Saved By Him (1)

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Connie’s POV

The whole room shook as multiple giant slabs of rock fell the ground on top of the man who stood there.

As the giant and the woman spoke, well fought and argued, I slowly snuck around the rocks to see whether the man was alive. His hand poked out from under the rubble. I knelt down to see whether he was still alive.

“Hello,” I whispered making sure Anton couldn’t hear me.

“Who are you?” The male voice stated in the same hushed tone.

“I’m Connie, can you move or are you completely trapped?” I questioned.

He coughed softly as his fingers twitched. His arm moved; now I could see his eyes in the darkness as he was closer to the gap in the rubble.

“I’m not trapped, just I’m not sure I can pull myself out of this gap,” He stated calmer than I expected anyone trapped would sound.

“Give me your hand, and I’ll try to pull you out; be quiet if Anton hears me helping you, we’ll both be dead along with your lady friend,” I whispered reaching my arm out into the darkness.

His fingers intertwined with my own as I used my other hand to hold his wrist. Once I had a grip of his arm I began to pull until I could see down to his shoulders.

“Give me your other hand.”

He frowned as he pulled his other arm from his side, so it was towards me. What I saw I didn’t expect, as a hook was there instead of a hand. Hastily I over looked it grabbing onto his wrist and pulling again.

When he was out down to his knees I let go over his arms letting him wriggle the rest of the way. Once he was out he stood up, whilst his friend made his way over to us whilst Anton was distracted with something else.

“Did you get it?” The man smiled, “Can I see it?”

The woman chuckled pulling what looked like a compass out of her coat and showing it too the man. For a matter of moments he gazed at it before he went to grab it. Before his fingers could touch the golden object, the woman pulled it away putting it back in her pocket and grabbing the manacle from the floor and clamping it onto his ankle.

“What are you doing Swan? You can’t leave me here to be eaten by that beast,” He growled at the woman.

“He’s not a beast, and I just need a head start,” She smirked before running off the gap in the wall that Anton had shown her.

The man called out to the woman who I had learnt was called Emma Swan whilst Anton wondered out of the room.

“It’s no use; she’s not coming back darling, get over it. We’ll be stuck here for a while,” I shrugged.

“I’m not hanging around here, I’m getting out of here,” He frowned pulling at the chain that connected the wall to his leg.

“There’s no use in trying, I’ve been doing that for over thirty years although time has been paused for twenty eight of those,” I chuckled leaning on the wall.

He looked over at me with a frown as he looped the hooked into the lock and ripping it open. He walked over to mine and did the same.

“Granted I have two hands and not a hook, but thank you nevertheless,” I smiled softly, “what is your name?”

“Killian Jones, although most people call me Hook. Why have you been here for so long?” He questioned as he led me out of the giants home.

“I came to find my Father many years ago, and someone told me I’d find him here. Just I got caught by the giants and held here as a captive as my Father is a powerful man, just he never came for me,” I sighed, “I tried to escape but physically I am only eighteen and I can’t really do much to fight giants.”

He smiled at me softly as we reached the beanstalk that we now needed to scale.

“Have I mentioned I’m petrified of heights and have the upper arm strength of a five year old,” I laughed nervously.

He rolled his eyes as he clambered onto the beanstalk putting out his hand for me to take.

The climb down wasn’t pleasant but it was quicker than I expected although terrifying.

When we got to the ground I tripped over the bottom of the beanstalk causing myself to fall onto the ground face first. I attempted to hug the ground in happiness of not being on that beanstalk.

“I love the ground,” I sighed.

“Good for you- Wait what’s your name?” He questioned.

“Constance, but call me that and I will kick your arse. Call me Connie,” I stated standing up.

“Well Connie. Are you going to join me or are you going to stay here?” He questioned.

“Why are you inviting me to go with you? You only just met me, and granted you did save me from that place but why do you want me to go with you?” I frowned with a quizzical stare.

He chuckled shaking his head softly. I had no idea why he wanted to invite me with him. I didn’t look like I could help in any way to catch up with the woman from earlier, I was to be honest just a pain.

“I can just leave you here, but I thought maybe you needed company after being held hostage for 30 years. If you don’t want to join me, you can go your own way,” He shrugged as he began to walk away.

“Killian wait,” I called after him quickly walking to his side to walk with him.

He let out a laugh wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“Now Connie, we’re going to go find Emma the woman from earlier, get back what is mine, and then we’ll be travelling through worlds together,” He smiled.

“Well this seems more interesting than being chained to a wall in a giant’s castle,” I chuckled.

It wasn’t great being in that castle but it did mean I was feed and taken care of with a shackle attaching me to the wall. Now I was free after thirty years having only aged two of those years. Although it was kind of odd that I was now putting all of my trust in Killian even though I only met him very recently, but he did save my life.

Walking with him I did have many questions for him, but I highly doubted any of them were suitable to ask him at this point of our- I guess you can call it a friendship. Most of them were probably too personal and rather odd for someone you just met to ask you, but I was sure I would remember them when I knew him better to question him. 

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