commander Rahz:
ATK/ 1600 + 200 = 1800

Chthonian Emperor Dragon once again launches flames, striking the set down monster on Alexis side, burning the card away.


A figure appeared from the sky was a blond woman wearing greyish white armour.


"Isn't that..." Syrus trailed off.

"D.D. Assailant." Aozora ended.

"What's going on?!" Chazz shouted.


"It's an interesting card." Yugi said.


"D.D. Assailant huh?" Yuto eyed the monster appearing.

"What does that card do?" Yuya asked.

"Your about to found out Yuya, she has a pretty unique ability." Yuri answered.


"Where did she come from?" Connor asked.

"That's the monster Ethan's dragon destroyed. D.D. Assailant!" Alexis announced, "When she is defeated in battle, both her and the attacker are removed from the game!"

Ethan gasped as he saw the D.D. Assailant struck his Chthonian Emperor Dragon with a cut across the neck, his monster gave a defeated roar and a scar created a dimension rip, that sent both of them inside and never to be seen, again.

"Sweet monster Alexis." Eleftheria praised.

"Thanks, I had to make up for the previous mistake." Alexis said.

Eleftheria smiled.

"I end my turn with a facedown." Ethan concludes his turn.

The Banner of Courage stopped glowing, its affect is deactivated.

Chthonian Emperor Dragon:
ATK/ 2600 - 200 = 2400

Goggle Golem:
ATK/ 2300 - 200 = 2100

Commander Rahz:
ATK/ 1800 - 200 = 1600

Connor/Ethan: 2550

Alexis/Eleftheria: 3650

"My turn!" Eleftheria drew her third card and smirked, "Let's end this duel shall we?"

The audience started to muttered.

The two Obelisk started to sweat and turn pale, when the Slifer Queen says that, she means it.

"I play Polymerization and fuse Lillymon, the Plant Fairy and Lilamon, the Flower Fairy." Eleftheria announced.

Two fairies that had a plant and flower like outfits appeared, they began to glowed red and blue, combined together.

"Two elegant fairies of plant and flower, combine together to form a beautiful lovely queen of flowers!" Eleftheria chanted, "Fusion Summon! Appear! Level 7, Flower Queen HERO- Rosemon!"

A tornado of red roses appeared and a large red rose appeared in the centre of it, it opened up revealing a beautiful lady-like monster in the centre, she grabbed her vines weapons.

Flower Queen HERO- Rosemon:
ATK/ 3300 - DEF/2100
Level 8

Red roses scattered everywhere on the field, as Rosemon floated down and landed between BurningGreymon and GeoGreymon.

"Beautiful." Alexis said, breathtaking.

Some of the guys blushed at the beauty of the monster and girls all started at the beautiful rose warrior with awe.


"Wow... Oh wow..." Syrus blushed.

Chumley face palm himself, "Here we go again." He groaned.

"Wow, what a beautiful monster." Aozora commented, amazed.

Bastion sweat dropped at some of the faces he is seeing in the stands arena.

Zane couldn't help back sweat drop as well.


Yuya tilted his head side to side, as he watch the t.v moving different angles, "Hey, why are they all red?" He asked, innocently.

Yugo was wondering the same thing as well.

Yuto and Yuri grimaced, they understood the meaning being the two oldest and mature.

Jack flinched as did Crow.

Yusei easily smooth it, "Don't worry about it Yuya, Yugo it's just a reaction." He said.

Yuya and Yugo nodded, "Okay!" They both chirped.

Yuto, Yuri, Jack and Crow all breaths in relief.


BurningGreymon and GeoGreymon both nodded towards the new monster on the field.

"Glad you could join the party Rosemon." BurningGreymon said. "Though you might have some fanboys now." He pointed around the arena.

"Hmph. Not my problem, but I'm glad to join." Rosemon smiled.

GeoGreymon growled, agreeing.

"Hey Rosemon, do you want to use your effect?" Eleftheria asked.

