Washed Up (1)

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Hook’s POV

One of my men called to me telling me that they could see a young boy in the water, looking unconscious. I may be out to kill the crocodile and I guess I wasn’t the nicest person in the world but I certainly wasn’t going to allow the poor child to drown. Another of my men threw a rope over board to the young boy wrapping it around him. Together the two pulled him onto the ship, whilst he coughed and spluttered rolling onto his back looking around.

“Where is she?” He coughed spitting out water.

“Who?” I asked.

“My sister,” He croaked, “my sister, where is she?”

That’s when it clicked. No girls were taken to this island meaning that she must have been brought with him, so she’d be where we found him- in the water.

Looking over the side of my ship their lie the young girl, I knew the rope wouldn’t be able to get her due to her not moving at all other than with the waves.

I pulled off my coat before jumping over board knowing I could try to get the girl on board. As soon as I hit the water I swam towards her. She was only a little way away from me so as I got to her I wrapped my arm around her waist hooking my hook in the fabric of her dress making sure I wouldn’t let go of her. Swimming back to the ship I grabbed onto the rope ladder pulling her up with me until we got to the deck.

Laying her onto the wood next to her brother he carried on coughing looking over to her as she began to do the same.

“Bae?” She whispered.

“Smee take the boy below deck so he can rest, you know he’ll be here soon to claim him,” I stated as I picked up the girl again so she could rest.

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

Nova’s POV

I woke up not in the bed I had just got used to at the Darling’s home but in a bunk that was rather uncomfortable. Sitting up, I looked down to see I was in the night gown I wore when I left along with a coat that was too big for me. As I stood up it reached the ground but it was warm so I didn’t mind if it’d make me trip. Looking around the tiny room, I saw no one other than Bae who was asleep in the bunk opposite me.

Not wanting to bother him I wandered towards the door silently opening it and walking up the steps. Bae was my only family now but he worried about me too much, so it was probably for the best that I left her asleep whilst I went to find whoever was here. As soon as I reached the top of the stairs the light hit me.

Looking around there stood the familiar man of my saviour behind the large wheel that I presumed steered the ship. I took a couple of steps towards him before he realised I was here. An un-expected smile, that didn’t seem to be very fitting on him, crept up onto his face.

“Good morning,” I smiled softly walking closer to him.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” He questioned.

I nodded softly, before raising my eyebrow at him.

“So why did you save us? I kind of understand why you saved Bae, you’re a pirate, you can use him for your crew and what not, but what can I do? It’s not that I’m not grateful, because I am really thankful for you saving me but I just don’t understand why,” I rambled.

It was rather confusing as I’m not really useful to pirates, and I obviously wasn’t useful enough for the shadow that brought us here, so I just didn’t understand why they didn’t let me die.

“I may be a pirate but I’m not heartless. You may be worth nothing to me in value as a pirate but whatever brought you to Neverland, must have had a reason as he only ever brings boys and not girls, so you must mean something,” He shrugged.

“The shadow didn’t want me, it wanted one of the Darling’s sons but Bae decided to go instead, so I tried to stop him. As I wouldn’t let go of his hand I was just brought too,” I sighed.

It was stupid of me to sacrifice my new family for my brother who sacrificed himself. But I couldn’t let him go on his own, I needed him.

“Well then that answers your question you are pretty much worthless to me, but why would I want you dead?” He smirked.

“Why wouldn’t you?” I frowned.

“Are you arguing with me about killing you?” He chuckled, “You are one weird girl, you’re brother isn’t like you is he?”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m just curious, and no he is nothing like me, he takes after our Mother whilst I take after our Father. So, am I going to get to know your name, or will I just have to leave you nameless?”

He chuckled leaving the wheel and walking around it. As he stood in front of me he smiled again.

“I’m Hook, Captain Hook.”

“No, I meant your real name. I highly doubt that you were given that at birth,” I stated.

Once again he chuckled leaning back against the wooden block that supported the wheel. He looked thoughtful as if he had to remember his own name, but soon enough he responded.

“Killian Jones, but everyone does call me Captain Hook for obvious reasons. I am a Captain and I have a hook.”

“I’m Nova, and my brother’s Baelfire, although he goes by Bae,” I said softly.

As I spoke of my brother he suddenly appeared next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I knew he loved me and wanted to keep me safe but he always went too far in trying to protect me, so if he saw these men as a threat he’d fight to the death.

“Nova what are you doing? You know pirates are cruel and ruthless, remember what happened to Mum?” Bae hissed pulling me closer to him.

“Bae, she left us and there was nothing we could have done to stop her going with that pirate and if he killed her, then she got what was coming to her for leaving her family.  I don’t think Killian is like that one, would he have saved us if he was a heartless brute?” I frowned.

I honestly had no idea why I felt like I needed to stand up for him, but I wasn’t going to let my brother accuse and innocent man of a crime he didn’t commit due to harsh stereotypes.

“They’re all the same Nova. If they want something they’ll take it. And I’m not going to let us get involved in that,” He stated.

Simply I rolled my eyes before turning back to the Captain.

“I’m sorry for my brother; he doesn’t trust people very easily. Our Mother left us when we were very young and she was killed by a pirate. And then our Father…” Before I could finish my sentence Bae butted him.

“He left us.”

It was clear that I wouldn’t win when it came to an argument with him about our Father, so it was easier just to change the subject.

“Well you may both stay here on my ship for as long as you want, as you can’t leave Neverland, it’s pretty much impossible,” He explained, “But after the family life you have had I would like to be able to help you, even if it is just to allow you to stay on my ship.”

“Thank you so much, I am more than grateful for everything you have done for us so far,” I smiled hoping Bae wouldn’t open his mouth. 

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