If You Love Something Set It Free (4)

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~*~ One Month Later ~*~

Cami’s POV

It felt as if a wall hit me in the face as memories flooded back. The curse, our world was cursed and we were sent here 28 years ago. The baby I held didn’t have a Father as he was married to someone else.

I stepped out of my home holding Emma on my hip. Most of the town was stood in the street and looking around before running to family and friends.

As I walked further into the street I saw my one true love stood alone looking around.

“David,” I called picking up my pace towards him.

He turned round to look at me before running towards me. As soon as we reached one another our lips were pressed against each other’s. The kiss ended quickly as he pressed my forehead against mine.

“I thought you were dead,” He whispered with a tear going down his cheek.

“I thought you were married to a princess,” I shrugged kissing him again.

As he pulled away he looked down at our baby smiling. She was quickly taken from my hip and was held in his hands.

“Is she mine?” He questioned.

“Of course, I never loved again after you, I found out I was pregnant when I found out you were to marry a princess. I could never picture myself with anyone other than you,” I smiled.

He pulled me into a hug with him and our daughter.

“I have something to tell you Camille. I never stopped loving you but after I was forced to marry Princess Abigale, King George told me he had killed you so I could only love her. I left her as she was in love with another but I met another woman. She was so like you and I thought I could never see you again. I fell for her. Not in the way I love you, our love is strong and could never be broken but I didn’t want to live without love, so I married her. Snow White and we have a daughter,” He explained, “I understand if you never wish to speak to me again, but I love you Camille, but I love her too. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you but I can’t live without her in my life and I need both my daughters in my life.”

It wasn’t expected nor something I wanted to be in my life that the man I loved was married to another woman but it was better than it could have been. He was still in love with me, and I knew that if I died I’d want him to move on and not be stuck in love with his dead fiancé. I couldn’t blame him really, he thought I was dead and it was good he found love when he couldn’t love me, even if it meant he was now married to another woman with another daughter.

I smiled whilst he frowned obviously thinking I’d be outraged at the concept of him with a family that I wasn’t in. Chuckling I leaned up and kissed him.

“Loving you David is the only thing I can do. No matter what I had to love you, and if I actually died I’d want you to be happy even if that meant you marrying someone else and having a child. I can’t blame you for moving on, and even if you didn’t want to be with me all I want is to be in your life. No matter what I need to be in your life and you need to be in mine and Emma’s,” I smiled softly.

As I pressed my lips against his once again, a woman appeared next to us.

“Who’s this David?” She questioned.

“Mary Margaret, this is Camille my fiancé and our baby girl Emma,” He smiled.

“Emma? You named both your daughters Emma?” Mary Margaret questioned as the Emma that I named my daughter came over to us.

I looked at the three people in front of me seeing the subtle similarities between them.

“Wait this Emma is the daughter you mentioned? I named our daughter after your other daughter?” I asked rather confused.

“Well this is a bit messed up,” Emma, the one who can talk stated.

“You can say that again. I just found out that my fiancé who I thought married a princess, thought I was dead and married another princess and then I named my baby who I had been pregnant with for over 28 years after his daughter that I didn’t know about,” I sighed, “Just a little bit messed up.”

Little Emma began to gurgle looking over from her Father’s arms at me, staring up at me with her Dad’s bright blue eyes.  

“Not to mention you all being fairy story characters,” Emma laughed taking her half-sisters hand in hers, “speaking of which, who are you in the stories?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t know we are in stories,” I shrugged.

“Yeah you’re all in a fairy tale book my son owns. We should go and see him and he could try to figure out who you are from the book,” She smiled.

I nodded.

“Can I carry her, or do you want to?” David asked with a soft smile.

“If you want to carry her you can. She definitely likes her Dad and looks like him too. She’s got your eyes,” I smiled in response.

“Thank you Cami. I agree that she has my eyes, but she has your nose and mouth,” he stated.

We both talked about our little girl whilst we walked to where Emma’s son was. Granted it was a shock that technically I was a step-grandmother. Also it was weird that David had a daughter who is younger than his grandson.

When we reached the door I stopped David and Mary Margaret.

“Before we go in, can I quickly have a private work with Mary Margaret please?” I questioned.

“Sure,” David nodded looking rather un-sure but then began making his way into the building.

“What did you want to talk about?” She asked when he was out of earshot.

I smiled softly not wanting to really have this conversation, but I had to. There was no way I could be with David and him be with her.

“I’m really glad you made David so happy when he thought I was dead. By no means am I trying to become the fiancé I once was, although I do love him dearly. But you both seem so happy together just I wanted to say, as long as David want s me in his life I am going to be and so is Emma. I don’t want to end up disputing over a man with you as you seem like such a nice person and so does your Emma, but I need him in my life even if it isn’t the way it was before,” I sighed.

“Camille I completely understand. But I’m sure David loves you more than me. If he wants to be with you, I’m fine with him being with you. Just like you I want to be in his life and I want Emma in his life. So either way the four of us will be in his life but it’s up to him who he loves and wants to be with,” she smiled softly.

“Okay. Shall we go in there? I hear that you’re snow white in the Enchanted Forest,” I smiled back.

She nodded with a chuckle as we entered the house.

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