Episode 6

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Bambi's PoV-

I watched as Ciel grabbed Sebastian's forgotten coat from the cobblestone ground and made his way back over to where I sat by Madam Red. He knelt back down beside me and laid the jacket over his aunt's body, covering her. I frowned at the covered corpse. She didn't deserve to die, she was a good woman, but she was just in pain.

"Bambi..." I almost didn't hear Ciel's faint whisper. Biting my lip I turned to face him, my eyes to the ground. I felt his soft hand under my chin, and flinched away from his touch. He wasn't fazed and instead lifted my head by my chin to face him. I stared into his eyes, one sapphire, one marked.

I reached up and lightly pushed his hand away. "I'm sorry, master. I didn't mean to frighten you." My voice was low as I spoke. I could feel the tears crawling back into my eyes, a lump forming in my throat. When I chanced a glance back to Ciel, he had a deep frown on his face.

Ciel's PoV-

Bambi's amethyst eyes filled with unshed tears as she looked at me. When she had been angry back at the viscount's party, I was frightened. However not by her, but by her anger. She's always so cheerful and it was startling to see her angry. I was worried when she jumped out the window and I had ordered Sebastian to chase after her, but by the time he had grabbed me and followed in her footsteps, she had disappeared.

Sebastian brought me back to the townhouse and we both searched high and low for her, but she was nowhere to be found. This morning, I still hadn't seen any sign of her, until now. She had been shadowing me, making sure I was safe. She was injured trying to protect me once again. I was astonished when Madam Red's figure was blocked by something. I thought it was Sebastian at first, but I saw her long brown hair and recognized her immediately. I was relieved when she had shown up, she was safe. But when Madam Red attacked her without mercy, stabbing her with a hidden blade twice and choking her, I wished she wasn't there, if only to prevent her injuries. When Grell had killed Madam, I felt her arms around me and it took me a second to realize what she was doing. She had placed my head on her neck and wrapped me in her arms. She didn't want me to see my aunt die. The feel of her arms around me sent shivers up my spine, and I wrapped my arms around her as well, trying to make sure she was really there. When I heard my aunt's body hit the ground, I nuzzled my way into her neck, relishing the warmth it was giving off. I heard her hiss, and I assume I had jarred her wounds, but before I could pull away, she hugged me closer.

I stared at her now, gazing into her violet orbs. I wasn't sure what was happening to me when I was around her, but it was making me weak, and I need to be strong. I have to push away these strange feelings and ignore them. She's nothing but a pawn, and a pawn shouldn't make me this worried.

"Where were you?" I questioned, my voice harsh. She flinched back from my tone and I felt my heart ache a little. "I was in the dumbwaiter. I had beat you two back to the townhouse and hid in there. I woke up when you were in the kitchen the next morning and heard that Jack the Ripper was still at large. I needed more rest however, so I went back to sleep, still in the dumbwaiter. When I awoke this time, I had a plan of action. I made my way up to your chambers using the dumbwaiter and was going to leave a note in your room saying good-bye. However when I got there, I heard you and Sebastian talking. I followed you two when you left, and here we are now." Bambi sniffled, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

The one place we hadn't checked. The stupid dumbwaiter. I sighed and pulled her jacket closer to me, watching as she shivered. She pressed her hands to her injuries, putting pressure on her shoulder and her chest. Her face contorted in pain and I rolled my eyes at her, scooting closer to her. Against her protests, I pulled her into my lap, wrapping the both of us in her oversized jacket. I sighed into her soft chocolate locks, resting my chin on her good shoulder.

"Please stop!" The voice of that annoying reaper sounded off from above us. I looked up when a shadow covered us and saw his blood-ridden face a few heading straight towards us. Right as I could feel his breath on my face, he was kicked to the side by Sebastian. He skidded away, bouncing off the cobblestone. I glared at Sebastian as he landed near us, coatless. "Please excuse me. I misjudged the distance."

I pulled Bambi closer to me and scowled at the demon. "You look awful." He bowed and came up smiling, eyes closed. "I had a bit of trouble with him." I heard soft mutterings from the downed reaper but paid no heed to him. I watched as Sebastian grabbed his scythe and made his way towards Grell. As Sebastian kicked the crawling man down to the ground and stood on him, I turned away choosing to face Bambi instead.

"Young master, hideous though he may be, he is still a divine being. Are you prepared to shoulder the heavy crime of killing the divine?" Sebastian called back to me. I scowled at the man. "Are you trying to make me repeat my order?" I deadpanned. "Very good, my lord." Sebastian said, turning on the scythe and swinging down towards the reaper.

"Don't you want to know who killed his parents?! Or what happened to Bambi?!" Bambi gasped in my arms and I tightened my hold on her, astounded myself. Inches before the blade hit Grell, a pole stopped it in it's tracks. We all turn to see who was holding the strange object.

