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A/N: Changed some event from the original story to fit on the flow of the story of this fic.

Thank you for reading!

Warning: Grammatical error, misspelled words because I write, I edit and I post. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing

I remember the day I finally saw you in person you are very different in your bounty poster. The glow on your face when you smile were brighter than any of the image captured by the den-den mushi and I can't take my eyes off you as I follow your every move.

We've just docked at the Shabaody Archipelago the last island of the Paradise when the news about the remaining supernova of the worst generation including your name reaches my ship.

"Isn't it great Captain, Strawhat Luffy are here as well. You can finally see the subject of your admiration." They said to me teasingly wile the others do a wolf whistle. I long get used to their teasing but there's still little part of me that feels embarrass whenever they did that.

"S..shut up." My voice came out high-pitched which caused them to laugh more and my face to reddened. I cough a little before speaking again and this time my voice came out cool, steely and authoritative like the usual.

"Shut up. I already told you guys that we came here for different reason." I told them and they got quiet as their playful antics changed into seriousness. I smirked and gave them orders which they obliged without questions. It may be my personal agenda coming here but my crew still followed me here, believing me.

As we walk through the grooves of Shabaody Archipelago we meet Urouge of the Monks of the Destruction Pirates and Killer of the Kidd Pirates fighting with each other. Sitting at one of the wooden crates I watched them amusedly with a smirk on my face, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo behind me. What an uncivilized bastard they are they can't just act how people can be? Well we can't do anything about that they're pirates after all. Suddenly X Drake of the Drake Pirates appeared between the two, stopping their clash. I whistle amusedly at them when they had walk in front of me I couldn't stop myself to comment.

"That was pretty good just now.. But Drake-ya, how many men have you killed?" I asked Drake but he just glared at me and continue to walk away I shrugged and turn to my crew.

"Come on guys, let's head to the Grove 1 Human Auction House." I said to them as I stood up and brushed off the dust on my tight blue spotted jeans and rearranged the spotted hat that has been with me since I was a kid on my head then we started to head at our destination.

Arriving at the 'Human' we search of a place to take a seat, away from the people but can still see the stage. Many different classes from the world has been arriving in hope to find a new slave for their collection. I sneered in disgust as I see them act very highly, the way they act, pirates like us can consider more human than them specially Mugiwara-ya. My train of thought has been broken when I heard the most annoying voice I've ever heard.

"There's a familiar face here. North Blue's 200 million bounty. Trafalgar Law. I've heard some pretty nasty rumors about you, darling." The annoying red haired captain purr at me. I look at him with a smirk on my face and gave him a middle finger.

"Your manners are lacking too." He sneered but I paid him no mind and turned my attention to the stage as the curtain started to pull up revealing their mark. My whole body shake in anger. I will never forgot that mark and who it belongs to, after all I've dedicated my whole life just to kill that bastard.

"Captain, look." Bepo suddenly murmured to my ear as he point toward at something. "Isn't that the Strawhat pirates?" At that I perked up and look toward the direction, all anger to my body disappeared and  true to his word there they are but it is not the whole crew Mugiwara-ya is not there. Disappointment crept up to my whole body instead as I didn't saw you there.

The program has been half way when a Tenryuubito arrived. I clenched my fist tighter just to contain my anger I just can't attack them here and sacrifice the safety of my crew no matter how much I despised anyone from the World Government they are the reason why my whole country had perished. It was all because of their greed. I looked down to control my anger not really listening at what's happening at the auction. When suddenly you came down from the ceiling and make a ruckus and punched the Tenryuubito

You'd just punched a freaking Tenryuubito the descendant of the creator of this world. I cannot believe my eyes. Your usual happy grin that I always see on your poster were now turn into an angry frown, your face were being shadowed by your bangs, your trademark strawhat were strapped behind your neck and your whole form were trembling in anger.

Just because he hurt your friend, mock him you did that for them. Instead of being afraid on what you have done I watched you with admiration. My eyes were shining with awe and even my usual emotionless face were glowing as I watch you defend your friend. What a crazy fellow you are Mugiwara-ya and by doing that my affection to you and the urge to know you more has increased.

Fighting side by side with you has been a lot more fun than I expected. You called my power weird but yours were weirder but all the fun times has its end. The news about an admiral arriving here have come to our ears and we need to flee as much as I want to be with you, to know you more but our safety comes first.


I remember the day when the news of the execution of Fire-Fist Ace had shook the world. I didn't expect you to charged at the Marineford head on, falling from the sky. I've watch your desperate move to save your brother through the visual Den-Den mushi, never stopping no matter who's on your way. I was secretly praying from the God that I'd long stop believing that you can save your big brother successfully and alive but like I was expecting the God didn't listen to me, he never listened to me. When did He listen to me?

Fire-Fist Ace has been killed in front of you, in order to save you he took the attack from Akainu that meant for you.

My own memories about my saviour flashes to me. Just like what Ace did Cora-san had sacrificed his life to save me, to free me from my illness and from Doflamingo. My irrational side decided to save you.

"Everyone, ready the ship, we're sailing to the Marineford!" I order to my men. Without asking any questions they started to move, readying the Polar Tang to submerge and sail to Marineford.

Arriving there you had long lost your consciousness and very traumatized.

"Give me Mugiwara-ya, I'm a doctor." I shouted as soon as I arrived at the location of the war. I looked around seeing the Whitebeard's Pirates' desperation to fulfill the last order from their dead captain. It took me a lot of persuasion to let them leave you in my hands and when finally you were on my arms I feel the stillness and coldness from you. Fear erupted to my body as I feel the faint beating of your heart. I can't let you die here I shout my order to arrange the operation room and when it is ready I immediately lay you down on my operating table and it just sink in to me the reality of your situation. You were covered by your own blood.

There's a lot of blood, seeping to the bed. I couldn't move, my eyes staring at your open wound. I was frozen. As a doctor I know that it's a mortal sin to never do anything to treat your patient but the vulnerable side of me were much more stronger, seeing the subject of my admiration lying lifeless in here just enough to have a flashback about my past. Just like this I couldn't do anything to save Cora-san because I'm weak and helpless.

"Captain! Everything is set." The other doctor of my ship said to me I snapped out of my trance and took a deep breath.

No, today is different. I won't let Mugiwara-ya died. I'm not the weakling, powerless brat I was in the past. This time I have the knowledge and power to save you.

After a long hours of vigorous operation I finally get your vitals to be stable and get you away from death's door. It is only up to you if you still want to live or to surrender. Removing the gloves that I wore and throw it out on the garbage bin nearby I wipe the sweat that gather on my face and took a seat at one of the chair beside the bed. There are many apparatus connected to your body to help you.

You were groaning in your sleep, calling for Fire Fist, tears leaking down from your closed eyes. I raised my hand to your face and wipe your tears away with the pad of my thumb. I look at you softly, clearly understanding what you were feeling. I know the feeling of helplessness as someone very important to you died in front of you and risk their lives to save you. Everything, because it happened to me as well. I caress your face gently, wishing that it soothes you and calms you I leaned down and press a kissed on your forehead.

"Stay strong, Luffy-ya."

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