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Law was panting, the towering figure of Bartholomeo Kuma and his robotic doppelganger hovering over him. His crew was spent, Eustass’ crew was spent. The captains could hardly stand. Eustass barely had enough energy to send weapons flying and Law’s power didn’t seem to have any effect.

Were they really going to be stopped here?

“Room,” a monotone voice said.

A black, cube shaped, transparent field surrounded them.

“Wha—“Kid managed. “This is different than Trafalgar’s…”

Law’s eyes widened as scarlet blood warped and wrapped around robotic Kuma like a living serpent.

“Cruor Catafalque,” the voice said.

The blood caved in on itself and the warlord creaked and electricity ran through his body. A figure materialized above the man and the boy kicked down, his leg hardened with haki. The warlord’s head concaved and he fell backwards with an earth shaking thud.

The figure landed smoothly in front of its dead target and looked over his shoulder.

“Usui…” Penguin groaned, struggling to get a good look at the boy.

“My name is Vellane Sin,” the boy said like a programmed robot.

“Do you know this guy?” Kid asked Law.

“Yeah,” Law panted. “He’s not an ally.”

“Dammit. If he attacks I’m not helping, I have the safety of my crew to consider.”

Law didn’t answer.

"Vellane Sin," Bartholomeo addressed stoically. "No. Doflamingo."

"Yo, Kuma," an unsettling impersonation of Doflamingo's voice issued from the teen's mouth. "I have a favor to ask."

Kuma didn't speak, waiting for him to continue.

Doflamingo chuckled. "I believe you owe me one for that certain predicament I got you out of. Mind paying it back now?"

Kuma's eyes wandered over to the captains and then to a direction to the North.

"I might be able to. I have a previous engagement that I'll be late to if I don't leave at this very moment," he gestured to the broken machine. "You'll have to pay for that."

Usui's mouth spread into a chilling smile. "Got it."

Kuma turned his back without another word and left.

“Law,” Usui said abruptly. “I sent Vellane here to help you because I heard you were having a hard time. I didn’t want you to die yet, so think of this as a favor. You better get off the island quickly.”

“Wait, Doflamingo!”

Usui turned around stiffly and disappeared into tiny particles. The wind blew through the area, rustling through the trees and grass.

_ _ _

Usui shifted uncomfortably under all of their gazes. The fire was still crackling and flickering in the pit and the waves lapped against the sand a few feet away. The tiny isle they had stumbled upon was only half a mile long and the palm trees towered over the various flora they shadowed during the day. The moon was gone that night and the darkness had more depth and felt more solid around them. Sunny was anchored where they could see and Franky had decided to sleep on board in contrast to the rest.

They had told Usui that they were going to have a private meeting on the sliver of an island and he had waited on the ship for a while to give them space. When Robin’s mouth popped onto the railing which he had been sitting on, he fell backwards in fright and gained a sore tailbone. Robin told him it was alright to join them on land and Usui made a boat out of his blood and it had dissolved in the water just when he had landed.

Now, he was sitting in the middle of the Straw Hats as they scrutinized him. He glanced at them.

“It’s really not that bad—“

“Not that bad?!” Chopper, who had looked like he was on the verge of anger anyway, broke all self-control at his words. “No normal human can live without sleeping for 13 years! Are you crazy?! Your body can’t take that kind of strain!”

“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” Usui said. “The nightmares are worse.”

“What’re these nightmares about?” Nami asked.

Usui scrunched up his eyes, thinking. “Uh… I’m stuck in a box and I can’t get out. The box keeps shrinking and I have trouble breathing. There’s somebody outside, trying to help but they can’t do anything but bang hopelessly on the walls. Before I’m compacted to death, I wake up. That’s one of the reoccurring ones anyway.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” Usopp said.

“That’s because you’re not experiencing it,” Usui snapped. “How do you guys deal with nightmares?”

“I eat food,” Luffy said cheerfully. “Because the meat always runs away and I can’t catch it, so when I wake up, I eat.”

“That actually made sense…” Nami said, flabbergasted. “Well, I just try to calm myself down. Turn the lights on and read a book.”

“I get some fresh air outside,” Sanji provided.

“I don’t have nightmares,” Zoro grunted.

“Neither do I,” Robin said.

“I drink a glass of water and go back to sleep,” Usopp shrugged. “I’m not usually scared once I wake up.”

“I play my violin to shake out the nerves,” Brook said.

“I talk to someone,” Chopper said.