On top of the roof across from us was a man in a suit. "I apologize for interrupting your conversation." He pulled back his weapon. "I am William T. Spears, an administrator at the Grim Reaper Staffing Association. I came to take charge of the reaper there." He explained, fixing his glasses. "Will! William!" Grell cheered as the new reaper lept from his perch.

William landed on Grell's head, smashing it into the ground harshly. "Temp worker Grell Sutcliff, you have violated regulations. Firstly, you killed people not on the To-Die list. Secondly, you used a death scythe for which a permission form was not filled. And finally, you attempted to leak information about the cause of death, and identity of the murderer for the Phantomhives and as well bring back memories that were blocked for a reason." I frowned when he mentioned blocked memories, he was obviously speaking of Bambi.

William hopped off of Grell and bowed to Sebastian. "I am sorry for all the trouble this wretch has caused. Oh, here's my card." He handed Sebastian a piece of paper, which he took. "Really, I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to bow my head to a noxious beast like you. This is a disgrace to the profession of grim reaper."

"Then please keep close watch over your staff so that they don't cause trouble for us noxious beasts. Humans are very susceptible to temptation. When they are placed in the hellish bowels of despair, if a spider's thread appears before them that could get them out, they will cling to it without fail. Any human will." I frowned at Sebastian's words. "Aren't you demons the ones who take advantage of that to deceive humans and prey upon them?" William scowled. "I won't deny it." The demon chuckled.

"Though you seem to be a tame dog with a collar; that at least makes you a lesser evil than the unprincipled, rabid dogs." William looked back towards Bambi and I, giving me a pointed looked. I saw his eyes widen upon seeing Bambi in my grasp. I scowled at him and pulled her into my chest, wanting to protect her. William's face changed and he frowned once again, turning away from us. "Come, Grell Sutcliff, we're leaving. Honestly...we're already shorthanded, and now we won't be able to finish during regular hours today, either." William's muttering continued on as he dragged the beaten reaper along behind him.

Sebastian threw Grell's scythe towards the two reapers. William caught the blade between his fingers easily. "You forgot that." Sebastian stated, smiling. "Thank you." William muttered, letting the blade drop onto Grell. Soon enough, William and Grell disappeared into the shadowed alley.

I put my head back onto Bambi's shoulder, watching as Sebastian walked back towards us. "I apologize, I allowed half of Jack the Ripper to escape." I looked at Bambi's face. Her violet eyes were screwed shut in pain, her breath was labored as she tried to stay conscious. My eyes fell to Madam Red's covered body and I frowned. "It doesn't matter anymore." I mumbled.

Sebastian bent down and rested a hand on Bambi's forehead. "She's chilled to the bone. Let's hurry back to the townhouse." I nodded and stood up, holding Bambi in my arms, bridal style. That snapped her back to consciousness. Her face flushed red and she protested, struggling out of my arms and standing on her own. I watched her carefully as she stepped forward, only to wobble and fall.

I caught her before she hit the ground and pulled her back into my arms, picking her up once again. She was light, really light. It was almost as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. I frowned at the thought and looked down at her face. She was sleeping, her chest was barely moving.

I looked up at Sebastian and we both made our way back to the townhouse, Bambi resting in my arms.


Bambi' PoV-

Ciel wouldn't allow me to go to the funeral, instead he made me remain at the manor with the servants. Before he left, I had picked a scarlet rose and put it in the front pocket of his suit. I patted it softly and gave him a sad smile, caressing his cheek before I back away and bowed, watching as he got into the carriage to head to the church.

With a sad frown on my face, I walked over to Finny who was sitting on some steps a bit away. My wounds were patched up, but I felt faint. I haven't eaten in a long time. My breath became labored as I approached my friend, who looked up upon hearing my footsteps. His glittering turquoise orbs widened as I collapsed to the ground.

I heard his faint call of my name as my vision blackened, but I blinked it away and focused on the blonde who was kneeling down beside me. "Bambi! What's wrong? Your wounds shouldn't be affecting you this much." Finny fretted, pulling me into his lap. I bit my lip as I came to a decision. I had to tell him. Maybe he could help me. "Finny, can you keep a secret?"

Finny's PoV-

I looked down at my very dear friend as she asked me that question. "Yes. I can." I nodded, determined. "Not just from the other servants, but from Sebastian and the young master as well?" Her words confused me. I tilted my head as I looked into her eyes, those violet orbs begging me for an honest answer. "Y-Yes. I can. I promise I won't tell anyone anything." I vow holding up my pinky and linking it with hers. She giggled lightly before her face turned serious.

She sat up and leaned closer to my ear. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at her whispered words.

A/N: What did Bambi tell Finny? Will you ever know?! >:3

I'm sorry this chapter is short compared to the others that I've posted, there just wasn't much I could do for this episode. Hope you enjoyed this episode, and have a wonderful day! Stay lovely! <3 

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