Rosemon titled her head, she turned towards the opponent field, "No, I don't think we need it. After all their are only three monsters and each of them is enough for us." She answered.

"Though, we like you to get rid of those facedown cards." BurningGreymon pointed towards the two facedown on the Obelisk side.

"This is bad and I mean really bad." Ethan said, warily.

"Unless our Trap Cards can save us." Connor said, as he eyes both facedown cards on their field.

"I reveal one of my facedown cards, Heavy Storm!" Eleftheria said, "To get rid of your Trap and spells."

"Crap." Connor and Ethan said, as they watched a storm of wind, revealing both facedown and destroying them.


"Totally lishus bro! Ria and Alexis are going to win!" Chumley said.

"Well, again it seems like the right cards are in her hands." Bastion said.

Chazz scowled.


"This Duel is over." Kaiba states, bluntly.

"Indeed." Yugi said.


"Well another victory for Ria." Jack said.

"Not surprising really." Crow states.


"Not again!" Dr. Crowler wined.


"Alright let's battle! Rosemon attack Chthonian Emperor Dragon with Thorn Whipping!" Eleftheria ordered.

Rosemon smirked, she sent her thorn vine weapon and whipped the dragon three time before it was destroyed.

Connor/Ethan: 2550 - 900 = 1650

"GeoGreymon your turn." GeoGreymon immediately fires a large fireball towards Field-Commander Rahz and destroying it.

Connor/Ethan: 1650 - 800 = 850

"BurningGreymon, end this." Eleftheria declared.

BurningGreymon grinned and fires lasers from his Rudriya Darpana, "Pyro Barrage!" He shouted out, hitting the Goggle Golem and destroying it.

Connor/Ethan: 850 - 1600 = 0000

Alexis/Eleftheria: 3650

WINNER: Alexis Rhodes!/ Eleftheria Yuki!

"ALRIGHT! Another victory!"

"Way to go Queens!"

"WOHOOO!" Syrus and Aozora cheered.

Eleftheria smiled, "Thanks Alexis." She said.

Alexis shook her head, "No problem and thank you." She said.

Both Obelisk and Slifer Queen high-five each other and then shook hands.


"Sweet! Mom won another one!" Yugo and Yuya jumped up and down, excitedly.


"Congratulations on winning Ria." Angeal appeared with the others, they didn't appear in the match.

"Thanks Angeal." Eleftheria said.

"Congratulations to Eleftheria and Alexis on winning your match and now I hope you don't go to forbidden areas again." Chancellor Sheppard said.

"We won't." Alexis and Eleftheria said.

"Unless its need." Eleftheria added.

Chancellor Sheppard nodded with a smile.

The audience clapped loudly and some cheered.

Chazz scowled as he looked at the Slifer Queen, "It was just luck!" He left the arena.

"Meow~" Pharaoh yawned and walked beside the Obelisk male Dorm teacher.

"EIIII!" Dr. Crowler shrieks and moved far away from the chubby cat.

"Wow, he really doesn't like cats." Zack laughs.

"Finding stray cats around this island is going to be difficult, unless we borrow Pharaoh here." Kushika says.

"Meow~" Pharaoh yawned again.


At night and once again a certain Cross-Dresser was sneering in his room, "Not again! Why won't she lose but if she loses than my precious Obelisk is going to be humiliated... But no she wins and defeat two top Obelisk students! DAMN YOU SLIFER SLACKER! I'll will make you lose... ELEFTHERIA YUKI!"

And once again, Crowler has lost it.



Based on Valkyrie Crusade and OTHER Animes, look them up for what they look like.

Eleftheria's Duel Monsters:


Thanks for waiting so long and having a lot of patient for me!~
Having to find a way to writing duels especially making your own is really difficult, a pain and had a lot of help. Maybe I should stick with duels from the other series, it will might be easier for me.


~ Goodnight!

The next chapter is ... Don't know yet...

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