“You talk to someone?” Usui inquired.

Chopper nodded. “Having someone to talk to lets me forget the nightmare. I’ve talked to Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp whenever it happens. It makes me feel guilty waking them up by they’re always understanding.”

Usui’s eyebrows creased. “I guess that might help. It never occurred to me before.”

“You’re really an airhead, aren’t you?” Sanji punched him on the head. “Do you even use your brain?”

“Urusai…” Usui pouted, clutching the top of his head. He turned to Wal. “What do you do when you’ve had a nightmare, Wal?”

Wal grabbed his notepad and pen and scribbled something down.

I flip my pillow over so the side I was sleeping on is facing the mattress.

“That’s pretty cute, Wal,” Nami sniggered.

“Does that work?” Usui asked as Law glared at the women from behind his mask.


Usui hmmed in thought. “I’m still not sleeping though.”

“Why?!” Chopper growled.

“Because all of the advice you gave me is what you do after you’ve had a nightmare. I want to prevent dreaming all together.”

“For now,” Nami threw a pillow at his face, luckily it didn’t go through him and stain with blood. “Try and sleep. We’ll wake you up if it seems like you’re having a nightmare.”

Usui grumbled incoherently and hugged the pillow. “Do I have to?”


“It’s been so long, I don’t think I remember how to sleep.”

“Here,” Sanji tossed him an extra sleeping bag.

Usui unrolled it and crawled in. He gripped the edges uncertainly and looked around. The others were looking expectantly at him.

“We’ll be right here,” Nami reassured. “Nothing to be afraid of with this many friends around, right?”

Usui blinked. “Friends?”

“Of course. If we aren’t your friends then what are we?”

“My captors,” Usui deadpanned.

They all broke out into laughter and Usui blushed.

“What?” he muttered defensively. “It’s true.”

“Just go to sleep, brat,” Sanji rested his chin in his palm and smiled.

“I don’t know how…”

Snoring split the air and they turned to see Zoro fast asleep. Sanji pointed at him.

“Like that.”

Usui still looked hesitant.

“Come on, Fruit Punch,” Luffy walked up to him. He pushed him down to make him lay on his back. “I personally think I miss out on a lot if I sleep, but I need it. And so do you.”

Usui bit his bottom lip.

“Close your eyes,” Usopp instructed.

“Clear your head,” Robin added.

Brook began playing a lullaby on his violin.

“I’m not so sure this is a good idea—“

Wal walked up and sat down next to him. Usui stared. He suddenly felt… relaxed. All his worries dissipated.

Nani..? Usui yawned. He panicked.

“What was that?!”

“That’s called a yawn,” Chopper beamed. “It happens when you’re getting sleepy. It’s ordinary.”

Usui’s eyes started to feel heavy. His vision turned blurry. The Straw Hat’s faces were coming in and out of focus. The notes from Brook’s violin lulling him into oblivion.

“We’ll be right here, Fruit Punch,” Luffy assured, grinning. “Sleeping isn’t scary, I promise.”

Usui’s eyes closed on their smiling faces.


What do you think you’re doing?

Usui was in a dark place. An empty landscape. He saw a light wavering farther away. He went toward it, his limbs heavy as if a force were trying to keep him from leaving the black hole.

What do you think you’re doing, Vellane?

Usui halted abruptly. Vellane… that’s his name… that was his name… Usui turned to face the darkness again.


Usui’s eyes enlarged and he looked toward the light. It was calling out for him.

Usui, come here!

Don’t, Vellane!The darkness bellowed. You belong here!

That’s not true! This is where you belong!

Lies! Who’s been raising and taking care of you?! Who’s been treating you like their own?!

The teen began to feel pressure descending onto his head. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t see. His ears were ringing.

Usui! Vellane! The voices synchronized.

A blinding pain shot through his heart and he clutched at it. He fell to his knees, hacking and wheezing.

“Please,” he coughed. “Somebody… help…!”


Law had taken off his mask as soon as it appeared that Usui was indeed asleep. He watched the blue-haired teen’s face as he breathed in and out. The others were talking amongst each other, talking about things he couldn’t contribute in. Something about a giant whale and an island in the sky.

Something was tugging at his mind and he felt like he was forgetting something of significance. Something major was staring him right in the face.

Usui scrunched up his face suddenly and then he relaxed. Law smiled. He couldn’t believe that that boy hadn’t slept in thirteen years. He bet the only rest he’s gotten is when he got knocked out occasionally.

