Chapter 5

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That same day


I was shocked of what I'd just seen before my eyes. Mangle dropped dead before my eyes. I just can't believe what I'm just seeing. I turned around and saw BB standing there with a sharp object in his grasp.

I was furious.

He killed my love.

He took away my everything.

Now.........he he's gonna have to pay the price.

I lunged at him to see him try and fight back. But I was way stronger than him.

I quickly got a hold of his hand. I turned his hand toward his chest and forced it in. With no regrets I watched him slowly power down and lay there....lifeless.

I then saw her.

My love. Laying there....


I ran to her body and quickly picked her up bridal style. I then heard steps coming into the room. I dashed out of the room luckily to find another door hidden somewhere.

I then ran to the nearest place I could find.

One of the party rooms.

I dashed through the hallway to the room. I laid her down on one of the tables.


Why her?

Why couldn't it just have been me? She didn't deserve this. I do. I'm a monster, a freak. I should've died not her.

I started breaking down as I held onto her tight. Why was it her. I should've taken the blow. Not her. I never got to tell her

I love her.

I started crying my eyes out as I heard steps coming closer to where I stayed. I got in front of Mangle to see who would bother come this way.

I then quietly snuck to the doorway to see what looked like.............all the original animatronics walking in the hallway.

Oh good. At least its not the Marionette or the rest of the fucking idiots. I hope they don't show their fucking faces anymore.

"Mangle!!! Where are you!!"

"Chica lower your voice. We don't want Marionette or any of the dumb fucks here."

"Sorry Bonnie. I'm just worried for her. She never returned after her talk with the Marionette I think."

"Guys lets split up. We'll find her faster that way."

"Okay lad so I'll go with me lass Chica and you'll go with Bonnie."

"Kay so lets start looking."

I then started to walk back to Mangle. Maybe they'll help me. But maybe they'll be scared and afraid of me and try to kill me for what I've done in the past.

I'm a monster.

I regret my past actions but for now I need to worry about Mangle. She needs my help. I then saw what looked like Foxy and Chica entering the room. Chica noticed me right as she walked through the doorway.

"Springtrap!! What have you done to Mangle." She yelled.

"I didn't do anything to her. The toys. They got her and nearly destroyed her. Please believe me. I need your help." I pleaded.

"How could we? After what you did back then how could we trust you." Foxy said angrily.

"I'll do anything just please help me. I don't want to see her like this anymore. I need her." I continued as I saw Chica nod at Foxy. He then relaxed.

"Okay Springtrap we'll help. We'll have to get her too......JEREMY!! He's good at repairing and plus he's her friend so he'll be glad to help us out." Chica responded.

"Okay well lets get going." I said as I saw them both nod.

"I'll go get the other lads. Lass help him take her to the lad. I'll be there in a bit." Foxy said. We both nodded as Chica gave him a quick kiss, we than ran off as I held onto Mangle.

We than reached the security office after about 2 minutes.

"JEREMY WE NEED HELP!!" Chica yelled.

"Shh Chica Marionette'll hear us." I said as I sorry her with the 'sorry' look planted on her face. I just shook my head a bit as I returned to face the security guard I suppose is Jeremy.

"Oh shit what happend to Mangle!!" Jeremy shouted looking shocked.

"No time to explain just help us please!!" I responded as I saw Jeremy gesture us to follow.

We followed him to a room in the back of the office. We then walked in. I laid Mangle on the table that laid in the middle of the room.

As he examined Mangle he had a shocked/worried expression planted on his face. He then started to grab his toolbox and other stuff.

"Jeremy is Mangle gonna be okay?" Chica questioned.

"I don't know yet Chica but from my perspective its a very high chance of her not surviving." He responded as I fell on my knees and started to break down.

"She didn't deserve this. She was innocent. It should've been me." I said I cried harder.

"Springtrap don't be hard on yourself lets go outside. Jeremy's gonna need some peace and quiet." Chica said as she tried to calm me down. I just nodded in response.

We walked out of the room to be met up with with Foxy, Bonnie, and Freddy.

"Lad are ye' okay." Foxy asked looking a bit worried.

"I'm fine its just that I hope Mangle's okay. She's in a very bad state." I replied as I saw all their faces, except me and Chica's, become sad.

"How bad is it? " Bonnie questioned.

"She's in a very high state of dying at this moment." Chica replied. 

I saw their faces become very worried mixed with a bunch of other emotions.

"I'm gonna kill that PUTA BASTARDO (FUCKING BASTARD)!!!!" Chica had yelled. 

"Chica lass calm down. " Foxy said hoping it would calm her down.

"How could I Foxy!!! How!!  HE MADE THOSE FUCKING IDIOT TOYS KILL MY BEST FRIEND!!!!! Why should I-I calm d-down. " Chica replied as she started to break down.

I then went back in the room.  I saw Jeremy frustrated.  He was holding his head as he started to speak to himself a bit.

"Jeremy are you okay? " I asked as I saw him look at me sad and frustrated at the same time.

"Springtrap Its hard to say this but She might not make it." He replied which shocked me to my core. 

"Why?! What's wrong?!?! Is their anything that would help?!?!" I yelled scared and sad out of my mind.

"The only thing is if I could find a spare exoskeleton or somebody could let me take some of their parts so I could repair her. At least her core isn't as much damaged and could be in use still, but than that she can't work. Most of the wires connected to her core are damaged." He replied as it gave me an idea.

"Jeremy. I can do it. I can repair her parts. Please I need her alive." I said as I looked at Jeremy hoping he would let me.

"Okay but their will be consequences for you."

"I don't care about me. I just want Mangle to be okay."

"Okay I'm gonna shut you off for this." He said as I nodded back in response.

He than switched my off button as things started to go black.

~~~~~~~few hours later~~~~~~~

I awoke to see Mangle laying there on the table still looking beautiful as ever.

I looked to my left as I saw a note. It was from Jeremy. It read...

'Springtrap, I finally was able to fix Mangle. She's doing great thanks to you. I want you to keep an eye on her to see if she wakes up. I wish you luck on your little consequences. I do hope Mangle wakes up.
I'll see ya tonight.

P.S. Just to tell ya the pizzeria is closed today due to the toy robots.

From Jeremy~'

I then laid the note back on the table as I walked over in excruciating pain going throughout my body to Mangle I saw her laying there looking beautiful.

I held her hand as I looked at her. She's soo magnificent. I can't stop looking at her. She didn't deserve this.

"Mangle, if you listening I just want to say. Ever since I saw you I knew you were the one. You wanna know why? Well, your a beautiful, sweet, kind-hearted, understanding, fun, and an amazing girl I've ever seen. I just wanna say

I love you." I said as I let go of her hand and turned away. I started to cry a bit till I heard the unthinkable.

"I love you too."

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