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A/N: Hey, hey!! How are you guys!!! Here's another chapter //

Beta'd by Beka.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I remember the day when I finally told you the reason I'm risking my life just to kill Doflamingo. That was the first time I saw you with that kind of expression. It was a mixed of rage, disbelief, and something I couldn't understand.

As soon as you noticed where we landed you immediately composed yourself, but there's still the telltale of pink dusting your cheeks.

"We picked a nasty place to land," you gasped in surprise as you stood up and re-adjusted me on your shoulder.

"I'm really going to kill you once I get out of these damn shackles," I threatened again but it fell on deaf ears. Zoro-ya reprimanded you that everything in here is a nasty place and I couldn't help but to agree with him.

"Everyone here is our enemy. Now let's run." Zoro-ya shouted as he dashed off in different direction.

"Zoro!! Not that way." You reminded him and you ran in another wrong direction. A vein popped on my forehead.

"Not that way either, Mugiwara-ya!" I yelled and you only laughed making me huff in irritation. I couldn't wait to get out of these restraints so I could bash your head into the ground.

As soon as we started in the correct direction, enemies began to attack us including the Donquixote officers and main fighters. We were caught by them for a while but that didn't stop you. You successfully slipped away with the help of Zoro-ya.

Not only were Doflamingo's men after us. Marines were also trying to capture us led by Fujitora. Zora-ya was clashing with the admiral when suddenly the ground shook again, making many men and women panic as the huge, stone body of Pica emerged.

"Now.. Any fools who stand against our family can answer to me," Pica roared with his high pitched voice. You stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter. I'm already getting used to your reactions to every unusual thing you found funny and choose not to react as it would only waste my energy. You kept laughing despite the warning our enemy gave, not caring about anything at all until Pica lost his cool and started to attack, slamming his giant fist on us. The pressure from Pica's attack blew us away, landing on the plaza. Then both of us ended sprawled on the ground while Zoro-ya landed on his foot.

I really started to get jealous of Zoro-ya. If I wasn't in these shackles, I wouldn't be put in embarrassing positions everytime we were blown away.

"Straw Hat," a voice called from behind. The owner of the voice was tall, blond curly haired man and what the fuck. He was shining. Fucking weird.

"Ahh.. Cabbage!" You exclaimed. Right, leave it to you to actually know a weird guy like him. But the guy were no longer focused to you as he was now looking at Zoro-ya and then to me.

"You must be 'Pirate Hunter' Zoro and Trafalgar Law. Give me back my popularity you 'Worst Generation'" He growled at me before swinging his sword at my neck with so much vengeance that the ground cracked, and if not for your quick reflexes, I'm sure my head would have been rolling away.

"What are you doing?! Traffy's one my crew now," you said angrily at him. I quickly denied your statement, but my objection just passed through one ear to the other to my annoyance. Again.

"What? You still got a grudge against me?" You asked him. But the weird bastard said that he no longer have any grudges on your crew as he was save by Long Nose-ya now being addressed as 'God' Usopp for some reason.

"Ah, yes.. Trafalgar. This is your hat right? I found it lying outside the colosseum. Why don't I put it back on you? Come on stick your head out now. Don't be shy." The "Cabbage" guy turned to me with a smirk and an evil glint in his eyes as he brandished his sword.

"You just want to chop it off!" I shouted and I frown as I saw him holding my hat. It left a bitter taste in my mouth; I don't like anyone touching my things especially that hat. It is a special thing for me.

"Don't go touching someone else's hat. Give it back to me. I don't like it when someone touches my hat." I growled at him. But the weird bastard only waved it in front of me, making me lose my patience. I swore to put this guy on the second place of the list of who I'm going to kill when I got out of the shackles, of course you were on the top. No matter how much I growled at the weird bastard he only kept waving it at me. I was unable to do anything, and I turned my head to look at you only to see you watching us with a weird expression that made my heart skip a beat.

"Oi, Mugiwara-ya don't just go watching us here. Get my hat away from him," I ordered not paying any attention to the skipping of my heart. Caught off guard, you did what I told you, snatching my hat away from him.

"Hey, Traffy said give it back to her," you said to the weird bastard as you snatched my hat away from him. The weird bastard looked stunned as did Zoro-ya. As soon as you retrieved my hat, you turned to me with a smile and kneeled down in front of me. You swiped away a strand of my hair that fell over my eyes before placing the hat on top of my head. I couldn't take my eyes off of you as you gently arranged my hat. I could feel the heat rise on my cheeks as you smiled at me.

