I Got Tagged

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I got tagged by damRavenclaw16 , and now I have do all the things above yadda yadda yadda you know the drill. If you don't know the drill, well then have someone explain it to you cause I got things to do and places to see. Let's get this show on the road!

1.My nickname
Well, my sister calls me Elsie and so does the rest of my family every now and then, but all of my friends call me by my real name.

2.My eye color
I swear, when I was younger everyone was just like "Woman your child has devil eyes, they're like the pits of oblivion and they look as black as her soul.". Well, they didn't say exactly that they just said my eyes were super black.
Now they're more brown... Boo. I liked having devil eyes

3.My hair color
My hair is brown and then it's dyed brown at the end. Well that cleared it up... Here, let me show you. They say a picture's worth a thousand words.

There. Brown and brown. Or maybe more of a burnt sienna..... You know what I don't care, I haven't majored in hair colors, moving on.

4.A fact about you
I collect (cough hoard cough) two dollar bills

5.Favorite color
Turquoise, which is a pretty common choice, but sue me, Percy Jackson has infected my mind and taken over my soul.

6.Favorite place

Well, my favorite place would be the library, because bookworm is meeeeeeeeee.

7.Favorite celebrity

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Grant Gustin? I mean I love the Flash and all, but what really gets me is the singing voice. I'm sorry if he sounds like an angel just whizzed on down from heaven.

8.Favorite animal

My favorite animal would be a snake or an owl, because in ancient Greek times, both represented wisdom and knowledge.

9.Favorite song

My favorite song? Super hard to decide.... I love Glad You Came, All Of Me, and Sparks Fly. But one of Imagine Dragons songs defintely takes the cake here, because thier songs remind me so much of PJO. I'd say Bleeding Out is my all time favorite, while Demons, Nothing Left to Say Now, and Believer are close follow ups. In fact, I'm thinking of writing a PJO oneshot that really relates to Bleeding Out..... Should I? Comment and tell me pleaseeee cause I have to know whether ro not that'll be something you'll enjoy.

10.Favorite book

PJO all the way!! Sorry all the rest of my fandoms....

(I'll include the people im going to tag later)

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