Chapter 7

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         I stood outside of the coffee shop as I waited for Kaneki with Sebatian by my side. I looked up as I heard a door open, and close then I saw Kaneki walk out of the coffee shop. As Kaneki walked down the stairs Sebastian and I walked over to greet him.

      "Its nice to see you got home in one piece Kaneki." I said as I looked Kaneki over. Kaneki still had his snow white hair with black nails, and he was wearing a long sleeved black sweater with a simple pair of grey pants. Kaneki looked to Sebastian then to me then spoke.

    'Yeah home... How are you guys here?" Kaneki asked me. I hummed as I glanced up at the sky then I spoke

   "Sebastian, and I were on a case but  things went wrong so now we are here." I answered as I looked back at Kaneki. Kaneki nodded slowly as he processed the information. After a few moments Kaneki looked at me and sighed then he spoke.

   "I owe you guys for helping me out back in London..." Kaneki said slowly.

   "My apartment is small but you guys can stay with me until you find a way back to your home." Kaneki offered as he watched Sebastian and I.  I thought for a  moment then spoke with my answer.

   "Very well Kaneki, we shall to take you up on your offer." I said with a slight nod then I looked at Sebastian.

   "Come Sebastian lets get going then, follow Kaneki." I said causing Sebastian to bow ever so slightly, and Kaneki blinked then he nodded slowly.

   "Follow me." Kaneki said and started to walk with Sebastian and myself following behind him. As we walked down the street away from anteiku. I glanced up at the sky as I noticed that the sky was pitch black then  I looked at Kaneki and spoke.

   "Whats the danger of being out at night here if I may ask?" I questioned as we continued to walk.

   "The danger? Oh the danger would be the ghouls since  most of them hunt at night." Kaneki nodded as he answered then he glanced back at me then spoke once more.

   "Once we get back to my apartment ill answer any question you have but until we get to  my  apartment don't ask any question on ghouls." Kaneki said in a low voice as he glanced around. I nodded slightly as a silent 'ok' to Kaneki then I glanced at Sebastian and spoke.

   "Sebastian while we were still in London did you ever see the unsub or any trace of him?" I asked causing Sebastian to think for a few moments then he spoke.

   " I didn't see the unsub the undertaker described but I did notice a man follow us into the abyss." Sebastian said causing me to frown.

  "Did you happen to notice what the man had looked like?" I asked Sebastian, my eyebrows  furrowed as Sebastian answered.

  " The man had a rather large figure with ash blonde hair I couldn't make out what his facial features were since the man was wearing a some  form of mask. His mask was white with two eye holes, and multiple holes across the cheek area  probably allowing him to breath. Also he seemed to crack his knuckles a certain way... like the way Kaneki cracks his own knuckles." Sebastian said as we finally came to a stop in front of a door. Kaneki stood n front of the door, frozen and he started to mumble under his breath as he opened the door, allowing me to hear the two words he had said as he walked into the apartment.

 "Yamori Jason"

(Hey guys thanks for the reviews and comments I really love the support!  please continue to leave comments and feel free to point out flaws or suggest some ideas for what you want to see in this stories future! Baiiiiii)

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