"Here you go. I think it is important to you as well," you stated in wonder as your hand unconsciously reached up to your straw hat.

"T..Thanks. Yeah it is indeed very important to me," I answered as I finally got the strength to look away from you. A small smile crept up to my face.

This hat is very important to me. It is from Cora-san after all. The last gift he gave to me. However, at that time we didn't know that it will be the last. At the memory of Cora-san the bubbly feeling I got from you were replace to anger that I feel towards Doflamingo. Everything was his fault

"I do not have the time to watch you two flirt around." The weird guy stated suddenly making our heads snap towards him.

"W..what?" The both of us sputtered at his words.

"I said I have things I need to do rather than watch you two flirt." He repeated.

"We are not flirting." I shouted to him as I turned to you for support but instead of a denial on your face. I saw you blushing and looking anywhere except at me. I let out a breathy gasp and the heat that was on my cheeks earlier came back tenfold. I heard Zoro-ya chuckle and I turned to him with a glare to hide the embarrassment I felt.

"Anyways I came here to tell you that I will repay my debt to your crew by taking Doflamingo's head. So go hide somewhere safe." The weird bastard stated with so much confidence that it reeked. His idiotic statement snapped us back to reality.

"No. I will be the one who will beat Mingo. I have to repay Rebecca for buying me lunch." I felt anger and irritation at your declaration.

"Was your whole battle based on food?" I shouted instead to hide the ugly feeling that I feel. There was a bitter feeling inside me that felt disappointed because you told me that it was for me. As if you sensed my feelings you added something in a low voice.

"And especially for Traffy." You said softly to me erasing the bitterness I felt and replacing it with a fluttering feeling. I looked away to hide the blush that was forcing its way on my cheeks. You and the weird bastard started to argue but I couldn't care less as I tried to calm my heart down.

"Come on, Traffy. Let's leave that weirdo." You whispered to my ear as you lifted me up to your shoulder and left the weird bastard doing a monologue by himself.

As soon as we got away with the weird bastard, another weirdo appeared stating about a grudge that now forgotten because of Long Nose-ya just like the weird bastard, Cabbage.

"You've found yourself all kinds of new, awkward friends," Zoro-ya stated with a sweat drop.

"The colosseum was just full of weirdos." And that I couldn't help but to agree with you. Many people were appearing and proclaiming that they would defeat Doflamingo.

'Mugiwara-ya what kind of trouble did you get into to suddenly have these weirdos appearing from nowhere' I thought as people keep appearing from nowhere.

"Then how about you all come along and back us up," Zoro-ya suggested.

"Don't be an idiot! I will take Doflamingo's head." They said in unison.

"These guys are hopeless. They are all too stubborn," Zoro-ya said in defeat. 'Just like your captain.' I added in my head.

"Give it a rest already. I already said I'm going to beat up Doflamingo myself," You stated with finality and that prompted another verbal argument between you and those weirdos. The weirdos each proclaimed their reason why they want to take Doflamingo's head. As the enemies approaches us, the weirdos recognized them as some of the former toys underground and stated that they don't have any shame for attacking us. Their attention were now on them and you took it us a chance to get away from them.

As you ran away from them you suddenly halted when you saw a black bull. Another weirdo. Why would a bull lounging here in the middle of the battlefield? It should be running away, trying to escape, not that it can go anywhere.

"Huh? Ucy?" You called and to my surpised it responded to you. "Hey, Ucy! It's me!!" You called again with a smile and when the bull recogniced you your smile get bigger. I should have expect that. Of course you will know something like that. I shouldn't have been surprised. I'm so done with you and your surprises.

"Hey Zoro! Come on jump in." You called to your first mate as soon as we were on top of the bull, and Zoro-ya followed. Now the bull was the one doing the running and I must say it was more comfortable than being slumped on your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

The run on top was not very easy. The weirdos are now catching up to us, there are two who are riding with us and they wouldn't budge at all no matter how many times you push them away, enemies are attacking us.

Especially Pica. He was using his devil fruit power to crush us but you smartly dodged it, climbing up almost impossibly on Pica's arm and when he noticed you there he prepared to attack us again. At the same time you took a stance for attacking as well using your "Grizzly Magnum' to destroy the head. Then, Zoro-ya noticed that it was only a piece of rock you destroyed not Pica's real body. He pointed at the real Pica emerging infront of us. Pulling out a giant sword, he twisted his body to swing the large sword at us not giving the black bull any chance to dodge. Inches before it hit us you jumped off the bull's back. You carried both the bull and the riders and dodged the attack easily as if the combined weight of the bull and its passenger were nothing.

