Chapter 11

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    A few hours after learning about Kaneki's condition I sat on Kaneki's bed, staring out the window at the night sky. I stood up and walked to the door and left the room. I walked out into the hall and then to the living room to see Kaneki on the couch reading a book by lamplight. I studied Kaneki for a moment then went and sat across from him on a puffy chair.

   "What are you reading?" I asked as I rested my head on my hand while studying Kaneki closely. Kaneki looked up and watched me for a moment then spoke in a somewhat calm voice.

    "Egg Of The Black Goat." He answered simply then he tilted his head slightly and started to speak.

    Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Kaneki asked with no sign of emotion besides the calmness covering his face. I shook my head at Kanekis question and gave a somewhat fake smile.

  "I simply  chose to stay awake, and keep you Kaneki after all I have no family to tell me to rest." I said in a somewhat solemn voice causing Kaneki to frown and speak.

   "What happened to your parents?" Kaneki asked in a curious voice, a voice that perhaps a child would have when finding something new. I sighed  then after a moment I answered Kaneki.
     "My parents where killed on my tenth birthday and I have lived on my own ever sense then." I said in a voice that showed no remorse. After I finished speaking I looked at Kaneki, noticing a look of sadness flash across his face then I spoke up again .

    "Sense I told you about my parents how about you tell me about yours?" I asked as I watched Kaneki hesitate then close his book.

   "Very well Ciel. I never knew my father sense he died before I have been born. My mother was a kind lady but more kind then she should have been." Kaneki hissed, anger seeping into his voice as he continued.

  "She worked constantly trying to uphold my aunt and I. My aunt only used my mother for only money that she didn't need. Long story short she worked herself to death." Kaneki growled then he stood, mumbling under his breath along the lines of '1000, 993, 986, 979,' and so on he continued. I frowned then stood up as well.

    "Kaneki I shouldn't have brought it up I am truly sorry." I tried to calm Kaneki but his counting only got louder.

    "972, 965, 958, 951." Kaneki counted now in a somewhat shakey voice. I slowly started to panic as Kaneki started to walk towards me and I called out as I saw Sebastian from the shadows of the room.

   "Sebastian! Restrain him!" I shouted the command and  immediately Sebastian was behind Kaneki, holding Kaneki in place with kanekis arms pinned behind his back. I sighed slightly as i calmed myself slightly then spoke.

    "Kaneki I believe it's time to answer all of my questions." I said as I watched Kaneki fall silent.

   "First off tell me who Jason is to you." I growled in annoyance as Kaneki spoke after a moment.

   "Jason was the one who tortured me physically and mentally until I broke." Kaneki said in a gruff voice as I shivered while Kaneki continued.

   "He should be dead." Kaneki said causing myself to freeze.

   "What makes you think that Kaneki?" I asked as I hid the slight panic in my voice then Kaneki spoke.

"Because I ate him."

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