And so it begins

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The rehearsal schedule was out, I was doubled up on everything considering I had to learn Claras part as well. 

I would be running until 6:30 am to 9:30 pm. 

School and straight to dance. 

Saturdays weren't any better. 

"How's if feel?" Kendal asks, walking up to me. 

"How does what feel?" I ask. 

"Being my understudy" She smiles "I'm better than you, how does it feel?" 

I sigh "Congrats on getting Clara, you deserve it" 

"I know" Kendal says, flipping her ponytail. 

"Aren't you breaking uniform?" I ask. 

Since we all only had Ballet for four weeks, we had uniform. 

Tights, leotard, bun, and pointe shoes.

Sophie, the snowflakes and I  also had to have Tutus since our costume would have one, but those were provided here.

"I'm the lead, I don't need to follow uniform" Kendal responds.

Okay no.

You just don't break uniform. 

Even if you're the lead.

It means nothing, no special treatment. 

I shake my head as she walks away, slipping on my white tutu "Idiot" 

I bend down to lace up my pointe shoes then get picked up and spun around. 

"Put me down" I laugh. 

Will turns me around to face him and kisses me. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask. 

 "Harper has tap" He shrugs "I see you're ready for rehearsals" 

I spin around "That obvious?" 

Sophie walks over to us "You're not supposed to be back here" 

Will frowns "Buzz kill" 

"I would usually be fine with it, but this showcase is one of the most important thing to studio 42, It's serious stuff" Sophie explains. 

"Okay, Okay" Will sighs "I guess I'll go be bored and watch rehearsals from the viewing room" 

Will gives me one last kiss before exiting the dressing room.  

"He's one love sick puppy" Sophie laughs. 

"I know" I shake my head. 

"I never thought I'd see the day where you and your rival are in love" Sophie smiles, putting her hand over her heart "How romantic" 

I flick her and laugh "Shut up" 

Mrs. Hanna walks out of studio A "I need snowflakes in studio B, Snow king and queen in C, Sugarplum fairy in D,  and mice and solders in here! Clara and the nutcracker have a break for an hour"  

We all scatter to our assigned studio. 

Jordan and I were with Ryan, He was one of the senior ballet instructors. 

"My spotlight babes!" He smiles. 

Ryan was 24, talented, married to a lovely man named Frank and I haven't worked with him since I was a mini.

We laugh and hug him. 

"You are my snow royalty, now, you have a lot to learn in 4 weeks, so lets get started!" Ryan smiles. 

The snow pas de deux was a beautiful duet with the snow king and queen. 

It's always been one of my favorites, besides the waltz of the snowflakes. 

And with Ryan choreographing our version, I knew it would be perfect. 

"There are several lifts, however I've seen you two work together and I think you'll be able to pull it off" Ryan explains "And I've seen costume sketches brought to you by Avas aunt Camryn and oh my gosh, everything looks so amazing! I love nutcracker season!" 

With that we set to work. 

I've seen two versions of the music, a two minute version, and a four minute version. 

We were doing the four minutes. 

The choreography was challenging, but not to challenging were we wouldn't be able to pull it off in four weeks. 

"Good practice! See you guys tommarow!" Ryan smiles, dismissing us. 

"Thank you!" We smile, walking out.

My feet were killing me. 

I looked at the schedule, seeing I had an hour break before getting added into the waltz of the snowflakes, so I sat down and ripped off my pointe shoes, replacing them with  my hot pink warm up booties. 

"Kendal in here with me!" Ryan calls, peaking out of the studio "Your hair in a bun please" 

He disappears back into the studio and Kendal sighs. 

"Told you" I mutter. 

She runs into the studio as Jordan walks over to me, handing me a bag of sour gummy worms. 

"Thanks!" I smile, sitting down criss cross. 

We sit and chat for a while waiting for our hour break to be over. 

Jordan wasn't in the waltz of the snowflakes for long, but he made an appearance.

My phone buzzes and I grab it out of my dance bag. 

Will: Your dancing is beautiful <3

 Will: Well...Not as beautiful as you ;)

I laugh and respond. 

You're so cheesy

Will: You love it

I roll my eyes, putting my phone away. 

"You two I swear" Jordan smiles, shaking his head.

"Shut up" I laugh. 

"No, you guys are cute! It's just crazy how you two hated each other four weeks ago" Jordan explains. 

I shrug "Life's crazy" 

The hour passed quickly. 

Paige calling Jordan and I in to rehearse with the snowflakes.


"Kendal! Full extension!"  Mrs. Hanna snaps "That arabesque wasn't 90 degrees!" 

Kendal slips out of her turn, dropping the nutcracker, it crashing to the ground as well as her. 

Mrs. Hanna stops the music as Kendal looks up at the viewing room at her mom. 

"Are you alright dear?" Mrs. Hanna asks. 

"Yeah" Kendal says, standing up. 

"Ava, Take her place" Mrs. Hanna says, picking up the nutcracker. 

I stand up, taking the nutcracker and taking my starting position. 

Kendal sits at the front and starts the music.

I start dancing the routine as best as I possibly could.

"Beautiful extension" Mrs. Hanna praises. 

I nod, prepping for the turns Kendal just slipped out of. 

I execute them perfectly. 

I finish the part we had learned and handed Mrs. Hanna the nutcracker. 

  "Kendal that's what you need to look like" Mrs. Hanna states "And I know you can do it, that's why you're Clara, we have a week till we are in the theatre, so pull it together" 

Kendal nods, getting up and taking the nutcracker, starting the solo again. 

I imagine myself onstage preforming the role of Clara. 

But sadly it wasn't going to happen.

We would be the senior team next year, meaning this was our last time doing the nutcracker. 

Once Kendal was done with the section we learned I was ordered to go behind her to learn the next part. 

I looked up at the viewing room, Ryder giving me a slight smile. 

I sigh, as we go for a grand jeté.

These next few weeks were going to be the longest weeks of my life.

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