"I'm going on ahead," you shouted before climbing up the bull again.

"Right!! Leave this to me," Zoro-ya responded as he clashed swords with Pica. Leaving Pica and Zoro, the race to where Doflamingo was resumed.

I watched the battle in front of me. The weirdos whom we met had a reason why they wanted to fight with Doflamingo. It could be to repay a debt, for their justice, popularity, honor, for the true king of this country, or for the person they called as 'God', but all of that was very small compared to my reason.

This battle had started because of a 13 year old grudge. Their reasonings are nothing compared to mine. Everything was for Cora-san. This battle was my only chance to have my revenge, but I knew all of this wouldn't be possible without you. My plans were flawed and it was proven when I faced Doflamingo and was beaten by him and then you promised me that you will defeat Doflamingo for me. You did it without a moment of hesitation not even asking my reasons.

"Hey, Mugiwara-ya." I called in a soft voice enough for you to hear me. I had decided to tell you my reasons. "You have to listen to me for a second." I continued, earning your attention.

You turned your head to look at me curiously. I bit my lips nervously. This will be the first time that I would tell someone about this. Not even my crew knew about it or him. "I'm prepared to face the consequences." As those words left my mouth I could see your face twitch, a sudden glimpse of fear and some pain flashed in your eyes as soon as you understood what I was trying to imply.

I frowned. I wouldn't deny it because I was already determined. I wouldn't back away. I'd waited for so long for this to happen. I trained to get stronger. I did dirty things just to earn the reputation I have right now. For the last 13 years, all I did was plan. I endured everything just to be here.

You just stared at me despite the pain and fear in your expression. You didn't utter any objection or protest instead understanding dawned on your face. A part of me felt grateful knowing that no matter what I still had someone who will support me till the end even though that someone was just someone I dragged into this mess I created.

"The plan I suggested was my way of trying to take out Doflamingo indirectly. To be honest this wasn't my actual plan. My plan was my way to protect you from Doflamingo for discovering one of his secret labs," I continued.

"Why?" You asked and I didn't have an answer for that question. No matter how much I thought about it. No answer would come to mind.

"I don't know. It's all on whim. I don't even know what's happening to me whenever I'm with you." I answered. 'And it is all your fault.' I added in my mind. I only heard a chuckle from you.

"Silly Traffy. You didn't have to do that. I can protect myself. I'm strong," you said with a wide grin easing the tension from earlier. I let out a deep sigh as I stared at you with a small smile on my lips. You really are imposible.

"Anyways, the real reason why I am here is because I want to get back at him in person. I failed once already, but this time I'll get him for sure." I calmed myself, preparing to tell the story of the man I was fighting for. The reason why I was there.

"Thirteen years ago. A man I dearly cared for was murdered by Doflamingo. His name was Corazon. A former chief officer of the Donquixote Family..." I paused for a moment as I feel the familiar shake on my voice and the quiver of my lips. I shut my eyes to calm myself and force the tears that threatened to leak out from my eyes. Even after many years have past, just the mention of Cora-san's name was enough for me to lose control of these emotions I'm trying to hide.

"Eh?! One of his crew? He killed one of his nakama?" You asked in a mixture of confusion and shock.

"That's right. I owed him my very life. And he was Doflamingo's own little brother." A gasp left your mouth as you stared at me not believing the last bit information that I told you. The emotion that you saw on my face was enough for you to believe it. Your face contoured in shock and anger.

"That damn Mingo." You hissed under your breath. "Did he not know the importance of brothers?" You asked in disbelief. I'm sure at this moment you are remembering your own brother that died two years ago. It left me guilty for making you remember him, but before I could ponder more on that guilt, I heard you call me.

"Hey, Traffy. This Cora-san? Was he really important to you?" You asked weakly your voice was filled with sadness and something that I couldn't pinpoint as if you were hurting but not. The little smile you gave me was filled with pain too. I nodded, mumbling a quiet "very much" still trying to understand the emotions you were showing to me.

"I see. Then another reason to beat Mingo's ass." You declared with a small smile before looking away from me. I stared at the back of your head, wide eyes and mouth slightly agape as realization and understanding hit me. The emotions you had showed me are those.. Don't tell me..

Mugiwara-ya, were you perhaps jealous of Cora-san?

A/N: Thank you for reading. Happy Holiday ~

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