Ramiro's New Smile

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The next day at school, Milagra was excited because Ramiro would have his surgery today, and she looked forward to seeing his new smile.

"Hello, Milagra," Zooey said.

"Buen día, Zooey—good morning," Milagra waved.

"Shouldn't you be supporting Ramiro right now?" Tori asked.

"I would, but I have to be in school," Milagra replied. "I'll go see him after the surgery."

"I can't believe you're paying for his operation," Bunty sniffed.

"Yeah, Milagra, what's going through your head?" Zooey asked. "It's not like that's going to change the world or anything."

"Well, it's like my father always says: one act of kindness won't change the whole world, but it will change one person's world," Milagra said.

"I suppose you paid for other kids' surgeries in your country," Zooey said.

"Well, it's only my first time actually paying for someone's cleft surgery," Milagra said. "Back in my hometown, San Hugo, we'd hold events to raise money to donate to the hospital, so kids could get their clefts fixed."

"Wow, everything is different in other countries, and that goes for the people," Bunty said. "Does everyone do nice things for each other?"

"Mostly the people in San Hugo," Milagra replied. "Then again, Colombia does have a history of violent wars starting, like the Thousand Days War. My mother says we're lucky we left should anyone think of burning down San Hugo."

"Well, either way, you have to be crazy to offer to pay for someone else's surgery," Zooey sniffed. "Did anyone offer to pay for a surgery you had?"

"No, but seeing Ramiro suffer broke my heart, and he didn't even deserve that cleft in the first place," Milagra pointed out.

"Well, you should've let him live with it," Zooey said.

"That's another thing: many kids have died from having clefts in their lips, especially big ones," Milagra said. "It's a miracle how Ramiro has lived this long with that cleft."

"Whatever," Bunty sniffed. "It was because of that split-thingy in his lip that he never fit in, and neither do you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Milagra asked.

"Nobody else in this school was nice enough to pay for Ramiro's surgery, and nobody else would have the guts to expose themselves with glasses," Bunty said.

"Bunty, I've seen a lot of folks in this school with glasses, including some teachers," Milagra frowned.

"Well, nobody we know would even think of going out in public with a mark on their skin," Bunty sniffed.

"Bunty's right, Milagra," Zooey agreed. "You don't fit in here—you're totally imperfect."

"I may not be perfect, but at least I'm happy," Milagra huffed.

"You wish," Bunty sniffed. "There's no point in being happy if you're not perfect." Then she and the popular girls walked off.

"I had a feeling I'd have to deal with girls like this," Milagra told herself.

Since Ramiro was out, Milagra started hanging around with other students—and they were all impressed with her act of kindness for Ramiro.

Later, in the hospital, Ramiro was almost ready for his surgery. He was lying in a bed, wearing a hospital gown, and Guillermo was right by his side. Rodrigo came over and asked, "How's our patient?"

"Muy bien, Doctor," Ramiro replied.

"Muy bien," Rodrigo smiled. "Okay, Guillermo, we'd better get Ramiro ready for his surgery."

"Okay, Dr. Martinez," Guillermo said. He turned to his brother and said, "Buena suerte, hermanito."

"Gracias," Ramiro smiled.

Guillermo was led out into the lounge, and Rodrigo gave Ramiro an injection, so Ramiro could be put to sleep.

"You'll be asleep before you know it, mijo," Rodrigo said.

"Okay," Ramiro said.

Rodrigo left Ramiro alone, and Ramiro was feeling a lot of emotions. He was a little scared because this would be his first operation in three years, but he was also happy because he would get his cleft fixed for good. He'd never have to worry about it again. The next thing Ramiro knew, he found himself feeling dizzy.

It seemed like Ramiro had just fallen asleep when he woke up again and found himself in a private room, surrounded by his family along with Rodrigo, Violeta, and Milagra.

"There he is, our star patient," Violeta smiled.

"Huh?" Ramiro asked sleepily.

"It's all over, mijo," Rodrigo smiled. "The operation was a huge success."

"¿De verdad?" Ramiro asked.

"Sí, ¿quieres ver?" his father asked, handing his son a hand mirror.

Ramiro pulled his mask down and looked in the mirror, and his face lit up like a night sky—his cleft was gone, and his new smile was beautiful. "Wow, I love it," he gaped.

