Kidnapped (1)

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Selena’s POV

“You need to run after him, I can’t. Please Emma,” He begged the woman stood by my side.

“I’m going with you,” I stated even though he protested.

Without listening to him I set off running with the woman hot on my heels. The run wasn’t that long before I caught up to the man and tackled him to the ground pinning him down.

“Hi Bae it’s been a while,” I hissed holding him to the ground.

“Selena, how are you here?” He questioned looking over at Emma, “Emma?”

“I got trapped in a curse, after you ran away. Mum died, and Dad killed her. He is lost without you and sees me as nothing but a reminder of her. He loves you so much and I know why he didn’t go with you and you’re just a terrible human being,” I rambled.

As the last word slipped through my lips I let my hand strike his cheek hard and fast, allowing my red hand mark to be clear on his cheek. Once I had hit him I stood up next to Emma.

“Why are you eighteen? Last time I saw you, you were fifteen and that was nearly three hundred years ago.”

“Father did a spell that slowed my aging but that’s gone now and the curse destroyed my memories of our past life. I didn’t know Dad and I had no memories of you and Mum. I lived next door to my own Father not knowing I was related to him. It paused time for us, so I was eighteen then, meaning I am eighteen now. And I am still able to beat your arse baby brother,” I growled, “Now get up and walk with me and Emma back to Father. Anything else you need to say can be said on the way.”

With that I pulled the man who had been made from my brother up so he was standing. Grabbing his hand I forced him to walk behind me.

Throughout the walk I didn’t allow his hand to leave mine, although his other hand was flailing as him and Emma argued about their past. I wasn’t stupid and Emma had told me about this Neal character that was the spitting image of my brother just older and more stupid.

As we neared the last corner of our trip, Baelfire slowed down but I tugged on his arm as much as I could to get him to our Father.

Two Days Later.

Well this trip didn’t end out the way we wanted. My Father and Brother didn’t re-connect, but my brother and my nephew certainly did. We were now on our way back to Bae’s apartment so we could get Henry’s camera. The pair went up to the apartment whilst the three of us stayed in the entrance.

“I’ve missed Bae and all but this isn’t worth it, he’s destroying us all, can’t we just go home Father?” I questioned.

“Not yet darling, we need to coax Henry back first,” He frowned.

Suddenly the front door slammed open revealing the darkly clad man who didn’t look overly happy to see us all here.

“Father, I never knew you had a daughter crocodile? But it looks as if you love her more than Belle or Bae, so this is the one true way to hurt you,” The man smirked.

He hastily threw Emma to the wall before gripping me around the waist and plunging his hook that replaced his hand into his chest. Gasping the man pulled my from the apartment building before everything went dark.


My throat was dry and my wrists and ankles were sore. As I fidgeted I could feel the ropes digging further into my skin and the fabric getting stuck further into my mouth and throat.

I attempted to cough but the fabric fibres scratched against the back of my throat. Looking around I could see the open water and part of an old fashioned ship. I looked up to see the man who grabbed me earlier stood there controlling the ship.

Trying to cough louder I saw the man look down at me as he took his hands off of the wheel that controlled the ship.

“Finally you woke up sweet heart,” he smirked, bending down to take the piece of fabric from my mouth.

“Where am I? Who are you? Where are Baelfire and my Father? Is there any need for these?” I frowned gesturing to my hands and feet.

“You’re very inquisitive. So to start we’re on my ship in the middle of the ocean. I am Killian Jones although everyone calls me Hook for obvious reasons,” He chuckled showing me his hook; “They’re in New York still and I didn’t want you escaping before we got to my ship, so no not really.”

He quickly un-tied the ropes, before helping me to my feet and supporting my swaying body. I didn’t know why I was swaying as the boat was stationary on calm waters but I swayed collapsing into his body. Smirking down at me he helped me stand without his support.

I wandered around the wheel leaning onto the back of the wheel so it was still manoeuvrable.

 “So Hook, why did you kidnap me? I am merely an eighteen year old, well actually I’m a few hundred years old but that doesn’t matter. What have I done, or one of the two idiots that I call family done?” I questioned inquisitively.

“You’ve done nothing Love. Your darling Father is the reason I only have one hand and he also killed the woman I love, you know her, her name was Milah,” He frowned.

“Milah, as in my Mother, Milah?”

He nodded with a coy grin.

“Now that’s wrong. It makes me feel all nasty for ever finding you attractive,” I smirked.

“You found me attractive?” He questioned walking around the wheel so he was closer to me.

“Found, past tense,” I smirked, “But what isn’t attractive about a pirate with one hand that had an affair with my Mother.”

He chuckled once again taking a step towards me closing the gap. I knew what he was doing, he was an attractive man who obviously seduced my Mother years ago, but he just enjoyed the chance of these flings with various women.

“Guessing this isn’t the first time you brought a woman onto your ship, and told them sweet nothings about their Mother. Just do you do this all the time with your enemy’s daughter that you don’t know the name of and didn’t know existed?” I chuckled leaning in closer to him.

“I forgot to ask I was too lost in your eyes,” He smirked before laughing, “Nevertheless what is your name love?”

“Selena,” I whispered.

I moved even closer to him so I had one hand on his shoulder and the other on his waist as I let my lips grow closer to his ear.

“Now are you going to take me back to Storybrooke, or do I have to kick your arse and make my own way home?” I whispered with a soft smirk on my face. 

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