He’s missed more than half of his brother’s life. How has he changed? How has he grown? What does he think about? Usui’s never talked about snow before and Law wondered what made him want to see it. Was it because Dressrosa was a summer island and he was getting sick of the constant sun? Or was it a cliché reason other than the overall overdose of sunlight?

Law remembered the news he would hear sometimes. About how Doflamingo had a secret weapon that could kill almost anyone. He’d known immediately who that was. And he’d learned very quickly that Joker was having fun with his little toy. But wanted posters were never hung for Usui’s head. That’d always been a mystery. Did Doflamingo pull some strings as a warlord? But even warlords don’t have that kind of power. Maybe Law didn’t know the pirate as well as he thought he did.

Law stifled a yawn and glanced at Usui. It was a wonder the boy was even alive. Usui had loved sleep when Law was around. He’d even fall asleep standing up. It was endearing in a way, although it had always made Law worry where he would fall asleep next.


Law closed his eyes.


Law sat bolt upright and snapped his eyes open.

Wait a minute… he looked over at his brother. You said, ‘My name is Usui’. You said that.

Usui’s breathing hitched and sweat accumulated on his brow. Law was still numb and unmoving, frozen by this enlightenment.

You said… you said…

“You never call me that…”

He smiled warmly, putting two fingers on his forehead before bringing them out. “I’m Usui, nice to meet you.”

Law sucked in a sharp breath.

“Fruit Punch!” Chopper ran forward. He shook the boy. “Wake up!”

Usui was taking in hoarse breaths and clutching at his chest where his heart would’ve been. He had his knees folded up to his chest, curled up for protection.

“What were you doing, Tra-guy?!” Usopp demanded, running up to help.

“Put this on!” Nami threw the mask at him. “We don’t want a deranged monster to attack us as soon as we wake him up!”

“Fruit Punch! Fruit Punch!” Luffy shook his shoulders. “Hey! Wake up!”

Usui’s attempts to breathe were weakening and his grip on his chest loosened. Luffy’s pupils dilated as Usui went limp in his grip.

“Fruit Punch!” Luffy screamed.

“What’re we going to do?! What’re we going to do?! What’re we going to do?!” Brook pulled at his hair, running around.

“He’s going into shock!” Chopper diagnosed. “Somebody perform CPR! We need to keep his heart going!”

“Move!” Nami pushed Luffy away. “I’ve done this before.”

Nami plugged Usui’s nose and gave him mouth to mouth. She then moved on to the heart compressions, but her hands went right through the place the organ should’ve been. Her eyes dilated.

“Uso…” she breathed.

“Nami-san?” Sanji said hesitantly.

“What is it, Nami?!” Luffy demanded.

“His heart…” Nami whispered. “It’s not there… remember…?”

“No…” Robin covered her mouth in horror.

“Isn’t there anything else you can do?!” Zoro asked Chopper.

Chopper ran to the edge of the beach. “I have machines back at the ship! Luffy—!“

“Got it!” Luffy grabbed Chopper and his free arm stretched to grab the ship. “Gomu Gomu no Rocket!”

“He wouldn’t let him die would he, Tra-guy?!” Nami asked of Law. “He’s an important weapon right?!”

Law’s eyes were glued on Usui. “I don’t think… there’s anything even Joker could do in this situation.”

Sanji hid his face in his hands, cursing under his breath. “This is because we made him sleep…!”

“No use saying that now,” Zoro said. “What’s done is done. It’s Usui’s willpower that’s important right now.”

Usui was making a horrible sound as he was trying frantically to drink in oxygen. His grip on the sleeping bag underneath him slackened.

“Don’t give up, Usui…!” Nami pleaded. “Chopper’s getting the machine. Be strong until then!”


Doflamingo chuckled as he watched the heart’s pulsating die down, weakening by the second. His mouth was upturned into a nightmare inducing sneer.

“Looks like my little toy is breaking.”

He threw the heart up into the air and caught it again. His smile fell off his face and his hand tightened around the heart.


Usui’s eyes flew open and he let out a bloodcurdling scream. He kept screaming, fighting off the people surrounding him. Luffy wrapped his limbs around him and the rest kept him down as Chopper attached the oxygen mask and the tubes.

Usui was beseeching and begging to somebody to show mercy, screaming bloody murder and tears welling up in his eyes.

Nami looked away, unable to bear the sight any longer.

Damn you, Joker…! Law gritted his teeth. Damn you to the depths of hell.

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