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A/N: Seriously. I don't know anymore. Probably 2 more chapter before that "special day" in the summary to happen.

Again, thank you for reading, commenting, voting, and adding this to your reading list. I appreciate it a lot.

The same as usual I revised some parts from the original to fit my story so without further ado!!!!

Warning: Grammatical error, misspelled words because I write, I edit and I post.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I remember the day when I heard you screamed my name in mixed worried and enraged before I loss consciousness.

The operation were failed. Doflamingo tricked us into believing that he quited the Shichibukai. Making my blood boils in anger.

How dare him.

How dare him mock me like this. The sin of that wretched man were only increasing and I can't wait to bring him his punishment with my own two hands.

The three of us engaged in a fight, two versus one and I know I was loosing this battle. That damn Doflamingo strike a deal with the Vice Admiral. I did everything just to bring Doflamingo down, with my knowledge and wit even sheer force. Everything that I have been working for in thirteen years seems nothing as he defeated me easily. I never hit him all I could ever done were run. To escape from his blow. It's so frustrating.

I was pinned down on the ground with Fujitora's devil fruit power.

"You're a Tenryuubito, Doflamingo?" I asked him calmly. The man had the nerve to grin at me.

"That's right Law. I was one but not anymore." He said to me. "What is blood? What is fate? A few human being have a past as checkered as mine, Law." He finished it with an annoying laugh. "I'd love to share my life story to you from the day we met but alas we don't have time for that. I've still got to deal with the Strawhat crews. I can't count the number that have underestimated them and got burned." Doflamingo said in annoyance.

A concern feeling blooms in my chest at the mention of your crew but that concern only were only directed to you. Wherever you are I just hope you were safe and won't underestimate Doflamingo.

The next thing happen came in a blur. As soon as Fujitora senses something wrong I immediately escape from his clutch using my power, dragging Ceasar with me. I can't let them know that it was Nami-ya's power that they were sensing. I can't let them know that they were coming here. I did everything to divert Doflamingo's attention from them we may be in alliance but this fight is between Doflamingo and me.

But as usual fate was not on my side Doflamingo heard their scream and now he was targeting them.

"Wait Doflamingo they have nothing to do with this." I tried to stop him but he never listens he only laugh manically.

"Watch closely, Law. You get to see your alliance torn to shreds." I gritted my teeth in anger. Damn it I will not reach it on time. They are my responsibility at the moment and I don't know how I can ever face you if I let something happen to them.

But to my relief Black Leg-ya came to their rescue. A sigh of relief escape from my lips as I watch him protect his friends but all of the relief that took over me turn to dread as Doflamingo trapped Black Leg-ya with his strings. Doflamingo's grin widens as he prepared his whip. Damn it.

I hastily throw a log through their direction and immediately use my 'Room' to swap Doflamingo's position with the log and myself with Doflamingo's successfully diverting the attack from somewhere else.

Landing on the Sunny, there's no time to waste as Doflamingo still targeting us. I ask Black Leg-ya if they'd already destroyed the factory and the answer is no.

"We still need more time." I growled in frustration. I need to change the plan now. Doflamingo will not stop no matter what we do he will targeting not just me but also the remaining Strawhats. "Alright, take Ceasar and head to Zou right away" I ordered to them. There's no time any moment Doflamingo will attack us again.

"Zou?" Nami-ya screamed in confusion.

"I believe I gave you a vivre card leading to that island."

"Zou? But what about Luffy-san and the others?" Bone-ya asked me as well.

"As soon as we've destroy the factory we will head there as soon as we can." I said to them but it seems that they don't like my plan as they keep objecting everything I said.

"Absolutely not. We're waiting. We can't sail without our captain. We are the Strawhat crew." Nami-ya argue. You and your crew are really stubborn when you set something on your mind. I let out a frustrated sigh as I noticed that Doflamingo and even the Marines are preparing to attack again.

"Fine. You are free to stay here but don't give Ceasar." I told them as I gripped Kikoku and activating my 'Room' to divert the incoming meteorite. Tony-ya and the others are now panicking as the meteorite are falling near to us in alarming pace.

"Traffy! We are the Swirly Hat Crew and we are ready to leave." Tony-ya and Nami-ya screamed in panic as they watched the meteorite falls down.

"Then get going."

"Hey Law." Black Leg-ya called. "I understand the need to move Ceasar away from here. I got no problem moving on now. But the operation here on Dressrosa was just supposed a waypoint. Our shared goal is in defeating Kaido, one of the Yonko." What he said next made flinched in my place. "Is it just me or are you too invested to Doflamingo." He asked suspiciously. I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't tell them that it was all a lie. Beating Kaido was not on my plan but because you got involve with Ceasar in Punk Hazard I was sure that Doflamingo will definitely kill you all.

I couldn't tell you all that it was my selfish decision to protect you.

"Meteor! The meteor!" The other screamed pulling me out of that nerve wracking stares of Black Leg-ya I look away from him and turn my attention to the incoming meteor.

"Takt." With a single flip of my finger the meteorite change it's course and landed to the floating marine ship making a loud explosion.

"It's the whip again!" This time it was Bone-ya who were screaming. I unsheathed my Kikoku and blocked the whip that made from Doflamingo's power.

"Look for a place with no clouds. Doflamingo used the string-string power" I informed them "He moves through the air throwing his strings to the clouds. He can't follow you if there's no clouds to attached his strings."

"Strings! So that's it." Black Leg-ya nodded, realizing what had trapped him from earlier.

Doflamingo don't think that I am through with you. I turn to Giola and took her as a hostage my Kikoku were resting dangerously on her neck. As Tony-ya prepared to Coup de burst and escape from here I decided to stay here and face Doflamingo one more time.

"What is the point of staying here, Law. Half of the Strawhat are still here if I take them as a hostage I'm sure the other half will go back here with Ceasar." Doflamingo said with so much trust in himself. I scoffed at his confidence.

"Who said that people underestimated them and burned in the end." I mocked at him and Doflamingo's eyebrow creased into a deep frown. "Unfortunately my alliance with the Straw Hat crew ends here."

I'm sorry Mugiwara-ya for dragging you in this mess I didn't expect this to happen. I hope you still forgive me even though I'm not here anymore.

"I've been preparing this for the last 13 years. Joker."

This is it Cora-san just you wait.


Bang! Bang! Bang!


Lots of pain..

What happen?



Mugiwara-ya? Wha-

"Oi Mingo! Why did you shoot Traffy?"

That's right I lost to him again.

I'm sorry Cora-san. I'm still the weakling child I was.

Everything that happen around me were a blurred and the only thing that registered clearly to my mind was the searing pain from the gunshot and your voice calling to me before everything fades away.

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