If You Love Something Set It Free (2)

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Camille’s POV

It’d been just over a month since David had left and as far as I knew he hadn’t come home yet. I didn’t know whether it meant that slaying this dragon took longer than I thought or he wasn’t coming back.

I had spent most of my time either in my room or sat outside the front of my house waiting for David to come home. If he didn’t come back I had nothing else left. I guess I had my Father and Brother but I would end up being married off, and not for love but for money. They wanted me to be happy but if I couldn’t find my love then they had no choice than to force me to marry someone else.

Sitting on the ground outside of my house I saw the wagon that had took David away coming towards my farm rather than David’s. As it came closer I saw only Rumpelstiltskin and not David. When the wagon was stopped the man got off of it and walked towards me.

“Well hello dearie, I told you I would be back,” He smiled.

“What are you doing here? Where is David?” I questioned standing up.

“David is getting married to a Princess. But don’t worry dearie he still loves you dearly,” He chuckled, “But that’s not why I’m here.”

I didn’t know what to say. David definitely wouldn’t marry a Princess due to the superficialness of them but if he was being forced with the risk of me or Ruth then he would go through with it and that is what I am guessing happened- well at least that’s what I tried to convince myself.

“So why are you here?” I asked emphasising the ‘are’.

“Well I thought you’d like to make a deal with me dearie,” He chuckled.

“And why would you think that?” I frowned crossing my arms over my chest.

He cackled once again creeping me out a little, making me wish I had decided to join my Father and brother at the market instead of staying here on my own.

“Without David, you and your baby need to be protected, so I thought I’d make you a deal to protect you and prevent you from being forced into that loveless married that you are so afraid of,” He cackled.


As soon as that word had left his mouth I was confused and shocked wondering whether he knew anything I didn’t.

“Yes the small child that is growing inside of you, didn’t you know?” He questioned with a laugh at the end.

“No I didn’t know. I’m pregnant and I’m never going to see the Father again?” I frowned trying not to cry.

“No but I can stop you from being forced to marry someone and I can stop you and your child from ever being hurt at a price,” He smiled.

“What price? What do you want?” I sighed.

I knew I had to take this chance if it meant I got to take care of my unborn child that I had only just found out I had. I knew I couldn’t be with David, not now at least, but I could be in another marriage and I wanted to keep my child safe from all of the dangers in the world.

“Not much dear,” He chuckled, “Just that you live with me forever.”

“What? Why?” I exclaimed.

“I need the company for my maid that works in my home, and you can be that company. In return you will never have to marry someone you do not love and I will be able to protect you and your unborn child throughout your lives,” He cackled.

“So I   can never see my family again?” I questioned.

“Of course not,” He laughed, “My maid doesn’t get to leave and she needs company otherwise she’ll go stir crazy.”

I guess I’d want to get away from my family for the sense that I wouldn’t want to have to marry someone that wasn’t David and that I knew having this child wouldn’t end well. Having a baby out of marriage would make me a laughing stock to my whole village and I would probably be forced to give up the child so I could be happily married to someone.

“What do I tell my family?” I sighed.

“Nothing, you just come with me, and I’ll make sure no one will ever separate you and your baby,” He chuckled.

“Deal,” I sighed reluctantly.

He chuckled before telling me to go and find anything I want to take with me before meeting him back there. So I did as I was told picking up the only few mementos I had kept hold of that would remind me of my family.  

 I didn’t have much that I wanted to take with me as I only had a few things with any sentimental value, so once I had those few items I made my way over to where Rumpelstiltskin was stood. He quickly told me where we were going as we got into the wagon and made our way there.

When we got there I realised how large the building was and how beautiful it was. As soon as it stopped he led me to the door letting me in shouting out into the large home.

“Belle, come here dearie, we have company.”

Hastily footsteps grew closer until a girl about my age appeared smiling as she saw me.

“Who’s this?” The woman questioned.

“This is Camille, your new friend, now get to know one another, you’ll have a lot of time together. Also she won’t be obliged in helping you with your duties she is otherwise preoccupied but can help you if she wishes. Now be friendly whilst I go spin some straw into gold,” he laughed before leaving us in the hall together.

I smiled awkwardly at her letting my hand rest on my stomach that hadn’t began to grow yet.

“I’m Belle; he got me here by helping my village and stopping the ogre’s from destroying it. What deal did he get you in?” She questioned.

“I’m Camille, and he is promising to protect me and my baby from being forced into an arranged marriage and giving up my child. How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Not long a few months I think. You’re pregnant? Why would you be forced into a marriage and to give up your child? You don’t seem like someone who would just have a child with some random stranger.”

“I was engaged to a man I dearly loved. Just he was taken to play the role of a Prince but was promised to come home to me, just he didn’t. Rumpelstiltskin came instead telling me that he was being forced to marry a princess. My Father agreed that if I could find someone I loved I could marry them but if I couldn’t I’d have to marry another man. So without David I’d have to marry someone else who wouldn’t want my child, that I only just found out I was having and I never got to tell him,” I shrugged trying not to shed a tear.

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