I Got Tagged Part Two

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I got tagged yet again..... Great. This time, it was @SophiaMohamed7, and I'm supposed to list 13 random facts about me, so here goes...

1. I keep changing the songs I like, so some of the songs I mentioned in the other tag aren't actually my favorite songs anymore.

2. I am an extrovert

3. For some reason, I keep searching up The Voice Kids on Youtube to hear people sing, even though I could just listen to the song from the actual singer.

4. Anytime something new from Apple comes out I find it on the Apple website and read the whole thing

5. Too lazy to think of anything else, so I am a ESTJ even though I already said I was a extrovert

6. Isabelle Lightwood is the same personality type as me

7. I am now obsessed with shadow hunters

8.  I love Sour Punch candy

too lazy to finish, too boring to write, and not remotely interested. well that sucks. not gonna tag people on this thing or the last thing actually. sorry, just wanted to get this over with.

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