"Me, too," Guillermo smiled.

"Gracias, Dr. Martinez, for helping him," Señora Reyes smiled.

"De nada, but I wouldn't have done it if my daughter hadn't offered to pay for the surgery," Rodrigo said.

"Gracias, mija," Señor Reyes smiled.

"Por nada," Milagra smiled back. Then she put a pot of violets on the bedside table. "I hope these lift your spirits, Ramiro."

"Gracias, Milagra, por todo," Ramiro smiled.

"No era nada," Milagra smiled back.

"Sí, era algo," Guillermo said. "We were so afraid of losing Ramiro, and by offering to pay for his surgery, you helped save his life."

"Just trying to do what my parents taught me: be nice to someone in serious need," Milagra said.

"And they did a good job," Señora Reyes smiled.

"Okay, Ramiro, you'll be out of school for a week, and next Friday, I want to see you for a follow-up," Rodrigo said. "You'll be back in school in a week from Monday."

"In other words, we can have the Disney party in two weeks from tomorrow, so Ramiro can attend," Milagra smiled.

"Gracias, Mila," Ramiro smiled. He was really grateful for what Milagra was doing for him.

The next week went by—not only was Ramiro out of school for that time, but Milagra received the bill for his surgery and paid it. She even visited him as often as she could. Everyone at school was notified that Milagra set the date for her party, and they were all excited. When the week was over, Milagra arrived at school, and she was happy to see Ramiro—but she was surprised that he was still wearing a mask. Milagra didn't think Ramiro needed that thing anymore since his cleft was fixed. The next thing she knew, Bunty and the popular girls went up to Ramiro, and she was worried for him.

"Well, if it isn't Ramiro," Bunty teased.

"Oh, how we missed you, Ramiro," Zooey said sarcastically.

"Good to know," Ramiro said awkwardly. Apparently, his voice sounded a little raspy. Then he turned to see his best friend. "Hola, Milagra."

"Hello, Milagra," Bunty sniffed.

"Hola, todos," Milagra said. "Ramiro, why are you still wearing a mask? Your cleft is gone."

"It is?" the girls chorused.

"Let's see," Zooey said.

Ramiro pulled down his mask, and the girls were shocked at his new smile. They were so used to seeing Ramiro with a split in his lip that seeing him like this was a serious shock to them.

"Wow, you look different," Bunty remarked.

"Not that different—you're still barely a foot tall," Zooey scoffed.

"3 foot 11 to be exact," Ramiro glared, his voice cracking.

"¿Qué te pasa, amigo?" Milagra asked. "Does your throat hurt?"

"No, but I did test negative for Covid last week when my voice started cracking—and I don't even have any symptoms," Ramiro replied.

"How is that even possible?" Bunty asked.

Milagra did find it weird that Ramiro's voice was cracking when he didn't even feel sick, but she realized something. "Ramiro, do you know what this could mean?" she asked. "It just might mean you're finally hitting puberty."

Ramiro liked the sound of that, but he wasn't so sure. "I wouldn't count on that, Mila," he said. "My voice cracked when I was 11, and my family thought I was hitting puberty—but it was really just a bad cold I had."

"Well, let's not get too excited about it yet, amigo," Milagra said. "You're going to be 18 in a few months, so you should develop by then."

"Supongo," Ramiro smiled. "Well, I'd better get a move on. Hasta luego, Mila."

Bunty and the popular girls couldn't believe that Ramiro finally got his cleft fixed. Ramiro went off to his first class.

"Wow, Milagra, I can't believe you got your daddy to do that to him," Zooey said.

"Well, Papi actually did want to fix Ramiro's cleft, and the only reason he did was because I offered to pay for the surgery," Milagra said. "Now that Ramiro is better, he can join us for the Disney royalty party this Saturday."

"Ah, yes, it's about time you set the date," Zooey said. "I've been dying to be the prettiest princess at the party."

"Good to know, Zooey," Milagra said awkwardly.

Everyone at school was surprised at Ramiro's new smile, and they were all happy for him—and they praised Milagra for helping make it possible. But as the week went by, Ramiro's voice cracked more despite his throat feeling just fine. During that time, Milagra and her parents decorated their house for the Disney party.

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