Calm down ~Ruby~

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A/n: Ya'll I won't be posting May 4-8 either because it's my birthday the 4th and I'm having surgery that week. I will be writing when I have time, though.
Also, endgame d e s t r o y e d me.
Requested by: @cheyennnecottner
Prompt: 9, happy "I'm not jealous"

A laugh passed through your lips as you gripped Alex's arm for support.

"Oh, oh my go- did you really do that?" You managed out through the stray giggles leaving your lips, while your e/c eyes squinted up at him.

"I did! And let me tell you, she was pissed." He laughed as he shook his head.

"Dude, of course she was pissed! You egged her house!" Your laughter increased as you leaned on your knees to catch your breath, eventually falling on the ground when he continued to add things to make it funnier.

During your laughter, you were completely unaware of the lingering stare Ruby held on you.

"Dude, calm down. You look like you're about to explode!" Jamal commented with a shake of his head.

"How is she.. why is she.. ugh!" Ruby groaned, leaning against a nearby tree as he stared at the two of you in pure jealousy. "She's all over him!"

"Ruby, your jealousy is showing."

"I'm not jealous!"

"You know you guys aren't actually together.. right?" Cesar spoke, his brow raising slightly, "She doesn't even know you like her.."

"Still!" Ruby fired back, turning to look at his friends, "It's Alex!"

"Alex can be an asshole, you know that. Especially when it comes to her. He loves her, but she doesn't love him, not like that."


"You should tell her, anyway. If you don't he'll snatch her up."

"None of you are helping!"

"Just tell her, man" Jamal pats him on the shoulder berore the three friends walked away from Ruby, leaving him to his thoughts.

Sighing, he watched Alex wrap an arm around you. He crossed his arms over his chest, a decision coming to mind.

He was going to tell you how he felt.


He didn't tell you how he felt. Alex's flirting only got worse, and Ruby was starting to get tired of it. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but he was nervous. He was scared of how you would react.

He kept his feelings in for a long time. Until, it got to be too much. His feelings grew like trees. Thoughts of you flooded his mind like the ocean.

Finally, after three months it became too much. After three long months he decided to tell you, and actually do it this time. No backing out.

"Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you?" Ruby asked, a smile on his face.

"Sure! What can I do for you?" You smiled kindly back at him, which filled him with nervousness.

"Uh, so there's no easy way to say this. So, I'm just gonna say it.. okay?" He rambled, his hands gripping his backpack straps tighter.

"Okay, just say it," You said, closing your locker.

"I'm in love with you!" He blurted, his face turning red immediately after the statement left his lips.

You stoppedi in your tracks, your mouth agape as your mind went blank.

"Sorry, what?"

"I'm in love with you." He repeated, less confidently this time.

"Oh, that's what I thought you said.."

"Right.. and?"

"Yes," You nodded, a smile crossing your face. "I feel the same."

"Oh, thank God.. got worried you were gonna say you're with Alex-"

"Me? With Alex? Oh, no, no, no, no. Never!"

"Right, yeah, yeah-"

"Wait, is that why you've been actin' so weird?"

"I haven't been acting weird!"

"Holy shit, were you jealous?" You gasped, a teasing smirk playing against your lips.

"I wasn't jealous.." He grumbled, more to himself than you.

"Right, sure you aren't."

"I'm not jealous!"

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