Family Truths (1)

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Ebony’s POV

I was sat in the study when I heard footsteps downstairs. I knew Robin would get there first, but back up would never hurt. Grabbing the bow and arrows that I had kept next to the desk, I walked down the stairs to face the intruders.

As I got to the room of which the intruders were stood in, I could see Robin holding his bow and arrow pointed at them. I snuck up behind them doing the same.

“And who are you trespassing in our home?” I hissed ready to shoot an arrow through their backs.

The pair turned to look at me.

“I do believe you are trespassing, this is the home of the dark one,” The woman explained.

“Was the home of the dark one. He hasn’t been seen in this realm since the Evil Queen’s curse,” I stated.

“Well, all we want to do is look for something,” the man said.

“And why should I let you? This is now our home. If he comes back, I’m more than happy to let him, but why should more thieves be able to come in here?” I smirked.

The woman seemed to be becoming inpatient and clearly was preparing to fight us to the death, whereas the man clearly was angry but not bloodthirsty like his partner in crime.

“I’m his son,” the man stated.

“Baelfire?” I questioned putting my bow and arrow down.

“How do you know my name?” He asked.

“Well you are infamous around these parts. The son of the dark one who ran away to another realm is a title you should be proud of. You know abandoning your Father, so he loses the smallest bit of happiness he once possessed and leaving your little sister to feel the loss of everyone around her,” I hissed.

I didn’t expect him to retaliate as he did. He stepped towards me gripping my shoulders and pressing me to the wall. I saw over his shoulder Robin pulled his bow back up to shoot him, but I gestured him not to.

“What do you know of my sister?” He growled.

“Her name is Ebony, and she is lost in the world without her family. Her Father put a curse onto her to stop her from aging, but it also stops her from dying. No matter how many times she and others tried to kill her she still lives in this wretched life. Now she is stuck here in the Enchanted Forest for eternity without her family and is incapable of falling in love after her Father pushed away her one true love,” I hissed through gritted teeth, “Try to kill me Bae, it’d be a pleasure to see you watch the life drain from my eyes, before I come back and kill you in return.”

He loosened his grip on me, “Ebony?”

“Hello brother, what a pleasure to see you in your midlife crisis,” I smirked.

I looked as if I was in my early twenties as that was when my Father put the curse on me, but I had no idea why Bae looked like he was in his late thirties as last time I saw him (a few hundred years ago) he was only about twelve.

“What are you doing here? Why are you in Father’s castle?” He asked.

“Where else shall I live? At the tavern I cried and drunk myself into oblivion for years, or maybe the forest? I have no other choices but to live here and I allow my good friend Robin Hood, to live with me,” I shrugged.

“Ebony, I would love to catch up, but do you know if Father left anything containing magic, so I can find Emma and Henry?” He asked.

“Who are Emma and Henry? And I don’t know. I’ve looked through everything and all it seems that is left has no worth, not even sentimental worth,” I shrugged.

“Henry is my son and Emma, well Emma is his Mother,” he explained.

Bae has a son? I’m an aunt, I have a nephew. Did he actually fall in love with this Emma? Were they married? If they were married then he’d of said his wife, not Henry’s Mum.

“You have a freaking son Bae? Did you abandon him? Where the heck is he, why you need to find him?” I hissed.

“Calm it Ebony. I didn’t abandon him; he was kidnapped and taken to Neverland. And I need to find him Peter Pan wants him,” He explained.

“Pan? Shit, I haven’t met my nephew and he’s going to die. We need to get to Neverland,” I stated as I began to pace up and down the room.

“What’s going on?” Robin and the woman asked.

“Robin have you seen anything that could be magical here? I need to get to Neverland with my brother,” I stated.

“No Ebony. You can’t come, it’s too dangerous. Just help me please,” Bae begged.

I sighed. It wasn’t too dangerous for me in Neverland; my one true love was in Neverland. There was also great evil there, but I wasn’t the weak little girl that Baelfire once remembered. I was so much stronger than that.

“I am coming with you Bae, and you have no choice on the matter. Do you have any idea what we are looking for of Father’s?” I questioned.

“I don’t know, maybe something precious of his,” He shrugged begin to shuffle the papers on the desk.

“The only thing that seemed remotely precious of his that I knew about, was his cane,” I stated picking up the long piece of wood that lie on the floor.

He looked slightly bewildered before taking it from me. He swung it over his head, narrowly missing my own. A cupboard appeared in the wall.

“What? We’ve moved that stick many times but it’s never done that. There was no sign of magic being in it,” I frowned.

“Well you know Father he was a family man. He must have spelled it for only him and his blood to be able to use the magic,” He explained.

“But I’m his blood and it never worked,” I frowned.

“Ebony now’s probably not the best time to tell you, but I must tell you. We aren’t biological siblings. Father found you abandoned in the forest, and no one was around. He took you in as his own, and we never planned to tell you, seen as you were so lost. I planned to take you and Father with me to a new world, but he did a spell to make you forget that he didn’t want to go. He told you that I ran away rather than him not wanting to go with me, and he kept you with him, as you were the only family he had left.”

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